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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/12/09 04:26:50 UTC

[GitHub] [echarts-www] dependabot[bot] opened a new pull request, #44: Bump glob-parent and @babel/core

dependabot[bot] opened a new pull request, #44:

   Bumps [glob-parent]( to 5.1.2 and updates ancestor dependency [@babel/core]( These dependencies need to be updated together.
   Updates `glob-parent` from 2.0.0 to 5.1.2
   <summary>Release notes</summary>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">glob-parent's releases</a>.</em></p>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>eliminate ReDoS (<a href="">#36</a>) (<a href="">f923116</a>)</li>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>unescape exclamation mark (<a href="">#26</a>) (<a href="">a98874f</a>)</li>
   <li>add <code>flipBackslashes</code> option to disable auto conversion of slashes (closes <a href="">#24</a>) (<a href="">#25</a>) (<a href="">eecf91d</a>)</li>
   <h3>⚠ BREAKING CHANGES</h3>
   <li>Drop support for node &lt;6 &amp; bump dependencies</li>
   <h3>Miscellaneous Chores</h3>
   <li>Drop support for node &lt;6 &amp; bump dependencies (<a href="">896c0c0</a>)</li>
   <h3>⚠ BREAKING CHANGES</h3>
   <li>question marks are valid path characters on Windows so avoid flagging as a glob when alone</li>
   <li>Update is-glob dependency</li>
   <li>hoist regexps and strings for performance gains (<a href="">4a80667</a>)</li>
   <li>question marks are valid path characters on Windows so avoid flagging as a glob when alone (<a href="">2a551dd</a>)</li>
   <li>Update is-glob dependency (<a href="">e41fcd8</a>)</li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">glob-parent's changelog</a>.</em></p>
   <h3><a href="">5.1.2</a> (2021-03-06)</h3>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>eliminate ReDoS (<a href="">#36</a>) (<a href="">f923116</a>)</li>
   <h3><a href="">6.0.2</a> (2021-09-29)</h3>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>Improve performance (<a href="">#53</a>) (<a href="">843f8de</a>)</li>
   <h3><a href="">6.0.1</a> (2021-07-20)</h3>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>Resolve ReDoS vulnerability from CVE-2021-35065 (<a href="">#49</a>) (<a href="">3e9f04a</a>)</li>
   <h2><a href="">6.0.0</a> (2021-05-03)</h2>
   <h3>⚠ BREAKING CHANGES</h3>
   <li>Correct mishandled escaped path separators (<a href="">#34</a>)</li>
   <li>upgrade scaffold, dropping node &lt;10 support</li>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>Correct mishandled escaped path separators (<a href="">#34</a>) (<a href="">32f6d52</a>), closes <a href="">#32</a></li>
   <h3>Miscellaneous Chores</h3>
   <li>upgrade scaffold, dropping node &lt;10 support (<a href="">e83d0c5</a>)</li>
   <h3><a href="">5.1.1</a> (2021-01-27)</h3>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>unescape exclamation mark (<a href="">#26</a>) (<a href="">a98874f</a>)</li>
   <h2><a href="">5.1.0</a> (2021-01-27)</h2>
   <li>add <code>flipBackslashes</code> option to disable auto conversion of slashes (closes <a href="">#24</a>) (<a href="">#25</a>) (<a href="">eecf91d</a>)</li>
   <h2><a href="">5.0.0</a> (2021-01-27)</h2>
   <h3>⚠ BREAKING CHANGES</h3>
   <li>Drop support for node &lt;6 &amp; bump dependencies</li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <li><a href=""><code>eb2c439</code></a> chore: update changelog</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>12bcb6c</code></a> chore: release 5.1.2</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>f923116</code></a> fix: eliminate ReDoS (<a href="">#36</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>0b014a7</code></a> chore: add JSDoc returns information (<a href="">#33</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>2b24ebd</code></a> chore: generate initial changelog</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>9b6e874</code></a> chore: release 5.1.1</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>749c35e</code></a> ci: try wrapping the JOB_ID in a string</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5d39def</code></a> ci: attempt to switch to published coveralls</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>0b5b37f</code></a> ci: put the npm step back in for only Windows</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>473f5d8</code></a> ci: update azure build images</li>
   <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li>
   <summary>Maintainer changes</summary>
   <p>This version was pushed to npm by <a href="">phated</a>, a new releaser for glob-parent since your current version.</p>
   <br />
   Updates `@babel/core` from 7.0.0-beta.31 to 7.20.5
   <summary>Release notes</summary>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href=""><code>@​babel/core</code>'s releases</a>.</em></p>
   <h2>v7.20.5 (2022-11-28)</h2>
   <p>Thanks <a href=""><code>@​davydof</code></a> and <a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a> for your first PRs!</p>
   <h4>:eyeglasses: Spec Compliance</h4>
   <li><code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-destructuring</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15183</a> Improve array destructuring spec compliance (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-cli</code>, <code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-classes</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-runtime</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>
   <li><a href="">#15182</a> fix: apply toPropertyKey when defining class members (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin</code>, <code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-decorators</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>
   <li><a href="">#15133</a> fix: validate rhs of <code>in</code> when transpiling <code>#p in C</code> (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:bug: Bug Fix</h4>
   <li><a href="">#15225</a> Parse <code>using[foo]</code> as computed member expression (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15207</a> Export <code>ParseResult</code> type (<a href=""><code>@​davydof</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15198</a> fix: parse <code>import module, ...</code> (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helper-wrap-function</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15181</a> fix: Edge cases for async functions and <code>noNewArrow</code> assumption (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-parameters</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15163</a> fix: Throw error when compiling <code>super()</code> in arrow functions with default / rest parameters (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-node</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-regenerator</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>
   <li><a href="">#15194</a> fix: Bump <code>regenerator</code> and add tests (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15192</a> fix: Update <code>regjsparser</code> for <code>@babel/standalone</code> (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-parser</code>, <code>babel-types</code>
   <li><a href="">#15109</a> fix: Babel 8 types (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15143</a> Don't print inner comments as leading when wrapping in <code>(``)</code> (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15167</a> Register <code>switch</code>'s <code>discriminant</code> in the outer scope (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:nail_care: Polish</h4>
   <li><a href="">#15173</a> Improve generator behavior when <code>comments:false</code> (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15164</a> Only extract IDs for TDZ checks in assign when necessary (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:house: Internal</h4>
   <li><code>babel-core</code>, <code>babel-parser</code>
   <li><a href="">#15202</a> Bump typescript to 4.9.3 (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>Committers: 6</h4>
   <li>Alexander Davydov (<a href=""><code>@​davydof</code></a>)</li>
   <li>Babel Bot (<a href=""><code>@​babel-bot</code></a>)</li>
   <li>Huáng Jùnliàng (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li>Nicolò Ribaudo (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <li>Tianlan Zhou (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a></li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href=""><code>@​babel/core</code>'s changelog</a>.</em></p>
   <h2>v7.20.5 (2022-11-28)</h2>
   <h4>:eyeglasses: Spec Compliance</h4>
   <li><code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-destructuring</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15183</a> Improve array destructuring spec compliance (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-cli</code>, <code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-classes</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-runtime</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>
   <li><a href="">#15182</a> fix: apply toPropertyKey when defining class members (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin</code>, <code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-decorators</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>
   <li><a href="">#15133</a> fix: validate rhs of <code>in</code> when transpiling <code>#p in C</code> (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:bug: Bug Fix</h4>
   <li><a href="">#15225</a> Parse <code>using[foo]</code> as computed member expression (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15207</a> Export <code>ParseResult</code> type (<a href=""><code>@​davydof</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15198</a> fix: parse <code>import module, ...</code> (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helper-wrap-function</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15181</a> fix: Edge cases for async functions and <code>noNewArrow</code> assumption (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-parameters</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15163</a> fix: Throw error when compiling <code>super()</code> in arrow functions with default / rest parameters (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-helpers</code>, <code>babel-node</code>, <code>babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-regenerator</code>, <code>babel-preset-env</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs2</code>, <code>babel-runtime-corejs3</code>, <code>babel-runtime</code>
   <li><a href="">#15194</a> fix: Bump <code>regenerator</code> and add tests (<a href=""><code>@​SuperSodaSea</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15192</a> fix: Update <code>regjsparser</code> for <code>@babel/standalone</code> (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-parser</code>, <code>babel-types</code>
   <li><a href="">#15109</a> fix: Babel 8 types (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15143</a> Don't print inner comments as leading when wrapping in <code>(``)</code> (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping</code>, <code>babel-traverse</code>
   <li><a href="">#15167</a> Register <code>switch</code>'s <code>discriminant</code> in the outer scope (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:nail_care: Polish</h4>
   <li><a href="">#15173</a> Improve generator behavior when <code>comments:false</code> (<a href=""><code>@​liuxingbaoyu</code></a>)</li>
   <li><a href="">#15164</a> Only extract IDs for TDZ checks in assign when necessary (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <h4>:house: Internal</h4>
   <li><code>babel-core</code>, <code>babel-parser</code>
   <li><a href="">#15202</a> Bump typescript to 4.9.3 (<a href=""><code>@​JLHwung</code></a>)</li>
   <h2>v7.20.4 (2022-11-08)</h2>
   <h4>:bug: Bug Fix</h4>
   <li><a href="">#15160</a> Fix printing of comments before <code>=&gt;</code> (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <li><code>babel-generator</code>, <code>babel-plugin-transform-typescript</code>
   <li><a href="">#15144</a> Falback to printing inner comments as trailing (<a href=""><code>@​nicolo-ribaudo</code></a>)</li>
   <h2>v7.20.3 (2022-11-07)</h2>
   <h4>:bug: Bug Fix</h4>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <li><a href=""><code>29a97b8</code></a> v7.20.5</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>f6546d7</code></a> Bump typescript to 4.9.3 (<a href="">#15202</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5f19f62</code></a> Bump babel deps (<a href="">#15187</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>12a58cb</code></a> v7.20.2</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>77f3700</code></a> fix: <code>@babel/node</code> repl and enable <code>no-use-before-define</code> rule (<a href="">#15124</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>aadd7a3</code></a> v7.19.6</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>d0e58e6</code></a> Don't bundle unnecessary plugins in <code>@babel/standalone</code> (<a href="">#15023</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>d45d59a</code></a> Improve comments generation (<a href="">#14979</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>4f4b450</code></a> Improve source map generation (<a href="">#14967</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>3d46a59</code></a> v7.19.3</li>
   <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li>
   <summary>Maintainer changes</summary>
   <p>This version was pushed to npm by <a href="">nicolo-ribaudo</a>, a new releaser for <code>@​babel/core</code> since your current version.</p>
   <br />
   Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.
   [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start)
   [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-end)
   <summary>Dependabot commands and options</summary>
   <br />
   You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:
   - `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR
   - `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
   - `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
   - `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
   - `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
   - `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed
   - `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
   - `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
   - `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
   - `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
   - `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
   - `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
   - `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
   - `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
   You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the [Security Alerts page](

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[GitHub] [echarts-www] dependabot[bot] commented on pull request #44: Bump glob-parent and @babel/core

Posted by GitBox <>.
dependabot[bot] commented on PR #44:

   OK, I won't notify you again about this release, but will get in touch when a new version is available.
   If you change your mind, just re-open this PR and I'll resolve any conflicts on it.

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[GitHub] [echarts-www] plainheart closed pull request #44: Bump glob-parent and @babel/core

Posted by GitBox <>.
plainheart closed pull request #44: Bump glob-parent and @babel/core

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