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Posted to by on 2013/03/26 18:57:56 UTC

[10/30] Client: Added VCR fixtures for testing
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_is_compatible_.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_is_compatible_.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..487e3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_is_compatible_.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:03:14 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:03:14 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0009527206420898438'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1195'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 78fce4b6967945208246f8ec7ccba460
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:03:14 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1'
+        id='img1'>\n  <name>img1</name>\n  <description>Fedora 10</description>\n
+        \ <owner_id>fedoraproject</owner_id>\n  <architecture>x86_64</architecture>\n
+        \ <state>AVAILABLE</state>\n  <creation_time>Thu Oct 25 14:27:53 CEST 2012</creation_time>\n
+        \ <hardware_profiles>\n    <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile
+        href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-large' id='m1-large'
+        rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-xlarge'
+        id='m1-xlarge' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile
+        href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/opaque' id='opaque' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n
+        \ </hardware_profiles>\n  <root_type>transient</root_type>\n  <actions>\n
+        \   <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances;image_id=img1' method='post'
+        rel='create_instance' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1'
+        method='delete' rel='destroy_image' />\n  </actions>\n</image>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 16:03:14 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_lunch_image.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_lunch_image.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a6e8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_lunch_image.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0024356842041015625'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1195'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 78fce4b6967945208246f8ec7ccba460
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1'
+        id='img1'>\n  <name>img1</name>\n  <description>Fedora 10</description>\n
+        \ <owner_id>fedoraproject</owner_id>\n  <architecture>x86_64</architecture>\n
+        \ <state>AVAILABLE</state>\n  <creation_time>Thu Oct 25 14:27:53 CEST 2012</creation_time>\n
+        \ <hardware_profiles>\n    <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile
+        href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-large' id='m1-large'
+        rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-xlarge'
+        id='m1-xlarge' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n    <hardware_profile
+        href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/opaque' id='opaque' rel='hardware_profile'></hardware_profile>\n
+        \ </hardware_profiles>\n  <root_type>transient</root_type>\n  <actions>\n
+        \   <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances;image_id=img1' method='post'
+        rel='create_instance' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1'
+        method='delete' rel='destroy_image' />\n  </actions>\n</image>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/instances?hwp_id=m1-small&image_id=img1
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      location:
+      - http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst15
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1175'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 8cfbaf2fd6d466bfe5be41cce441762a
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<instance href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst15'
+        id='inst15'>\n  <name>i-1362584578</name>\n  <owner_id>mockuser</owner_id>\n
+        \ <image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1' id='img1'></image>\n
+        \ <realm href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms/us' id='us'></realm>\n  <state>RUNNING</state>\n
+        \ <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  </hardware_profile>\n  <actions>\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst15/reboot'
+        method='post' rel='reboot' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst15/stop'
+        method='post' rel='stop' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst15/run;id=inst15'
+        method='post' rel='run' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images;instance_id=inst15'
+        method='post' rel='create_image' />\n  </actions>\n  <public_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></public_addresses>\n  <private_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></private_addresses>\n  <storage_volumes></storage_volumes>\n
+        \ <authentication type='key'>\n  </authentication>\n</instance>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:42:58 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/instances?hwp_id=m1-large&image_id=img1
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      location:
+      - http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1175'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 6a9fe22a574be85642b96bdd8078ec5c
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<instance href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16'
+        id='inst16'>\n  <name>i-1362584616</name>\n  <owner_id>mockuser</owner_id>\n
+        \ <image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1' id='img1'></image>\n
+        \ <realm href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms/us' id='us'></realm>\n  <state>RUNNING</state>\n
+        \ <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-large'
+        id='m1-large'>\n  </hardware_profile>\n  <actions>\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/reboot'
+        method='post' rel='reboot' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/stop'
+        method='post' rel='stop' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/run;id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='run' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images;instance_id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='create_image' />\n  </actions>\n  <public_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></public_addresses>\n  <private_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></private_addresses>\n  <storage_volumes></storage_volumes>\n
+        \ <authentication type='key'>\n  </authentication>\n</instance>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/stop
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 202
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0018336772918701172'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1173'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<instance href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16'
+        id='inst16'>\n  <name>i-1362584616</name>\n  <owner_id>mockuser</owner_id>\n
+        \ <image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1' id='img1'></image>\n
+        \ <realm href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms/us' id='us'></realm>\n  <state>STOPPED</state>\n
+        \ <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-large'
+        id='m1-large'>\n  </hardware_profile>\n  <actions>\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/start'
+        method='post' rel='start' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16'
+        method='delete' rel='destroy' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/run;id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='run' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images;instance_id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='create_image' />\n  </actions>\n  <public_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></public_addresses>\n  <private_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></private_addresses>\n  <storage_volumes></storage_volumes>\n
+        \ <authentication type='key'>\n  </authentication>\n</instance>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0006284713745117188'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1173'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 6ccad18508a532bd1a6e394587564dfc
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<instance href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16'
+        id='inst16'>\n  <name>i-1362584616</name>\n  <owner_id>mockuser</owner_id>\n
+        \ <image href='http://localhost:3001/api/images/img1' id='img1'></image>\n
+        \ <realm href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms/us' id='us'></realm>\n  <state>STOPPED</state>\n
+        \ <hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-large'
+        id='m1-large'>\n  </hardware_profile>\n  <actions>\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/start'
+        method='post' rel='start' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16'
+        method='delete' rel='destroy' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16/run;id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='run' />\n    <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images;instance_id=inst16'
+        method='post' rel='create_image' />\n  </actions>\n  <public_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></public_addresses>\n  <private_addresses><address
+        type='hostname'></address></private_addresses>\n  <storage_volumes></storage_volumes>\n
+        \ <authentication type='key'>\n  </authentication>\n</instance>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+- request:
+    method: delete
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/instances/inst16
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 204
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0002753734588623047'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:43:36 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_providers.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_providers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2d561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_providers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:17 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:17 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/drivers/mock
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '95'
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+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 2568f57f6d525b872587e395508183e8
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:17 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<driver href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers/mock' id='mock'>\n
+        \ <name>Mock</name>\n</driver>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:17 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_version.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_version.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca2841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0003_supports_version.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:16 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:56:16 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_architecture.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_architecture.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d21e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_architecture.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00010967254638671875'
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+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00014019012451171875'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 28c52ced85d102f8d21eafb861582994
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00012612342834472656'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 28c52ced85d102f8d21eafb861582994
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '7.295608520507812e-05'
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+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
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+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00015091896057128906'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - 28c52ced85d102f8d21eafb861582994
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
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+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '4.3392181396484375e-05'
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+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
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+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00015473365783691406'
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+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
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+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.00010776519775390625'
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+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
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+      - mock
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+      - '465'
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+      - nosniff
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+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<hardware_profile href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles/m1-small'
+        id='m1-small'>\n  <id>m1-small</id>\n  <name>m1-small</name>\n  <property
+        kind='fixed' name='cpu' unit='count' value='1' />\n  <property kind='fixed'
+        name='memory' unit='MB' value='1740.8' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='storage'
+        unit='GB' value='160' />\n  <property kind='fixed' name='architecture' unit='label'
+        value='i386' />\n</hardware_profile>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:47:53 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_address.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_address.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a681a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_address.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:31:55 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:31:55 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/addresses
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      location:
+      - http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '373'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - cb628d46a8c01d4f11ab6f3894dc6ead
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:31:55 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! '<?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8'' ?>
+        <address href=''http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/'' id=''''>
+        <ip></ip>
+        <actions>
+        <link href=''http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/'' method=''delete''
+        rel=''destroy'' />
+        <link href=''http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/'' method=''post''
+        rel=''associate'' />
+        </actions>
+        </address>
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 09:31:55 GMT
+- request:
+    method: delete
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 204
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:05:09 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:05:09 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/addresses/
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 404
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.017974853515625'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '436'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:05:31 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<error status='404' url='/api/addresses/'>\n
+        \ <backend driver='mock' provider='default'></backend>\n  <code>404</code>\n
+        \ <message><![CDATA[Not Found]]></message>\n  <backtrace></backtrace>\n  <request>\n
+        \   <param name='splat'><![CDATA[[]]]></param>\n    <param name='captures'><![CDATA[[\"\"]]]></param>\n
+        \   <param name='id'><![CDATA[\"\"]]></param>\n  </request>\n</error>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:05:31 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_blob_and_destroy_blob_with_meta_params.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_blob_and_destroy_blob_with_meta_params.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b8827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_blob_and_destroy_blob_with_meta_params.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/bucket1?meta_name1=key&meta_value1=value&meta_params=1&blob_id=fooblob123&blob_data=content
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '489'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - 386f59c79c42516df9274b16c65cbaf0
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<blob href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/bucket1/fooblob123'
+        id='fooblob123'>\n  <bucket>bucket1</bucket>\n  <content_length>7</content_length>\n
+        \ <content_type>text/plain</content_type>\n  <last_modified>2013-03-06 16:24:36
+        +0100</last_modified>\n  <user_metadata>\n    <entry key='key'><![CDATA[value]]></entry>\n
+        \ </user_metadata>\n  <content href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/bucket1/fooblob123/content'
+        rel='blob_content'></content>\n</blob>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+- request:
+    method: delete
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/bucket1/fooblob123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 204
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:24:36 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442b4ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_bucket.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets?name=foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      location:
+      - http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '158'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - eaa74cef080d27aef7517cde4dd5a63f
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<bucket href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123'
+        id='foo123'>\n  <name>foo123</name>\n  <size>0</size>\n</bucket>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+- request:
+    method: delete
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 204
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 404
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0021820068359375'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '419'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<error status='404' url='/api/buckets/foo123'>\n
+        \ <backend driver='mock' provider='default'></backend>\n  <code>404</code>\n
+        \ <message><![CDATA[Not Found]]></message>\n  <backtrace></backtrace>\n  <request>\n
+        \   <param name='splat'><![CDATA[[]]]></param>\n    <param name='captures'><![CDATA[[\"foo123\"]]]></param>\n
+        \   <param name='id'><![CDATA[\"foo123\"]]></param>\n  </request>\n</error>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:09:50 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0
diff --git a/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_bucket_and_destroy_bucket.yml b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_bucket_and_destroy_bucket.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a2f9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/tests/fixtures/test_0004_support_create_bucket_and_destroy_bucket.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 200
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '1368'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - e43d25244dc2b8ce1da6fa91131507ee
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<api driver='mock' version='1.1.1'>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instance_states'
+        rel='instance_states'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_volumes'
+        rel='storage_volumes'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/metrics'
+        rel='metrics'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/hardware_profiles'
+        rel='hardware_profiles'>\n  </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/instances'
+        rel='instances'>\n    <feature name='metrics' rel='create'>\n      <param
+        name='metrics' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='realm_filter' rel='index'>\n
+        \     <param name='realm_id' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='user_name'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='name' />\n    </feature>\n    <feature name='authentication_key'
+        rel='create'>\n      <param name='keyname' />\n    </feature>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/realms' rel='realms'>\n  </link>\n
+        \ <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/storage_snapshots' rel='storage_snapshots'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/images' rel='images'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/addresses' rel='addresses'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/drivers' rel='drivers'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets' rel='buckets'>\n
+        \ </link>\n  <link href='http://localhost:3001/api/keys' rel='keys'>\n  </link>\n</api>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+- request:
+    method: post
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets?name=foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 201
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      location:
+      - http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '158'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      etag:
+      - eaa74cef080d27aef7517cde4dd5a63f
+      cache-control:
+      - max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<bucket href='http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123'
+        id='foo123'>\n  <name>foo123</name>\n  <size>0</size>\n</bucket>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+- request:
+    method: delete
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 204
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+- request:
+    method: get
+    uri: http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/foo123
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ''
+    headers:
+      Accept:
+      - application/xml
+      Authorization:
+      - Basic bW9ja3VzZXI6bW9ja3Bhc3N3b3Jk
+      User-Agent:
+      - Faraday v0.8.6
+  response:
+    status:
+      code: 404
+      message: 
+    headers:
+      content-type:
+      - application/xml
+      x-backend-runtime:
+      - '0.0020792484283447266'
+      server:
+      - Apache-Deltacloud/1.1.1
+      x-deltacloud-driver:
+      - mock
+      content-length:
+      - '419'
+      x-content-type-options:
+      - nosniff
+      date:
+      - Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+      connection:
+      - close
+    body:
+      encoding: US-ASCII
+      string: ! "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>\n<error status='404' url='/api/buckets/foo123'>\n
+        \ <backend driver='mock' provider='default'></backend>\n  <code>404</code>\n
+        \ <message><![CDATA[Not Found]]></message>\n  <backtrace></backtrace>\n  <request>\n
+        \   <param name='splat'><![CDATA[[]]]></param>\n    <param name='captures'><![CDATA[[\"foo123\"]]]></param>\n
+        \   <param name='id'><![CDATA[\"foo123\"]]></param>\n  </request>\n</error>\n"
+    http_version: 
+  recorded_at: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:12:24 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 2.4.0