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Posted to by on 2011/10/27 03:29:03 UTC

[lucy-commits] svn commit: r1189571 - in /incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish: Build.PL lib/Clownfish.xs lib/Clownfish/

Author: marvin
Date: Thu Oct 27 01:29:03 2011
New Revision: 1189571

Remove Parse::RecDescent from CFC.

Remove vestigial parser code based on Parse::RecDescent, leaving only the
flex/lemon parser.


Modified: incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/Build.PL
--- incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/Build.PL (original)
+++ incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/Build.PL Thu Oct 27 01:29:03 2011
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ my $builder = Clownfish::Build->new(
     dist_author =>
         'The Apache Lucy Project <lucy-dev at incubator dot apache dot org>',
     dist_version_from => 'lib/',
-    requires          => { 'Parse::RecDescent' => 0, },
     build_requires    => {
         'ExtUtils::CBuilder' => 0.18,
         'ExtUtils::ParseXS'  => 2.16,

Modified: incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish.xs
--- incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish.xs (original)
+++ incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish.xs Thu Oct 27 01:29:03 2011
@@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ PPCODE:
 MODULE = Clownfish    PACKAGE = Clownfish::Parser
     const char *klass;
     CFCParser *self = CFCParser_new();
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ CODE:
     CFCParser *self;

Modified: incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish/
--- incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish/ (original)
+++ incubator/lucy/branches/clownfish_lemon/clownfish/lib/Clownfish/ Thu Oct 27 01:29:03 2011
@@ -28,500 +28,6 @@ use Clownfish::Class;
 use Clownfish::CBlock;
 use Clownfish::File;
 use Carp;
-use Parse::RecDescent;
-our $grammar = <<'END_GRAMMAR';
-    { Clownfish::Parser->set_parcel(undef); 0; }
-    major_block[%arg](s) eofile
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_file( \%item, \%arg ) }
-      class_declaration[%arg]
-    | embed_c
-    | parcel_definition
-    'parcel' class_name cnick(?) ';'
-    { 
-        my $parcel = Clownfish::Parser->new_parcel( \%item );
-        Clownfish::Parser->set_parcel($parcel);
-        $parcel;
-    }
-    '__C__'
-    /.*?(?=__END_C__)/s  
-    '__END_C__'
-    { Clownfish::CBlock->new( contents => $item[2] ) }
-    docucomment(?)
-    exposure_specifier(?) class_modifier(s?) 'class' class_name 
-        cnick(?)
-        class_inheritance(?)
-        class_attribute(s?)
-    '{'
-        declaration_statement[
-            class  => $item{class_name}, 
-            cnick  => $item{'cnick(?)'}[0],
-            parent => $item{'class_inheritance(?)'}[0],
-        ](s?)
-    '}'
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_class( \%item, \%arg ) }
-      'inert'
-    | 'abstract'
-    | 'final'
-    { $item[1] }
-    'inherits' class_name
-    { $item[2] }
-    ':' /[a-z]+(?!\w)/
-    { $item[2] }
-    object_type_specifier ( "::" object_type_specifier )(s?)
-    { join('::', $item[1], @{ $item[2] } ) }
-    'cnick'
-    /([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+)(?!\w)/
-    { $1 }
-      var_declaration_statement[%arg]
-    | subroutine_declaration_statement[%arg]
-    | <error>
-    exposure_specifier(?) variable_modifier(s?) type declarator ';'
-    {
-        $return = {
-            exposure  => $item[1][0] || 'parcel',
-            modifiers => $item[2],
-            declared  => Clownfish::Parser->new_var( \%item, \%arg ),
-        };
-    }
-    docucomment(?)
-    exposure_specifier(?) 
-    subroutine_modifier(s?) 
-    type 
-    declarator 
-    param_list 
-    ';'
-    {
-        $return = {
-            exposure  => $item[2],
-            modifiers => $item[3],
-            declared  => Clownfish::Parser->new_sub( \%item, \%arg ),
-        };
-    }
-    '(' 
-    param_list_elem(s? /,/)
-    (/,\s*.../)(?)
-    ')'
-    {
-        Clownfish::Parser->new_param_list( $item[2], $item[3][0] ? 1 : 0 );
-    }
-    param_variable assignment(?)
-    { [ $item[1], $item[2][0] ] }
-    type declarator
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_var(\%item); }
-    '=' scalar_constant
-    { $item[2] }
-    nullable(?) simple_type type_postfix(s?)
-    { Clownfish::Parser->simple_or_composite_type(\%item) }
-    'nullable'
-      object_type
-    | primitive_type
-    | void_type
-    | va_list_type
-    | arbitrary_type
-    { $item[1] }
-    type_qualifier(s?) object_type_specifier '*'
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_object_type(\%item); }
-      c_integer_type
-    | chy_integer_type
-    | float_type
-    { $item[1] }
-    type_qualifier(s?) c_integer_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_integer_type(\%item) }
-    type_qualifier(s?) chy_integer_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_integer_type(\%item) }
-    type_qualifier(s?) c_float_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_float_type(\%item) }
-    type_qualifier(s?) void_type_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_void_type(\%item) }
-    va_list_type_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Type->new_va_list }
-    arbitrary_type_specifier
-    { Clownfish::Parser->new_arbitrary_type(\%item); }
-      'const' 
-    | 'incremented'
-    | 'decremented'
-    | 'nullable'
-      'inert'
-    | 'inline'
-    | 'abstract'
-    | 'final'
-    { $item[1] }
-      'public'
-    | 'private'
-    | 'parcel'
-    | 'local'
-      'inert'
-    { $item[1] }
-    /(?:chy_)?(bool)_t(?!\w)/
-    /(?:(?:u?int(?:8|16|32|64)_t)|(?:char|int|short|long|size_t))(?!\w)/
-    /(?:float|double)(?!\w)/
-    /void(?!\w)/
-    /va_list(?!\w)/
-    /\w+_t(?!\w)/
-    /([a-z]+[a-z0-9]*_)?[A-Z]+[A-Z0-9]*[a-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*(?!\w)/
-    identifier 
-    { $item[1] }
-      '*'
-      { '*' }
-    | '[' ']'
-      { '[]' }
-    | '[' /\d+/ ']'
-      { "[$item[2]]" }
-    ...!reserved_word /[a-zA-Z_]\w*/x
-    { $item[2] }
-    /\/\*\*.*?\*\//s
-    { Clownfish::DocuComment->parse($item[1]) }
-      hex_constant
-    | float_constant
-    | integer_constant
-    | string_literal
-    | 'NULL'
-    | 'true'
-    | 'false'
-    /(?:-\s*)?\d+/
-    { $item[1] }
-    /0x[a-fA-F0-9]+/
-    { $item[1] }
-    /(?:-\s*)?\d+\.\d+/
-    { $item[1] }
-    /"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/
-    { $item[1] }
-    /(const|double|enum|extern|float|register|signed|sizeof
-       |inert|struct|typedef|union|unsigned|void)(?!\w)/x
-    | chy_integer_specifier
-    | c_integer_specifier
-    /^\Z/
-our %inner_parser;
-sub new {
-    my $self = shift->_new();
-    $inner_parser{$self} = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
-    return $self;
-sub DESTROY {
-    my $self = shift;
-    delete $inner_parser{$self};
-    $self->_destroy;
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $inner_parser = $inner_parser{$self};
-    my ($meth) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /Clownfish::Parser::(\w+)/;
-    return $inner_parser->$meth(@_);
-sub strip_plain_comments {
-    my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
-    while ( $text =~ m#(/\*[^*].*?\*/)#ms ) {
-        my $blanked = $1;
-        $blanked =~ s/\S/ /g;
-        $text    =~ s#/\*[^*].*?\*/#$blanked#ms;
-    }
-    return $text;
-sub new_integer_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    my $specifier = $item->{c_integer_specifier}
-        || $item->{chy_integer_specifier};
-    my %args = ( specifier => $specifier );
-    $args{$_} = 1 for @{ $item->{'type_qualifier(s?)'} };
-    return Clownfish::Type->new_integer(%args);
-sub new_float_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    my %args = ( specifier => $item->{c_float_specifier} );
-    $args{$_} = 1 for @{ $item->{'type_qualifier(s?)'} };
-    return Clownfish::Type->new_float(%args);
-sub new_void_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    my %args;
-    $args{$_} = 1 for @{ $item->{'type_qualifier(s?)'} };
-    return Clownfish::Type->new_void(%args);
-sub new_arbitrary_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    return Clownfish::Type->new_arbitrary(
-        specifier => $item->{arbitrary_type_specifier},
-        parcel    => get_parcel(),
-    );
-sub new_object_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    my %args = (
-        specifier => $item->{object_type_specifier},
-        parcel    => get_parcel(),
-    );
-    $args{$_} = 1 for @{ $item->{'type_qualifier(s?)'} };
-    return Clownfish::Type->new_object(%args);
-sub simple_or_composite_type {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    my $simple_type = $item->{simple_type};
-    my $postfixes   = $item->{'type_postfix(s?)'};
-    my $nullable    = scalar @{ $item->{'nullable(?)'} } ? 1 : undef;
-    my $type;
-    if ( !@$postfixes ) {
-        if ($nullable) {
-            my $type_class = ref($simple_type);
-            confess "$type_class can't be 'nullable'"
-                unless $simple_type->is_object;
-            $simple_type->set_nullable($nullable);
-        }
-        return $simple_type;
-    }
-    else {
-        my %args = (
-            child       => $simple_type,
-            indirection => 0,
-            nullable    => $nullable,
-        );
-        for my $postfix (@$postfixes) {
-            if ( $postfix =~ /\[/ ) {
-                $args{array} ||= '';
-                $args{array} .= $postfix;
-            }
-            elsif ( $postfix eq '*' ) {
-                $args{indirection}++;
-            }
-        }
-        return Clownfish::Type->new_composite(%args);
-    }
-sub new_var {
-    my ( undef, $item, $arg ) = @_;
-    my $exposure = $item->{'exposure_specifier(?)'}[0];
-    my %args = $exposure ? ( exposure => $exposure ) : ();
-    if ($arg) {
-        $args{class_name}  = $arg->{class} if $arg->{class};
-        $args{class_cnick} = $arg->{cnick} if $arg->{cnick};
-    }
-    return Clownfish::Variable->new(
-        parcel    => get_parcel(),
-        type      => $item->{type},
-        micro_sym => $item->{declarator},
-        %args,
-    );
-sub new_param_list {
-    my ( undef, $param_list_elems, $variadic ) = @_;
-    my $param_list = Clownfish::ParamList->new( variadic => $variadic, );
-    for my $param (@$param_list_elems) {
-        $param_list->add_param( $param->[0], $param->[1] );
-    }
-    return $param_list;
-sub new_sub {
-    my ( undef, $item, $arg ) = @_;
-    my $class;
-    my $modifiers  = $item->{'subroutine_modifier(s?)'};
-    my $docucom    = $item->{'docucomment(?)'}[0];
-    my $exposure   = $item->{'exposure_specifier(?)'}[0];
-    my $inert      = scalar grep { $_ eq 'inert' } @$modifiers;
-    my %extra_args = $exposure ? ( exposure => $exposure ) : ();
-    if ($inert) {
-        $class = 'Clownfish::Function';
-        $extra_args{micro_sym} = $item->{declarator};
-        $extra_args{inline} = scalar grep { $_ eq 'inline' } @$modifiers;
-    }
-    else {
-        $class = 'Clownfish::Method';
-        $extra_args{macro_sym} = $item->{declarator};
-        $extra_args{abstract} = scalar grep { $_ eq 'abstract' } @$modifiers;
-        $extra_args{final}    = scalar grep { $_ eq 'final' } @$modifiers;
-    }
-    return $class->new(
-        parcel      => get_parcel(),
-        docucomment => $docucom,
-        class_name  => $arg->{class},
-        class_cnick => $arg->{cnick},
-        return_type => $item->{type},
-        param_list  => $item->{param_list},
-        %extra_args,
-    );
-sub new_class {
-    my ( undef, $item, $arg ) = @_;
-    my ( @member_vars, @inert_vars, @functions, @methods );
-    my $source_class = $arg->{source_class} || $item->{class_name};
-    my %class_modifiers
-        = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } @{ $item->{'class_modifier(s?)'} };
-    my %class_attributes
-        = map { ( $_ => 1 ) } @{ $item->{'class_attribute(s?)'} };
-    for my $declaration ( @{ $item->{'declaration_statement(s?)'} } ) {
-        my $declared  = $declaration->{declared};
-        my $exposure  = $declaration->{exposure};
-        my $modifiers = $declaration->{modifiers};
-        my $inert     = ( scalar grep {/inert/} @$modifiers ) ? 1 : 0;
-        my $subs      = $inert ? \@functions : \@methods;
-        my $vars      = $inert ? \@inert_vars : \@member_vars;
-        if ( $declared->isa('Clownfish::Variable') ) {
-            push @$vars, $declared;
-        }
-        else {
-            push @$subs, $declared;
-        }
-    }
-    my $class = Clownfish::Class->create(
-        parcel            => get_parcel(),
-        class_name        => $item->{class_name},
-        cnick             => $item->{'cnick(?)'}[0],
-        parent_class_name => $item->{'class_inheritance(?)'}[0],
-        docucomment       => $item->{'docucomment(?)'}[0],
-        source_class      => $source_class,
-        inert             => $class_modifiers{inert},
-        final             => $class_modifiers{final},
-    );
-    $class->add_method($_)     for @methods;
-    $class->add_function($_)   for @functions;
-    $class->add_member_var($_) for @member_vars;
-    $class->add_inert_var($_)  for @inert_vars;
-    while ( my ( $var, $val ) = each %class_attributes ) {
-        $class->add_attribute( $var, $val );
-    }
-    return $class;
-sub new_file {
-    my ( undef, $item, $arg ) = @_;
-    my $file = Clownfish::File->new( source_class => $arg->{source_class}, );
-    for my $block ( @{ $item->{'major_block(s)'} } ) {
-        $file->add_block($block);
-    }
-    return $file;
-sub new_parcel {
-    my ( undef, $item ) = @_;
-    Clownfish::Parcel->singleton(
-        name  => $item->{class_name},
-        cnick => $item->{'cnick(?)'}[0],
-    );
@@ -549,16 +55,5 @@ up errors such as misspelled type names.
 Constructor, takes no arguments.
-=head2 strip_plain_comments
-    my $stripped = $parser->strip_plain_comments($code_with_comments);
-Remove plain C comments from supplied code.  All non-whitespace characters are
-turned to spaces; all whitespace characters are preserved, so that the number
-of lines is consistent between before and after.
-JavaDoc-syntax "DocuComments", which begin with "/**" are left alone.  
-This is a sloppy implementation which will mangle quoted comments and such.