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+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em><em class="jxr_javadoccomment">**************************************************************</em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.james.util.mailet;
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * The Util class provide some static methods which can be usefull in mailets</em>
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/james/util/mailet/MailetUtil.html">MailetUtil</a> {
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>      
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This takes the subject string and reduces (normailzes) it.</em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Multiple "Re:" entries are reduced to one, and capitalized.  The</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * prefix is always moved/placed at the beginning of the line, and</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * extra blanks are reduced, so that the output is always of the</em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * form:&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;code&gt;</em>
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &amp;lt;prefix&amp;gt; + &amp;lt;one-optional-"Re:"*gt; + &amp;lt;remaining subject&amp;gt;</em>
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;/code&gt;</em>
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;I have done extensive testing of this routine with a standalone</em>
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * driver, and am leaving the commented out debug messages so that</em>
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * when someone decides to enhance this method, it can be yanked it</em>
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * from this file, embedded it with a test driver, and the comments</em>
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * enabled.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String normalizeSubject(String subj, String prefix) {
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>          StringBuffer subject = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> StringBuffer(subj);
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> prefixLength = prefix.length();
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// If the "prefix" is not at the beginning the subject line, remove it</em>
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> index = subject.indexOf(prefix);
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (index != 0) {
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (index &gt; 0) {
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>                  subject.delete(index, index + prefixLength);
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>              }
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>              subject.insert(0, prefix); <em class="jxr_comment">// insert prefix at the front</em>
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>          }
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// Replace Re: with RE:</em>
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>          String match = <span class="jxr_string">"Re:"</span>;
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>          index = subject.indexOf(match, prefixLength);
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong>(index &gt; -1) {
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>              subject.replace(index, index + match.length(), <span class="jxr_string">"RE:"</span>);
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>              index = subject.indexOf(match, prefixLength);
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>          }
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// Reduce them to one at the beginning</em>
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>          match =<span class="jxr_string">"RE:"</span>;
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> indexRE = subject.indexOf(match, prefixLength) + match.length();
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>          index = subject.indexOf(match, indexRE);
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong>(index &gt; 0) {    
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>              subject.delete(index, index + match.length());
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>              index = subject.indexOf(match, indexRE);
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>          }
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// Reduce blanks</em>
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>          match = <span class="jxr_string">"  "</span>;
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>          index = subject.indexOf(match, prefixLength);
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong>(index &gt; -1) {
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>              subject.replace(index, index + match.length(), <span class="jxr_string">" "</span>);
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>              index = subject.indexOf(match, prefixLength);
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>          }
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> subject.toString();
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>      }
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  }
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+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em><em class="jxr_javadoccomment">**************************************************************</em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.james.util.mailet;
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.ArrayList;
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.Collection;
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> javax.mail.MessagingException;
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> org.apache.mailet.Mail;
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> org.apache.mailet.Matcher;
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> org.apache.mailet.MatcherConfig;
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * This class can be used as a wrapper for getting the "not matched" recipients</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * </em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/james/util/mailet/MatcherInverter.html">MatcherInverter</a> implements Matcher {
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">private</strong> Matcher wrappedMatcher;
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/james/util/mailet/MatcherInverter.html">MatcherInverter</a>(Matcher wrappedMatcher) {
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">this</strong>.wrappedMatcher = wrappedMatcher;
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      }
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @see org.apache.mailet.Matcher#destroy()</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> destroy() {
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>          wrappedMatcher.destroy();
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>      }
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @see org.apache.mailet.Matcher#getMatcherConfig()</em>
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> MatcherConfig getMatcherConfig() {
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> wrappedMatcher.getMatcherConfig();
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>      }
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @see org.apache.mailet.Matcher#getMatcherInfo()</em>
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getMatcherInfo() {
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> wrappedMatcher.getMatcherInfo();
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>      }
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @see org.apache.mailet.Matcher#destroy()</em>
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> init(MatcherConfig config) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>          wrappedMatcher.init(config);
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>      }
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Return a Collection of "not matched" recipients</em>
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> Collection match(Mail mail) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// Create a new recipient Collection cause mail.getRecipients() give a reference to the internal </em>
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// list of recipients. If we make changes there the original collection whould be corrupted</em>
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>          Collection recipients = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> ArrayList(mail.getRecipients());
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>         
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>          recipients.removeAll(wrappedMatcher.match(mail));
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> recipients;
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>      }
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  }
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+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em><em class="jxr_javadoccomment">**************************************************************</em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
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+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.james.util.mailet;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong>;
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong>;
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.ArrayList;
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/james/util/mailet/StringUtils.html">StringUtils</a> {
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">private</strong> <a href="../../../../../org/apache/james/util/mailet/StringUtils.html">StringUtils</a>() {
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">// make this class non instantiable</em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>      }
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>      
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Split a string given a pattern (regex), considering escapes</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt; E.g: considering a pattern "," we have:</em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * one,two,three =&gt; {one},{two},{three}</em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * one\,two&#92;&#92;,three =&gt; {one,two&#92;&#92;},{three}</em>
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * NOTE: Untested with pattern regex as pattern and untested for escape chars in text or pattern.</em>
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String[] split(String text, String pattern) {
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>          String[] array = text.split(pattern, -1);
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>          ArrayList list = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> ArrayList();
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">for</strong> (<strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; array.length; i++) {
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">boolean</strong> escaped = false;
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (i &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; array[i - 1].endsWith(<span class="jxr_string">"&#92;&#92;"</span>)) {
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>                  <em class="jxr_comment">// When the number of trailing "\&quot; is odd then there was no separator and this pattern is part of</em>
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>                  <em class="jxr_comment">// the previous match.</em>
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>                  <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> depth = 1;
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>                  <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong> (depth &lt; array[i-1].length() &amp;&amp; array[i-1].charAt(array[i-1].length() - 1 - depth) == '&#92;&#92;') depth ++;
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>                  escaped = depth % 2 == 1;
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>              }
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (!escaped) list.add(array[i]);
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> {
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>                  String prev = (String) list.remove(list.size() - 1); 
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>                  list.add(prev.substring(0, prev.length() - 1) + pattern + array[i]);
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>              }
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>          }
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> (String[]) list.toArray(<strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> String[0]);
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>      }
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String md5(java.lang.String message) {
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">try</strong> {
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>              MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(<span class="jxr_string">"MD5"</span>);
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>              StringBuffer sb = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> StringBuffer();
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>              byte buf[] = message.getBytes();
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>              byte[] md5 = md.digest(buf);
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>              <em class="jxr_comment">//System.out.println(message);</em>
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">for</strong> (<strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; md5.length; i++) {
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>                  String tmpStr = <span class="jxr_string">"0"</span> + Integer.toHexString((0xff &amp; md5[i]));
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>                  sb.append(tmpStr.substring(tmpStr.length() - 2));
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>              }
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> sb.toString();
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>              
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>          } <strong class="jxr_keyword">catch</strong> (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>;
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>          }
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>      }
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">static</strong> String capitalizeWords(String data) {
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (data==<strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>;
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>          StringBuffer res = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> StringBuffer();
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong> ch;
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">char</strong> prevCh = '.';
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">for</strong> ( <strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> i = 0;  i &lt; data.length();  i++ ) {
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>              ch = data.charAt(i);
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> ( Character.isLetter(ch)) {
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>                  <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (!Character.isLetter(prevCh) ) res.append( Character.toUpperCase(ch) );
+<a name="88" href="#88">88</a>                  <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> res.append( Character.toLowerCase(ch) );
+<a name="89" href="#89">89</a>              } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> res.append( ch );
+<a name="90" href="#90">90</a>              prevCh = ch;
+<a name="91" href="#91">91</a>          }
+<a name="92" href="#92">92</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> res.toString();
+<a name="93" href="#93">93</a>      }
+<a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  }
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+        	<a href="package-summary.html" target="classFrame">org.apache.james.util.mailet</a>
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+      	<h3>Classes</h3>
+      	<ul>
+      		          	<li>
+            	<a href="FlowedMessageUtils.html" target="classFrame">FlowedMessageUtils</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="MailetUtil.html" target="classFrame">MailetUtil</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="MatcherInverter.html" target="classFrame">MatcherInverter</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="StringUtils.html" target="classFrame">StringUtils</a>
+          	</li>
+          	      	</ul>
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+            		<th>Class Summary</th>
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+        	</thead>
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+        		            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="FlowedMessageUtils.html" target="classFrame">FlowedMessageUtils</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="MailetUtil.html" target="classFrame">MailetUtil</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="MatcherInverter.html" target="classFrame">MatcherInverter</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="StringUtils.html" target="classFrame">StringUtils</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../apidocs/org/apache/mailet/GenericMailet.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em><em class="jxr_javadoccomment">**************************************************************</em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.mailet;
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> javax.mail.MessagingException;
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.ArrayList;
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.Collection;
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.HashSet;
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.Iterator;
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * GenericMailet makes writing mailets easier. It provides simple</em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * versions of the lifecycle methods init and destroy and of the methods</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * in the MailetConfig interface. GenericMailet also implements the log</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * method, declared in the MailetContext interface.</em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;</em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * To write a generic mailet, you need only override the abstract service</em>
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * method.</em>
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @version 1.0.0, 24/04/1999</em>
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">abstract</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../org/apache/mailet/GenericMailet.html">GenericMailet</a> implements Mailet, MailetConfig {
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">private</strong> MailetConfig config = <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>;
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Called by the mailer container to indicate to a mailet that the</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * mailet is being taken out of service.</em>
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> destroy() {
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">//Do nothing</em>
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>      }
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization</em>
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.</em>
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;</em>
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * This method is supplied for convenience. It gets the value of the</em>
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * named parameter from the mailet's MailetConfig object.</em>
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param name - a String specifying the name of the initialization parameter</em>
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return a String containing the value of the initalization parameter</em>
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getInitParameter(String name) {
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config.getInitParameter(name);
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>      }
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization</em>
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * parameter, or defValue if the parameter does not exist.</em>
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;</em>
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * This method is supplied for convenience. It gets the value of the</em>
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * named parameter from the mailet's MailetConfig object.</em>
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param name - a String specifying the name of the initialization parameter</em>
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param defValue - a String specifying the default value when the parameter</em>
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *                    is not present</em>
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return a String containing the value of the initalization parameter</em>
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getInitParameter(String name, String defValue) {
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>          String res = config.getInitParameter(name);
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (res == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> defValue;
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>          } <strong class="jxr_keyword">else</strong> {
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>              <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> res;
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>          }
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>      }
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="88" href="#88">88</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns the names of the mailet's initialization parameters as an</em>
+<a name="89" href="#89">89</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Iterator of String objects, or an empty Iterator if the mailet has no</em>
+<a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * initialization parameters.</em>
+<a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;</em>
+<a name="92" href="#92">92</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * This method is supplied for convenience. It gets the parameter names from</em>
+<a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * the mailet's MailetConfig object.</em>
+<a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="95" href="#95">95</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return an Iterator of String objects containing the names of</em>
+<a name="96" href="#96">96</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          the mailet's initialization parameters</em>
+<a name="97" href="#97">97</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="98" href="#98">98</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> Iterator getInitParameterNames() {
+<a name="99" href="#99">99</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config.getInitParameterNames();
+<a name="100" href="#100">100</a>     }
+<a name="101" href="#101">101</a> 
+<a name="102" href="#102">102</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns this Mailet's MailetConfig object.</em>
+<a name="104" href="#104">104</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="105" href="#105">105</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return the MailetConfig object that initialized this mailet</em>
+<a name="106" href="#106">106</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="107" href="#107">107</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> MailetConfig getMailetConfig() {
+<a name="108" href="#108">108</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config;
+<a name="109" href="#109">109</a>     }
+<a name="110" href="#110">110</a> 
+<a name="111" href="#111">111</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="112" href="#112">112</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns a reference to the MailetContext in which this mailet is</em>
+<a name="113" href="#113">113</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * running.</em>
+<a name="114" href="#114">114</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="115" href="#115">115</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return the MailetContext object passed to this mailet by the init method</em>
+<a name="116" href="#116">116</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="117" href="#117">117</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> MailetContext getMailetContext() {
+<a name="118" href="#118">118</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> getMailetConfig().getMailetContext();
+<a name="119" href="#119">119</a>     }
+<a name="120" href="#120">120</a> 
+<a name="121" href="#121">121</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="122" href="#122">122</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns information about the mailet, such as author, version, and</em>
+<a name="123" href="#123">123</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * copyright.  By default, this method returns an empty string. Override</em>
+<a name="124" href="#124">124</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * this method to have it return a meaningful value.</em>
+<a name="125" href="#125">125</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="126" href="#126">126</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return information about this mailet, by default an empty string</em>
+<a name="127" href="#127">127</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="128" href="#128">128</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getMailetInfo() {
+<a name="129" href="#129">129</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <span class="jxr_string">""</span>;
+<a name="130" href="#130">130</a>     }
+<a name="131" href="#131">131</a> 
+<a name="132" href="#132">132</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="133" href="#133">133</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns the name of this mailet instance.</em>
+<a name="134" href="#134">134</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="135" href="#135">135</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return the name of this mailet instance</em>
+<a name="136" href="#136">136</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="137" href="#137">137</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getMailetName() {
+<a name="138" href="#138">138</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config.getMailetName();
+<a name="139" href="#139">139</a>     }
+<a name="140" href="#140">140</a> 
+<a name="141" href="#141">141</a> 
+<a name="142" href="#142">142</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="143" href="#143">143</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Called by the mailet container to indicate to a mailet that the</em>
+<a name="144" href="#144">144</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * mailet is being placed into service.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="145" href="#145">145</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="146" href="#146">146</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This implementation stores the MailetConfig object it receives from</em>
+<a name="147" href="#147">147</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * the mailet container for later use. When overriding this form of the</em>
+<a name="148" href="#148">148</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * method, call super.init(config).&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="149" href="#149">149</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="150" href="#150">150</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param newConfig - the MailetConfig object that contains</em>
+<a name="151" href="#151">151</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          configutation information for this mailet</em>
+<a name="152" href="#152">152</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws MessagingException</em>
+<a name="153" href="#153">153</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          if an exception occurs that interrupts the mailet's normal operation</em>
+<a name="154" href="#154">154</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="155" href="#155">155</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> init(MailetConfig newConfig) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="156" href="#156">156</a>         config = newConfig;
+<a name="157" href="#157">157</a>         init();
+<a name="158" href="#158">158</a>     }
+<a name="159" href="#159">159</a> 
+<a name="160" href="#160">160</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="161" href="#161">161</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no</em>
+<a name="162" href="#162">162</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * need to call super.init(config).&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="163" href="#163">163</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="164" href="#164">164</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Instead of overriding init(MailetConfig), simply override this</em>
+<a name="165" href="#165">165</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * method and it will be called by GenericMailet.init(MailetConfig config).</em>
+<a name="166" href="#166">166</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * The MailetConfig object can still be retrieved via getMailetConfig().</em>
+<a name="167" href="#167">167</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="168" href="#168">168</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws MessagingException</em>
+<a name="169" href="#169">169</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          if an exception occurs that interrupts the mailet's normal operation</em>
+<a name="170" href="#170">170</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="171" href="#171">171</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> init() <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="172" href="#172">172</a>         <em class="jxr_comment">//Do nothing... can be overriden</em>
+<a name="173" href="#173">173</a>     }
+<a name="174" href="#174">174</a> 
+<a name="175" href="#175">175</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="176" href="#176">176</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Writes the specified message to a mailet log file.</em>
+<a name="177" href="#177">177</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="178" href="#178">178</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param message - a String specifying the message to be written to the log file</em>
+<a name="179" href="#179">179</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="180" href="#180">180</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> log(String message) {
+<a name="181" href="#181">181</a>         getMailetContext().log(message);
+<a name="182" href="#182">182</a>     }
+<a name="183" href="#183">183</a> 
+<a name="184" href="#184">184</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="185" href="#185">185</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable</em>
+<a name="186" href="#186">186</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * exception to the mailet log file.</em>
+<a name="187" href="#187">187</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="188" href="#188">188</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param message - a String that describes the error or exception</em>
+<a name="189" href="#189">189</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param t - the java.lang.Throwable to be logged</em>
+<a name="190" href="#190">190</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="191" href="#191">191</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> log(String message, Throwable t) {
+<a name="192" href="#192">192</a>         getMailetContext().log(message, t);
+<a name="193" href="#193">193</a>     }
+<a name="194" href="#194">194</a> 
+<a name="195" href="#195">195</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="196" href="#196">196</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Called by the mailet container to allow the mailet to process a</em>
+<a name="197" href="#197">197</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * message.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="198" href="#198">198</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="199" href="#199">199</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This method is declared abstract so subclasses must override it.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="200" href="#200">200</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="201" href="#201">201</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param mail - the Mail object that contains the MimeMessage and</em>
+<a name="202" href="#202">202</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          routing information</em>
+<a name="203" href="#203">203</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws javax.mail.MessagingException - if an exception occurs that interferes with the mailet's normal operation</em>
+<a name="204" href="#204">204</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="205" href="#205">205</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">abstract</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> service(Mail mail) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> javax.mail.MessagingException;
+<a name="206" href="#206">206</a>     
+<a name="207" href="#207">207</a>     
+<a name="208" href="#208">208</a>     
+<a name="209" href="#209">209</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="210" href="#210">210</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Utility method: Checks if there are unallowed init parameters specified in the </em>
+<a name="211" href="#211">211</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * configuration file against the String[] allowedInitParameters.</em>
+<a name="212" href="#212">212</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param allowedArray array of strings containing the allowed parameter names</em>
+<a name="213" href="#213">213</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws MessagingException if an unknown parameter name is found</em>
+<a name="214" href="#214">214</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="215" href="#215">215</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> checkInitParameters(String[] allowedArray) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="216" href="#216">216</a>         <em class="jxr_comment">// if null then no check is requested</em>
+<a name="217" href="#217">217</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (allowedArray == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
+<a name="218" href="#218">218</a>             <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong>;
+<a name="219" href="#219">219</a>         }
+<a name="220" href="#220">220</a>         
+<a name="221" href="#221">221</a>         Collection allowed = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> HashSet();
+<a name="222" href="#222">222</a>         Collection bad = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> ArrayList();
+<a name="223" href="#223">223</a>         
+<a name="224" href="#224">224</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">for</strong> (<strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; allowedArray.length; i++) {
+<a name="225" href="#225">225</a>             allowed.add(allowedArray[i]);
+<a name="226" href="#226">226</a>         }
+<a name="227" href="#227">227</a>         
+<a name="228" href="#228">228</a>         Iterator iterator = getInitParameterNames();
+<a name="229" href="#229">229</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">while</strong> (iterator.hasNext()) {
+<a name="230" href="#230">230</a>             String parameter = (String);
+<a name="231" href="#231">231</a>             <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (!allowed.contains(parameter)) {
+<a name="232" href="#232">232</a>                 bad.add(parameter);
+<a name="233" href="#233">233</a>             }
+<a name="234" href="#234">234</a>         }
+<a name="235" href="#235">235</a>         
+<a name="236" href="#236">236</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (bad.size() &gt; 0) {
+<a name="237" href="#237">237</a>             <strong class="jxr_keyword">throw</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> MessagingException(<span class="jxr_string">"Unexpected init parameters found: "</span>
+<a name="238" href="#238">238</a>                     + arrayToString(bad.toArray()));
+<a name="239" href="#239">239</a>         }
+<a name="240" href="#240">240</a>     }
+<a name="241" href="#241">241</a>     
+<a name="242" href="#242">242</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="243" href="#243">243</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Utility method for obtaining a string representation of an array of Objects.</em>
+<a name="244" href="#244">244</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="245" href="#245">245</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">protected</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">final</strong> String arrayToString(Object[] array) {
+<a name="246" href="#246">246</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (array == <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>) {
+<a name="247" href="#247">247</a>             <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <span class="jxr_string">"null"</span>;
+<a name="248" href="#248">248</a>         }
+<a name="249" href="#249">249</a>         StringBuffer sb = <strong class="jxr_keyword">new</strong> StringBuffer(1024);
+<a name="250" href="#250">250</a>         sb.append(<span class="jxr_string">"["</span>);
+<a name="251" href="#251">251</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">for</strong> (<strong class="jxr_keyword">int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; array.length; i++) {
+<a name="252" href="#252">252</a>             <strong class="jxr_keyword">if</strong> (i &gt; 0) {
+<a name="253" href="#253">253</a>                 sb.append(<span class="jxr_string">","</span>);
+<a name="254" href="#254">254</a>             }
+<a name="255" href="#255">255</a>             sb.append(array[i]);
+<a name="256" href="#256">256</a>         }
+<a name="257" href="#257">257</a>         sb.append(<span class="jxr_string">"]"</span>);
+<a name="258" href="#258">258</a>         <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> sb.toString();
+<a name="259" href="#259">259</a>     }
+<a name="260" href="#260">260</a> 
+<a name="261" href="#261">261</a> }
+<a name="262" href="#262">262</a> 
+<a name="263" href="#263">263</a> 
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+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em><em class="jxr_javadoccomment">**************************************************************</em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">package</strong> org.apache.mailet;
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> javax.mail.MessagingException;
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">import</strong> java.util.Collection;
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;GenericMatcher implements the Matcher and MatcherConfig interfaces.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;GenericMatcher makes writing matchers easier. It provides simple versions of</em>
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * the lifecycle methods init and destroy and of the methods in the MatcherConfig</em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * interface. GenericMatcher also implements the log method, declared in the</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * MatcherContext interface.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * </em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * &lt;p&gt;To write a generic matcher, you need only override the abstract match method.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> *</em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> * @version 1.0.0, 24/04/1999</em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment"> */</em>
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">abstract</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">class</strong> <a href="../../../org/apache/mailet/GenericMatcher.html">GenericMatcher</a> implements Matcher, MatcherConfig {
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>      MatcherConfig config = <strong class="jxr_keyword">null</strong>;
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Called by the mailet container to indicate to a matcher that the</em>
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * matcher is being taken out of service.</em>
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> destroy() {
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>          <em class="jxr_comment">//Do nothing</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>      }
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>  
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization</em>
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * </em>
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This method is supplied for convenience. It gets the value of the</em>
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * named parameter from the matcher's MatcherConfig object.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return String a String containing the value of the initalization parameter</em>
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getCondition() {
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config.getCondition();
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>      }
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns this matcher's MatcherConfig object.</em>
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return MatcherConfig the MatcherConfig object that initialized this matcher</em>
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> MatcherConfig getMatcherConfig() {
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config;
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>      }
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns a reference to the MailetContext in which this matcher is</em>
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * running.</em>
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return MailetContext the MailetContext object passed to this matcher by the init method</em>
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> MailetContext getMailetContext() {
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> getMatcherConfig().getMailetContext();
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>      }
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns information about the matcher, such as author, version, and</em>
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * copyright.  By default, this method returns an empty string. Override</em>
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * this method to have it return a meaningful value.</em>
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return String information about this matcher, by default an empty string</em>
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getMatcherInfo() {
+<a name="88" href="#88">88</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> <span class="jxr_string">""</span>;
+<a name="89" href="#89">89</a>      }
+<a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  
+<a name="91" href="#91">91</a>      <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="92" href="#92">92</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Returns the name of this matcher instance.</em>
+<a name="93" href="#93">93</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return the name of this matcher instance</em>
+<a name="95" href="#95">95</a>  <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="96" href="#96">96</a>      <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> String getMatcherName() {
+<a name="97" href="#97">97</a>          <strong class="jxr_keyword">return</strong> config.getMatcherName();
+<a name="98" href="#98">98</a>      }
+<a name="99" href="#99">99</a>  
+<a name="100" href="#100">100</a> 
+<a name="101" href="#101">101</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="102" href="#102">102</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Called by the matcher container to indicate to a matcher that the</em>
+<a name="103" href="#103">103</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * matcher is being placed into service.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="104" href="#104">104</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="105" href="#105">105</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This implementation stores the MatcherConfig object it receives from</em>
+<a name="106" href="#106">106</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * the matcher container for alter use. When overriding this form of the</em>
+<a name="107" href="#107">107</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * method, call super.init(config).&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="108" href="#108">108</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="109" href="#109">109</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param newConfig - the MatcherConfig object that contains</em>
+<a name="110" href="#110">110</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          configutation information for this matcher</em>
+<a name="111" href="#111">111</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws MessagingException</em>
+<a name="112" href="#112">112</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          if an exception occurs that interrupts the matcher's normal operation</em>
+<a name="113" href="#113">113</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="114" href="#114">114</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> init(MatcherConfig newConfig) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="115" href="#115">115</a>         config = newConfig;
+<a name="116" href="#116">116</a>         init();
+<a name="117" href="#117">117</a>     }
+<a name="118" href="#118">118</a> 
+<a name="119" href="#119">119</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="120" href="#120">120</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no</em>
+<a name="121" href="#121">121</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * need to call super.init(config).&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="122" href="#122">122</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="123" href="#123">123</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Instead of overriding init(MatcherConfig), simply override this</em>
+<a name="124" href="#124">124</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * method and it will be called by GenericMatcher.init(MatcherConfig config).</em>
+<a name="125" href="#125">125</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * The MatcherConfig object can still be retrieved via getMatcherConfig().&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="126" href="#126">126</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="127" href="#127">127</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws MessagingException</em>
+<a name="128" href="#128">128</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          if an exception occurs that interrupts the matcher's normal operation</em>
+<a name="129" href="#129">129</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="130" href="#130">130</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> init() <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException {
+<a name="131" href="#131">131</a>         <em class="jxr_comment">//Do nothing... can be overridden</em>
+<a name="132" href="#132">132</a>     }
+<a name="133" href="#133">133</a> 
+<a name="134" href="#134">134</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="135" href="#135">135</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Writes the specified message to a matcher log file.</em>
+<a name="136" href="#136">136</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="137" href="#137">137</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param message - a String specifying the message to be written to the log file</em>
+<a name="138" href="#138">138</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="139" href="#139">139</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> log(String message) {
+<a name="140" href="#140">140</a>         getMailetContext().log(message);
+<a name="141" href="#141">141</a>     }
+<a name="142" href="#142">142</a> 
+<a name="143" href="#143">143</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="144" href="#144">144</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable</em>
+<a name="145" href="#145">145</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * exception to the matcher log file.</em>
+<a name="146" href="#146">146</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="147" href="#147">147</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param message - a String that describes the error or exception</em>
+<a name="148" href="#148">148</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param t - the java.lang.Throwable error or exception</em>
+<a name="149" href="#149">149</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="150" href="#150">150</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">void</strong> log(String message, Throwable t) {
+<a name="151" href="#151">151</a>         getMailetContext().log(message, t);
+<a name="152" href="#152">152</a>     }
+<a name="153" href="#153">153</a> 
+<a name="154" href="#154">154</a>     <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">/**</em>
+<a name="155" href="#155">155</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;Called by the matcher container to allow the matcher to process a</em>
+<a name="156" href="#156">156</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * message.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="157" href="#157">157</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="158" href="#158">158</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * &lt;p&gt;This method is declared abstract so subclasses must override it.&lt;/p&gt;</em>
+<a name="159" href="#159">159</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *</em>
+<a name="160" href="#160">160</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @param mail - the Mail object that contains the MimeMessage and</em>
+<a name="161" href="#161">161</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          routing information</em>
+<a name="162" href="#162">162</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @return java.util.Collection - the recipients that the mailet container should have the</em>
+<a name="163" href="#163">163</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          mailet affect.</em>
+<a name="164" href="#164">164</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     * @throws javax.mail.MessagingException - if an exception occurs that interferes with the mailet's normal operation</em>
+<a name="165" href="#165">165</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     *          occurred</em>
+<a name="166" href="#166">166</a> <em class="jxr_javadoccomment">     */</em>
+<a name="167" href="#167">167</a>     <strong class="jxr_keyword">public</strong> <strong class="jxr_keyword">abstract</strong> Collection match(Mail mail) <strong class="jxr_keyword">throws</strong> MessagingException;
+<a name="168" href="#168">168</a> }
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