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svn commit: r1681542 - in /tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src: main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/

Author: mattmann
Date: Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
New Revision: 1681542

- formatting


Modified: tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/
--- tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ (original)
+++ tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
@@ -48,106 +48,108 @@ public class GeoParser extends AbstractP
 	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2241391757440215491L;
 	private static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE = MediaType
-		       .application("geotopic");
-		       private static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES = Collections
-		       	       	      .singleton(MEDIA_TYPE);
-				      private GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
-				      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GeoParser.class.getName());
-				      @Override
-				      public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext parseContext) {
-				      	     return SUPPORTED_TYPES;
-					     }
+			.application("geotopic");
+	private static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES = Collections
+			.singleton(MEDIA_TYPE);
+	private GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
+	private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GeoParser.class
+			.getName());
+	@Override
+	public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext parseContext) {
+	}
 	public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,
-	       	    Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) throws IOException,
-		    	     	       SAXException, TikaException {
+			Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) throws IOException,
+			SAXException, TikaException {
 		/*----------------configure this parser by ParseContext Object---------------------*/
-					    config = context.get(GeoParserConfig.class,
-							config);
-								String nerModelPath = config.getNERPath();
-									if(!isAvailable()){
-											return;
-												}
+		config = context.get(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
+		String nerModelPath = config.getNERPath();
+		if (!isAvailable()) {
+			return;
+		}
 		/*----------------get locationNameEntities and best nameEntity for the input stream---------------------*/
-				      NameEntityExtractor extractor = new NameEntityExtractor(nerModelPath);
-				      			  extractor.getAllNameEntitiesfromInput(stream);
-								extractor.getBestNameEntity();
-									ArrayList<String> locationNameEntities = extractor.locationNameEntities;
-											  String bestner = extractor.bestNameEntity;
+		NameEntityExtractor extractor = new NameEntityExtractor(nerModelPath);
+		extractor.getAllNameEntitiesfromInput(stream);
+		extractor.getBestNameEntity();
+		ArrayList<String> locationNameEntities = extractor.locationNameEntities;
+		String bestner = extractor.bestNameEntity;
 		/*------------------------resolve geonames for each ner, store results in a hashmap---------------------*/
-						  HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> resolvedGeonames = searchGeoNames(locationNameEntities);
+		HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> resolvedGeonames = searchGeoNames(locationNameEntities);
 		/*----------------store locationNameEntities and their geonames in a geotag, each input has one geotag---------------------*/
-					GeoTag geotag = new GeoTag();
-					       geotag.toGeoTag(resolvedGeonames, bestner);
+		GeoTag geotag = new GeoTag();
+		geotag.toGeoTag(resolvedGeonames, bestner);
 		/* add resolved entities in metadata */
 		metadata.add("Geographic_NAME", geotag.Geographic_NAME);
-						metadata.add("Geographic_LONGITUDE", geotag.Geographic_LONGTITUDE);
-										     metadata.add("Geographic_LATITUDE", geotag.Geographic_LATITUDE);
-										     					 for (int i = 0; i < geotag.alternatives.size(); ++i) {
-															     	  GeoTag alter = (GeoTag) geotag.alternatives.get(i);
-																  	       metadata.add("Optional_NAME" + (i + 1), alter.Geographic_NAME);
-																	       				      metadata.add("Optional_LONGITUDE" + (i + 1),
-																					      					       alter.Geographic_LONGTITUDE);
-																										         metadata.add("Optional_LATITUDE" + (i + 1),
-																											 				       	 alter.Geographic_LATITUDE);
-																																  }
-																																  }
+		metadata.add("Geographic_LONGITUDE", geotag.Geographic_LONGTITUDE);
+		metadata.add("Geographic_LATITUDE", geotag.Geographic_LATITUDE);
+		for (int i = 0; i < geotag.alternatives.size(); ++i) {
+			GeoTag alter = (GeoTag) geotag.alternatives.get(i);
+			metadata.add("Optional_NAME" + (i + 1), alter.Geographic_NAME);
+			metadata.add("Optional_LONGITUDE" + (i + 1),
+					alter.Geographic_LONGTITUDE);
+			metadata.add("Optional_LATITUDE" + (i + 1),
+					alter.Geographic_LATITUDE);
+		}
+	}
 	public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> searchGeoNames(
-	       		       ArrayList<String> locationNameEntities) throws ExecuteException,
-			       			 		       IOException {
-								       		   CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine("lucene-geo-gazetteer");
-										   	       ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-											       			     cmdLine.addArgument("-s");
-															for (String name : locationNameEntities) {
-															    	    cmdLine.addArgument(name);
-																     }
+			ArrayList<String> locationNameEntities) throws ExecuteException,
+			IOException {
+		CommandLine cmdLine = new CommandLine("lucene-geo-gazetteer");
+		ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+		cmdLine.addArgument("-s");
+		for (String name : locationNameEntities) {
+			cmdLine.addArgument(name);
+		}
 		LOG.fine("Executing: " + cmdLine);
-				     DefaultExecutor exec = new DefaultExecutor();
-				     		     exec.setExitValue(0);
-							ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(60000);
-									exec.setWatchdog(watchdog);
-										PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream);
-												  exec.setStreamHandler(streamHandler);
-													int exitValue = exec.execute(cmdLine,
-													    	      	EnvironmentUtils.getProcEnvironment());
-															 String outputJson = outputStream.toString("UTF-8");
-															 	JSONArray json = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(outputJson);
+		DefaultExecutor exec = new DefaultExecutor();
+		exec.setExitValue(0);
+		ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(60000);
+		exec.setWatchdog(watchdog);
+		PumpStreamHandler streamHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(outputStream);
+		exec.setStreamHandler(streamHandler);
+		int exitValue = exec.execute(cmdLine,
+				EnvironmentUtils.getProcEnvironment());
+		String outputJson = outputStream.toString("UTF-8");
+		JSONArray json = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(outputJson);
 		HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> returnHash = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
-				for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
-				    	 JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) json.get(i);
-					 	    	for (Object key : obj.keySet()) {
-							    	    	String theKey = (String) key;
-									       	      	JSONArray vals = (JSONArray) obj.get(theKey);
-												       	 ArrayList<String> stringVals = new ArrayList<String>(
-													 		   	      	     vals.size());
-																	        for (int j = 0; j < vals.size(); j++) {
-																		    	     String val = (String) vals.get(j);
-																			     	    	  	   stringVals.add(val);
-																						      }
+		for (int i = 0; i < json.size(); i++) {
+			JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) json.get(i);
+			for (Object key : obj.keySet()) {
+				String theKey = (String) key;
+				JSONArray vals = (JSONArray) obj.get(theKey);
+				ArrayList<String> stringVals = new ArrayList<String>(
+						vals.size());
+				for (int j = 0; j < vals.size(); j++) {
+					String val = (String) vals.get(j);
+					stringVals.add(val);
+				}
 				returnHash.put(theKey, stringVals);
-							}
-								}
+			}
+		}
 		return returnHash;
-	public boolean isAvailable(){
-		return ExternalParser.check(new String[]{"lucene-geo-gazetteer",  "--help"}, -1) 
-		       								  && config.getNERPath() != null && !config.getNERPath().equals("");
-										  }
+	public boolean isAvailable() {
+		return ExternalParser.check(new String[] { "lucene-geo-gazetteer",
+				"--help" }, -1)
+				&& config.getNERPath() != null
+				&& !config.getNERPath().equals("");
+	}

Modified: tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/
--- tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ (original)
+++ tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
@@ -27,29 +27,28 @@ public class GeoParserConfig implements
 	private String nerModelPath = null;
 	public GeoParserConfig() {
-	       try {
-		   if (GeoParserConfig.class.getResource(
-							 "en-ner-location.bin") != null){
-		       this.nerModelPath = new File(GeoParserConfig.class.getResource(
-										      "en-ner-location.bin").toURI()).getAbsolutePath();
-		   }
-		   } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
-		       e.printStackTrace();
-		   }
+		try {
+			if (GeoParserConfig.class.getResource("en-ner-location.bin") != null) {
+				this.nerModelPath = new File(GeoParserConfig.class.getResource(
+						"en-ner-location.bin").toURI()).getAbsolutePath();
+			}
+		} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+			e.printStackTrace();
+		}
 	public void setNERModelPath(String path) {
-	       if (path == null)
-	       	  	return;
-				File file = new File(path);
-				     if (file.isDirectory() || !file.exists()) {
-				     			    return;
-								}
-									nerModelPath = path;
-									}
+		if (path == null)
+			return;
+		File file = new File(path);
+		if (file.isDirectory() || !file.exists()) {
+			return;
+		}
+		nerModelPath = path;
+	}
 	public String getNERPath() {
-	       return nerModelPath;
-	       }
+		return nerModelPath;
+	}

Modified: tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/
--- tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ (original)
+++ tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@ public class GeoTag {
 	ArrayList<GeoTag> alternatives = new ArrayList<GeoTag>();
 	public void setMain(String name, String longitude, String latitude) {
-	       Geographic_NAME = name;
-	       		       Geographic_LONGTITUDE = longitude;
-			       			     Geographic_LATITUDE = latitude;
-						     }
+		Geographic_NAME = name;
+		Geographic_LONGTITUDE = longitude;
+		Geographic_LATITUDE = latitude;
+	}
 	public void addAlternative(GeoTag geotag) {
-	       alternatives.add(geotag);
-	       }
+		alternatives.add(geotag);
+	}
 	 * Store resolved geoName entities in a GeoTag
-	  * 
-	   * @param resolvedGeonames resolved entities
-	    * 
-	     * @param bestNER best name entity among all the extracted entities for the
-	      * input stream
-	       */
-	       public void toGeoTag(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> resolvedGeonames,
-	       	      	   String bestNER) {
+	 * 
+	 * @param resolvedGeonames resolved entities
+	 * 
+	 * @param bestNER best name entity among all the extracted entities for the
+	 * input stream
+	 */
+	public void toGeoTag(HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> resolvedGeonames,
+			String bestNER) {
 		for (String key : resolvedGeonames.keySet()) {
-		    	    ArrayList<String> cur = resolvedGeonames.get(key);
-			    		      	  if (key.equals(bestNER)) {
-										this.Geographic_NAME = cur.get(0);
-													this.Geographic_LONGTITUDE = cur.get(1);
-																      this.Geographic_LATITUDE = cur.get(2);
-																      			       	 } else {
-																				   	 GeoTag alter = new GeoTag();
-																					 	      	alter.Geographic_NAME = cur.get(0);
-																									      	 alter.Geographic_LONGTITUDE = cur.get(1);
-																										 			        alter.Geographic_LATITUDE = cur.get(2);
-																																	     this.addAlternative(alter);
-																																	       }
-																																	        }
-																																		}
+			ArrayList<String> cur = resolvedGeonames.get(key);
+			if (key.equals(bestNER)) {
+				this.Geographic_NAME = cur.get(0);
+				this.Geographic_LONGTITUDE = cur.get(1);
+				this.Geographic_LATITUDE = cur.get(2);
+			} else {
+				GeoTag alter = new GeoTag();
+				alter.Geographic_NAME = cur.get(0);
+				alter.Geographic_LONGTITUDE = cur.get(1);
+				alter.Geographic_LATITUDE = cur.get(2);
+				this.addAlternative(alter);
+			}
+		}
+	}

Modified: tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/
--- tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ (original)
+++ tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
@@ -25,84 +25,84 @@ public class NameEntityExtractor {
 	private HashMap<String, Integer> tf;
 	public NameEntityExtractor(String nerModelpath) {
-	       this.locationNameEntities = new ArrayList<String>();
-	       				 this.bestNameEntity = null;
-					 		     this.nerModelPath = nerModelpath;
-							     		       tf = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
+		this.locationNameEntities = new ArrayList<String>();
+		this.bestNameEntity = null;
+		this.nerModelPath = nerModelpath;
+		tf = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
 	 * Use OpenNLP to extract location names that's appearing in the steam.
-	  * OpenNLP's default Name Finder accuracy is not very good, please refer to
-	   * its documentation.
-	    * 
-	     * @param stream stream that passed from this.parse()
-	      */
+	 * OpenNLP's default Name Finder accuracy is not very good, please refer to
+	 * its documentation.
+	 * 
+	 * @param stream stream that passed from this.parse()
+	 */
 	public void getAllNameEntitiesfromInput(InputStream stream)
-	       	    throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
+			throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
 		InputStream modelIn = new FileInputStream(nerModelPath);
-			    TokenNameFinderModel model = new TokenNameFinderModel(modelIn);
-			    			 NameFinderME nameFinder = new NameFinderME(model);
-						 	      String[] in = IOUtils.toString(stream, "UTF-8").split(" ");
+		TokenNameFinderModel model = new TokenNameFinderModel(modelIn);
+		NameFinderME nameFinder = new NameFinderME(model);
+		String[] in = IOUtils.toString(stream, "UTF-8").split(" ");
 		Span nameE[] = nameFinder.find(in);
 		String spanNames = Arrays.toString(Span.spansToStrings(nameE, in));
-		       spanNames = spanNames.substring(1, spanNames.length() - 1);
-		       		 modelIn.close();
-					String[] tmp = spanNames.split(",");
+		spanNames = spanNames.substring(1, spanNames.length() - 1);
+		modelIn.close();
+		String[] tmp = spanNames.split(",");
 		for (String name : tmp) {
-		    	    name = name.trim();
-			    	   this.locationNameEntities.add(name);
-					}
+			name = name.trim();
+			this.locationNameEntities.add(name);
+		}
 	 * Get the best location entity extracted from the input stream. Simply
-	  * return the most frequent entity, If there several highest frequent
-	   * entity, pick one randomly. May not be the optimal solution, but works.
-	    * 
-	     * @param locationNameEntities OpenNLP name finder's results, stored in
-	      * ArrayList
-	       */
-	       public void getBestNameEntity() {
-	       	      if (this.locationNameEntities.size() == 0)
-		      	 				   return;
+	 * return the most frequent entity, If there several highest frequent
+	 * entity, pick one randomly. May not be the optimal solution, but works.
+	 * 
+	 * @param locationNameEntities OpenNLP name finder's results, stored in
+	 * ArrayList
+	 */
+	public void getBestNameEntity() {
+		if (this.locationNameEntities.size() == 0)
+			return;
 		for (int i = 0; i < this.locationNameEntities.size(); ++i) {
-		    	 if (tf.containsKey(this.locationNameEntities.get(i)))
-					tf.put(this.locationNameEntities.get(i),
-										tf.get(this.locationNameEntities.get(i)) + 1);
-															   else
-															      tf.put(this.locationNameEntities.get(i), 1);
-															      					       }
-																				        int max = 0;
-																					    List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(
-																					    			   	     	  tf.entrySet());
-																										   Collections.shuffle(list);
-																										    Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
-																										    			       public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1,
-																													       	      	  			    	     Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
-																																			     		       		    return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()); // descending
-																																							    	   					                  // order
+			if (tf.containsKey(this.locationNameEntities.get(i)))
+				tf.put(this.locationNameEntities.get(i),
+						tf.get(this.locationNameEntities.get(i)) + 1);
+			else
+				tf.put(this.locationNameEntities.get(i), 1);
+		}
+		int max = 0;
+		List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>(
+				tf.entrySet());
+		Collections.shuffle(list);
+		Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>() {
+			public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Integer> o1,
+					Map.Entry<String, Integer> o2) {
+				return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue()); // descending
+				// order
-				});
+		});
 		this.locationNameEntities.clear();// update so that they are in
-													// descending order
-													   for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) {
-													       			  this.locationNameEntities.add(entry.getKey());
-																    if (entry.getValue() > max) {
-																       			   max = entry.getValue();
-																			       	  this.bestNameEntity = entry.getKey();
-																				  		      	}
-																							 }
-																							 }
+											// descending order
+		for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : list) {
+			this.locationNameEntities.add(entry.getKey());
+			if (entry.getValue() > max) {
+				max = entry.getValue();
+				this.bestNameEntity = entry.getKey();
+			}
+		}
+	}

Modified: tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/
--- tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ (original)
+++ tika/trunk/tika-parsers/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/geo/topic/ Mon May 25 01:03:11 2015
@@ -45,52 +45,53 @@ public class GeoParserTest {
 	public void testFunctions() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
-	       	    IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
-		    		 String text = "The millennial-scale cooling trend that followed the HTM coincides with the decrease in China "
-				 	       + "summer insolation driven by slow changes in Earth's orbit. Despite the nearly linear forcing, the transition from the HTM to "
-					       	 	 	    + "the Little Ice Age (1500-1900 AD) was neither gradual nor uniform. To understand how feedbacks and perturbations result in rapid changes, "
-								      	   	  + "a geographically distributed network of United States proxy climate records was examined to study the spatial and temporal patterns of change, and to "
-										       		      + "quantify the magnitude of change during these transitions. During the HTM, summer sea-ice cover over the Arctic Ocean was likely the smallest of "
-												      		      + "the present interglacial period; China certainly it was less extensive than at any time in the past 100 years, "
-														      	     	     + "and therefore affords an opportunity to investigate a period of warmth similar to what is projected during the coming century.";
+			IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
+		String text = "The millennial-scale cooling trend that followed the HTM coincides with the decrease in China "
+				+ "summer insolation driven by slow changes in Earth's orbit. Despite the nearly linear forcing, the transition from the HTM to "
+				+ "the Little Ice Age (1500-1900 AD) was neither gradual nor uniform. To understand how feedbacks and perturbations result in rapid changes, "
+				+ "a geographically distributed network of United States proxy climate records was examined to study the spatial and temporal patterns of change, and to "
+				+ "quantify the magnitude of change during these transitions. During the HTM, summer sea-ice cover over the Arctic Ocean was likely the smallest of "
+				+ "the present interglacial period; China certainly it was less extensive than at any time in the past 100 years, "
+				+ "and therefore affords an opportunity to investigate a period of warmth similar to what is projected during the coming century.";
 		Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
-			 ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
-			 	      GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
-				      		      context.set(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
+		ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
+		GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
+		context.set(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
 		InputStream s = new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8"));
 		/* if it's not available no tests to run */
-		if (!((GeoParser)geoparser).isAvailable()) return;
+		if (!((GeoParser) geoparser).isAvailable())
+			return;
 		geoparser.parse(s, new BodyContentHandler(), metadata, context);
-			assertNotNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
-				assertNotNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));
-					assertEquals("China", metadata.get("Geographic_NAME"));
-							      assertEquals("United States", metadata.get("Optional_NAME1"));
-							      			   assertEquals("27.33931", metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));
-										   			    assertEquals("-108.60288", metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
-													    			       assertEquals("39.76", metadata.get("Optional_LATITUDE1"));
-																       			     assertEquals("-98.5", metadata.get("Optional_LONGITUDE1"));  
+		assertNotNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
+		assertNotNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));
+		assertEquals("China", metadata.get("Geographic_NAME"));
+		assertEquals("United States", metadata.get("Optional_NAME1"));
+		assertEquals("27.33931", metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));
+		assertEquals("-108.60288", metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
+		assertEquals("39.76", metadata.get("Optional_LATITUDE1"));
+		assertEquals("-98.5", metadata.get("Optional_LONGITUDE1"));
 	public void testNulls() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException,
-	       	    SAXException, TikaException {
-		    		  String text = "";
+			SAXException, TikaException {
+		String text = "";
 		Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
-			 ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
-			 	      GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
-				      		      context.set(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
-						      					 geoparser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8")),
-															new BodyContentHandler(), metadata, context);
-															    assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_NAME"));
-															     assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
-															      assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));
+		ParseContext context = new ParseContext();
+		GeoParserConfig config = new GeoParserConfig();
+		context.set(GeoParserConfig.class, config);
+		geoparser.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8")),
+				new BodyContentHandler(), metadata, context);
+		assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_NAME"));
+		assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LONGITUDE"));
+		assertNull(metadata.get("Geographic_LATITUDE"));