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svn commit: r1620294 [32/36] - in /incubator/devicemap/whiteboard: ./ _data/ _data/members/ _includes/ _layouts/ _less/ _less/bootstrap-3.2.0/ _less/bootstrap-3.2.0/docs/ _less/bootstrap-3.2.0/docs/_data/ _less/bootstrap-3.2.0/docs/_includes/ _less/boo...

Added: incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/variables.less
--- incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/variables.less (added)
+++ incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/variables.less Mon Aug 25 11:39:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+// Variables
+// --------------------------------------------------
+//== Colors
+//## Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap.
+@gray-darker:            lighten(#000, 13.5%); // #222
+@gray-dark:              lighten(#000, 20%);   // #333
+@gray:                   lighten(#000, 33.5%); // #555
+@gray-light:             lighten(#000, 46.7%); // #777
+@gray-lighter:           lighten(#000, 93.5%); // #eee
+@brand-primary:         #428bca;
+@brand-success:         #5cb85c;
+@brand-info:            #5bc0de;
+@brand-warning:         #f0ad4e;
+@brand-danger:          #d9534f;
+//== Scaffolding
+//## Settings for some of the most global styles.
+//** Background color for `<body>`.
+@body-bg:               #fff;
+//** Global text color on `<body>`.
+@text-color:            @gray-dark;
+//** Global textual link color.
+@link-color:            @brand-primary;
+//** Link hover color set via `darken()` function.
+@link-hover-color:      darken(@link-color, 15%);
+//== Typography
+//## Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more.
+@font-family-sans-serif:  "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
+@font-family-serif:       Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
+//** Default monospace fonts for `<code>`, `<kbd>`, and `<pre>`.
+@font-family-monospace:   Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace;
+@font-family-base:        @font-family-sans-serif;
+@font-size-base:          14px;
+@font-size-large:         ceil((@font-size-base * 1.25)); // ~18px
+@font-size-small:         ceil((@font-size-base * 0.85)); // ~12px
+@font-size-h1:            floor((@font-size-base * 2.6)); // ~36px
+@font-size-h2:            floor((@font-size-base * 2.15)); // ~30px
+@font-size-h3:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.7)); // ~24px
+@font-size-h4:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.25)); // ~18px
+@font-size-h5:            @font-size-base;
+@font-size-h6:            ceil((@font-size-base * 0.85)); // ~12px
+//** Unit-less `line-height` for use in components like buttons.
+@line-height-base:        1.428571429; // 20/14
+//** Computed "line-height" (`font-size` * `line-height`) for use with `margin`, `padding`, etc.
+@line-height-computed:    floor((@font-size-base * @line-height-base)); // ~20px
+//** By default, this inherits from the `<body>`.
+@headings-font-family:    inherit;
+@headings-font-weight:    500;
+@headings-line-height:    1.1;
+@headings-color:          inherit;
+//== Iconography
+//## Specify custom location and filename of the included Glyphicons icon font. Useful for those including Bootstrap via Bower.
+//** Load fonts from this directory.
+@icon-font-path:          "../fonts/";
+//** File name for all font files.
+@icon-font-name:          "glyphicons-halflings-regular";
+//** Element ID within SVG icon file.
+@icon-font-svg-id:        "glyphicons_halflingsregular";
+//== Components
+//## Define common padding and border radius sizes and more. Values based on 14px text and 1.428 line-height (~20px to start).
+@padding-base-vertical:     6px;
+@padding-base-horizontal:   12px;
+@padding-large-vertical:    10px;
+@padding-large-horizontal:  16px;
+@padding-small-vertical:    5px;
+@padding-small-horizontal:  10px;
+@padding-xs-vertical:       1px;
+@padding-xs-horizontal:     5px;
+@line-height-large:         1.33;
+@line-height-small:         1.5;
+@border-radius-base:        4px;
+@border-radius-large:       6px;
+@border-radius-small:       3px;
+//** Global color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
+@component-active-color:    #fff;
+//** Global background color for active items (e.g., navs or dropdowns).
+@component-active-bg:       @brand-primary;
+//** Width of the `border` for generating carets that indicator dropdowns.
+@caret-width-base:          4px;
+//** Carets increase slightly in size for larger components.
+@caret-width-large:         5px;
+//== Tables
+//## Customizes the `.table` component with basic values, each used across all table variations.
+//** Padding for `<th>`s and `<td>`s.
+@table-cell-padding:            8px;
+//** Padding for cells in `.table-condensed`.
+@table-condensed-cell-padding:  5px;
+//** Default background color used for all tables.
+@table-bg:                      transparent;
+//** Background color used for `.table-striped`.
+@table-bg-accent:               #f9f9f9;
+//** Background color used for `.table-hover`.
+@table-bg-hover:                #f5f5f5;
+@table-bg-active:               @table-bg-hover;
+//** Border color for table and cell borders.
+@table-border-color:            #ddd;
+//== Buttons
+//## For each of Bootstrap's buttons, define text, background and border color.
+@btn-font-weight:                normal;
+@btn-default-color:              #333;
+@btn-default-bg:                 #fff;
+@btn-default-border:             #ccc;
+@btn-primary-color:              #fff;
+@btn-primary-bg:                 @brand-primary;
+@btn-primary-border:             darken(@btn-primary-bg, 5%);
+@btn-success-color:              #fff;
+@btn-success-bg:                 @brand-success;
+@btn-success-border:             darken(@btn-success-bg, 5%);
+@btn-info-color:                 #fff;
+@btn-info-bg:                    @brand-info;
+@btn-info-border:                darken(@btn-info-bg, 5%);
+@btn-warning-color:              #fff;
+@btn-warning-bg:                 @brand-warning;
+@btn-warning-border:             darken(@btn-warning-bg, 5%);
+@btn-danger-color:               #fff;
+@btn-danger-bg:                  @brand-danger;
+@btn-danger-border:              darken(@btn-danger-bg, 5%);
+@btn-link-disabled-color:        @gray-light;
+//== Forms
+//** `<input>` background color
+@input-bg:                       #fff;
+//** `<input disabled>` background color
+@input-bg-disabled:              @gray-lighter;
+//** Text color for `<input>`s
+@input-color:                    @gray;
+//** `<input>` border color
+@input-border:                   #ccc;
+//** `<input>` border radius
+@input-border-radius:            @border-radius-base;
+//** Border color for inputs on focus
+@input-border-focus:             #66afe9;
+//** Placeholder text color
+@input-color-placeholder:        @gray-light;
+//** Default `.form-control` height
+@input-height-base:              (@line-height-computed + (@padding-base-vertical * 2) + 2);
+//** Large `.form-control` height
+@input-height-large:             (ceil(@font-size-large * @line-height-large) + (@padding-large-vertical * 2) + 2);
+//** Small `.form-control` height
+@input-height-small:             (floor(@font-size-small * @line-height-small) + (@padding-small-vertical * 2) + 2);
+@legend-color:                   @gray-dark;
+@legend-border-color:            #e5e5e5;
+//** Background color for textual input addons
+@input-group-addon-bg:           @gray-lighter;
+//** Border color for textual input addons
+@input-group-addon-border-color: @input-border;
+//== Dropdowns
+//## Dropdown menu container and contents.
+//** Background for the dropdown menu.
+@dropdown-bg:                    #fff;
+//** Dropdown menu `border-color`.
+@dropdown-border:                rgba(0,0,0,.15);
+//** Dropdown menu `border-color` **for IE8**.
+@dropdown-fallback-border:       #ccc;
+//** Divider color for between dropdown items.
+@dropdown-divider-bg:            #e5e5e5;
+//** Dropdown link text color.
+@dropdown-link-color:            @gray-dark;
+//** Hover color for dropdown links.
+@dropdown-link-hover-color:      darken(@gray-dark, 5%);
+//** Hover background for dropdown links.
+@dropdown-link-hover-bg:         #f5f5f5;
+//** Active dropdown menu item text color.
+@dropdown-link-active-color:     @component-active-color;
+//** Active dropdown menu item background color.
+@dropdown-link-active-bg:        @component-active-bg;
+//** Disabled dropdown menu item background color.
+@dropdown-link-disabled-color:   @gray-light;
+//** Text color for headers within dropdown menus.
+@dropdown-header-color:          @gray-light;
+//** Deprecated `@dropdown-caret-color` as of v3.1.0
+@dropdown-caret-color:           #000;
+//-- Z-index master list
+// Warning: Avoid customizing these values. They're used for a bird's eye view
+// of components dependent on the z-axis and are designed to all work together.
+// Note: These variables are not generated into the Customizer.
+@zindex-navbar:            1000;
+@zindex-dropdown:          1000;
+@zindex-popover:           1060;
+@zindex-tooltip:           1070;
+@zindex-navbar-fixed:      1030;
+@zindex-modal-background:  1040;
+@zindex-modal:             1050;
+//== Media queries breakpoints
+//## Define the breakpoints at which your layout will change, adapting to different screen sizes.
+// Extra small screen / phone
+//** Deprecated `@screen-xs` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-xs:                  480px;
+//** Deprecated `@screen-xs-min` as of v3.2.0
+@screen-xs-min:              @screen-xs;
+//** Deprecated `@screen-phone` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-phone:               @screen-xs-min;
+// Small screen / tablet
+//** Deprecated `@screen-sm` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-sm:                  768px;
+@screen-sm-min:              @screen-sm;
+//** Deprecated `@screen-tablet` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-tablet:              @screen-sm-min;
+// Medium screen / desktop
+//** Deprecated `@screen-md` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-md:                  992px;
+@screen-md-min:              @screen-md;
+//** Deprecated `@screen-desktop` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-desktop:             @screen-md-min;
+// Large screen / wide desktop
+//** Deprecated `@screen-lg` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-lg:                  1200px;
+@screen-lg-min:              @screen-lg;
+//** Deprecated `@screen-lg-desktop` as of v3.0.1
+@screen-lg-desktop:          @screen-lg-min;
+// So media queries don't overlap when required, provide a maximum
+@screen-xs-max:              (@screen-sm-min - 1);
+@screen-sm-max:              (@screen-md-min - 1);
+@screen-md-max:              (@screen-lg-min - 1);
+//== Grid system
+//## Define your custom responsive grid.
+//** Number of columns in the grid.
+@grid-columns:              12;
+//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.
+@grid-gutter-width:         30px;
+// Navbar collapse
+//** Point at which the navbar becomes uncollapsed.
+@grid-float-breakpoint:     @screen-sm-min;
+//** Point at which the navbar begins collapsing.
+@grid-float-breakpoint-max: (@grid-float-breakpoint - 1);
+//== Container sizes
+//## Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes.
+// Small screen / tablet
+@container-tablet:             ((720px + @grid-gutter-width));
+//** For `@screen-sm-min` and up.
+@container-sm:                 @container-tablet;
+// Medium screen / desktop
+@container-desktop:            ((940px + @grid-gutter-width));
+//** For `@screen-md-min` and up.
+@container-md:                 @container-desktop;
+// Large screen / wide desktop
+@container-large-desktop:      ((1140px + @grid-gutter-width));
+//** For `@screen-lg-min` and up.
+@container-lg:                 @container-large-desktop;
+//== Navbar
+// Basics of a navbar
+@navbar-height:                    50px;
+@navbar-margin-bottom:             @line-height-computed;
+@navbar-border-radius:             @border-radius-base;
+@navbar-padding-horizontal:        floor((@grid-gutter-width / 2));
+@navbar-padding-vertical:          ((@navbar-height - @line-height-computed) / 2);
+@navbar-collapse-max-height:       340px;
+@navbar-default-color:             #777;
+@navbar-default-bg:                #f8f8f8;
+@navbar-default-border:            darken(@navbar-default-bg, 6.5%);
+// Navbar links
+@navbar-default-link-color:                #777;
+@navbar-default-link-hover-color:          #333;
+@navbar-default-link-hover-bg:             transparent;
+@navbar-default-link-active-color:         #555;
+@navbar-default-link-active-bg:            darken(@navbar-default-bg, 6.5%);
+@navbar-default-link-disabled-color:       #ccc;
+@navbar-default-link-disabled-bg:          transparent;
+// Navbar brand label
+@navbar-default-brand-color:               @navbar-default-link-color;
+@navbar-default-brand-hover-color:         darken(@navbar-default-brand-color, 10%);
+@navbar-default-brand-hover-bg:            transparent;
+// Navbar toggle
+@navbar-default-toggle-hover-bg:           #ddd;
+@navbar-default-toggle-icon-bar-bg:        #888;
+@navbar-default-toggle-border-color:       #ddd;
+// Inverted navbar
+// Reset inverted navbar basics
+@navbar-inverse-color:                      @gray-light;
+@navbar-inverse-bg:                         #222;
+@navbar-inverse-border:                     darken(@navbar-inverse-bg, 10%);
+// Inverted navbar links
+@navbar-inverse-link-color:                 @gray-light;
+@navbar-inverse-link-hover-color:           #fff;
+@navbar-inverse-link-hover-bg:              transparent;
+@navbar-inverse-link-active-color:          @navbar-inverse-link-hover-color;
+@navbar-inverse-link-active-bg:             darken(@navbar-inverse-bg, 10%);
+@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-color:        #444;
+@navbar-inverse-link-disabled-bg:           transparent;
+// Inverted navbar brand label
+@navbar-inverse-brand-color:                @navbar-inverse-link-color;
+@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-color:          #fff;
+@navbar-inverse-brand-hover-bg:             transparent;
+// Inverted navbar toggle
+@navbar-inverse-toggle-hover-bg:            #333;
+@navbar-inverse-toggle-icon-bar-bg:         #fff;
+@navbar-inverse-toggle-border-color:        #333;
+//== Navs
+//=== Shared nav styles
+@nav-link-padding:                          10px 15px;
+@nav-link-hover-bg:                         @gray-lighter;
+@nav-disabled-link-color:                   @gray-light;
+@nav-disabled-link-hover-color:             @gray-light;
+@nav-open-link-hover-color:                 #fff;
+//== Tabs
+@nav-tabs-border-color:                     #ddd;
+@nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color:          @gray-lighter;
+@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-bg:             @body-bg;
+@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-color:          @gray;
+@nav-tabs-active-link-hover-border-color:   #ddd;
+@nav-tabs-justified-link-border-color:            #ddd;
+@nav-tabs-justified-active-link-border-color:     @body-bg;
+//== Pills
+@nav-pills-border-radius:                   @border-radius-base;
+@nav-pills-active-link-hover-bg:            @component-active-bg;
+@nav-pills-active-link-hover-color:         @component-active-color;
+//== Pagination
+@pagination-color:                     @link-color;
+@pagination-bg:                        #fff;
+@pagination-border:                    #ddd;
+@pagination-hover-color:               @link-hover-color;
+@pagination-hover-bg:                  @gray-lighter;
+@pagination-hover-border:              #ddd;
+@pagination-active-color:              #fff;
+@pagination-active-bg:                 @brand-primary;
+@pagination-active-border:             @brand-primary;
+@pagination-disabled-color:            @gray-light;
+@pagination-disabled-bg:               #fff;
+@pagination-disabled-border:           #ddd;
+//== Pager
+@pager-bg:                             @pagination-bg;
+@pager-border:                         @pagination-border;
+@pager-border-radius:                  15px;
+@pager-hover-bg:                       @pagination-hover-bg;
+@pager-active-bg:                      @pagination-active-bg;
+@pager-active-color:                   @pagination-active-color;
+@pager-disabled-color:                 @pagination-disabled-color;
+//== Jumbotron
+@jumbotron-padding:              30px;
+@jumbotron-color:                inherit;
+@jumbotron-bg:                   @gray-lighter;
+@jumbotron-heading-color:        inherit;
+@jumbotron-font-size:            ceil((@font-size-base * 1.5));
+//== Form states and alerts
+//## Define colors for form feedback states and, by default, alerts.
+@state-success-text:             #3c763d;
+@state-success-bg:               #dff0d8;
+@state-success-border:           darken(spin(@state-success-bg, -10), 5%);
+@state-info-text:                #31708f;
+@state-info-bg:                  #d9edf7;
+@state-info-border:              darken(spin(@state-info-bg, -10), 7%);
+@state-warning-text:             #8a6d3b;
+@state-warning-bg:               #fcf8e3;
+@state-warning-border:           darken(spin(@state-warning-bg, -10), 5%);
+@state-danger-text:              #a94442;
+@state-danger-bg:                #f2dede;
+@state-danger-border:            darken(spin(@state-danger-bg, -10), 5%);
+//== Tooltips
+//** Tooltip max width
+@tooltip-max-width:           200px;
+//** Tooltip text color
+@tooltip-color:               #fff;
+//** Tooltip background color
+@tooltip-bg:                  #000;
+@tooltip-opacity:             .9;
+//** Tooltip arrow width
+@tooltip-arrow-width:         5px;
+//** Tooltip arrow color
+@tooltip-arrow-color:         @tooltip-bg;
+//== Popovers
+//** Popover body background color
+@popover-bg:                          #fff;
+//** Popover maximum width
+@popover-max-width:                   276px;
+//** Popover border color
+@popover-border-color:                rgba(0,0,0,.2);
+//** Popover fallback border color
+@popover-fallback-border-color:       #ccc;
+//** Popover title background color
+@popover-title-bg:                    darken(@popover-bg, 3%);
+//** Popover arrow width
+@popover-arrow-width:                 10px;
+//** Popover arrow color
+@popover-arrow-color:                 #fff;
+//** Popover outer arrow width
+@popover-arrow-outer-width:           (@popover-arrow-width + 1);
+//** Popover outer arrow color
+@popover-arrow-outer-color:           fadein(@popover-border-color, 5%);
+//** Popover outer arrow fallback color
+@popover-arrow-outer-fallback-color:  darken(@popover-fallback-border-color, 20%);
+//== Labels
+//** Default label background color
+@label-default-bg:            @gray-light;
+//** Primary label background color
+@label-primary-bg:            @brand-primary;
+//** Success label background color
+@label-success-bg:            @brand-success;
+//** Info label background color
+@label-info-bg:               @brand-info;
+//** Warning label background color
+@label-warning-bg:            @brand-warning;
+//** Danger label background color
+@label-danger-bg:             @brand-danger;
+//** Default label text color
+@label-color:                 #fff;
+//** Default text color of a linked label
+@label-link-hover-color:      #fff;
+//== Modals
+//** Padding applied to the modal body
+@modal-inner-padding:         15px;
+//** Padding applied to the modal title
+@modal-title-padding:         15px;
+//** Modal title line-height
+@modal-title-line-height:     @line-height-base;
+//** Background color of modal content area
+@modal-content-bg:                             #fff;
+//** Modal content border color
+@modal-content-border-color:                   rgba(0,0,0,.2);
+//** Modal content border color **for IE8**
+@modal-content-fallback-border-color:          #999;
+//** Modal backdrop background color
+@modal-backdrop-bg:           #000;
+//** Modal backdrop opacity
+@modal-backdrop-opacity:      .5;
+//** Modal header border color
+@modal-header-border-color:   #e5e5e5;
+//** Modal footer border color
+@modal-footer-border-color:   @modal-header-border-color;
+@modal-lg:                    900px;
+@modal-md:                    600px;
+@modal-sm:                    300px;
+//== Alerts
+//## Define alert colors, border radius, and padding.
+@alert-padding:               15px;
+@alert-border-radius:         @border-radius-base;
+@alert-link-font-weight:      bold;
+@alert-success-bg:            @state-success-bg;
+@alert-success-text:          @state-success-text;
+@alert-success-border:        @state-success-border;
+@alert-info-bg:               @state-info-bg;
+@alert-info-text:             @state-info-text;
+@alert-info-border:           @state-info-border;
+@alert-warning-bg:            @state-warning-bg;
+@alert-warning-text:          @state-warning-text;
+@alert-warning-border:        @state-warning-border;
+@alert-danger-bg:             @state-danger-bg;
+@alert-danger-text:           @state-danger-text;
+@alert-danger-border:         @state-danger-border;
+//== Progress bars
+//** Background color of the whole progress component
+@progress-bg:                 #f5f5f5;
+//** Progress bar text color
+@progress-bar-color:          #fff;
+//** Default progress bar color
+@progress-bar-bg:             @brand-primary;
+//** Success progress bar color
+@progress-bar-success-bg:     @brand-success;
+//** Warning progress bar color
+@progress-bar-warning-bg:     @brand-warning;
+//** Danger progress bar color
+@progress-bar-danger-bg:      @brand-danger;
+//** Info progress bar color
+@progress-bar-info-bg:        @brand-info;
+//== List group
+//** Background color on `.list-group-item`
+@list-group-bg:                 #fff;
+//** `.list-group-item` border color
+@list-group-border:             #ddd;
+//** List group border radius
+@list-group-border-radius:      @border-radius-base;
+//** Background color of single list items on hover
+@list-group-hover-bg:           #f5f5f5;
+//** Text color of active list items
+@list-group-active-color:       @component-active-color;
+//** Background color of active list items
+@list-group-active-bg:          @component-active-bg;
+//** Border color of active list elements
+@list-group-active-border:      @list-group-active-bg;
+//** Text color for content within active list items
+@list-group-active-text-color:  lighten(@list-group-active-bg, 40%);
+//** Text color of disabled list items
+@list-group-disabled-color:      @gray-light;
+//** Background color of disabled list items
+@list-group-disabled-bg:         @gray-lighter;
+//** Text color for content within disabled list items
+@list-group-disabled-text-color: @list-group-disabled-color;
+@list-group-link-color:         #555;
+@list-group-link-hover-color:   @list-group-link-color;
+@list-group-link-heading-color: #333;
+//== Panels
+@panel-bg:                    #fff;
+@panel-body-padding:          15px;
+@panel-heading-padding:       10px 15px;
+@panel-footer-padding:        @panel-heading-padding;
+@panel-border-radius:         @border-radius-base;
+//** Border color for elements within panels
+@panel-inner-border:          #ddd;
+@panel-footer-bg:             #f5f5f5;
+@panel-default-text:          @gray-dark;
+@panel-default-border:        #ddd;
+@panel-default-heading-bg:    #f5f5f5;
+@panel-primary-text:          #fff;
+@panel-primary-border:        @brand-primary;
+@panel-primary-heading-bg:    @brand-primary;
+@panel-success-text:          @state-success-text;
+@panel-success-border:        @state-success-border;
+@panel-success-heading-bg:    @state-success-bg;
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+@panel-info-border:           @state-info-border;
+@panel-info-heading-bg:       @state-info-bg;
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+@panel-warning-border:        @state-warning-border;
+@panel-warning-heading-bg:    @state-warning-bg;
+@panel-danger-text:           @state-danger-text;
+@panel-danger-border:         @state-danger-border;
+@panel-danger-heading-bg:     @state-danger-bg;
+//== Thumbnails
+//** Padding around the thumbnail image
+@thumbnail-padding:           4px;
+//** Thumbnail background color
+@thumbnail-bg:                @body-bg;
+//** Thumbnail border color
+@thumbnail-border:            #ddd;
+//** Thumbnail border radius
+@thumbnail-border-radius:     @border-radius-base;
+//** Custom text color for thumbnail captions
+@thumbnail-caption-color:     @text-color;
+//** Padding around the thumbnail caption
+@thumbnail-caption-padding:   9px;
+//== Wells
+@well-bg:                     #f5f5f5;
+@well-border:                 darken(@well-bg, 7%);
+//== Badges
+@badge-color:                 #fff;
+//** Linked badge text color on hover
+@badge-link-hover-color:      #fff;
+@badge-bg:                    @gray-light;
+//** Badge text color in active nav link
+@badge-active-color:          @link-color;
+//** Badge background color in active nav link
+@badge-active-bg:             #fff;
+@badge-font-weight:           bold;
+@badge-line-height:           1;
+@badge-border-radius:         10px;
+//== Breadcrumbs
+@breadcrumb-padding-vertical:   8px;
+@breadcrumb-padding-horizontal: 15px;
+//** Breadcrumb background color
+@breadcrumb-bg:                 #f5f5f5;
+//** Breadcrumb text color
+@breadcrumb-color:              #ccc;
+//** Text color of current page in the breadcrumb
+@breadcrumb-active-color:       @gray-light;
+//** Textual separator for between breadcrumb elements
+@breadcrumb-separator:          "/";
+//== Carousel
+@carousel-text-shadow:                        0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6);
+@carousel-control-color:                      #fff;
+@carousel-control-width:                      15%;
+@carousel-control-opacity:                    .5;
+@carousel-control-font-size:                  20px;
+@carousel-indicator-active-bg:                #fff;
+@carousel-indicator-border-color:             #fff;
+@carousel-caption-color:                      #fff;
+//== Close
+@close-font-weight:           bold;
+@close-color:                 #000;
+@close-text-shadow:           0 1px 0 #fff;
+//== Code
+@code-color:                  #c7254e;
+@code-bg:                     #f9f2f4;
+@kbd-color:                   #fff;
+@kbd-bg:                      #333;
+@pre-bg:                      #f5f5f5;
+@pre-color:                   @gray-dark;
+@pre-border-color:            #ccc;
+@pre-scrollable-max-height:   340px;
+//== Type
+//** Horizontal offset for forms and lists.
+@component-offset-horizontal: 180px;
+//** Text muted color
+@text-muted:                  @gray-light;
+//** Abbreviations and acronyms border color
+@abbr-border-color:           @gray-light;
+//** Headings small color
+@headings-small-color:        @gray-light;
+//** Blockquote small color
+@blockquote-small-color:      @gray-light;
+//** Blockquote font size
+@blockquote-font-size:        (@font-size-base * 1.25);
+//** Blockquote border color
+@blockquote-border-color:     @gray-lighter;
+//** Page header border color
+@page-header-border-color:    @gray-lighter;
+//** Width of horizontal description list titles
+@dl-horizontal-offset:        @component-offset-horizontal;
+//** Horizontal line color.
+@hr-border:                   @gray-lighter;

Added: incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/wells.less
--- incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/wells.less (added)
+++ incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/less/wells.less Mon Aug 25 11:39:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Wells
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// Base class
+.well {
+  min-height: 20px;
+  padding: 19px;
+  margin-bottom: 20px;
+  background-color: @well-bg;
+  border: 1px solid @well-border;
+  border-radius: @border-radius-base;
+  .box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05));
+  blockquote {
+    border-color: #ddd;
+    border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.15);
+  }
+// Sizes
+.well-lg {
+  padding: 24px;
+  border-radius: @border-radius-large;
+.well-sm {
+  padding: 9px;
+  border-radius: @border-radius-small;

Added: incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/package.json
--- incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/package.json (added)
+++ incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/package.json Mon Aug 25 11:39:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+  "name": "bootstrap",
+  "description": "The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.",
+  "version": "3.2.0",
+  "keywords": [
+    "css",
+    "less",
+    "mobile-first",
+    "responsive",
+    "front-end",
+    "framework",
+    "web"
+  ],
+  "homepage": "",
+  "author": "Twitter, Inc.",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "grunt test"
+  },
+  "style": "dist/css/bootstrap.css",
+  "less": "less/bootstrap.less",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "license": {
+    "type": "MIT",
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "btoa": "~1.1.2",
+    "glob": "~4.0.2",
+    "grunt": "~0.4.5",
+    "grunt-autoprefixer": "~0.7.6",
+    "grunt-banner": "~0.2.3",
+    "grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.5.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.4.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.8.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.5.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-csslint": "~0.2.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.10.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-jade": "~0.12.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.10.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-less": "~0.11.3",
+    "grunt-contrib-qunit": "~0.5.1",
+    "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.5.0",
+    "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.6.1",
+    "grunt-csscomb": "~2.0.1",
+    "grunt-exec": "~0.4.5",
+    "grunt-html-validation": "~0.1.18",
+    "grunt-jekyll": "~0.4.2",
+    "grunt-jscs-checker": "~0.6.0",
+    "grunt-saucelabs": "~8.1.0",
+    "grunt-sed": "~0.1.1",
+    "load-grunt-tasks": "~0.6.0",
+    "markdown": "~0.5.0",
+    "npm-shrinkwrap": "~3.1.6",
+    "time-grunt": "~0.3.2"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "node": "~0.10.1"
+  },
+  "jspm": {
+    "main": "js/bootstrap",
+    "directories": {
+      "example": "examples",
+      "lib": "dist"
+    },
+    "shim": {
+      "js/bootstrap": {
+        "imports": "jquery",
+        "exports": "$"
+      }
+    },
+    "buildConfig": {
+      "uglify": true
+    }
+  }

Added: incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/
--- incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/ (added)
+++ incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/ Mon Aug 25 11:39:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+## What does `` do?
+### In general
+`` maintains a cache, stored in an Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) bucket, of a given directory whose contents are considered non-critical and are completely & solely determined by (and should be able to be regenerated from) a single given file.
+The SHA-256 hash of the single file is used as the key for the cache. The directory is stored as a gzipped tarball.
+All the tarballs are stored in S3's Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) storage class, since this is cheaper and the data is non-critical.
+`` itself never deletes cache entries; deletion should either be done manually or using automatic S3 lifecycle rules on the bucket.
+Similar to git, `` makes the assumption that [SHA-256 will effectively never have a collision](
+### For Bootstrap specifically
+`` is used to cache the npm packages that our Grunt tasks depend on and the RubyGems that Jekyll depends on. (Jekyll is needed to compile our docs to HTML so that we can run them thru an HTML5 validator.)
+For npm, the `node_modules` directory is cached based on our `npm-shrinkwrap.json` file.
+For RubyGems, the `gemdir` of the current RVM-selected Ruby is cached based on the `pseudo_Gemfile.lock` file generated by our Travis build script.
+`pseudo_Gemfile.lock` contains the versions of Ruby and Jekyll that we're using (read our `.travis.yml` for details).
+## Why is `` necessary?
+`` is used to speed up Bootstrap's Travis builds. Installing npm packages and RubyGems used to take up a significant fraction of our total build times. Also, at the time that `` was written, npm was occasionally unreliable.
+Travis does offer built-in caching on their paid plans, but this do-it-ourselves S3 solution is significantly cheaper since we only need caching and not Travis' other paid features.
+## Setup
+### Overview
+1. Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.
+2. Create an Identity & Access Management (IAM) user, and note their credentials.
+3. Create an S3 bucket.
+4. Set permissions on the bucket to grant the user read+write access.
+5. Set the user credentials as secure Travis environment variables.
+### In detail
+1. Create an AWS account.
+2. Login to the [AWS Management Console](
+3. Go to the IAM Management Console.
+4. Create a new user (named e.g. `travis-ci`) and generate an access key for them. Note both the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key.
+5. Note the user's ARN (Amazon Resource Name), which can be found in the "Summary" tab of the user browser. This will be of the form: `arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:user/the-username-goes-here`
+6. Note the user's access key, which can be found in the "Security Credentials" tab of the user browser.
+7. Go to the S3 Management Console.
+8. Create a new bucket. For a non-publicly-accessible bucket (like Bootstrap uses), it's recommended that the bucket name be random to increase security. On most *nix machines, you can easily generate a random UUID to use as the bucket name using Python:
+    ```bash
+    python -c "import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())"
+    ```
+9. Determine and note what your bucket's ARN is. The ARN for an S3 bucket is of the form: `arn:aws:s3:::the-bucket-name-goes-here`
+10. In the bucket's Properties pane, in the "Permissions" section, click the "Edit bucket policy" button.
+11. Input and submit an IAM Policy that grants the user at least read+write rights to the bucket. AWS has a policy generator and some examples to help with crafting the policy. Here's the policy that Bootstrap uses, with the sensitive bits censored:
+    ```json
+    {
+        "Version": "2012-10-17",
+        "Id": "PolicyTravisReadWriteNoAdmin",
+        "Statement": [
+            {
+                "Sid": "StmtXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
+                "Effect": "Allow",
+                "Principal": {
+                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:user/travis-ci"
+                },
+                "Action": [
+                    "s3:AbortMultipartUpload",
+                    "s3:GetObjectVersion",
+                    "s3:ListBucket",
+                    "s3:DeleteObject",
+                    "s3:DeleteObjectVersion",
+                    "s3:GetObject",
+                    "s3:PutObject"
+                ],
+                "Resource": [
+                    "arn:aws:s3:::XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
+                    "arn:aws:s3:::XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/*"
+                ]
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+    ```
+12. If you want deletion from the cache to be done automatically based on age (like Bootstrap does): In the bucket's Properties pane, in the "Lifecycle" section, add a rule to expire/delete files based on creation date.
+13. Install the [`travis` RubyGem]( `gem install travis`
+14. Encrypt the environment variables:
+    ```bash
+    travis encrypt --repo twbs/bootstrap "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX"
+    travis encrypt --repo twbs/bootstrap "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=XXX"
+    travis encrypt --repo twbs/bootstrap "TWBS_S3_BUCKET=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"
+    ```
+14. Add the resulting secure environment variables to `.travis.yml`.
+## Usage
+Read ``'s source code and Bootstrap's `.travis.yml` for how to invoke and make use of ``.

Added: incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/S3Cachefile.json
--- incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/S3Cachefile.json (added)
+++ incubator/devicemap/whiteboard/_less/bootstrap-3.2.0/test-infra/S3Cachefile.json Mon Aug 25 11:39:37 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+    "npm-modules": {
+        "key": "./npm-shrinkwrap.json",
+        "cache": "../node_modules",
+        "generate": "./"
+    },
+    "rubygems": {
+        "key": "../pseudo_Gemfile.lock",
+        "cache": "$GEMDIR",
+        "generate": "gem install -N jekyll -v $JEKYLL_VERSION"
+    }