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Posted to by on 2018/03/26 17:21:15 UTC

mesos git commit: Removed SlaveTest.ChangeDomain.

Repository: mesos
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 008e0682c -> 2e2e38628

Removed SlaveTest.ChangeDomain.

This test was originally written with the assumption that the
would give get a new agent id after receiving a Shutdown
message from the master.

When that behaviour was changed, the test was disabled since
the agent could not reuse the previous agent id when a fault
domain was added.

With the introduction of reconfiguration policies, this feature
is now tested by SlaveTest.ReconfigurationPolicy, making this test



Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 2e2e38628c1b580a231ddac5270f9848ea4af7af
Parents: 008e068
Author: Benno Evers <>
Authored: Mon Mar 26 19:20:53 2018 +0200
Committer: Alexander Rukletsov <>
Committed: Mon Mar 26 19:20:53 2018 +0200

 src/tests/slave_tests.cpp | 82 ------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 82 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/tests/slave_tests.cpp b/src/tests/slave_tests.cpp
index d695622..0d7d972 100644
--- a/src/tests/slave_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/slave_tests.cpp
@@ -9367,88 +9367,6 @@ TEST_F(SlaveTest, ExecutorReregistrationTimeoutFlag)
-// This test checks that if an agent is shutdown gracefully, then its
-// domain is configured and the agent is restarted, the agent restarts
-// successfully. Note that shutting down the agent gracefully (killing
-// all tasks) is necessary, because changing the agent's domain is an
-// incompatible change to its SlaveInfo.
-// TODO(anand): Re-enable this test when fault domain upgrade is supported,
-// see MESOS-8711.
-TEST_F(SlaveTest, DISABLED_ChangeDomain)
-  Clock::pause();
-  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
-  masterFlags.domain = createDomainInfo("region-abc", "zone-123");
-  Try<Owned<cluster::Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
-  ASSERT_SOME(master);
-  slave::Flags slaveFlags = CreateSlaveFlags();
-  Future<SlaveRegisteredMessage> slaveRegisteredMessage1 =
-    FUTURE_PROTOBUF(SlaveRegisteredMessage(), _, _);
-  StandaloneMasterDetector detector(master.get()->pid);
-  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave1 = StartSlave(&detector, slaveFlags);
-  ASSERT_SOME(slave1);
-  Clock::advance(slaveFlags.registration_backoff_factor);
-  AWAIT_READY(slaveRegisteredMessage1);
-  // Gracefully shutdown the agent.
-  slave1.get()->shutdown();
-  // Restart the agent with a domain. We use the same `slave::Flags`,
-  // so the new instance of the agent uses the same `work_dir`.
-  const string AGENT_REGION = "region-abc";
-  const string AGENT_ZONE = "zone-456";
-  slaveFlags.domain = createDomainInfo(AGENT_REGION, AGENT_ZONE);
-  Future<SlaveRegisteredMessage> slaveRegisteredMessage2 =
-    FUTURE_PROTOBUF(SlaveRegisteredMessage(), _, _);
-  Try<Owned<cluster::Slave>> slave2 = StartSlave(&detector, slaveFlags);
-  ASSERT_SOME(slave2);
-  Clock::advance(slaveFlags.registration_backoff_factor);
-  AWAIT_READY(slaveRegisteredMessage2);
-  // The agent should be assigned a new AgentID.
-  EXPECT_NE(slaveRegisteredMessage1->slave_id(),
-            slaveRegisteredMessage2->slave_id());
-  // Check that the new agent domain is correctly reflected in the
-  // master's HTTP endpoints.
-  {
-    Future<Response> response = process::http::get(
-        master.get()->pid,
-        "slaves",
-        None(),
-        createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL));
-    AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(OK().status, response);
-    Try<JSON::Object> parse = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(response->body);
-    ASSERT_SOME(parse);
-    JSON::Array slaves = parse->values["slaves"].as<JSON::Array>();
-    ASSERT_EQ(1u, slaves.values.size());
-    Result<JSON::String> agentRegion = parse->find<JSON::String>(
-        "slaves[0]");
-    Result<JSON::String> agentZone = parse->find<JSON::String>(
-        "slaves[0]");
-    EXPECT_SOME_EQ(JSON::String(AGENT_REGION), agentRegion);
-    EXPECT_SOME_EQ(JSON::String(AGENT_ZONE), agentZone);
-  }
 class DefaultContainerDNSFlagTest
   : public MesosTest,
     public WithParamInterface<string> {};