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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2019/04/18 09:38:31 UTC

[GitHub] [incubator-livy] jahstreet commented on a change in pull request #167: [LIVY-588][WIP]: Full support for Spark on Kubernetes

jahstreet commented on a change in pull request #167: [LIVY-588][WIP]: Full support for Spark on Kubernetes

 File path: server/src/main/scala/org/apache/livy/utils/SparkKubernetesApp.scala
 @@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.livy.utils
+import java.util.Collections
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.concurrent._
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+import scala.language.postfixOps
+import scala.util.Try
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model._
+import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.extensions.{Ingress, IngressBuilder}
+import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client._
+import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.ConfigBuilder
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
+import org.apache.livy.{LivyConf, Logging, Utils}
+object SparkKubernetesApp extends Logging {
+  // KubernetesClient is thread safe. Create once, share it across threads.
+  lazy val kubernetesClient: DefaultKubernetesClient =
+    KubernetesClientFactory.createKubernetesClient(livyConf)
+  private val leakedAppTags = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]()
+  private val leakedAppsGCThread = new Thread() {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      import KubernetesExtensions._
+      while (true) {
+        if (!leakedAppTags.isEmpty) {
+          // kill the app if found it and remove it if exceeding a threshold
+          val iter = leakedAppTags.entrySet().iterator()
+          var isRemoved = false
+          val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
+          val apps = kubernetesClient.getApplications()
+          while (iter.hasNext) {
+            val entry =
+            apps.find(_.getApplicationTag.contains(entry.getKey))
+              .foreach({
+                app =>
+                  info(s"Kill leaked app ${app.getApplicationId}")
+                  kubernetesClient.killApplication(app)
+                  iter.remove()
+                  isRemoved = true
+              })
+            if (!isRemoved) {
+              if ((entry.getValue - now) > sessionLeakageCheckTimeout) {
+                iter.remove()
+                info(s"Remove leaked Kubernetes app tag ${entry.getKey}")
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        Thread.sleep(sessionLeakageCheckInterval)
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private var livyConf: LivyConf = _
+  private var cacheLogSize: Int = _
+  private var appLookupTimeout: FiniteDuration = _
+  private var pollInterval: FiniteDuration = _
+  private var sessionLeakageCheckTimeout: Long = _
+  private var sessionLeakageCheckInterval: Long = _
+  def init(livyConf: LivyConf): Unit = {
+    this.livyConf = livyConf
+    cacheLogSize = livyConf.getInt(LivyConf.SPARK_LOGS_SIZE)
+    appLookupTimeout = livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.KUBERNETES_APP_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT).milliseconds
+    pollInterval = livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.KUBERNETES_POLL_INTERVAL).milliseconds
+    sessionLeakageCheckInterval =
+    sessionLeakageCheckTimeout = livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.KUBERNETES_APP_LEAKAGE_CHECK_TIMEOUT)
+    leakedAppsGCThread.setDaemon(true)
+    leakedAppsGCThread.setName("LeakedAppsGCThread")
+    leakedAppsGCThread.start()
+  }
+class SparkKubernetesApp private[utils] (
+  appTag: String,
+  appIdOption: Option[String],
+  process: Option[LineBufferedProcess],
+  listener: Option[SparkAppListener],
+  livyConf: LivyConf,
+  kubernetesClient: => KubernetesClient = SparkKubernetesApp.kubernetesClient) // For unit test.
+  extends SparkApp
+    with Logging {
+  import KubernetesExtensions._
+  import SparkKubernetesApp._
+  private val appPromise: Promise[KubernetesApplication] = Promise()
+  private[utils] var state: SparkApp.State = SparkApp.State.STARTING
+  private var kubernetesDiagnostics: IndexedSeq[String] = IndexedSeq.empty[String]
+  private var kubernetesAppLog: IndexedSeq[String] = IndexedSeq.empty[String]
+  // Exposed for unit test.
+  // TODO Instead of spawning a thread for every session, create a centralized thread and
+  // batch Kubernetes queries.
+  private[utils] val kubernetesAppMonitorThread = Utils
+    .startDaemonThread(s"kubernetesAppMonitorThread-$this") {
+    try {
+      // Get KubernetesApplication by appTag.
+      val app: KubernetesApplication = try {
+        getAppFromTag(appTag, pollInterval, appLookupTimeout.fromNow)
+      } catch {
+        case e: Exception =>
+          appPromise.failure(e)
+          throw e
+      }
+      appPromise.success(app)
+      val appId = app.getApplicationId
+      Thread.currentThread().setName(s"kubernetesAppMonitorThread-$appId")
+      listener.foreach(_.appIdKnown(appId))
+      if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.KUBERNETES_INGRESS_CREATE)) {
+        kubernetesClient.createSparkUIIngress(app, livyConf)
+      }
+      var appInfo = AppInfo()
+      while (isRunning) {
+        try {
+          Clock.sleep(pollInterval.toMillis)
+          // Refresh application state
+          val appReport = kubernetesClient.getApplicationReport(app, cacheLogSize = cacheLogSize)
+          kubernetesAppLog = appReport.getApplicationLog
+          kubernetesDiagnostics = appReport.getApplicationDiagnostics
+          changeState(mapKubernetesState(appReport.getApplicationState, appTag))
+          val latestAppInfo = AppInfo(sparkUiUrl = Option(appReport.getTrackingUrl))
+          if (appInfo != latestAppInfo) {
+            listener.foreach(_.infoChanged(latestAppInfo))
+            appInfo = latestAppInfo
+          }
+        } catch {
+          // TODO analyse available exceptions
+          case e: Throwable =>
+            throw e
+        }
+      }
+      debug(s"$appId $state ${kubernetesDiagnostics.mkString(" ")}")
+    } catch {
+      case _: InterruptedException =>
+        kubernetesDiagnostics = ArrayBuffer("Session stopped by user.")
+        changeState(SparkApp.State.KILLED)
+      case NonFatal(e) =>
+        error(s"Error whiling refreshing Kubernetes state", e)
+        kubernetesDiagnostics = ArrayBuffer(e.getMessage)
+        changeState(SparkApp.State.FAILED)
+    } finally {
+      listener.foreach(_.infoChanged(AppInfo(sparkUiUrl = Option(buildHistoryServerUiUrl(
+        livyConf, Try(appPromise.future.value.get.get.getApplicationId).getOrElse("unknown")
+      )))))
+    }
+  }
+  override def log(): IndexedSeq[String] =
+    ("stdout: " +: kubernetesAppLog) ++
+      ("\nstderr: " +: ([String]) ++
+[String]))) ++
+      ("\nKubernetes Diagnostics: " +: kubernetesDiagnostics)
+  override def kill(): Unit = synchronized {
+    if (isRunning) {
+      try {
+        kubernetesClient.killApplication(Await.result(appPromise.future, appLookupTimeout))
+      } catch {
+        // We cannot kill the Kubernetes app without the appTag.
+        // There's a chance the Kubernetes app hasn't been submitted during a livy-server failure.
+        // We don't want a stuck session that can't be deleted. Emit a warning and move on.
+        case _: TimeoutException | _: InterruptedException =>
+          warn("Deleting a session while its Kubernetes application is not found.")
+          kubernetesAppMonitorThread.interrupt()
+      } finally {
+        process.foreach(_.destroy())
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private def isRunning: Boolean = {
+    state != SparkApp.State.FAILED &&
+      state != SparkApp.State.FINISHED &&
+      state != SparkApp.State.KILLED
+  }
+  private def changeState(newState: SparkApp.State.Value): Unit = {
+    if (state != newState) {
+      listener.foreach(_.stateChanged(state, newState))
+      state = newState
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+    * Find the corresponding KubernetesApplication from an application tag.
+    *
+    * @param appTag The application tag tagged on the target application.
+    *               If the tag is not unique, it returns the first application it found.
+    * @return KubernetesApplication or the failure.
+    */
+  @tailrec
+  private def getAppFromTag(
+    appTag: String,
+    pollInterval: Duration,
+    deadline: Deadline): KubernetesApplication = {
+    import KubernetesExtensions._
+    kubernetesClient.getApplications().find(_.getApplicationTag.contains(appTag))
+    match {
+      case Some(app) => app
+      case None =>
+        if (deadline.isOverdue) {
+          process.foreach(_.destroy())
+          leakedAppTags.put(appTag, System.currentTimeMillis())
+          throw new IllegalStateException(s"No Kubernetes application is found with tag" +
+            s" $appTag in ${livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LivyConf.KUBERNETES_APP_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT) / 1000}" +
+            " seconds. This may be because 1) spark-submit fail to submit application to " +
+            "Kubernetes; or 2) Kubernetes cluster doesn't have enough resources to start the " +
+            "application in time. Please check Livy log and Kubernetes log to know the details.")
+        } else {
+          Clock.sleep(pollInterval.toMillis)
+          getAppFromTag(appTag, pollInterval, deadline)
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  // Exposed for unit test.
+  private[utils] def mapKubernetesState(
+    kubernetesAppState: String,
+    appTag: String
+  ): SparkApp.State.Value = {
+    import KubernetesApplicationState._
+    kubernetesAppState.toLowerCase match {
+        SparkApp.State.STARTING
+      case RUNNING =>
+        SparkApp.State.RUNNING
+      case COMPLETED | SUCCEEDED =>
+        SparkApp.State.FINISHED
+      case FAILED | ERROR =>
+        SparkApp.State.FAILED
+      case other => // any other combination is invalid, so FAIL the application.
+        error(s"Unknown Kubernetes state $other for app with tag $appTag.")
+        SparkApp.State.FAILED
+    }
+  }
+  private def buildHistoryServerUiUrl(livyConf: LivyConf, appId: String): String =
+    s"${livyConf.get(LivyConf.UI_HISTORY_SERVER_URL)}/history/$appId/jobs/"
+object KubernetesApplicationState {
+  val PENDING = "pending"
+  val CONTAINER_CREATING = "containercreating"
+  val RUNNING = "running"
+  val COMPLETED = "completed"
+  val SUCCEEDED = "succeeded"
+  val FAILED = "failed"
+  val ERROR = "error"
+object KubernetesConstants {
+  val SPARK_APP_ID_LABEL = "spark-app-selector"
+  val SPARK_APP_TAG_LABEL = "spark-app-tag"
+  val SPARK_ROLE_LABEL = "spark-role"
+  val SPARK_ROLE_DRIVER = "driver"
+  val SPARK_ROLE_EXECUTOR = "executor"
+  val SPARK_UI_URL_LABEL = "spark-ui-url"
+  val CREATED_BY_LIVY_LABEL = Map("created-by" -> "livy")
+class KubernetesApplication(driverPod: Pod) {
+  import KubernetesConstants._
+  private val appTag = driverPod.getMetadata.getLabels.get(SPARK_APP_TAG_LABEL)
+  private val appId = driverPod.getMetadata.getLabels.get(SPARK_APP_ID_LABEL)
+  private val namespace = driverPod.getMetadata.getNamespace
+  def getApplicationTag: String = appTag
+  def getApplicationId: String = appId
+  def getApplicationNamespace: String = namespace
+  def getApplicationPod: Pod = driverPod
+class KubernetesAppReport(driver: Option[Pod], executors: Seq[Pod],
+  appLog: IndexedSeq[String], ingress: Option[Ingress]) {
+  def getApplicationState: String =
+  def getApplicationLog: IndexedSeq[String] = appLog
+  def getTrackingUrl: String = {
+    val host =
+    val path = driver
+      .map(_.getMetadata.getLabels.getOrDefault(KubernetesConstants.SPARK_APP_TAG_LABEL, "unknown"))
+      .getOrElse("unknown")
+    val tlsEnabled = ingress.exists(_.getSpec.getTls.isEmpty)
+    var protocol = "http"
+    if (tlsEnabled) protocol += "s"
+    s"$protocol://${host.getOrElse("")}/$path"
+  }
+  def getApplicationDiagnostics: IndexedSeq[String] = {
+    (Seq(driver) ++ executors.sortBy(_.getMetadata.getName).map(Some(_)))
+      .filter(_.nonEmpty)
+      .map(opt => buildSparkPodDiagnosticsPrettyString(opt.get))
+      .mkString("\n").split("\n").toIndexedSeq
+  }
+  private def buildSparkPodDiagnosticsPrettyString(pod: Pod): String = {
+    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+    def printMap(map: Map[_, _]): String = {
+      case (key, value) => s"$key=$value"
+    }.mkString(", ")
+    if (pod == null) return "unknown"
+    s"${pod.getMetadata.getName}.${pod.getMetadata.getNamespace}:" +
+      s"\n\tnode: ${pod.getSpec.getNodeName}" +
+      s"\n\thostname: ${pod.getSpec.getHostname}" +
+      s"\n\tpodIp: ${pod.getStatus.getPodIP}" +
+      s"\n\tstartTime: ${pod.getStatus.getStartTime}" +
+      s"\n\tphase: ${pod.getStatus.getPhase}" +
+      s"\n\treason: ${pod.getStatus.getReason}" +
+      s"\n\tmessage: ${pod.getStatus.getMessage}" +
+      s"\n\tlabels: ${printMap(pod.getMetadata.getLabels.asScala.toMap)}" +
+      s"\n\tcontainers:" +
+      s"\n\t\t${
+ =>
+          s"${container.getName}:" +
+            s"\n\t\t\timage: ${container.getImage}" +
+            s"\n\t\t\trequests: ${printMap(container.getResources.getRequests.asScala.toMap)}" +
+            s"\n\t\t\tlimits: ${printMap(container.getResources.getLimits.asScala.toMap)}" +
+            s"\n\t\t\tcommand: ${container.getCommand} ${container.getArgs}"
+        ).mkString("\n\t\t")
+      }" +
+      s"\n\tconditions:" +
+      s"\n\t\t${pod.getStatus.getConditions.asScala.mkString("\n\t\t")}"
+  }
+object KubernetesExtensions {
+  import KubernetesConstants._
+  implicit class KubernetesClientExtensions(client: KubernetesClient) {
+    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+    private val NGINX_CONFIG_SNIPPET: String =
+      """
+        |proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
+        |sub_filter_last_modified off;
+        |sub_filter '<head>' '<head> <base href="/%s/">';
+        |sub_filter 'href="/' 'href="';
+        |sub_filter 'src="/' 'src="';
+        |sub_filter "/api/v1/applications" "/%s/api/v1/applications";
+        |sub_filter "/static/executorspage-template.html" "/%s/static/executorspage-template.html";
+        |sub_filter_once off;
+        |sub_filter_types text/html text/css text/javascript application/javascript;
+      """.stripMargin
+    def getApplications(
+      labels: Map[String, String] = Map(SPARK_ROLE_LABEL -> SPARK_ROLE_DRIVER),
+      appTagLabel: String = SPARK_APP_TAG_LABEL,
+      appIdLabel: String = SPARK_APP_ID_LABEL
+    ): Seq[KubernetesApplication] = {
+      client.pods.inAnyNamespace
+        .withLabels(labels.asJava)
+        .withLabel(appTagLabel)
+        .withLabel(appIdLabel)
+ KubernetesApplication(_))
+    }
+    def killApplication(app: KubernetesApplication): Boolean = {
+      client.pods.inAnyNamespace.delete(app.getApplicationPod)
+    }
+    def getApplicationReport(
+      app: KubernetesApplication,
+      cacheLogSize: Int,
+      appTagLabel: String = SPARK_APP_TAG_LABEL
+    ): KubernetesAppReport = {
+      val pods = client.pods.inNamespace(app.getApplicationNamespace)
 Review comment:
   Livy searches for Driver Pod in app.getApplicationNamespace to discover its state.

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