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Posted to by Filli Alem <> on 2015/06/16 14:20:59 UTC

Storm not reacting and KeeperException


I try to read messages from Kafka in Avro format. The topology seems to startup fine and starts working (it simply outputs a String message, the avro message isn't parsed). After a few events the following messages appear in the log, which is repeated a couple of times. After this the processing doesn't work anymore:

67844 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - Task [1/1] Refreshing partition manager connections
67846 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.DynamicBrokersReader - Read partition info from zookeeper: GlobalPartitionInformation{partitionMap={}}
67846 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.KafkaUtils - Task [1/1] assigned [Partition{, partition=0}]
67847 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - Task [1/1] Deleted partition managers: []
67847 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - Task [1/1] New partition managers: []
67847 [Thread-17-words] INFO  storm.kafka.ZkCoordinator - Task [1/1] Finished refreshing

At some point I also get this error:

org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x14df81e06c8000e type:create cxid:0x3 zxid:0x2b txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error Path:/storm/203e3eeb-cf8e-40d8-bf0a-c235ef4a3b69 Error:KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /storm/203e3eeb-cf8e-40d8-bf0a-c235ef4a3b69
org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor - Got user-level KeeperException

I can read the kafka topic with the kafka console consumer perfectly. Has anyone faced this problem before or would anyone know how to fix it?

