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Posted to by Rickardsson Daniel <> on 2004/11/04 10:41:36 UTC

How to read encoding(processing instruction) from incoming parsed xml?

I wonder how it is possible to read the incoming processing instruction (encoding) from an xml-string?!
If you parse an incoming xml-string with the following processing instruction:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
I have not found any way to read the encoding attribut!
I have the following xml:
    msg = msg + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
    msg = msg + "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:lm=\"urn:2003:08\">";
    msg = msg + "<soap:Header>";
    msg = msg + "<lm:messageId mId=\"1234567891\"/>";
    msg = msg + "<lm:from systemName=\"persref1\"/>";
    msg = msg + "<lm:user uId=\"kalle\" soap:mustUnderstand=\"true\"/>";
    msg = msg + "<lm:messageType name=\"response\"/>";
    msg = msg + "<lm:from systemName=\"persref2\"/>";
    msg = msg + "</soap:Header>";
    msg = msg + "<soap:Body>";
    msg = msg + "<urn:Adress xmlns:urn=\"urn:cdm:2004:05\" postort=\"Gavle\" postnummer=\"80292\" careOf=\"care of\">";
    msg = msg + "<urn:Namn firstName=\"Kalle\"/>";
    msg = msg + "</urn:Adress>";
    msg = msg + "</soap:Body>";
    msg = msg + "</soap:Envelope>";

And I have the following lines of code:
EnvelopeDocument env = EnvelopeDocument.Factory.parse(msg);
String encoding = env.documentProperties().getEncoding();
Why is the encoding parameter null?! Is there any other way to solve the problem?!
Thanks... Daniel.