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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
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-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-<chapter id="ugr.tug.aae">
-  <title>Annotator and Analysis Engine Developer&apos;s Guide</title>
-  <titleabbrev>Annotator &amp; AE Developer&apos;s Guide</titleabbrev>
-  <para>This chapter describes how to develop UIMA <emphasis>type systems</emphasis>,
-    <emphasis>Annotators</emphasis> and <emphasis>Analysis Engines</emphasis> using
-    the UIMA SDK. It is helpful to read the UIMA Conceptual Overview chapter for a review on
-    these concepts.</para>
-  <para>An <emphasis>Analysis Engine (AE)</emphasis> is a program that analyzes artifacts
-    (e.g. documents) and infers information from them.</para>
-  <para>Analysis Engines are constructed from building blocks called
-    <emphasis>Annotators</emphasis>. An annotator is a component that contains analysis
-    logic. Annotators analyze an artifact (for example, a text document) and create
-    additional data (metadata) about that artifact. It is a goal of UIMA that annotators need
-    not be concerned with anything other than their analysis logic &ndash; for example the
-    details of their deployment or their interaction with other annotators.</para>
-  <para>An Analysis Engine (AE) may contain a single annotator (this is referred to as a
-    <emphasis>Primitive AE)</emphasis>, or it may be a composition of others and therefore
-    contain multiple annotators (this is referred to as an <emphasis>Aggregate
-    AE</emphasis>). Primitive and aggregate AEs implement the same interface and can be used
-    interchangeably by applications.</para>
-  <para>Annotators produce their analysis results in the form of typed <emphasis>Feature
-    Structures</emphasis>, which are simply data structures that have a type and a set of
-    (attribute, value) pairs. An <emphasis>annotation</emphasis> is a particular type of
-    Feature Structure that is attached to a region of the artifact being analyzed (a span of
-    text in a document, for example).</para>
-  <para>For example, an annotator may produce an Annotation over the span of text
-    <literal>President Bush</literal>, where the type of the Annotation is
-    <literal>Person</literal> and the attribute <literal>fullName</literal> has the
-    value <literal>George W. Bush</literal>, and its position in the artifact is character
-    position 12 through character position 26.</para>
-  <para>It is also possible for annotators to record information associated with the entire
-    document rather than a particular span (these are considered Feature Structures but not
-    Annotations).</para>
-  <para>All feature structures, including annotations, are represented in the UIMA
-    <emphasis>Common Analysis Structure(CAS)</emphasis>. The CAS is the central data
-    structure through which all UIMA components communicate. Included with the UIMA SDK is an
-    easy-to-use, native Java interface to the CAS called the <emphasis>JCas</emphasis>.
-    The JCas represents each feature structure as a Java object; the example feature
-    structure from the previous paragraph would be an instance of a Java class Person with
-    getFullName() and setFullName() methods. Though the examples in this guide all use the
-    JCas, it is also possible to directly access the underlying CAS system; for more
-    information see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;" targetptr="ugr.ref.cas"/>
-    .</para>
-  <para>The remainder of this chapter will refer to the analysis of text documents and the
-    creation of annotations that are attached to spans of text in those documents. Keep in mind
-    that the CAS can represent arbitrary types of feature structures, and feature structures
-    can refer to other feature structures. For example, you can use the CAS to represent a parse
-    tree for a document. Also, the artifact that you are analyzing need not be a text
-    document.</para>
-  <para>This guide is organized as follows:</para>
-  <itemizedlist>
-    <listitem>
-      <para><emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.getting_started"/></emphasis> is a
-        tutorial with step-by-step instructions for how to develop and test a simple UIMA annotator.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para><emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.configuration_logging"/>
-        </emphasis> discusses how to make your UIMA annotator configurable, and how it can write messages to the UIMA
-        log file.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para> <emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.building_aggregates"/></emphasis>
-        describes how annotators can be combined into aggregate analysis engines. It also describes how one
-        annotator can make use of the analysis results produced by an annotator that has run previously.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para><emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.other_examples"/></emphasis>
-        describes several other examples you may find interesting, including</para>
-      <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-        <listitem>
-          <para>SimpleTokenAndSentenceAnnotator
-            &ndash; a simple tokenizer and sentence annotator.</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>PersonTitleDBWriterCasConsumer &ndash; a sample CAS Consumer which populates a relational
-            database with some annotations. It uses JDBC and in this example, hooks up with the Open Source Apache
-            Derby database. </para>
-        </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para><emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.additional_topics"/></emphasis>
-        describes additional features of the UIMA SDK that may help you in building your own annotators and analysis
-        engines.</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para><emphasis role="bold-italic"><xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.common_pitfalls"/> </emphasis>
-        contains some useful guidelines to help you ensure that your annotators will work correctly in any UIMA
-        application.</para>
-    </listitem>
-  </itemizedlist>
-  <para>This guide does not discuss how to build UIMA Applications, which are programs that
-    use Analysis Engines, along with other components, e.g. a search engine, document store,
-    and user interface, to deliver a complete package of functionality to an end-user. For
-    information on application development, see <olink
-      targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;" targetptr="ugr.tug.application"
-       xrefstyle="select: label quotedtitle"/>
-    .</para>
-  <section id="ugr.tug.aae.getting_started">
-    <title>Getting Started</title>
-    <para>This section is a step-by-step tutorial that will get you started developing UIMA
-      annotators. All of the files referred to by the examples in this chapter are in the
-      <literal>examples</literal> directory of the UIMA SDK. This directory is designed to
-      be imported into your Eclipse workspace; see <olink
-        targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;"
-        targetptr="ugr.ovv.eclipse_setup.example_code"/> for instructions on how to do
-      this. 
-      See <olink  targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;"
-        targetptr="ugr.ovv.eclipse_setup.linking_uima_javadocs"/> for how to attach the UIMA 
-        Javadocs to the jar files.
-      Also you may wish to refer to the UIMA SDK Javadocs located in the <ulink
-        url="file:../../api/index.html">docs/api</ulink> directory.</para>
-        <note><para>In Eclipse 3.1, if you highlight a UIMA class or method defined in the UIMA SDK
-    Javadocs, you can conveniently have Eclipse open the corresponding Javadoc for that
-    class or method in a browser, by pressing Shift + F2.</para></note>
-    <note><para>If you downloaded the source distribution for UIMA, you can attach that as
-    well to the library Jar files; for information on how to do this, see
-    <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;" targetptr="ugr.ref.javadocs"/>.</para></note>
-    <para>The example annotator that we are going to walk through will detect room numbers for
-      rooms where the room numbering scheme follows some simple conventions. In our example,
-      there are two kinds of patterns we want to find; here are some examples, together with
-      their corresponding regular expression patterns:
-      <variablelist>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>Yorktown patterns:</term>
-          <listitem><para>20-001, 31-206, 04-123(Regular Expression Pattern:
-            ##-[0-2]##)</para></listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-        <varlistentry>
-          <term>Hawthorne patterns:</term>
-          <listitem><para>GN-K35, 1S-L07, 4N-B21 (Regular Expression Pattern:
-            [G1-4][NS]-[A-Z]##)</para></listitem>
-        </varlistentry>
-      </variablelist> </para>
-    <para>There are several steps to develop and test a simple UIMA annotator.</para>
-    <orderedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>Define the CAS types that the
-      annotator will use.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Generate the Java classes for these types.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Write the actual annotator Java code.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Create the Analysis Engine descriptor.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>Test the annotator. </para></listitem></orderedlist>
-    <para>These steps are discussed in the next sections.</para>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.defining_types">
-      <title>Defining Types</title>
-      <para>The first step in developing an annotator is to define the CAS Feature Structure
-        types that it creates. This is done in an XML file called a <emphasis>Type System
-        Descriptor</emphasis>. UIMA defines basic primitive types such as
-        Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, and Double, as well as Arrays of these primitive
-        types.  UIMA also defines the built-in types <literal>TOP</literal>, which is the root 
-        of the type system, analogous to Object in Java; <literal>FSArray</literal>, which is 
-        an array of Feature Structures (i.e. an array of instances of TOP); and
-        <literal>Annotation</literal>, which we will discuss in more detail in this section.</para>
-      <para>UIMA includes an Eclipse plug-in that will help you edit Type System
-        Descriptors, so if you are using Eclipse you will not need to worry about the details of
-        the XML syntax. See <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;"
-          targetptr="ugr.ovv.eclipse_setup"/> for instructions on setting up Eclipse and
-        installing the plugin.</para>
-      <para>The Type System Descriptor for our annotator is located in the file
-        <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex1/TutorialTypeSystem.xml.</literal> (This
-        and all other examples are located in the <literal>examples</literal> directory of
-        the installation of the UIMA SDK, which can be imported into an Eclipse project for
-        your convenience, as described in <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;"
-          targetptr="ugr.ovv.eclipse_setup.example_code"/>.)</para>
-      <para>In Eclipse, expand the <literal>uimaj-examples</literal> project in the
-        Package Explorer view, and browse to the file
-        <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex1/TutorialTypeSystem.xml</literal>.
-        Right-click on the file in the navigator and select Open With &rarr; Component
-        Descriptor Editor. Once the editor opens, click on the <quote>Type System</quote>
-        tab at the bottom of the editor window. You should see a view such as the
-        following:</para>
-      <screenshot>
- <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata scale="100" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image002.jpg"/>
-        </imageobject>
-        <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of editor for Type System Definitions</phrase></textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-  </screenshot>
-      <para>Our annotator will need only one type &ndash;
-        <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.RoomNumber</literal>. (We use the same
-        namespace conventions as are used for Java classes.) Just as in Java, types have
-        supertypes. The supertype is listed in the second column of the left table. In this
-        case our RoomNumber annotation extends from the built-in type
-        <literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal>.</para>
-      <para>Descriptions can be included with types and features. In this example, there is a
-        description associated with the <literal>building</literal> feature. To see it,
-        hover the mouse over the feature.</para>
-      <para>The bottom tab labeled <quote>Source</quote> will show you the XML source file
-        associated with this descriptor.</para>
-      <para>The built-in Annotation type declares three fields (called
-        <emphasis>Features</emphasis> in CAS terminology).  The features <literal>begin</literal>
-        and <literal>end</literal> store the character offsets of the span of text to which the 
-        annotation refers.  The feature <literal>sofa</literal> (Subject of Analysis) indicates
-        which document the begin and end offsets point into.  The <literal>sofa</literal> feature
-        can be ignored for now since we assume in this tutorial that the CAS contains only one
-        subject of analysis (document).</para>
-      <para>Our RoomNumber type will inherit these three features from
-        <literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal>, its supertype; they are not visible in
-        this view because inherited features are not shown. One additional feature,
-        <literal>building</literal>, is declared. It takes a String as its value. Instead
-        of String, we could have declared the range-type of our feature to be any other CAS type
-        (defined or built-in).</para>
-      <para>If you are not using Eclipse, if you need to edit the type system, do so using any XML
-        or text editor, directly. The following is the actual XML representation of the Type
-        System displayed above in the editor:</para>
-      <programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-  <typeSystemDescription xmlns="">
-    <name>TutorialTypeSystem</name>
-    <description>Type System Definition for the tutorial examples - 
-        as of Exercise 1</description>
-    <vendor>Apache Software Foundation</vendor>
-    <version>1.0</version>
-    <types>
-      <typeDescription>
-        <name>org.apache.uima.tutorial.RoomNumber</name>
-        <description></description>
-        <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName>
-        <features>
-          <featureDescription>
-            <name>building</name>
-            <description>Building containing this room</description>
-            <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName>
-          </featureDescription>
-        </features>
-      </typeDescription>
-    </types>
-  </typeSystemDescription>]]></programlisting>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.generating_jcas_sources">
-      <title>Generating Java Source Files for CAS Types</title>
-      <para>When you save a descriptor that you have modified, the Component Descriptor
-        Editor will automatically generate Java classes corresponding to the types that are
-        defined in that descriptor (unless this has been disabled), using a utility called
-        JCasGen. These Java classes will have the same name (including package) as the CAS
-        types, and will have get and set methods for each of the features that you have
-        defined.</para>
-      <para>This feature is enabled/disabled using the UIMA menu pulldown (or the Eclipse
-        Preferences &rarr; UIMA). If automatic running of JCasGen is not happening, please
-        make sure the option is checked:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image004.jpg"/>
-        </imageobject>
-        <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of enabling automatic running of JCasGen</phrase></textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-  </screenshot>
-      <para>The Java class for the example org.apache.uima.tutorial.RoomNumber type can
-        be found in <literal>src/org/apache/uima/tutorial/</literal>
-        . You will see how to use these generated classes in the next section.</para>
-      <para>If you are not using the Component Descriptor Editor, you will need to generate
-        these Java classes by using the <emphasis>JCasGen</emphasis> tool. JCasGen reads a
-        Type System Descriptor XML file and generates the corresponding Java classes that
-        you can then use in your annotator code. To launch JCasGen, run the jcasgen shell
-        script located in the <literal>/bin</literal> directory of the UIMA SDK
-        installation. This should launch a GUI that looks something like this:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-        <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image006.jpg"/>
-        </imageobject>
-        <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of JCasGen</phrase></textobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-      <para>Use the <quote>Browse</quote> buttons to select your input file
-        (TutorialTypeSystem.xml) and output directory (the root of the source tree into
-        which you want the generated files placed). Then click the <quote>Go</quote>
-        button. If the Type System Descriptor has no errors, new Java source files will be
-        generated under the specified output directory.</para>
-      <para>There are some additional options to choose from when running JCasGen; please
-        refer to the <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tools;"
-          targetptr=""/> for details.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.developing_annotator_code">
-      <title>Developing Your Annotator Code</title>
-      <para>Annotator implementations all implement a standard interface (AnalysisComponent), having several
-        methods, the most important of which are:
-        <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>initialize</literal>, </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>process</literal>, and </para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem>
-            <para><literal>destroy</literal>. </para>
-          </listitem>
-        </itemizedlist></para>
-      <para><literal>initialize</literal> is called by the framework once when it first creates an instance of the
-        annotator class. <literal>process</literal> is called once per item being processed.
-        <literal>destroy</literal> may be called by the application when it is done using your annotator. There is a 
-        default implementation of this interface for annotators using the JCas, called JCasAnnotator_ImplBase, which 
-        has implementations of all required methods except for the process method.</para>
-      <para>Our annotator class extends the JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; most annotators that use the JCas will extend
-        from this class, so they only have to implement the process method. This class is not restricted to handling
-        just text; see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;" targetptr="ugr.tug.aas"/>.</para>
-      <para>Annotators are not required to extend from the JCasAnnotator_ImplBase class; they may instead
-        directly implement the AnalysisComponent interface, and provide all method implementations themselves.
-        <footnote>
-        <para>Note that AnalysisComponent is not specific to JCAS. There is a method getRequiredCasInterface()
-          which the user would have to implement to return <literal>JCas.class</literal>. Then in the
-          <literal>process(AbstractCas cas)</literal> method, they would need to typecast
-          <literal>cas</literal> to type <literal>JCas</literal>.</para></footnote> This allows you to have
-        your annotator inherit from some other superclass if necessary. If you would like to do this, see the Javadocs
-        for JCasAnnotator for descriptions of the methods you must implement.</para>
-      <para>Annotator classes need to be public, cannot be declared abstract, and must have public, 0-argument 
-        constructors, so that they can be instantiated by the framework. <footnote>
-        <para> Although Java classes in which you do not define any constructor will, by default, have a 0-argument
-          constructor that doesn&apos;t do anything, a class in which you have defined at least one constructor does
-          not get a default 0-argument constructor.</para> </footnote> .</para>
-      <para>The class definition for our RoomNumberAnnotator implements the process method, and is shown here. You
-        can find the source for this in the
-        <literal>uimaj-examples/src/org/apache/uima/tutorial/ex1/</literal> .
-        <note>
-        <para>In Eclipse, in the <quote>Package Explorer</quote> view, this will appear by default in the project
-          <literal>uimaj-examples</literal>, in the folder <literal>src</literal>, in the package
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex1</literal>.</para></note> In Eclipse, open the
- in the uimaj-examples project, under the src directory.</para>
-      <programlisting>package org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex1;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase;
-import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
-import org.apache.uima.tutorial.RoomNumber;
- * Example annotator that detects room numbers using 
- * Java 1.4 regular expressions.
- */
-public class RoomNumberAnnotator extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase {
-  private Pattern mYorktownPattern = 
-        Pattern.compile("\\b[0-4]\\d-[0-2]\\d\\d\\b");
-  private Pattern mHawthornePattern = 
-        Pattern.compile("\\b[G1-4][NS]-[A-Z]\\d\\d\\b");
-  public void process(JCas aJCas) {
-    // Discussed Later
-  }
-      <para>The two Java class fields, mYorktownPattern and mHawthornePattern, hold regular expressions that
-        will be used in the process method. Note that these two fields are part of the Java implementation of the
-        annotator code, and not a part of the CAS type system. We are using the regular expression facility that is
-        built into Java 1.4. It is not critical that you know the details of how this works, but if you are curious the
-        details can be found in the Java API docs for the java.util.regex package.</para>
-      <para>The only method that we are required to implement is <literal>process</literal>. This method is typically 
-        called once for each document that is being analyzed. This method takes one argument, which is a JCas instance; 
-        this holds the document to be analyzed and all of the analysis results. <footnote>
-        <para>Version 1 of UIMA specified an additional parameter, the ResultSpecification. This provides a
-          specification of which types and features are desired to be computed and "output" from this annotator. Its
-          use is optional; many annotators ignore it.</para>
-        <para> This parameter has been replaced by specific set/getResultSpecification() methods, which allow
-          the annotator to receive a signal (a method call) when the result specification changes.</para>
-        </footnote></para>
-      <programlisting>public void process(JCas aJCas) {
-  // get document text
-  String docText = aJCas.getDocumentText();
-  // search for Yorktown room numbers
-  Matcher matcher = mYorktownPattern.matcher(docText);
-  int pos = 0;
-  while (matcher.find(pos)) {
-    // found one - create annotation
-    RoomNumber annotation = new RoomNumber(aJCas);
-    annotation.setBegin(matcher.start());
-    annotation.setEnd(matcher.end());
-    annotation.setBuilding("Yorktown");
-    annotation.addToIndexes();
-    pos = matcher.end();
-  }
-  // search for Hawthorne room numbers
-  matcher = mHawthornePattern.matcher(docText);
-  pos = 0;
-  while (matcher.find(pos)) {
-    // found one - create annotation
-    RoomNumber annotation = new RoomNumber(aJCas);
-    annotation.setBegin(matcher.start());
-    annotation.setEnd(matcher.end());
-    annotation.setBuilding("Hawthorne");
-    annotation.addToIndexes();
-    pos = matcher.end();
-  }
-      <para>The Matcher class is part of the java.util.regex package and is used to find the room numbers in the
-        document text. When we find one, recording the annotation is as simple as creating a new Java object and
-        calling some set methods:</para>
-      <programlisting>RoomNumber annotation = new RoomNumber(aJCas);
-      <para>The <literal>RoomNumber</literal> class was generated from the type system description by the
-        Component Descriptor Editor or the JCasGen tool, as discussed in the previous section.</para>
-      <para>Finally, we call <literal>annotation.addToIndexes()</literal> to add the new annotation to the
-        indexes maintained in the CAS. By default, the CAS implementation used for analysis of text documents keeps
-        an index of all annotations in their order from beginning to end of the document. Subsequent annotators or
-        applications use the indexes to iterate over the annotations. </para>
-      <note>
-      <para> If you don&apos;t add the instance to the indexes, it cannot be retrieved by down-stream annotators,
-        using the indexes. </para></note>
-      <note>
-      <para>You can also call <literal>addToIndexes()</literal> on Feature Structures that are not subtypes of
-        <literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal>, but these will not be sorted in any particular way. If you want
-        to specify a sort order, you can define your own custom indexes in the CAS: see <olink
-          targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;" targetptr="ugr.ref.cas"/> and <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-          targetptr="ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor.aes.index"/> for details.</para></note>
-      <para>We&apos;re almost ready to test the RoomNumberAnnotator. There is just one more step
-        remaining.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.creating_xml_descriptor">
-      <title>Creating the XML Descriptor</title>
-      <para>The UIMA architecture requires that descriptive information about an
-        annotator be represented in an XML file and provided along with the annotator class
-        file(s) to the UIMA framework at run time. This XML file is called an
-        <emphasis>Analysis Engine Descriptor</emphasis>. The descriptor includes:
-        <itemizedlist><listitem><para>Name, description, version, and vendor</para>
-          </listitem>
-          <listitem><para>The annotator&apos;s inputs and outputs, defined in terms of
-            the types in a Type System Descriptor</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>Declaration of the configuration parameters that the
-            annotator accepts </para></listitem></itemizedlist> </para>
-      <para>The <emphasis>Component Descriptor Editor</emphasis> plugin, which we
-        previously used to edit the Type System descriptor, can also be used to edit Analysis
-        Engine Descriptors.</para>
-      <para>A descriptor for our RoomNumberAnnotator is provided with the UIMA
-        distribution under the name
-        <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex1/RoomNumberAnnotator.xml.</literal> To
-        edit it in Eclipse, right-click on that file in the navigator and select Open With
-        &rarr; Component Descriptor Editor.</para> <tip><para>In Eclipse, you can double
-      click on the tab at the top of the Component Descriptor Editor&apos;s window
-      identifying the currently selected editor, and the window will
-      <quote>Maximize</quote>. Double click it again to restore the original size.</para>
-      </tip>
-      <para>If you are not using Eclipse, you will need to edit Analysis Engine descriptors
-        manually. See <xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.xml_intro_ae_descriptor"/> for an
-        introduction to the Analysis Engine descriptor XML syntax. The remainder of this
-        section assumes you are using the Component Descriptor Editor plug-in to edit the
-        Analysis Engine descriptor.</para>
-      <para>The Component Descriptor Editor consists of several tabbed pages; we will only
-        need to use a few of them here. For more information on using this editor, see <olink
-          targetdoc="&uima_docs_tools;" targetptr=""/>.</para>
-      <para>The initial page of the Component Descriptor Editor is the Overview page, which
-        appears as follows:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-  <mediaobject>
-    <imageobject>
-      <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image008.jpg"/>
-    </imageobject>
-    <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of Component Descriptor Editor overview page</phrase>      
-    </textobject>
-  </mediaobject>
-      <para>This presents an overview of the RoomNumberAnnotator Analysis Engine (AE). The
-        left side of the page shows that this descriptor is for a
-        <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> AE (meaning it consists of a single annotator),
-        and that the annotator code is developed in Java. Also, it specifies the Java class
-        that implements our logic (the code which was discussed in the previous section).
-        Finally, on the right side of the page are listed some descriptive attributes of our
-        annotator.</para>
-      <para>The other two pages that need to be filled out are the Type System page and the
-        Capabilities page. You can switch to these pages using the tabs at the bottom of the
-        Component Descriptor Editor. In the tutorial, these are already filled out for
-        you.</para>
-      <para>The RoomNumberAnnotator will be using the TutorialTypeSystem we looked at in
-        Section <xref linkend="ugr.tug.aae.defining_types"/>. To specify this, we add
-        this type system to the Analysis Engine&apos;s list of Imported Type Systems, using
-        the Type System page&apos;s right side panel, as shown here:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image010.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of CDE Type System page</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>
- </screenshot>
-      <para>On the Capabilities page, we define our annotator&apos;s inputs and outputs, in
-        terms of the types in the type system. The Capabilities page is shown below:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.3in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image012.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of CDE Capabilities page</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>
- </screenshot>
-      <para>Although capabilities come in sets, having multiple sets is deprecated; here
-        we&apos;re just using one set. The RoomNumberAnnotator is very simple. It requires
-        no input types, as it operates directly on the document text -- which is supplied as a
-        part of the CAS initialization (and which is always assumed to be present). It
-        produces only one output type (RoomNumber), and it sets the value of the
-        <literal>building</literal> feature on that type. This is all represented on the
-        Capabilities page.</para>
-      <para>The Capabilities page has two other parts for specifying languages and Sofas.
-        The languages section allows you to specify which languages your Analysis Engine
-        supports. The RoomNumberAnnotator happens to be language-independent, so we can
-        leave this blank. The Sofas section allows you to specify the names of additional
-        subjects of analysis. This capability and the Sofa Mappings at the bottom are
-        advanced topics, described in <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
-          targetptr="ugr.tug.aas"/>. </para>
-      <para>This is all of the information we need to provide for a simple annotator. If you
-        want to peek at the XML that this tool saves you from having to write, click on the
-        <quote>Source</quote> tab at the bottom to view the generated XML.</para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.testing_your_annotator">
-      <title>Testing Your Annotator</title>
-      <para>Having developed an annotator, we need a way to try it out on some example
-        documents. The UIMA SDK includes a tool called the Document Analyzer that will allow
-        us to do this. To run the Document Analyzer, execute the documentAnalyzer shell
-        script that is in the <literal>bin</literal> directory of your UIMA SDK
-        installation, or, if you are using the example Eclipse project, execute the
-        <quote>UIMA Document Analyzer</quote> run configuration supplied with that
-        project. (To do this, click on the menu bar Run &rarr; Run ... &rarr; and under Java
-        Applications in the left box, click on UIMA Document Analyzer.)</para>
-      <para>You should see a screen that looks like this:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image014.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of UIMA Document Analyzer GUI</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>       
-      </screenshot>
-      <para>There are six options on this screen:</para>
-      <orderedlist><listitem><para>Directory containing documents to analyze</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem><para>Directory where analysis results will be written</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem><para>The XML descriptor for the Analysis Engine (AE) you want to
-          run</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>(Optional) an XML tag, within the input documents, that contains
-          the text to be analyzed. For example, the value TEXT would cause the AE to only
-          analyze the portion of the document enclosed within
-          &lt;TEXT&gt;...&lt;/TEXT&gt; tags.</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>Language of the document </para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para>Character encoding </para></listitem></orderedlist>
-      <para>Use the Browse button next to the third item to set the <quote>Location of AE XML
-        Descriptor</quote> field to the descriptor we&apos;ve just been discussing
-        &mdash;
-        <literal>&lt;where-you-installed-uima-e.g.UIMA_HOME&gt; 
-          /examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex1/RoomNumberAnnotator.xml</literal>
-        . Set the other fields to the values shown in the screen shot above (which should be the
-        default values if this is the first time you&apos;ve run the Document Analyzer). Then
-        click the <quote>Run</quote> button to start processing.</para>
-      <para>When processing completes, an <quote>Analysis Results</quote> window should
-        appear.</para>
-      <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="3.5in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image016.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of UIMA Document Analyzer Results GUI</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>       
-      </screenshot>
-      <para>Make sure <quote>Java Viewer</quote> is selected as the Results Display
-        Format, and <emphasis role="bold">double-click</emphasis> on the document
-        UIMASummerSchool2003.txt to view the annotations that were discovered. The view
-        should look something like this:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image018.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of UIMA CAS Annotation Viewer GUI</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>       
-      </screenshot>
-      <para>You can click the mouse on one of the highlighted annotations to see a list of all
-        its features in the frame on the right.</para> <note><para>The legend will only show
-      those types which have at least one instance in the CAS, and are declared as outputs in the
-      capabilities section of the descriptor (see <xref
-        linkend="ugr.tug.aae.creating_xml_descriptor"/>. </para></note>
-      <para>You can use the DocumentAnalyzer to test any UIMA annotator
-        &mdash; just make sure that the annotator&apos;s classes are in the class
-        path.</para>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="ugr.tug.aae.configuration_logging">
-    <title>Configuration and Logging</title>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.configuration_parameters">
-      <title>Configuration Parameters</title>
-      <para>The example RoomNumberAnnotator from the previous section used hardcoded
-        regular expressions and location names, which is obviously not very flexible. For
-        example, you might want to have the patterns of room numbers be supplied by a
-        configuration parameter, rather than having to redo the annotator&apos;s Java code
-        to add additional patterns. Rather than add a new hardcoded regular expression for a
-        new pattern, a better solution is to use configuration parameters.</para>
-      <para>UIMA allows annotators to declare configuration parameters in their
-        descriptors. The descriptor also specifies default values for the parameters,
-        though these can be overridden at runtime.</para>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.declaring_parameters_in_the_descriptor">
-        <title>Declaring Parameters in the Descriptor</title>
-        <para>The example descriptor
-          <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex2/RoomNumberAnnotator.xml</literal> is
-          the same as the descriptor from the previous section except that information has
-          been filled in for the Parameters and Parameter Settings pages of the Component
-          Descriptor Editor.</para>
-        <para>First, in Eclipse, open example two&apos;s RoomNumberAnnotator in the
-          Component Descriptor Editor, and then go to the Parameters page (click on the
-          parameters tab at the bottom of the window), which is shown below:</para>
-        <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image020.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of UIMA Component Descriptor Editor (CDE) Parameters page</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>       
-      </screenshot>
-        <para>Two parameters &ndash; Patterns and Locations -- have been declared. In this
-          screen shot, the mouse (not shown) is hovering over Patterns to show its
-          description in the small popup window. Every parameter has the following
-          information associated with it:</para>
-        <itemizedlist><listitem><para>name &ndash; the name by which the annotator code
-          refers to the parameter</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>description &ndash; a natural language description of the
-            intent of the parameter</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>type &ndash; the data type of the parameter&apos;s value
-            &ndash; must be one of String, Integer, Float, or Boolean.</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>multiValued &ndash; true if the parameter can take
-            multiple-values (an array), false if the parameter takes only a single value.
-            Shown above as <literal>Multi</literal>.</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>mandatory &ndash; true if a value must be provided for the
-            parameter. Shown above as <literal>Req</literal> (for required). </para>
-          </listitem></itemizedlist>
-        <para>Both of our parameters are mandatory and accept an array of Strings as their
-          value.</para>
-        <para>Next, default values are assigned to the parameters on the Parameter Settings
-          page:</para>
-        <screenshot>
-   <mediaobject>
-     <imageobject>
-       <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image022.jpg"/>
-     </imageobject>
-     <textobject><phrase>Screenshot of UIMA Component Descriptor Editor (CDE) Parameter Settings page</phrase></textobject>
-   </mediaobject>       
-      </screenshot>
-        <para>Here the <quote>Patterns</quote> parameter is selected, and the right pane
-          shows the list of values for this parameter, in this case the regular expressions
-          that match particular room numbering conventions. Notice the third pattern is
-          new, for matching the style of room numbers in the third building, which has room
-          numbers such as <literal>J2-A11</literal>.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.accessing_parameter_values_from_annotator">
-        <title>Accessing Parameter Values from the Annotator Code</title>
-        <para>The class
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex2.RoomNumberAnnotator</literal> has
-          overridden the initialize method. The initialize method is called by the UIMA
-          framework when the annotator is instantiated, so it is a good place to read
-          configuration parameter values. The default initialize method does nothing with
-          configuration parameters, so you have to override it. To see the code in Eclipse,
-          switch to the src folder, and open
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex2</literal>. Here is the method
-          body:</para>
-        <programlisting>/**
-* @see AnalysisComponent#initialize(UimaContext)
-public void initialize(UimaContext aContext) 
-        throws ResourceInitializationException {
-  super.initialize(aContext);
-  // Get config. parameter values  
-  String[] patternStrings = 
-        (String[]) aContext.getConfigParameterValue("Patterns");
-  mLocations = 
-        (String[]) aContext.getConfigParameterValue("Locations");
-  // compile regular expressions
-  mPatterns = new Pattern[patternStrings.length];
-  for (int i = 0; i &lt; patternStrings.length; i++) {
-    mPatterns[i] = Pattern.compile(patternStrings[i]);
-  }
-        <para>Configuration parameter values are accessed through the UimaContext. As you
-          will see in subsequent sections of this chapter, the UimaContext is the
-          annotator&apos;s access point for all of the facilities provided by the UIMA
-          framework &ndash; for example logging and external resource access.</para>
-        <para>The UimaContext&apos;s <literal>getConfigParameterValue</literal>
-          method takes the name of the parameter as an argument; this must match one of the
-          parameters declared in the descriptor. The return value of this method is a Java
-          Object, whose type corresponds to the declared type of the parameter. It is up to the
-          annotator to cast it to the appropriate type, String[] in this case.</para>
-        <para>If there is a problem retrieving the parameter values, the framework throws an
-          exception. Generally annotators don&apos;t handle these, and just let them
-          propagate up.</para>
-        <para>To see the configuration parameters working, run the Document Analyzer
-          application and select the descriptor
-          <literal>examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex2/RoomNumberAnnotator.xml</literal>
-          . In the example document <literal>WatsonConferenceRooms.txt</literal>, you
-          should see some examples of Hawthorne II room numbers that would not have been
-          detected by the ex1 version of RoomNumberAnnotator.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.supporting_reconfiguration">
-        <title>Supporting Reconfiguration</title>
-        <para>If you take a look at the Javadocs (located in the <ulink
-            url="api/index.html">docs/api</ulink> directory) for
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.analysis_component.AnaysisComponent</literal>
-          (which our annotator implements indirectly through JCasAnnotator_ImplBase),
-          you will see that there is a reconfigure() method, which is called by the containing
-          application through the UIMA framework, if the configuration parameter values
-          are changed.</para>
-        <para>The AnalysisComponent_ImplBase class provides a default implementation
-          that just calls the annotator&apos;s destroy method followed by its initialize
-          method. This works fine for our annotator. The only situation in which you might
-          want to override the default reconfigure() is if your annotator has very expensive
-          initialization logic, and you don&apos;t want to reinitialize everything if just
-          one configuration parameter has changed. In that case, you can provide a more
-          intelligent implementation of reconfigure() for your annotator.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.configuration_parameter_groups">
-        <title>Configuration Parameter Groups</title>
-        <para>For annotators with many sets of configuration parameters, UIMA supports
-          organizing them into groups. It is possible to define a parameter with the same name
-          in multiple groups; one common use for this is for annotators that can process
-          documents in several languages and which want to have different parameter
-          settings for the different languages.</para>
-        <para>The syntax for defining parameter groups in your descriptor is fairly
-          straightforward &ndash; see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-            targetptr="ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor"/> for details. Values of
-          parameters defined within groups are accessed through the two-argument version
-          of <literal>UimaContext.getConfigParameterValue</literal>, which takes
-          both the group name and the parameter name as its arguments.</para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging">
-      <title>Logging</title>
-      <para>The UIMA SDK provides a logging facility, which is very similar to the
-        java.util.logging.Logger class that was introduced in Java 1.4.</para>
-      <para>In the Java architecture, each logger instance is associated with a name. By
-        convention, this name is often the fully qualified class name of the component
-        issuing the logging call. The name can be referenced in a configuration file when
-        specifying which kinds of log messages to actually log, and where they should
-        go.</para>
-      <para>The UIMA framework supports this convention using the
-        <literal>UimaContext</literal> object. If you access a logger instance using
-        <literal>getContext().getLogger()</literal> within an Annotator, the logger
-        name will be the fully qualified name of the Annotator implementation class.</para>
-      <para>Here is an example from the process method of
-        <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex2.RoomNumberAnnotator</literal>:
-        <programlisting>getContext().getLogger().log(Level.FINEST,"Found: " + annotation);</programlisting>
-        </para>
-      <para>The first argument to the log method is the level of the log output. Here, a value of
-        FINEST indicates that this is a highly-detailed tracing message. While useful for
-        debugging, it is likely that real applications will not output log messages at this
-        level, in order to improve their performance. Other defined levels, from lowest to
-        highest importance, are FINER, FINE, CONFIG, INFO, WARNING, and SEVERE.</para>
-      <para>If no logging configuration file is provided (see next section), the Java
-        Virtual Machine defaults would be used, which typically set the level to INFO and
-        higher messages, and direct output to the console.</para>
-      <para>If you specify the standard UIMA SDK <literal>,</literal>
-        the output will be directed to a file named uima.log, in the current working directory
-        (often the <quote>project</quote> directory when running from Eclipse, for
-        instance).</para> <note><para>When using Eclipse, the uima.log file, if written
-      into the Eclipse workspace in the project uimaj-examples, for example, may not appear
-      in the Eclipse package explorer view until you right-click the uimaj-examples project
-      with the mouse, and select <quote>Refresh</quote>. This operation refreshes the
-      Eclipse display to conform to what may have changed on the file system. Also, you can set
-      the Eclipse preferences for the workspace to automatically refresh (Window &rarr;
-      Preferences &rarr; General &rarr; Workspace, then click the <quote>refresh
-      automatically</quote> checkbox.</para></note>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.configuring">
-        <title>Specifying the Logging Configuration</title>
-        <para>The standard UIMA logger uses the underlying Java 1.4 logging mechanism. You
-          can use the APIs that come with that to configure the logging. In addition, the
-          standard Java 1.4 logging initialization mechanisms will look for a Java System
-          Property named <literal>java.util.logging.config.file</literal> and if
-          found, will use the value of this property as the name of a standard
-          <quote>properties</quote> file, for setting the logging level. Please refer to
-          the Java 1.4. documentation for more information on the format and use of this
-          file.</para>
-        <para>Two sample logging specification property files can be found in the UIMA_HOME
-          directory where the UIMA SDK is installed:
-          <literal>config/</literal>, and
-          <literal>config/</literal>. These specify the same
-          logging, except the first logs just to a file, while the second logs both to a file and
-          to the console. You can edit these files, or create additional ones, as described
-          below, to change the logging behavior.</para>
-        <para>When running your own Java application, you can specify the location of the
-          logging configuration file on your Java command line by setting the Java system
-          property <literal>java.util.logging.config.file</literal> to be the logging
-          configuration filename. This file specification can be either absolute or
-          relative to the working directory. For example:
-          <programlisting><?db-font-size 65% ?>java "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:/Program Files/apache-uima/config/"</programlisting>
-          <note><para>In a shell script, you can use environment variables such as
-          UIMA_HOME if convenient.</para></note> </para>
-        <para>If you are using Eclipse to launch your application, you can set this property
-          in the VM arguments section of the Arguments tab of the run configuration screen. If
-          you&apos;ve set an environment variable UIMA_HOME, you could for example, use the
-          string:
-          <literal>"-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${env_var:UIMA_HOME}/config/".</literal>
-          </para>
-        <para>If you running the .bat or .sh files in the UIMA SDK's <literal>bin</literal> directory, you can specify the location of your
-           logger configuration file by setting the <literal>UIMA_LOGGER_CONFIG_FILE</literal> environment variable prior to running the script,
-           for example (on Windows): 
-           <programlisting><?db-font-size 70% ?>set UIMA_LOGGER_CONFIG_FILE=C:/myapp/</programlisting>        
-        </para>        
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.setting_logging_levels">
-        <title>Setting Logging Levels</title>
-        <para>Within the logging control file, the default global logging level specifies
-          which kinds of events are logged across all loggers. For any given facility this
-          global level can be overridden by a facility specific level. Multiple handlers are
-          supported. This allows messages to be directed to a log file, as well as to a
-          <quote>console</quote>. Note that the ConsoleHandler also has a separate level
-          setting to limit messages printed to the console. For example: <literal>.level=
-          INFO</literal> </para>
-        <para>The properties file can change where the log is written, as well.</para>
-        <para>Facility specific properties allow different logging for each class, as
-          well. For example, to set the logger to only log SEVERE messages:
-          <literal> = SEVERE</literal></para>
-        <para>If you have a sample annotator in the package
-          <literal>org.apache.uima.SampleAnnotator</literal> you can set the log level
-          by specifying: <literal>org.apache.uima.SampleAnnotator.level =
-          ALL</literal></para>
-        <para>There are other logging controls; for a full discussion, please read the
-          contents of the <literal></literal> file and the Java
-          specification for logging in Java 1.4.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.output_format">
-        <title>Format of logging output</title>
-        <para>The logging output is formatted by handlers specified in the properties file
-          for configuring logging, described above. The default formatter that comes with
-          the UIMA SDK formats logging output as follows:</para>
-        <para><literal>Timestamp - threadID: sourceInfo: Message level:
-          message</literal></para>
-        <para> Here&apos;s an example:</para>
-        <para><literal>7/12/04 2:15:35 PM - 10:
-          org.apache.uima.util.TestClass.main(62): INFO: You are not logged
-          in!</literal></para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.meaning_of_severity_levels">
-        <title>Meaning of the logging severity levels</title>
-        <para>These levels are defined by the Java logging framework, which was
-          incorporated into Java as of the 1.4 release level. The levels are defined in the
-          Javadocs for java.util.logging.Level, and include both logging and tracing
-          levels:
-          <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-            <listitem><para>OFF is a special level that can be used to turn off
-              logging.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>ALL indicates that all messages should be logged. </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem><para>CONFIG is a message level for configuration messages. These
-              would typically occur once (during configuration) in methods like
-              <literal>initialize()</literal>. </para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>INFO is a message level for informational messages, for
-              example, connected to server IP: </para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>WARNING is a message level indicating a potential
-              problem.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>SEVERE is a message level indicating a serious
-              failure.</para></listitem>
-          </itemizedlist></para>
-        <para> Tracing levels, typically used for debugging:
-          <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem><para>FINE is a message level providing tracing information,
-              typically at a collection level (messages occurring once per collection).
-              </para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>FINER indicates a fairly detailed tracing message,
-              typically at a document level (once per document).</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para>FINEST indicates a highly detailed tracing message. </para>
-            </listitem></itemizedlist></para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.using_outside_of_an_annotator">
-        <title>Using the logger outside of an annotator</title>
-        <para>An application using UIMA may want to log its messages using the same logging
-          framework. This can be done by getting a reference to the UIMA logger, as follows:
-          <programlisting>Logger logger = UIMAFramework.getLogger(TestClass.class);</programlisting>
-          </para>
-        <para>The optional class argument allows filtering by class (if the log handler
-          supports this). If not specified, the name of the returned logger instance is
-          <quote>org.apache.uima</quote>.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section id="ugr.tug.aae.logging.change_logger_implementation">
-        <title>Changing the underlying UIMA logging implementation</title>
-        <para>By default the UIMA framework use, under the hood of the UIMA Logger interface, the Java logging framework 
-        to do logging. But it is possible to change the logging implementation that UIMA use from Java logging to 
-        an arbitrary logging system when specifying the system property  
-          <programlisting>-Dorg.apache.uima.logger.class=&lt;loggerClass></programlisting>
-        when the UIMA framework is started.
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          The specified logger class must be available in the classpath and have to implement the 
-          <code>org.apache.uima.util.Logger</code> interface. 
-        </para>
-        <para>
-          UIMA also provides a logging implementation that use Apache Log4j instead of Java logging. To
-          use Log4j you have to provide the Log4j jars in the classpath and your application 
-          must specify the logging configuration as shown below. 
-          <programlisting><?db-font-size 80% ?>-Dorg.apache.uima.logger.class=&lt;org.apache.uima.util.impl.Log4jLogger_impl></programlisting>
-        </para>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </section>  
-  <section id="ugr.tug.aae.building_aggregates">
-    <title>Building Aggregate Analysis Engines</title>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.combining_annotators">
-      <title>Combining Annotators</title>
-      <para>The UIMA SDK makes it very easy to combine any sequence of Analysis Engines to
-        form an <emphasis>Aggregate Analysis Engine</emphasis>. This is done through an
-        XML descriptor; no Java code is required!</para>
-      <para>If you go to the <literal>examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex3</literal>
-        folder (in Eclipse, it&apos;s in your uimaj-examples project, under the
-        <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex3</literal> folder), you will find a
-        descriptor for a TutorialDateTime annotator. This annotator detects dates and
-        times (and also sentences and words). To see what this annotator can do, try it out
-        using the Document Analyzer. If you are curious as to how this annotator works, the
-        source code is included, but it is not necessary to understand the code at this
-        time.</para>
-      <para>We are going to combine the TutorialDateTime annotator with the
-        RoomNumberAnnotator to create an aggregate Analysis Engine. This is illustrated
-        in the following figure:
-        <figure id="ugr.tug.aae.fig.combining_annotators">
-          <title>Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis Engine</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata width="5.7in" format="PNG"
-                fileref="&imgroot;image024.png"/>
-            </imageobject>
-            <textobject> <phrase>Combining Annotators to form an Aggregate Analysis
-              Engine</phrase>
-            </textobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure> </para>
-      <para>The descriptor that does this is named
-        <literal>RoomNumberAndDateTime.xml</literal>, which you can open in the
-        Component Descriptor Editor plug-in. This is in the uimaj-examples project in the
-        folder <literal>descriptors/tutorial/ex3</literal>. </para>
-      <para>The <quote>Aggregate</quote> page of the Component Descriptor Editor is
-        used to define which components make up the aggregate. A screen shot is shown below.
-        (If you are not using Eclipse, see <xref
-          linkend="ugr.tug.aae.xml_intro_ae_descriptor"/> for the actual XML syntax
-        for Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors.)</para>
-        <screenshot>
-  <mediaobject>
-    <imageobject>
-      <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image026.jpg"/>
-    </imageobject>
-    <textobject>
-      <phrase>Aggregate page of the Component Descriptor Editor (CDE)</phrase>
-    </textobject>
-  </mediaobject>
-      <para>On the left side of the screen is the list of component engines that make up the
-        aggregate &ndash; in this case, the TutorialDateTime annotator and the
-        RoomNumberAnnotator. To add a component, you can click the <quote>Add</quote>
-        button and browse to its descriptor. You can also click the <quote>Find AE</quote>
-        button and search for an Analysis Engine in your Eclipse workspace.
-        <note><para>The <quote>AddRemote</quote> button is used for adding components
-        which run remotely (for example, on another machine using a remote networking
-        connection). This capability is described in section <olink
-          targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
-          targetptr="ugr.tug.application.how_to_call_a_uima_service"/>,</para>
-        </note> </para>
-      <para>The order of the components in the left pane does not imply an order of
-        execution. The order of execution, or <quote>flow</quote> is determined in the
-        <quote>Component Engine Flow</quote> section on the right. UIMA supports
-        different types of algorithms (including user-definable) for determining the
-        flow. Here we pick the simplest: <literal>FixedFlow</literal>. We have chosen to
-        have the RoomNumberAnnotator execute first, although in this case it
-        doesn&apos;t really matter, since the RoomNumber and DateTime annotators do not
-        have any dependencies on one another.</para>
-      <para>If you look at the <quote>Type System</quote> page of the Component
-        Descriptor Editor, you will see that it displays the type system but is not
-        editable. The Type System of an Aggregate Analysis Engine is automatically
-        computed by merging the Type Systems of all of its components.</para>
-      <warning><para>If the components have different definitions for the same type name,
-        The Component Descriptor Editor will show a warning.  It is possible to continue past
-        this warning, in which case your aggregate's type system will have the correct
-        <quote>merged</quote>
-        type definition that contains all of the features defined on that type by all of your
-        components.  However, it is not recommended to use this feature in conjunction with JCAS,
-        since the JCAS Java Class definitions cannot be so easily merged.  See
-        <olink
-          targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-          targetptr="ugr.ref.jcas.merging_types_from_other_specs"/> for more information.
-      </para></warning>
-      <para>The Capabilities page is where you explicitly declare the aggregate Analysis
-        Engine&apos;s inputs and outputs. Sofas and Languages are described later.
-          <screenshot>
-     <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-         <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image028.jpg"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject><phrase>Screen shot of the Capabilities page of the Component Descriptor Editor
-       </phrase></textobject>
-     </mediaobject>
-   </screenshot>
-          </para>
-        <para>Note that it is not automatically assumed that all outputs of each component
-          Analysis Engine (AE) are passed through as outputs of the aggregate AE. In this
-          case, for example, we have decided to suppress the Word and Sentence annotations
-          that are produced by the TutorialDateTime annotator.</para>
-        <para>You can run this AE using the Document Analyzer in the same way that you run any
-          other AE. Just select the <literal>examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex3/
-          RoomNumberAndDateTime.xml</literal> descriptor and click the Run button. You
-          should see that RoomNumbers, Dates, and Times are all shown but that Words and
-          Sentences are not:</para>
-        <screenshot>
-     <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-         <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image030.jpg"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject><phrase>Screen shot results of running the Document Analyzer
-       </phrase></textobject>
-     </mediaobject>
-   </screenshot>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.aaes_can_contain_cas_consumers">
-      <title>AEs can also contain CAS Consumers</title>
-      <para>In addition to aggregating Analysis Engines, Aggregates can also contain CAS
-        Consumers (see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
-          targetptr="ugr.tug.cpe"/>, or even a mixture of these components with regular
-        Analysis Engines. The UIMA Examples has an example of an Aggregate which contains
-        both an analysis engine and a CAS consumer, in
-        <literal>examples/descriptors/MixedAggregate.xml.</literal></para>
-      <para>Analysis Engines support the <literal>collectionProcessComplete</literal>
-        method, which is particularly important for many CAS Consumers.  If
-        an application (or a Collection Processing Engine) calls 
-        <literal>collectionProcessComplete</literal> no an aggregate, the framework
-        will deliver that call to all of the components of the aggregate.  If you use
-        one of the built-in flow types (fixedFlow or capabilityLanguageFlow), then the
-        order specified in that flow will be the same order in which the
-        <literal>collectionProcessComplete</literal> calls are made to the components.
-        If a custom flow is used, then the calls will be made in arbitrary order.
-      </para>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.reading_results_previous_annotators">
-      <title>Reading the Results of Previous Annotators</title>
-      <para>So far, we have been looking at annotators that look directly at the document text. However, annotators
-        can also use the results of other annotators. One useful thing we can do at this point is look for the
-        co-occurrence of a Date, a RoomNumber, and two Times &ndash; and annotate that as a Meeting.</para>
-      <para>The CAS maintains <emphasis>indexes</emphasis> of annotations, and from an index you can obtain an
-        iterator that allows you to step through all annotations of a particular type. Here&apos;s some example code
-        that would iterate over all of the TimeAnnot annotations in the JCas:
-        <programlisting>FSIndex timeIndex = aJCas.getAnnotationIndex(TimeAnnot.type);
-Iterator timeIter = timeIndex.iterator();   
-while (timeIter.hasNext()) {
-  TimeAnnot time = (TimeAnnot);
-  //do something
-      <note>
-      <para>You can also use the method
-        <literal>JCAS.getJFSIndexRepository().getAllIndexedFS(YourClass.type)</literal>, which returns an iterator
-        over all instances of <literal>YourClass</literal> in no particular order. This can be useful for types
-        that are not subtypes of the built-in Annotation type and which therefore have no default sort order.</para>
-      <para>Also, if you've defined your own custom index as described in <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
-          targetptr="ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor.aes.index"/>, you can get an iterator over that
-        specific index by calling <literal>aJCas.getJFSIndexRepository().getIndex(label)</literal>.
-        The <literal>getIndex(...)</literal> method has also a 2 argument form; the second argument, 
-      if used, specialized the index to subtype of the type the index was declared to index.  For instance,
-      if you defined an index called "allEvents" over the type <literal>Event</literal>, and wanted 
-      to get an index over just a particular subtype of event, say, <literal>TimeEvent</literal>,
-      you can ask for that index using 
-        <literal>aJCas.getJFSIndexRepository().getIndex("allEvents", TimeEvent.type)</literal>.</para></note>
-      <para>Now that we&apos;ve explained the basics, let&apos;s take a look at the process method for
-        <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex4.MeetingAnnotator</literal>. Since we&apos;re looking for a
-        combination of a RoomNumber, a Date, and two Times, there are four nested iterators. (There&apos;s surely a
-        better algorithm for doing this, but to keep things simple we&apos;re just going to look at every combination
-        of the four items.)</para>
-      <para>For each combination of the four annotations, we compute the span of text that includes all of them, and
-        then we check to see if that span is smaller than a <quote>window</quote> size, a configuration parameter.
-        There are also some checks to make sure that we don&apos;t annotate the same span of text multiple times. If all
-        the checks pass, we create a Meeting annotation over the whole span. There&apos;s really nothing to
-        it!</para>
-      <para>The XML descriptor, located in
-        <literal>examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex4/MeetingAnnotator.xml</literal> , is also very
-        straightforward. An important difference from previous descriptors is that this is the first annotator
-        we&apos;ve discussed that has input requirements. This can be seen on the <quote>Capabilities</quote>
-        page of the Component Descriptor Editor:</para>
-      <screenshot>
-     <mediaobject>
-       <imageobject>
-         <imagedata width="5.7in" format="JPG" fileref="&imgroot;image032.jpg"/>
-       </imageobject>
-       <textobject><phrase>Screen shot of Capabilities page of the Component Descriptor Editor
-       </phrase></textobject>
-     </mediaobject>
-   </screenshot>
-      <para>If we were to run the MeetingAnnotator on its own, it wouldn&apos;t detect anything because it
-        wouldn&apos;t have any input annotations to work with. The required input annotations can be produced by the
-        RoomNumber and DateTime annotators. So, we create an aggregate Analysis Engine containing these two
-        annotators, followed by the Meeting annotator. This aggregate is illustrated in <xref
-          linkend="ugr.tug.aae.fig.aggregate_for_meeting_annotator"/>. The descriptor for this is in
-        <literal>examples/descriptors/tutorial/ex4/MeetingDetectorAE.xml</literal> . Give it a try in the
-        Document Analyzer.
-        <figure id="ugr.tug.aae.fig.aggregate_for_meeting_annotator">
-          <title>An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from previous
-            engines</title>
-          <mediaobject>
-            <imageobject>
-              <imagedata width="5.7in" format="PNG" fileref="&imgroot;image034.png"/>
-            </imageobject>
-            <textobject><phrase>An Aggregate Analysis Engine where an internal component uses output from
-              previous engines. </phrase>
-            </textobject>
-          </mediaobject>
-        </figure> </para>
-    </section>
-  </section>
-  <section id="ugr.tug.aae.other_examples">
-    <title>Other examples</title>
-    <para>The UIMA SDK include several other examples you may find interesting,
-      including</para>
-    <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
-      <listitem><para>SimpleTokenAndSentenceAnnotator &ndash; a simple tokenizer and
-        sentence annotator.</para></listitem>
-      <listitem><para>XmlDetagger &ndash; A multi-sofa annotator that does XML
-        detagging. Multiple Sofas (Subjects of Analysis) are described in a later &ndash;
-        see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
-          targetptr="ugr.tug.mvs"/>.  Reads XML data from the input Sofa
-        (named "xmlDocument"); this data can be stored in the CAS as a string or array, or it can
-        be a URI to a remote file. The XML is parsed using the JVM's default parser, and the
-        plain-text content is written to a new sofa called "plainTextDocument".</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem><para>PersonTitleDBWriterCasConsumer &ndash; a sample CAS Consumer
-        which populates a relational database with some annotations. It uses JDBC and in this
-        example, hooks up with the Open Source Apache Derby database. </para></listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-  </section>
-  <section id="ugr.tug.aae.additional_topics">
-    <title>Additional Topics</title>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.contract_for_annotator_methods">
-      <title>Contract: Annotator Methods Called by the Framework</title>
-      <titleabbrev>Annotator Methods</titleabbrev>
-      <para>The UIMA framework ensures that an Annotator instance is called by only one
-        thread at a time.  An instance never has to worry about running some method on one 
-        thread, and then asynchronously being called using another thread. This approach 
-        simplifies the design of annotators &ndash; they do not have to be designed to support
-        multi-threading. When multiple threading is wanted, for performance, multiple
-        instances of the Annotator are created, each one running on just one thread.</para>
-      <para>The following table defines the methods called by the framework, when they are
-        called, and the requirements annotator implementations must follow.</para>
-      <informaltable frame="all">
-        <tgroup cols="3" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
-          <colspec colname="c1"/>
-          <colspec colname="c2"/>
-          <colspec colname="c3"/>
-          <thead>
-            <row>
-              <entry align="center">Method</entry>
-              <entry align="center">When Called by Framework</entry>
-              <entry align="center">Requirements</entry>
-            </row>
-          </thead>
-          <tbody>
-            <row>
-              <entry>initialize</entry>
-              <entry>Typically only called once, when instance is created. Can be called
-                again if application does a reinitialize call and the default behavior
-                isn't overridden (the default behavior for reinitialize is to call
-                <literal>destroy</literal> followed by
-                <literal>initialize</literal></entry>
-              <entry>Normally does one-time initialization, including reading of
-                configuration parameters. If the application changes the parameters, it
-                can call initialize to have the annotator re-do its
-                initialization.</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>typeSystemInit</entry>
-              <entry>Called before <literal>process</literal> whenever the type system
-                in the CAS being passed in differs from what was previously passed in a
-                <literal>process</literal> call (and called for the first CAS passed in,
-                too). The Type System being passed to an annotator only changes in the case of
-                remote annotators that are active as servers, receiving possibly
-                different type systems to operate on.</entry>
-              <entry>Typically, users of JCas do not implement any method for this. An
-                annotator can use this call to read the CAS type system and setup any instance
-                variables that make accessing the types and features convenient.</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>process</entry>
-              <entry>Called once for each CAS. Called by the application if not using
-                Collection Processing Manager (CPM); the application calls the process
-                method on the analysis engine, which is then delegated by the framework to
-                all the annotators in the engine. For Collection Processing application,
-                the CPM calls the process method. If the application creates and manages
-                your own Collection Processing Engine via API calls (see Javadocs), the
-                application calls this on the Collection Processing Engine, and it is
-                delegated by the framework to the components.</entry>
-              <entry>Process the CAS, adding and/or modifying elements in it</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>destroy</entry>
-              <entry>This method can be called by applications, and is also called by the
-                Collection Processing Manager framework when the collection processing
-                completes. If called by an application on the Engine object, it is
-                propagated to all contained annotators.</entry>
-              <entry>An annotator should release all resources, close files, close
-                database connections, etc., and return to a state where another initialize
-                call could be received to restart. Typically, after a destroy call, no
-                further calls will be made to an annotator instance.</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-              <entry>reconfigure</entry>
-              <entry><para>This method is never called by the framework, unless an
-                application calls it on the Engine object &ndash; in which case it the
-                framework propagates it to all annotators contained in the Engine.</para>
-                <para>Its purpose is to signal that the configuration parameters have
-                  changed.</para></entry>
-              <entry>A default implementation of this calls destroy, followed by
-                initialize. This is the only case where initialize would be called more than
-                once. Users should implement whatever logic is needed to return the
-                annotator to an initialized state, including re-reading the
-                configuration parameter data.</entry>
-            </row>
-          </tbody>
-        </tgroup>
-      </informaltable>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.reporting_errors_from_annotators">
-      <title>Reporting errors from Annotators</title>
-      <para>There are two broad classes of errors that can occur: recoverable and
-        unrecoverable. Because Annotators are often expected to process very large numbers
-        of artifacts (for example, text documents), they should be written to recover where
-        possible.</para>
-      <para>For example, if an upstream annotator created some input for an annotator which
-        is invalid, the annotator may want to log this event, ignore the bad input and
-        continue. It may include a notification of this event in the CAS, for further
-        downstream annotators to consider. Or, it may throw an exception (see next section)
-        &ndash; but in this case, it cannot do any further processing on that
-        document.</para> <note><para>The choice of what to do can be made configurable,
-      using the configuration parameters. </para></note>
-    </section>
-    <section id="ugr.tug.aae.throwing_exceptions_from_annotators">
-      <title>Throwing Exceptions from Annotators</title>
-      <para>Let&apos;s say an invalid regular expression was passed as a parameter to the
-        RoomNumberAnnotator. Because this is an error related to the overall
-        configuration, and not something we could expect to ignore, we should throw an
-        appropriate exception, and most Java programmers would expect to do so like
-        this:</para>
-      <programlisting>throw new ResourceInitializationException(
-    "The regular expression " + x + " is not valid.");</programlisting>
-      <para>UIMA, however, does not do it this way. All UIMA exceptions are
-        <emphasis>internationalized</emphasis>, meaning that they support translation
-        into other languages. This is accomplished by eliminating hardcoded message
-        strings and instead using external message digests. Message digests are files
-        containing (key, value) pairs. The key is used in the Java code instead of the actual
-        message string. This allows the message string to be easily translated later by
-        modifying the message digest file, not the Java code. Also, message strings in the
-        digest can contain parameters that are filled in when the exception is thrown. The
-        format of the message digest file is described in the Javadocs for the Java class
-        <literal>java.util.PropertyResourceBundle</literal> and in the load method of
-        <literal>java.util.Properties</literal>.</para>
-      <para>The first thing an annotator developer must choose is what Exception class to
-        use. There are three to choose from:
-        <orderedlist><listitem><para>ResourceConfigurationException should be
-          thrown from the annotator&apos;s initialize() method if invalid configuration
-          parameter values have been specified.</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>ResourceInitializationException should be thrown from the
-            annotator&apos;s initialize() method if initialization fails for some other
-            reason.</para></listitem>
-          <listitem><para>AnalysisEngineProcessException should be thrown from the
-            annotator&apos;s process() method if the processing of a particular document
-            fails for any reason. </para></listitem></orderedlist></para>
-      <para>Generally you will not need to define your own custom exception classes, but if
-        you do they must extend one of these three classes, which are the only types of
-        Exceptions that the annotator interface permits annotators to throw.</para>
-      <para>All of the UIMA Exception classes share common constructor varieties. There are
-        four possible arguments:</para>
-      <para>The name of the message digest to use (optional &ndash; if not specified the
-        default UIMA message digest is used).</para>
-      <para>The key string used to select the message in the message digest.</para>
-      <para>An object array containing the parameters to include in the message. Messages
-        can have substitutable parts. When the message is given, the string representation
-        of the objects passed are substituted into the message. The object array is often
-        created using the syntax new Object[]{x, y}.</para>
-      <para>Another exception which is the <quote>cause</quote> of the exception you are
-        throwing. This feature is commonly used when you catch another exception and rethrow
-        it. (optional)</para>
-      <para>If you look at source file (folder: src in Eclipse)
-        <literal>org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex5.RoomNumberAnnotator</literal>, you
-        will see the following code:
-        <programlisting>try {
-  mPatterns[i] = Pattern.compile(patternStrings[i]);
-catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
-  throw new ResourceInitializationException(
-     MESSAGE_DIGEST, "regex_syntax_error",
-     new Object[]{patternStrings[i]}, e);
-        where the MESSAGE_DIGEST constant has the value <literal>
-        "org.apache.uima.tutorial.ex5.RoomNumberAnnotator_Messages". </literal>
-        </para>

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