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[02/15] stratos git commit: Refactoring cloud controller component to simplify the package structure
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
deleted file mode 100644
index d72c552..0000000
--- a/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.stratos.common.constants.StratosConstants;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.applications.ClusterDataHolder;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.instance.ClusterInstance;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.*;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.applications.ApplicationTerminatedEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.cluster.status.*;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.instance.status.InstanceActivatedEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.instance.status.InstanceMaintenanceModeEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.instance.status.InstanceReadyToShutdownEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.instance.status.InstanceStartedEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.*;
-import org.apache.stratos.metadata.client.defaults.DefaultMetaDataServiceClient;
-import org.apache.stratos.metadata.client.defaults.MetaDataServiceClient;
-import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException;
-import java.util.*;
- * this is to manipulate the received events by cloud controller
- * and build the complete topology with the events received
- */
-public class TopologyBuilder {
-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TopologyBuilder.class);
-    public static void handleServiceCreated(List<Cartridge> cartridgeList) {
-        Service service;
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        if (cartridgeList == null) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Cartridge list is empty"));
-        	return;
-        }
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            for (Cartridge cartridge : cartridgeList) {
-                if (!topology.serviceExists(cartridge.getType())) {
-                    service = new Service(cartridge.getType(), cartridge.isMultiTenant() ? ServiceType.MultiTenant : ServiceType.SingleTenant);
-                    List<PortMapping> portMappings = cartridge.getPortMappings();
-                    Properties properties = new Properties();
-                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : cartridge.getProperties().entrySet()) {
-                        properties.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
-                    }
-                    service.setProperties(properties);
-                    Port port;
-                    //adding ports to the event
-                    for (PortMapping portMapping : portMappings) {
-                        port = new Port(portMapping.getProtocol(),
-                                Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getPort()),
-                                Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getProxyPort()));
-                        service.addPort(port);
-                    }
-                    topology.addService(service);
-                    TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                }
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendServiceCreateEvent(cartridgeList);
-    }
-    public static void handleServiceRemoved(List<Cartridge> cartridgeList) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        for (Cartridge cartridge : cartridgeList) {
-            if (topology.getService(cartridge.getType()).getClusters().size() == 0) {
-                if (topology.serviceExists(cartridge.getType())) {
-                    try {
-                        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-                        topology.removeService(cartridge.getType());
-                        TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                    } finally {
-                        TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-                    }
-                    TopologyEventPublisher.sendServiceRemovedEvent(cartridgeList);
-                } else {
-                    log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist..", cartridge.getType()));
-                }
-            } else {
-                log.warn("Subscription already exists. Hence not removing the service:" + cartridge.getType()
-                        + " from the topology");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterCreated(ClusterStatusClusterCreatedEvent event) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        Cluster cluster;
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            Service service = topology.getService(event.getServiceName());
-            if (service == null) {
-                log.error("Service " + event.getServiceName() +
-                        " not found in Topology, unable to update the cluster status to Created");
-                return;
-            }
-            if (service.clusterExists(event.getClusterId())) {
-                log.warn("Cluster " + event.getClusterId() + " is already in the Topology ");
-                return;
-            } else {
-                cluster = new Cluster(event.getServiceName(),
-                        event.getClusterId(), event.getDeploymentPolicyName(),
-                        event.getAutosScalePolicyName(), event.getAppId());
-                //cluster.setStatus(Status.Created);
-                cluster.setHostNames(event.getHostNames());
-                cluster.setTenantRange(event.getTenantRange());
-                service.addCluster(cluster);
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterCreatedEvent(cluster);
-    }
-    public static void handleApplicationClustersCreated(String appId, List<Cluster> appClusters) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            for (Cluster cluster : appClusters) {
-                Service service = topology.getService(cluster.getServiceName());
-                if (service == null) {
-                    log.error("Service " + cluster.getServiceName()
-                            + " not found in Topology, unable to create Application cluster");
-                } else {
-                    service.addCluster(cluster);
-          "Application Cluster " + cluster.getClusterId() + " created in CC topology");
-                }
-            }
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendApplicationClustersCreated(appId, appClusters);
-    }
-    public static void handleApplicationClustersRemoved(String appId, Set<ClusterDataHolder> clusterData) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        List<Cluster> removedClusters = new ArrayList<Cluster>();
-        FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            if (clusterData != null) {
-                // remove clusters from CC topology model and remove runtime information
-                for (ClusterDataHolder aClusterData : clusterData) {
-                    Service aService = topology.getService(aClusterData.getServiceType());
-                    if (aService != null) {
-                        removedClusters.add(aService.removeCluster(aClusterData.getClusterId()));
-                    } else {
-                        log.warn("Service " + aClusterData.getServiceType() + " not found, unable to remove Cluster " + aClusterData.getClusterId());
-                    }
-                    // remove runtime data
-                    dataHolder.removeClusterContext(aClusterData.getClusterId());
-          "Removed application [ " + appId + " ]'s Cluster [ " + aClusterData.getClusterId() + " ] from the topology");
-                }
-                // persist runtime data changes
-                persist(dataHolder);
-            } else {
-      "No cluster data found for application " + appId + " to remove");
-            }
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendApplicationClustersRemoved(appId, clusterData);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Persist data in registry.
-     */
-    private static void persist(FasterLookUpDataHolder dataHolder) {
-        try {
-            RegistryManager.getInstance().persist(
-                    dataHolder);
-        } catch (RegistryException e) {
-            String msg = "Failed to persist the Cloud Controller data in registry. Further, transaction roll back also failed.";
-            log.fatal(msg);
-            throw new CloudControllerException(msg, e);
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterReset(ClusterStatusClusterResetEvent event) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            Service service = topology.getService(event.getServiceName());
-            if (service == null) {
-                log.error("Service " + event.getServiceName() +
-                        " not found in Topology, unable to update the cluster status to Created");
-                return;
-            }
-            Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(event.getClusterId());
-            if (cluster == null) {
-                log.error("Cluster " + event.getClusterId() + " not found in Topology, unable to update " +
-                        "status to Created");
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterInstance context = cluster.getInstanceContexts(event.getInstanceId());
-            if (context == null) {
-                log.warn("Cluster Instance Context is not found for [cluster] " +
-                        event.getClusterId() + " [instance-id] " +
-                        event.getInstanceId());
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterStatus status = ClusterStatus.Created;
-            if(context.isStateTransitionValid(status)) {
-                context.setStatus(status);
-      "Cluster Created adding status started for" + cluster.getClusterId());
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                //publishing data
-                TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterResetEvent(event.getAppId(), event.getServiceName(),
-                        event.getClusterId(), event.getInstanceId());
-            } else {
-                log.warn(String.format("Cluster state transition is not valid: [cluster-id] %s " +
-                                " [instance-id] %s [current-status] %s [status-requested] %s",
-                        event.getClusterId(), event.getInstanceId(),
-                        context.getStatus(), status));
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterInstanceCreated(String serviceType, String clusterId, String alias, String instanceId) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            Service service = topology.getService(serviceType);
-            if (service == null) {
-                log.error("Service " + serviceType +
-                        " not found in Topology, unable to update the cluster status to Created");
-                return;
-            }
-            Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterId);
-            if (cluster == null) {
-                log.error("Cluster " + clusterId + " not found in Topology, unable to update " +
-                        "status to Created");
-                return;
-            }
-            if(cluster.getInstanceContexts(instanceId) != null) {
-                log.warn("The Instance context for the cluster already exists for [cluster] " +
-                        clusterId + " [instance-id] " + instanceId);
-                return;
-            }
-            //context.setStatus(ClusterStatus.Created);
-            cluster.addInstanceContext(instanceId, new ClusterInstance(alias, clusterId, instanceId));
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-            ClusterInstanceCreatedEvent clusterInstanceCreatedEvent =
-                    new ClusterInstanceCreatedEvent(alias, serviceType, clusterId, instanceId);
-            TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterInstanceCreatedEvent(clusterInstanceCreatedEvent);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterCreated(Registrant registrant, boolean isLb) {
-        /*Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service;
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            String cartridgeType = registrant.getCartridgeType();
-            service = topology.getService(cartridgeType);
-            Properties props = CloudControllerUtil.toJavaUtilProperties(registrant.getProperties());
-            Cluster cluster;
-            String clusterId = registrant.getClusterId();
-            if (service.clusterExists(clusterId)) {
-                // update the cluster
-                cluster = service.getCluster(clusterId);
-                cluster.addHostName(registrant.getHostName());
-                if (service.getServiceType() == ServiceType.MultiTenant) {
-                    cluster.setTenantRange(registrant.getTenantRange());
-                }
-                if (service.getProperties().getProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY) != null) {
-                    props.setProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY, service.getProperties().getProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY));
-                }
-                cluster.setProperties(props);
-                cluster.setLbCluster(isLb);
-            } else {
-                cluster = new Cluster(cartridgeType, clusterId,
-                        registrant.getDeploymentPolicyName(), registrant.getAutoScalerPolicyName(), null);
-                cluster.addHostName(registrant.getHostName());
-                if (service.getServiceType() == ServiceType.MultiTenant) {
-                    cluster.setTenantRange(registrant.getTenantRange());
-                }
-                if (service.getProperties().getProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY) != null) {
-                    props.setProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY, service.getProperties().getProperty(Constants.IS_PRIMARY));
-                }
-                cluster.setProperties(props);
-                cluster.setLbCluster(isLb);
-                //cluster.setStatus(Status.Created);
-                service.addCluster(cluster);
-            }
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-            TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterCreatedEvent(cartridgeType, clusterId, cluster);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }*/
-    }
-    private static void setKubernetesCluster(Cluster cluster) {  
-    	boolean isKubernetesCluster = (cluster.getProperties().getProperty(StratosConstants.KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_ID) != null);
-		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-			log.debug(" Kubernetes Cluster ["+ isKubernetesCluster + "] ");
-		}
-		cluster.setKubernetesCluster(isKubernetesCluster);		
-	}
-	public static void handleClusterRemoved(ClusterContext ctxt) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(ctxt.getCartridgeType());
-        String deploymentPolicy;
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                    ctxt.getCartridgeType()));
-            return;
-        }
-        if (!service.clusterExists(ctxt.getClusterId())) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist for service %s",
-                    ctxt.getClusterId(),
-                    ctxt.getCartridgeType()));
-            return;
-        }
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            Cluster cluster = service.removeCluster(ctxt.getClusterId());
-            deploymentPolicy = cluster.getDeploymentPolicyName();
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterRemovedEvent(ctxt, deploymentPolicy);
-    }
-	public static void handleMemberSpawned(String serviceName,
-			String clusterId, String partitionId,
-			String privateIp, String publicIp, MemberContext context) {
-		// adding the new member to the cluster after it is successfully started
-		// in IaaS.
-		Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-		Service service = topology.getService(serviceName);
-		Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterId);
-		String memberId = context.getMemberId();
-		String networkPartitionId = context.getNetworkPartitionId();
-		String lbClusterId = context.getLbClusterId();
-		long initTime = context.getInitTime();
-		if (cluster.memberExists(memberId)) {
-			log.warn(String.format("Member %s already exists", memberId));
-			return;
-		}
-		try {
-			TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-			Member member = new Member(serviceName, clusterId,
-					networkPartitionId, partitionId, memberId, initTime);
-			member.setStatus(MemberStatus.Created);
-            member.setInstanceId(context.getInstanceId());
-			member.setMemberIp(privateIp);
-			member.setLbClusterId(lbClusterId);
-			member.setMemberPublicIp(publicIp);
-			member.setProperties(CloudControllerUtil.toJavaUtilProperties(context.getProperties()));
-            try {
-                Cartridge cartridge = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().getCartridge(serviceName);
-                List<PortMapping> portMappings = cartridge.getPortMappings();
-                Port port;
-                if(cluster.isKubernetesCluster()){
-                    // Update port mappings with generated service proxy port
-                    // TODO: Need to properly fix with the latest Kubernetes version
-                    String serviceHostPortStr = CloudControllerUtil.getProperty(context.getProperties(), StratosConstants.ALLOCATED_SERVICE_HOST_PORT);
-                    if(StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceHostPortStr)) {
-                        log.warn("Kubernetes service host port not found for member: [member-id] " + memberId);
-                    }
-                    // Adding ports to the member
-                    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serviceHostPortStr)) {
-                        for (PortMapping portMapping : portMappings) {
-                            port = new Port(portMapping.getProtocol(),
-                                    Integer.parseInt(serviceHostPortStr),
-                                    Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getProxyPort()));
-                            member.addPort(port);
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    // Adding ports to the member
-                    for (PortMapping portMapping : portMappings) {
-                        port = new Port(portMapping.getProtocol(),
-                                Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getPort()),
-                                Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getProxyPort()));
-                        member.addPort(port);
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                log.error("Could not update member port-map: [member-id] " + memberId, e);
-            }
-			cluster.addMember(member);
-			TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-		} finally {
-			TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-		}
-		TopologyEventPublisher.sendInstanceSpawnedEvent(serviceName, clusterId,
-				networkPartitionId, partitionId, memberId, lbClusterId,
-				publicIp, privateIp, context);
-	}
-    public static void handleMemberStarted(InstanceStartedEvent instanceStartedEvent) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName());
-        if (service == null) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                    instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName()));
-        	return;
-        }
-        if (!service.clusterExists(instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId())) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist in service %s",
-                    instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName()));
-        	return;
-        }
-        Member member = service.getCluster(instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId()).
-                getMember(instanceStartedEvent.getMemberId());
-        if (member == null) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Member %s does not exist",
-                    instanceStartedEvent.getMemberId()));
-        	return;
-        }
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            // try update lifecycle state
-            if (!member.isStateTransitionValid(MemberStatus.Starting)) {
-                log.error("Invalid State Transition from " + member.getStatus() + " to " + MemberStatus.Starting);
-            }
-            member.setStatus(MemberStatus.Starting);
-  "member started event adding status started");
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        //memberStartedEvent.
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendMemberStartedEvent(instanceStartedEvent);
-        //publishing data
-        CartridgeInstanceDataPublisher.publish(instanceStartedEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                            instanceStartedEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                            instanceStartedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                            instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                            instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                            MemberStatus.Starting.toString(),
-                                            null);
-    }
-    public static void handleMemberActivated(InstanceActivatedEvent instanceActivatedEvent) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(instanceActivatedEvent.getServiceName());
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceActivatedEvent.getServiceName()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(instanceActivatedEvent.getClusterId());
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceActivatedEvent.getClusterId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Member member = cluster.getMember(instanceActivatedEvent.getMemberId());
-        if (member == null) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Member %s does not exist",
-                    instanceActivatedEvent.getMemberId()));
-        	return;
-        }
-        MemberActivatedEvent memberActivatedEvent = new MemberActivatedEvent(
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                                        instanceActivatedEvent.getInstanceId());
-        // grouping - set grouid
-        //TODO
-        memberActivatedEvent.setApplicationId(null);
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            // try update lifecycle state
-            if (!member.isStateTransitionValid(MemberStatus.Activated)) {
-                log.error("Invalid State Transition from " + member.getStatus() + " to " + MemberStatus.Activated);
-            }
-            member.setStatus(MemberStatus.Activated);
-  "member started event adding status activated");
-            Cartridge cartridge = FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().
-                    getCartridge(instanceActivatedEvent.getServiceName());
-            List<PortMapping> portMappings = cartridge.getPortMappings();
-            Port port;
-            //adding ports to the event
-            for (PortMapping portMapping : portMappings) {
-                port = new Port(portMapping.getProtocol(),
-                        Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getPort()),
-                        Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getProxyPort()));
-                member.addPort(port);
-                memberActivatedEvent.addPort(port);
-            }
-            memberActivatedEvent.setMemberIp(member.getMemberIp());
-            memberActivatedEvent.setMemberPublicIp(member.getMemberPublicIp());
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendMemberActivatedEvent(memberActivatedEvent);
-        //publishing data
-        CartridgeInstanceDataPublisher.publish(memberActivatedEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                            memberActivatedEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                            memberActivatedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                            memberActivatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                            memberActivatedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                            MemberStatus.Activated.toString(),
-                                            null);
-    }
-    public static void handleMemberReadyToShutdown(InstanceReadyToShutdownEvent instanceReadyToShutdownEvent)
-                            throws InvalidMemberException, InvalidCartridgeTypeException {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getServiceName());
-        //update the status of the member
-        if (service == null) {
-        	log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getServiceName()));
-        	return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getClusterId());
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getClusterId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Member member = cluster.getMember(instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getMemberId());
-        if (member == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Member %s does not exist",
-                    instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getMemberId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        MemberReadyToShutdownEvent memberReadyToShutdownEvent = new MemberReadyToShutdownEvent(
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                                                instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getInstanceId());
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            if (!member.isStateTransitionValid(MemberStatus.ReadyToShutDown)) {
-                log.error("Invalid State Transition from " + member.getStatus() + " to " + MemberStatus.ReadyToShutDown);
-            }
-            member.setStatus(MemberStatus.ReadyToShutDown);
-  "Member Ready to shut down event adding status started");
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendMemberReadyToShutdownEvent(memberReadyToShutdownEvent);
-        //publishing data
-        CartridgeInstanceDataPublisher.publish(instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                            instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                            instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                            instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                            instanceReadyToShutdownEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                            MemberStatus.ReadyToShutDown.toString(),
-                                            null);
-        //termination of particular instance will be handled by autoscaler
-    }
-     public static void handleMemberMaintenance(InstanceMaintenanceModeEvent instanceMaintenanceModeEvent)
-                            throws InvalidMemberException, InvalidCartridgeTypeException {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getServiceName());
-        //update the status of the member
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getServiceName()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getClusterId());
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                                                     instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getClusterId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Member member = cluster.getMember(instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getMemberId());
-        if (member == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Member %s does not exist",
-                    instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getMemberId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        MemberMaintenanceModeEvent memberMaintenanceModeEvent = new MemberMaintenanceModeEvent(
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                                                instanceMaintenanceModeEvent.getInstanceId());
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            // try update lifecycle state
-            if (!member.isStateTransitionValid(MemberStatus.In_Maintenance)) {
-                log.error("Invalid State Transition from " + member.getStatus() + " to " + MemberStatus.In_Maintenance);
-            }
-            member.setStatus(MemberStatus.In_Maintenance);
-  "member maintenance mode event adding status started");
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        //publishing data
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendMemberMaintenanceModeEvent(memberMaintenanceModeEvent);
-    }
-    public static void handleMemberTerminated(String serviceName, String clusterId,
-                                              String networkPartitionId, String partitionId,
-                                              String memberId) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(serviceName);
-        Properties properties;
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                                                     serviceName));
-            return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterId);
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                                                     clusterId));
-            return;
-        }
-        Member member = cluster.getMember(memberId);
-        String instanceId = member.getInstanceId();
-		if (member == null) {
-			log.warn(String.format("Member with member id %s does not exist",
-					memberId));
-			return;
-		}
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            properties = member.getProperties();
-            cluster.removeMember(member);
-            TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-        /* @TODO leftover from grouping_poc*/
-        String groupAlias = null;
-        TopologyEventPublisher.sendMemberTerminatedEvent(serviceName, clusterId, networkPartitionId,
-                partitionId, memberId, properties, groupAlias, instanceId);
-    }
-    public static void handleMemberSuspended() {
-        //TODO
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterActivatedEvent(ClusterStatusClusterActivatedEvent clusterActivatedEvent) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(clusterActivatedEvent.getServiceName());
-        //update the status of the cluster
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getServiceName()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId());
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.ClusterActivatedEvent clusterActivatedEvent1 =
-                new org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.ClusterActivatedEvent(
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getAppId(),
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getInstanceId());
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            ClusterInstance context = cluster.getInstanceContexts(clusterActivatedEvent.getInstanceId());
-            if (context == null) {
-                log.warn("Cluster Instance Context is not found for [cluster] " +
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId() + " [instance-id] " +
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getInstanceId());
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterStatus status = ClusterStatus.Active;
-            if(context.isStateTransitionValid(status)) {
-                context.setStatus(status);
-      "Cluster activated adding status started for" + cluster.getClusterId());
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                //publishing data
-                TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterActivatedEvent(clusterActivatedEvent1);
-            } else {
-                log.warn(String.format("Cluster state transition is not valid: [cluster-id] %s " +
-                                " [instance-id] %s [current-status] %s [status-requested] %s",
-                        clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId(), clusterActivatedEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                        context.getStatus(), status));
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterInActivateEvent(
-            ClusterStatusClusterInactivateEvent clusterInActivateEvent) {
-        Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-        Service service = topology.getService(clusterInActivateEvent.getServiceName());
-        //update the status of the cluster
-        if (service == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Service %s does not exist",
-                    clusterInActivateEvent.getServiceName()));
-            return;
-        }
-        Cluster cluster = service.getCluster(clusterInActivateEvent.getClusterId());
-        if (cluster == null) {
-            log.warn(String.format("Cluster %s does not exist",
-                    clusterInActivateEvent.getClusterId()));
-            return;
-        }
-        ClusterInactivateEvent clusterInActivatedEvent1 =
-                new ClusterInactivateEvent(
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getAppId(),
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getServiceName(),
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getClusterId(),
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getInstanceId());
-        try {
-            TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-            ClusterInstance context = cluster.getInstanceContexts(clusterInActivateEvent.getInstanceId());
-            if (context == null) {
-                log.warn("Cluster Instance Context is not found for [cluster] " +
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getClusterId() + " [instance-id] " +
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getInstanceId());
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterStatus status = ClusterStatus.Inactive;
-            if(context.isStateTransitionValid(status)) {
-                context.setStatus(status);
-      "Cluster InActive adding status started for" + cluster.getClusterId());
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                //publishing data
-                TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterInactivateEvent(clusterInActivatedEvent1);
-            } else {
-                log.warn(String.format("Cluster state transition is not valid: [cluster-id] %s " +
-                                " [instance-id] %s [current-status] %s [status-requested] %s",
-                        clusterInActivateEvent.getClusterId(), clusterInActivateEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                        context.getStatus(), status));
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    private static void deleteAppResourcesFromMetadataService(ApplicationTerminatedEvent event) {
-        try {
-            MetaDataServiceClient metadataClient = new DefaultMetaDataServiceClient();
-            metadataClient.deleteApplicationProperties(event.getAppId());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            log.error("Error occurred while deleting the application resources frm metadata service ", e);
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterTerminatedEvent(ClusterStatusClusterTerminatedEvent event) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            Cluster cluster = topology.getService(event.getServiceName()).
-                    getCluster(event.getClusterId());
-            if (!cluster.isStateTransitionValid(ClusterStatus.Terminated, null)) {
-                log.error("Invalid state transfer from " + cluster.getStatus(null) + " to " +
-                        ClusterStatus.Terminated);
-            }
-            ClusterInstance context = cluster.getInstanceContexts(event.getInstanceId());
-            if (context == null) {
-                log.warn("Cluster Instance Context is not found for [cluster] " +
-                        event.getClusterId() + " [instance-id] " +
-                        event.getInstanceId());
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterStatus status = ClusterStatus.Terminated;
-            if(context.isStateTransitionValid(status)) {
-                context.setStatus(status);
-      "Cluster Terminated adding status started for" + cluster.getClusterId());
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                //publishing data
-                ClusterTerminatedEvent clusterTerminatedEvent = new ClusterTerminatedEvent(event.getAppId(),
-                        event.getServiceName(), event.getClusterId(), event.getInstanceId());
-                TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterTerminatedEvent(clusterTerminatedEvent);
-            } else {
-                log.warn(String.format("Cluster state transition is not valid: [cluster-id] %s " +
-                                " [instance-id] %s [current-status] %s [status-requested] %s",
-                        event.getClusterId(), event.getInstanceId(),
-                        context.getStatus(), status));
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
-    public static void handleClusterTerminatingEvent(ClusterStatusClusterTerminatingEvent event) {
-        TopologyManager.acquireWriteLock();
-        try {
-            Topology topology = TopologyManager.getTopology();
-            Cluster cluster = topology.getService(event.getServiceName()).
-                    getCluster(event.getClusterId());
-            if (!cluster.isStateTransitionValid(ClusterStatus.Terminating, null)) {
-                log.error("Invalid state transfer from " + cluster.getStatus(null) + " to " +
-                        ClusterStatus.Terminating);
-            }
-            ClusterInstance context = cluster.getInstanceContexts(event.getInstanceId());
-            if (context == null) {
-                log.warn("Cluster Instance Context is not found for [cluster] " +
-                        event.getClusterId() + " [instance-id] " +
-                        event.getInstanceId());
-                return;
-            }
-            ClusterStatus status = ClusterStatus.Terminating;
-            if(context.isStateTransitionValid(status)) {
-                context.setStatus(status);
-      "Cluster Terminating adding status started for" + cluster.getClusterId());
-                TopologyManager.updateTopology(topology);
-                //publishing data
-                ClusterTerminatingEvent clusterTerminaingEvent = new ClusterTerminatingEvent(event.getAppId(),
-                        event.getServiceName(), event.getClusterId(), null);
-                TopologyEventPublisher.sendClusterTerminatingEvent(clusterTerminaingEvent);
-            } else {
-                log.warn(String.format("Cluster state transition is not valid: [cluster-id] %s " +
-                                " [instance-id] %s [current-status] %s [status-requested] %s",
-                        event.getClusterId(), event.getInstanceId(),
-                        context.getStatus(), status));
-            }
-        } finally {
-            TopologyManager.releaseWriteLock();
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d85c77..0000000
--- a/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.applications.ClusterDataHolder;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Cluster;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Port;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.ServiceType;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Topology;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.Event;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.applications.*;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.instance.status.InstanceStartedEvent;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.event.topology.*;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.util.Util;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.Set;
- * this is to send the relevant events from cloud controller to topology topic
- */
-public class TopologyEventPublisher {
-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TopologyEventPublisher.class);
-    public static void sendServiceCreateEvent(List<Cartridge> cartridgeList) {
-        ServiceCreatedEvent serviceCreatedEvent;
-        for (Cartridge cartridge : cartridgeList) {
-            serviceCreatedEvent = new ServiceCreatedEvent(cartridge.getType(),
-                    (cartridge.isMultiTenant() ? ServiceType.MultiTenant
-                            : ServiceType.SingleTenant));
-            // Add ports to the event
-            Port port;
-            List<PortMapping> portMappings = cartridge.getPortMappings();
-            for (PortMapping portMapping : portMappings) {
-                port = new Port(portMapping.getProtocol(),
-                        Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getPort()),
-                        Integer.parseInt(portMapping.getProxyPort()));
-                serviceCreatedEvent.addPort(port);
-            }
-            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                        "Publishing service created event: [service] %s",
-                        cartridge.getType()));
-            }
-            publishEvent(serviceCreatedEvent);
-        }
-    }
-    public static void sendServiceRemovedEvent(List<Cartridge> cartridgeList) {
-        ServiceRemovedEvent serviceRemovedEvent;
-        for (Cartridge cartridge : cartridgeList) {
-            serviceRemovedEvent = new ServiceRemovedEvent(cartridge.getType());
-            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                        "Publishing service removed event: [service] %s",
-                        serviceRemovedEvent.getServiceName()));
-            }
-            publishEvent(serviceRemovedEvent);
-        }
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterResetEvent(String appId, String serviceName, String clusterId,
-                                             String instanceId) {
-        ClusterResetEvent clusterResetEvent = new ClusterResetEvent(appId, serviceName,
-                                                                    clusterId, instanceId);
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing cluster reset event: " + clusterId);
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterResetEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterCreatedEvent(Cluster cluster) {
-        ClusterCreatedEvent clusterCreatedEvent = new ClusterCreatedEvent(cluster);
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing cluster created event: " + cluster.getClusterId());
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterCreatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendApplicationClustersCreated(String appId, List<Cluster> clusters) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing Application Clusters Created event for Application: " + appId);
-        }
-        publishEvent(new ApplicationClustersCreatedEvent(clusters, appId));
-    }
-    public static void sendApplicationClustersRemoved(String appId, Set<ClusterDataHolder> clusters) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing Application Clusters removed event for Application: " + appId);
-        }
-        publishEvent(new ApplicationClustersRemovedEvent(clusters, appId));
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterRemovedEvent(ClusterContext ctxt, String deploymentPolicy) {
-        ClusterRemovedEvent clusterRemovedEvent = new ClusterRemovedEvent(
-                ctxt.getCartridgeType(), ctxt.getClusterId(), deploymentPolicy, ctxt.isLbCluster());
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                    .format("Publishing cluster removed event: [service] %s [cluster] %s",
-                            ctxt.getCartridgeType(), ctxt.getClusterId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterRemovedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendInstanceSpawnedEvent(String serviceName,
-                                                String clusterId, String networkPartitionId, String partitionId,
-                                                String memberId, String lbClusterId, String publicIp,
-                                                String privateIp, MemberContext context) {
-        long initTime = context.getInitTime();
-        InstanceSpawnedEvent instanceSpawnedEvent = new InstanceSpawnedEvent(
-                serviceName, clusterId, networkPartitionId, partitionId,
-                memberId, initTime, context.getInstanceId());
-        instanceSpawnedEvent.setLbClusterId(lbClusterId);
-        instanceSpawnedEvent.setMemberIp(privateIp);
-        instanceSpawnedEvent.setMemberPublicIp(publicIp);
-        instanceSpawnedEvent.setProperties(CloudControllerUtil
-                .toJavaUtilProperties(context.getProperties()));
-"Publishing instance spawned event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                " [instance-id] %s [network-partition] %s  [partition] %s " +
-                "[member]%s [lb-cluster-id] %s",
-                serviceName, clusterId, context.getInstanceId(), networkPartitionId, partitionId,
-                memberId, lbClusterId));
-        publishEvent(instanceSpawnedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendMemberStartedEvent(InstanceStartedEvent instanceStartedEvent) {
-        MemberStartedEvent memberStartedEventTopology = new MemberStartedEvent(instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId(), instanceStartedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                instanceStartedEvent.getPartitionId(), instanceStartedEvent.getMemberId(),
-                instanceStartedEvent.getInstanceId());
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                    .format("Publishing member started event: [service] %s [cluster] %s [instance-id] %s " +
-                                    "[network-partition] %s [partition] %s [member] %s",
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                            instanceStartedEvent.getMemberId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(memberStartedEventTopology);
-    }
-    public static void sendMemberActivatedEvent(
-            MemberActivatedEvent memberActivatedEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                    .format("Publishing member activated event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                                    "[instance-id] %s [network-partition] %s [partition] %s [member] %s",
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                            memberActivatedEvent.getMemberId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(memberActivatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendMemberReadyToShutdownEvent(MemberReadyToShutdownEvent memberReadyToShutdownEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing member Ready to shut down event: [service] %s " +
-                            " [instance-id] %s [cluster] %s [network-partition] %s [partition] %s " +
-                            "[member] %s [groupId] %s",
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getGroupId()));
-        }
-        // grouping
-        memberReadyToShutdownEvent.setGroupId(memberReadyToShutdownEvent.getGroupId());
-        publishEvent(memberReadyToShutdownEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendMemberMaintenanceModeEvent(MemberMaintenanceModeEvent memberMaintenanceModeEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing Maintenance mode event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                            " [instance-id] %s [network-partition] %s [partition] %s [member] %s " +
-                            "[groupId] %s", memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getServiceName(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getClusterId(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getNetworkPartitionId(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getPartitionId(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getMemberId(),
-                                            memberMaintenanceModeEvent.getGroupId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(memberMaintenanceModeEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterActivatedEvent(ClusterActivatedEvent clusterActivatedEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing cluster activated event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                            " [instance-id] %s [appId] %s",
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getServiceName(),
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getInstanceId(),
-                    clusterActivatedEvent.getAppId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterActivatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterInactivateEvent(ClusterInactivateEvent clusterInactiveEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing cluster in-active event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                            "[instance-id] %s [appId] %s",
-                    clusterInactiveEvent.getServiceName(), clusterInactiveEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    clusterInactiveEvent.getInstanceId(), clusterInactiveEvent.getAppId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterInactiveEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterInstanceCreatedEvent(ClusterInstanceCreatedEvent clusterInstanceCreatedEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing cluster Instance Created event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                            "[instance-id] %s",
-                    clusterInstanceCreatedEvent.getServiceName(), clusterInstanceCreatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    clusterInstanceCreatedEvent.getInstanceId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterInstanceCreatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendMemberTerminatedEvent(String serviceName, String clusterId, String networkPartitionId,
-                                                 String partitionId, String memberId,
-                                                 Properties properties, String groupId, String instanceId) {
-        MemberTerminatedEvent memberTerminatedEvent = new MemberTerminatedEvent(serviceName, clusterId,
-                networkPartitionId, partitionId, memberId, instanceId);
-        memberTerminatedEvent.setProperties(properties);
-        memberTerminatedEvent.setGroupId(groupId);
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing member terminated event: [service] %s [cluster] %s " +
-                            " [instance-id] %s [network-partition] %s [partition] %s [member] %s " +
-                            "[groupId] %s", serviceName, clusterId, instanceId, networkPartitionId,
-                    partitionId, memberId, groupId));
-        }
-        publishEvent(memberTerminatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendCompleteTopologyEvent(Topology topology) {
-        CompleteTopologyEvent completeTopologyEvent = new CompleteTopologyEvent(topology);
-        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug(String.format("Publishing complete topology event"));
-        }
-        publishEvent(completeTopologyEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterTerminatingEvent(ClusterTerminatingEvent clusterTerminatingEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing Cluster terminating event: [appId] %s [cluster id] %s" +
-                            " [instance-id] %s ",
-                    clusterTerminatingEvent.getAppId(), clusterTerminatingEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    clusterTerminatingEvent.getInstanceId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterTerminatingEvent);
-    }
-    public static void sendClusterTerminatedEvent(ClusterTerminatedEvent clusterTerminatedEvent) {
-        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
-  "Publishing Cluster terminated event: [appId] %s [cluster id] %s" +
-                            " [instance-id] %s ",
-                    clusterTerminatedEvent.getAppId(), clusterTerminatedEvent.getClusterId(),
-                    clusterTerminatedEvent.getInstanceId()));
-        }
-        publishEvent(clusterTerminatedEvent);
-    }
-    public static void publishEvent(Event event) {
-        String topic = Util.getMessageTopicName(event);
-        EventPublisher eventPublisher = EventPublisherPool.getPublisher(topic);
-        eventPublisher.publish(event);
-    }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9862b9a..0000000
--- a/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Topology;
-import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
- * Persistence and retrieval of Topology from Registry
- */
-public class TopologyManager {
-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TopologyManager.class);
-    private static volatile ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);
-    private static volatile ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock readLock = lock.readLock();
-    private static volatile ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock writeLock = lock.writeLock();
-    private static volatile Topology topology;
-    private TopologyManager() {
-    }
-    public static void acquireReadLock() {
-        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug("Read lock acquired");
-        }
-        readLock.lock();
-    }
-    public static void releaseReadLock() {
-        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug("Read lock released");
-        }
-        readLock.unlock();
-    }
-    public static void acquireWriteLock() {
-        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug("Write lock acquired");
-        }
-        writeLock.lock();
-    }
-    public static void releaseWriteLock() {
-        if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug("Write lock released");
-        }
-        writeLock.unlock();
-    }
-    public static Topology getTopology() {
-        if (topology == null) {
-            synchronized (TopologyManager.class) {
-                if (topology == null) {
-                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                        log.debug("Trying to retrieve topology from registry");
-                    }
-                    topology = CloudControllerUtil.retrieveTopology();
-                    if (topology == null) {
-                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                            log.debug("Topology not found in registry, creating new");
-                        }
-                        topology = new Topology();
-                    }
-                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                        log.debug("Topology initialized");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return topology;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Update in-memory topology and persist it in registry.
-     * @param topology_
-     */
-    public static void updateTopology(Topology topology_) {
-        synchronized (TopologyManager.class) {
-            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                log.debug("Updating topology");
-            }
-            topology = topology_;
-            CloudControllerUtil.persistTopology(topology);
-            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                log.debug(String.format("Topology updated: %s", toJson(topology)));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private static String toJson(Object object) {
-        Gson gson = new Gson();
-        return gson.toJson(object);
-    }
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
deleted file mode 100644
index be3051e..0000000
--- a/components/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the 
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.Task;
-public class TopologySynchronizerTask implements Task{
-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TopologySynchronizerTask.class);
-    @Override
-    public void execute() {
-        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-            log.debug("Executing topology synchronization task");
-        }
-        if(FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().isTopologySyncRunning() ||
-        		// this is a temporary fix to avoid task execution - limitation with ntask
-                (!FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().getEnableTopologySync())){
-            if(log.isWarnEnabled()) {
-                log.warn("Topology synchronization is disabled.");
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-    	// publish to the topic 
-        if (TopologyManager.getTopology() != null) {
-            TopologyEventPublisher.sendCompleteTopologyEvent(TopologyManager.getTopology());
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void init() {
-    	// this is a temporary fix to avoid task execution - limitation with ntask
-		if(!FasterLookUpDataHolder.getInstance().getEnableTopologySync()){
-            if(log.isWarnEnabled()) {
-                log.warn("Topology synchronization is disabled.");
-            }
-			return;
-		}
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void setProperties(Map<String, String> arg0) {}
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..913289d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.jaxen.JaxenException;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.wso2.securevault.SecretResolver;
+import org.wso2.securevault.SecretResolverFactory;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
+import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
+import javax.xml.transform.Source;
+import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
+import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
+import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
+import javax.xml.validation.Validator;
+import java.util.*;
+ * This class is parsing configuration files using Axiom Xpath.
+ */
+public class AxiomXpathParserUtil {
+    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AxiomXpathParserUtil.class);
+    private AxiomXpathParserUtil(){}
+    public static OMElement parse(File xmlSource) throws MalformedConfigurationFileException,
+        IllegalArgumentException {
+        OMElement documentElement;
+        if (xmlSource == null) {
+            String msg = "File is null.";
+            LOG.error(msg);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
+        }
+        try {
+            documentElement = new StAXOMBuilder(xmlSource.getPath()).getDocumentElement();
+            return documentElement;
+        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
+            String msg = "Failed to parse the configuration file : " + xmlSource.getPath();
+            LOG.error(msg, e);
+            throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg, e);
+        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+            String msg = "Configuration file cannot be found : " + xmlSource.getPath();
+            LOG.error(msg);
+            throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg);
+        }
+    }
+    private static Element getDOMElement(final OMElement omElement) {
+        // Get the StAX reader from the created element
+        XMLStreamReader llomReader = omElement.getXMLStreamReader();
+        // Create the DOOM OMFactory
+        OMFactory doomFactory = DOOMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
+        // Create the new builder
+        StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(doomFactory, llomReader);
+        // Get the document element
+        OMElement newElem = doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();
+        return newElem instanceof Element ? (Element) newElem : null;
+    }
+    private static OMElement getElement(final Object obj) {
+        OMNode node;
+        if ((obj instanceof OMNode) && (node = (OMNode) obj).getType() == OMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+            OMElement element = (OMElement) node;
+            return element;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    public static OMElement getElement(final String fileName, final OMElement rootElt,
+        final String eltStr, final String xpath) {
+        List<?> nodes = getMatchingNodes(xpath, rootElt);
+        neglectingWarn(fileName, eltStr, nodes.size());
+        OMElement element = getElement(nodes.get(0));
+        return element;
+    }
+    public static OMElement getFirstChildElement(final OMElement root, final String childName) {
+        Iterator<?> it = root.getChildrenWithName(new QName(childName));
+        if (it.hasNext()) {
+            return (OMElement);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    private static void neglectingWarn(final String fileName, final String elt, final int size) {
+        if (size > 1) {
+            LOG.warn(fileName + " contains more than one " + elt + " elements!" +
+                     " Elements other than the first will be neglected.");
+        }
+    }
+    public static void plainTextWarn(final String elt) {
+        LOG.warn("Unable to find a value for " + elt + " element from Secure Vault." +
+                 "Hence we will try to assign the plain text value (if specified).");
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param xpath
+     *            XPATH expression to be read.
+     * @param elt
+     *            OMElement to be used for the search.
+     * @return List matching OMNode list
+     */
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    public static OMNode getFirstMatchingNode(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) throws MalformedConfigurationFileException{
+        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
+        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
+        try {
+            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
+            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
+            return nodeList.isEmpty() ?  null : nodeList.get(0);
+        } catch (JaxenException e) {
+            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
+            LOG.error(msg, e);
+            throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg, e);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param xpath
+     *            XPATH expression to be read.
+     * @return List matching list
+     */
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    public static List<OMNode> getMatchingNodes(OMElement elt, final String xpath) throws MalformedConfigurationFileException{
+        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
+        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
+        try {
+            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
+            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
+            return nodeList;
+        } catch (JaxenException e) {
+            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
+            LOG.error(msg, e);
+            throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg, e);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param xpath
+     *            XPATH expression to be read.
+     * @param elt
+     *            OMElement to be used for the search.
+     * @return List matching OMNode list
+     */
+    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+    public static List<OMNode> getMatchingNodes(final String xpath, final OMElement elt) throws MalformedConfigurationFileException{
+        AXIOMXPath axiomXpath;
+        List<OMNode> nodeList = null;
+        try {
+            axiomXpath = new AXIOMXPath(xpath);
+            nodeList = axiomXpath.selectNodes(elt);
+            return nodeList;
+        } catch (JaxenException e) {
+            String msg = "Error occurred while reading the Xpath (" + xpath + ")";
+            LOG.error(msg, e);
+            throw new MalformedConfigurationFileException(msg, e);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void validate(final OMElement omElement, final File schemaFile) throws SAXException, IOException {
+        Element sourceElement;
+        // if the OMElement is created using DOM implementation use it
+        if (omElement instanceof ElementImpl) {
+            sourceElement = (Element) omElement;
+        } else { // else convert from llom to dom
+            sourceElement = getDOMElement(omElement);
+        }
+        // Create a SchemaFactory capable of understanding WXS schemas.
+        // Load a WXS schema, represented by a Schema instance.
+        SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
+        Source source = new StreamSource(schemaFile);
+        // Create a Validator object, which can be used to validate
+        // an instance document.
+        Schema schema = factory.newSchema(source);
+        Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
+        // Validate the DOM tree.
+        validator.validate(new DOMSource(sourceElement));
+    }
+    public static String resolveSecret(final OMElement docElt, final OMElement elt) {
+        // retrieve the value using secure vault
+        SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(docElt, false);
+        String alias = elt.getAttributeValue(new QName(
+                CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_NAMESPACE,
+                CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE,
+                CloudControllerConstants.ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX));
+        // retrieve the secured password
+        if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized() &&
+                secretResolver.isTokenProtected(alias)) {
+            return secretResolver.resolve(alias);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/components/ b/components/
index ef37078..3808d13 100644
--- a/components/
+++ b/components/
@@ -21,15 +21,14 @@ package;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
 import org.apache.stratos.common.Property;
 import org.apache.stratos.messaging.domain.topology.Topology;
 import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException;