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Posted to by lars hofhansl <> on 2014/02/26 05:47:27 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.94.17 is available for download

The HBase Team is pleased to announce the immediate release of HBase 0.94.17.

Download it from your favorite Apache mirror [1]. This release has also been pushed to Apache's maven repository.

All previous 0.92.x and 0.94.x releases can upgraded to 0.94.17 via a rolling upgrade without downtime, intermediary versions can be skipped.

HBase 0.94.17 fixes 35 issues:
    [HBASE-7963] - HBase VerifyReplication not working when security enabled
    [HBASE-10249] - TestReplicationSyncUpTool fails because failover takes too long
    [HBASE-10274] - MiniZookeeperCluster should close ZKDatabase when shutdown ZooKeeperServers
    [HBASE-10319] - HLog should roll periodically to allow DN decommission to eventually complete.
    [HBASE-10320] - Avoid ArrayList.iterator() ExplicitColumnTracker
    [HBASE-10335] - AuthFailedException in zookeeper may block replication forever
    [HBASE-10340] - [BACKPORT] HBASE-9892 Add info port to ServerName to support multi instances in a node
    [HBASE-10363] - [0.94] TestInputSampler and TestInputSamplerTool fail under hadoop 2.0/23 profiles.
    [HBASE-10371] - Compaction creates empty hfile, then selects this file for compaction and creates empty hfile and over again
    [HBASE-10383] - Secure Bulk Load for 'completebulkload' fails for version 0.94.15
    [HBASE-10400] - [hbck] Continue if region dir missing on region merge attempt
    [HBASE-10401] - [hbck] perform overlap group merges in parallel
    [HBASE-10448] - ZKUtil create and watch methods don't set watch in some cases
    [HBASE-10470] - Import generates huge log file while importing large amounts of data
    [HBASE-10481] - API Compatibility JDiff script does not properly handle arguments in reverse order
    [HBASE-10482] - ReplicationSyncUp doesn't clean up its ZK, needed for tests
    [HBASE-10485] - PrefixFilter#filterKeyValue() should perform filtering on row key
    [HBASE-10489] - TestImportExport fails in 0.94 with Hadoop2
    [HBASE-10493] - InclusiveStopFilter#filterKeyValue() should perform filtering on row key
    [HBASE-10501] - Improve IncreasingToUpperBoundRegionSplitPolicy to avoid too many regions
    [HBASE-10505] - Import.filterKv does not call Filter.filterRowKey
    [HBASE-10506] - Fail-fast if client connection is lost before the real call be executed in RPC layer
    [HBASE-10508] - Backport HBASE-10365 'HBaseFsck should clean up connection properly when repair is completed' to 0.94 and 0.96
    [HBASE-10539] - HRegion.addAndGetGlobalMemstoreSize returns previous size
    [HBASE-10545] - RS Hangs waiting on region to close on shutdown; has to timeout before can go down
    [HBASE-10546] - Two scanner objects are open for each hbase map task but only one scanner object is closed
    [HBASE-10551] - Change local mode back to one RS thread by default
    [HBASE-10552] - HFilePerformanceEvaluation.GaussianRandomReadBenchmark fails sometimes.
    [HBASE-10555] - Backport HBASE-8519 to 0.94, Backup master will never come up if primary master dies during initialization
    [HBASE-10562] - Fix TestMultiTableInputFormat for Hadoop 2 in 0.94
    [HBASE-10212] - New rpc metric: number of active handler
    [HBASE-10423] - Report back the message of split or rollback failure to the master
    [HBASE-10457] - Print corrupted file information in SnapshotInfo tool without -file option
    [HBASE-10473] - Add utility for adorning http Context
    [HBASE-10480] - TestLogRollPeriod#testWithEdits may fail due to insufficient waiting

Notable is HBASE-10501, which changes how regions are distributed across an initially empty table.
0.94.17 passed the full test suite with JDK6 and JDK7.

See also the full release notes [2].
Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release!

The HBase Team
