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logging-log4j2 git commit: LOG4J2-1179 Async Logger page changes:

Repository: logging-log4j2
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 6e983a255 -> 187ab6e10

LOG4J2-1179 Async Logger page changes:

 - remove RandomAccessFile to File appender comparison (updated test results will be added to the Performance page)
 - rewrite section on Latency to report response time instead of service time and replace results for average and 99.99% with histograms showing the full percentile range


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 187ab6e101b5124bdc33e40dda91d39f1e697751
Parents: 6e983a2
Author: rpopma <>
Authored: Tue May 10 00:47:03 2016 +0900
Committer: rpopma <>
Committed: Tue May 10 00:47:03 2016 +0900

 src/site/xdoc/manual/async.xml | 249 ++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/manual/async.xml b/src/site/xdoc/manual/async.xml
index 98745b5..b1ca45c 100644
--- a/src/site/xdoc/manual/async.xml
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/manual/async.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-          <b>Asynchronous Loggers</b> are a new addition to Log4j 2.
+          <b>Asynchronous Loggers</b> are a new addition in Log4j 2.
           Their aim is to return from the call to Logger.log to the application as
           soon as possible. You can choose between making all Loggers asynchronous
           or using a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous Loggers. Making all
@@ -36,20 +36,13 @@
           communication library, instead of queues, resulting in higher throughput and lower latency.
-          <b>Asynchronous Appenders</b> already existed in Log4j 1.x, but have
+          As part of the work for Async Loggers, <b>Asynchronous Appenders</b> have
           been enhanced to flush to disk at the end of a batch (when the queue is empty).
           This produces the same result as configuring "immediateFlush=true", that is, all
           received log events are always available on disk, but is more efficient because it does not need to
           touch the disk on each and every log event. (Async Appenders use ArrayBlockingQueue internally and
           do not need the disruptor jar on the classpath.)
-        <li>(For synchronous and asynchronous use) <b>Random Access File Appenders</b>
-          are an alternative to Buffered File Appenders. Under the hood, these
-          new appenders use a ByteBuffer + RandomAccessFile instead of a BufferedOutputStream. In our testing
-          this was about 20-200% faster. These appenders can also be used
-          with synchronous loggers and will give the same performance benefits.
-          Random Access File Appenders do not need the disruptor jar on the classpath.
-        </li>
       <a name="Trade-offs" />
       <subsection name="Trade-offs">
@@ -63,17 +56,14 @@
-            Higher <a href="#Performance">throughput</a>. With an asynchronous logger
+            Higher peak <a href="#Performance">throughput</a>. With an asynchronous logger
             your application can log messages at 6 - 68 times the rate of a synchronous logger.
-            Lower logging <a href="#Latency">latency</a>.
-            Latency is the time it takes for a call to Logger.log to return.
+            Lower logging response time <a href="#Latency">latency</a>.
+            Response time latency is the time it takes for a call to Logger.log to return under a given workload.
             Asynchronous Loggers have consistently lower latency than synchronous loggers or even
-            queue-based asynchronous appenders. Applications interested in low latency often care
-            not only about average latency, but also about worst-case latency.
-            Our performance comparison shows that Asynchronous Loggers also do better when comparing the
-            maximum latency of 99% or even 99.99% of observations with other logging methods.
+            queue-based asynchronous appenders.
           <li>Prevent or dampen latency spikes during bursts of events. If the queue size is configured
             large enough to handle spikes, asynchronous logging will help prevent your
@@ -453,19 +443,15 @@
       <a name="Performance" />
       <subsection name="Asynchronous Logging Performance">
-          The performance results below were all derived from running the PerfTest, MTPerfTest and PerfTestDriver
+          The performance results below were derived from running the PerfTest, MTPerfTest and PerfTestDriver
           classes which can be found in the Log4j 2 unit test source directory.
-          All tests were done using the default settings (SystemClock and SleepingWaitStrategy).
-          The methodology used was the same for all tests:
+          For throughput tests, the methodology used was:
           <li>First, warm up the JVM by logging 200,000 log messages of 500 characters.
           <li>Repeat the warm-up 10 times, then wait 10 seconds for the I/O thread to catch up and buffers to drain.</li>
-          <li>Latency test: at less than saturation, measure how long a call to Logger.log takes.
-            Pause for 10 microseconds * threadCount between measurements. Repeat this 5 million times,
-            and measure average latency, latency of 99% of observations and 99.99% of observations.</li>
-          <li>Throughput test: measure how long it takes to execute 256 * 1024 / threadCount calls to Logger.log
+          <li>Measure how long it takes to execute 256 * 1024 / threadCount calls to Logger.log
             and express the result in messages per second.
           <li>Repeat the test 5 times and average the results.</li>
@@ -473,7 +459,7 @@
         <p>The results below were obtained with log4j-2.0-beta5, disruptor-3.0.0.beta3,
           log4j-1.2.17 and logback-1.0.10.
-        <h4>Logging Throughput</h4>
+        <h4>Logging Peak Throughput</h4>
           The graph below compares the throughput of synchronous loggers, asynchronous appenders and asynchronous
           loggers. This is the total throughput of all threads together. In the test with 64 threads,
@@ -691,196 +677,63 @@
         <a name="Latency" />
-        <h4>Latency</h4>
-        <p>Latency tests are done by logging at less than saturation, measuring how long a call to Logger.log
-          takes to return. After each call to Logger.log, the test waits for 10 microseconds * threadCount before continuing.
-          Each thread logs 5 million messages.
-        </p>
-        <p>All the latency measurements below are results of tests run
-          on Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core Xeon X5570 dual CPU
-          @2.93Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (16 virtual cores).
+        <h4>Response Time Latency</h4>
+        <p>Response time is how long it takes to log a message under a certain load.
+          What is often reported as latency is actually <em>service time</em>: how long it took to perform the operation.
+          This hides the fact that a single spike in service time adds queueing delay for many of the subsequent operations.
+          Service time is easy to measure (and often looks good on paper) but is irrelevant for users since it
+          omits the time spent waiting for service.
+          For this reason we report response time: service time plus wait time.
+          See the <a href="../performance.html#responseTime">response time section</a> of the performance page for more detail.
+        </p>
+        <p>The response time test results below were all derived from running the ResponseTimeTest class
+          which can be found in the Log4j 2 unit test source directory. If you want to run these tests yourself,
+          here are the command line options we used:
+        <ul>
+          <li>-Xms1G -Xmx1G (prevent heap resizing during the test)</li>
+          <!--
+          <li>-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:GuaranteedSafepointInterval=500000 (by default Hotspot schedules a
+            safepoint pause every second. Reduce jitter by postponing this for the duration of the test.)</li>
+            -->
+          <li>-DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector
+            -DAsyncLogger.WaitStrategy=busyspin (to use Async Loggers. The BusySpin wait strategy reduces some jitter.)</li>
+          <li><b>classic mode: </b>-Dlog4j2.enable.threadlocals=false<br />
+            <b>garbage-free mode: </b>-Dlog4j2.enable.threadlocals=true</li>
+          <li>-XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.perftest.NoOpIdleStrategy::idle</li>
+          <li>-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution
+            -XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime (to eyeball GC and safepoint pauses)</li>
+        </ul>
-          <img src="../images/async-latency-histogram-64-threads.png"
+          <img src="../images/ResponseTmHistogramAllAsyncClassicVsLog4j1-16Threads@128k.png"
             alt="Histogram of async latency" />
         <p>Note that this is log-scale, not linear. The above graph compares the latency distributions of
           an asynchronous logger and a Log4j 1.2.17 Async Appender. This shows the latency of one thread
-          during a test where 64 threads are logging in parallel.
-          The test was run once for the async logger and once for the async appender.
+          during a test where 16 threads are logging in parallel.
-        <table>
-          <caption align="top">Latency of a call to Logger.log() in nanoseconds</caption>
-          <tr>
-            <th />
-            <th colspan="2">Average latency</th>
-            <th colspan="2">99% observations less than</th>
-            <th colspan="2">99.99% observations less than</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <th />
-            <th>1 thread</th>
-            <th>64 threads</th>
-            <th>1 thread</th>
-            <th>64 threads</th>
-            <th>1 thread</th>
-            <th>64 threads</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Log4j 2: Loggers all async</td>
-            <td align="right">677</td>
-            <td align="right">4,135</td>
-            <td align="right">1,638</td>
-            <td align="right">4,096</td>
-            <td align="right">8,192</td>
-            <td align="right">16,128</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Log4j 2: Loggers mixed sync/async</td>
-            <td align="right">648</td>
-            <td align="right">4,873</td>
-            <td align="right">1,228</td>
-            <td align="right">4,096</td>
-            <td align="right">8,192</td>
-            <td align="right">16,384</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Log4j 2: Async Appender</td>
-            <td align="right">2,423</td>
-            <td align="right">2,117,722</td>
-            <td align="right">4,096</td>
-            <td align="right">67,108,864</td>
-            <td align="right">16,384</td>
-            <td align="right">268,435,456</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Log4j1: Async Appender</td>
-            <td align="right">1,562</td>
-            <td align="right">1,781,404</td>
-            <td align="right">4,096</td>
-            <td align="right">109,051,904</td>
-            <td align="right">16,384</td>
-            <td align="right">268,435,456</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Logback: Async Appender</td>
-            <td align="right">2,123</td>
-            <td align="right">2,079,020</td>
-            <td align="right">3,276</td>
-            <td align="right">67,108,864</td>
-            <td align="right">14,745</td>
-            <td align="right">268,435,456</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-          The latency comparison graph below is also log-scale, and shows the average latency of asynchronous loggers and
-          ArrayBlockingQueue-based asynchronous appenders in scenarios with more and more threads running in parallel.
-          Up to 8 threads asynchronous appenders have comparable average latency, two or three times that of asynchronous loggers.
-          With more threads, the average latency of asynchronous appenders is orders of magnitude larger than
-          asynchronous loggers.
+          The graph below compares response time latency of the
+          ArrayBlockingQueue-based asynchronous appenders in Logback 1.1.7, Log4j 1.2.17 to the
+          various options for asynchronous logging that Log4j 2.6 offers.
+          Under a workload of 128,000 messages per second, using 16 threads (each logging at a rate of 8,000 messages
+          per second), we see that Logback 1.1.7, Log4j 1.2.17 experience latency spikes that are orders
+          of magnitude larger than Log4j 2.
-          <img src="../images/async-average-latency.png" alt="Average async logger latency" />
+          <img src="../images/ResponseTimeAsyncLogging16Threads@8kEach.png"
+               alt="When 16 threads generate a total workload of 128,000 msg/sec, Logback 1.1.7 and
+               Log4j 1.2.17 experience latency spikes that are orders of magnitude larger than Log4j 2" />
-          Applications interested in low latency often care not only about average latency, but also about worst-case latency.
-          The graph below shows that asynchronous loggers also do better when comparing the maximum latency of 99.99% of
-          observations with other logging methods.
-          When increasing the number of threads the vast majority of latency measurements for asynchronous
-          loggers stay in the 10-20 microseconds range where Asynchronous Appenders start experiencing many
-          latency spikes in the 100 millisecond range, a difference of four orders of magnitude.
+          The graph below zooms in on the Log4j 2 results for the same test.
+          We see that the worst-case response time is highest for the ArrayBlockingQueue-based Async Appender.
+          <a href="garbagefree.html">Garbage-free</a> async loggers have the best response time behaviour.
-          <img src="../images/async-max-latency-99.99pct.png" alt="Maximum async logger latency" />
+          <img src="../images/ResponseTimeAsyncLogging16Threads@8kEachLog4j2Only-labeled.png" alt="" />
-        <a name="RandomAccessFileAppenderPerformance" />
-        <h4>FileAppender vs. RandomAccessFileAppender</h4>
-        <p>
-          The appender comparison below was done with <em>synchronous loggers</em>.
-        </p>
-        <p>On Windows 7 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_11, 2-core Intel i5-3317u CPU
-          @1.70Ghz with hyperthreading switched on (4 virtual cores):
-        </p>
-        <table>
-          <caption align="top">Throughput per thread in messages/second</caption>
-          <tr>
-            <th>Appender</th>
-            <th>1 thread</th>
-            <th>2 threads</th>
-            <th>4 threads</th>
-            <th>8 threads</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RandomAccessFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">250,438</td>
-            <td align="right">169,939</td>
-            <td align="right">109,074</td>
-            <td align="right">58,845</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>FileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">186,695</td>
-            <td align="right">118,587</td>
-            <td align="right">57,012</td>
-            <td align="right">28,846</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RollingRandomAccessFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">278,369</td>
-            <td align="right">213,176</td>
-            <td align="right">125,300</td>
-            <td align="right">63,103</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RollingFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">182,518</td>
-            <td align="right">114,690</td>
-            <td align="right">55,147</td>
-            <td align="right">28,153</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-        <p>On Solaris 10 (64bit) with JDK1.7.0_06, 4-core dual Xeon X5570 CPU
-          @2.93GHz with hyperthreading switched off (8 virtual cores):
-        </p>
-        <table>
-          <caption align="top">Throughput per thread in messages/second</caption>
-          <tr>
-            <th>Appender</th>
-            <th>1 thread</th>
-            <th>2 threads</th>
-            <th>4 threads</th>
-            <th>8 threads</th>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RandomAccessFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">240,760</td>
-            <td align="right">128,713</td>
-            <td align="right">66,555</td>
-            <td align="right">30,544</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>FileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">172,517</td>
-            <td align="right">106,587</td>
-            <td align="right">55,885</td>
-            <td align="right">25,675</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RollingRandomAccessFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">228,491</td>
-            <td align="right">135,355</td>
-            <td align="right">69,277</td>
-            <td align="right">32,484</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>RollingFileAppender</td>
-            <td align="right">186,422</td>
-            <td align="right">97,737</td>
-            <td align="right">55,766</td>
-            <td align="right">25,097</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
       <!-- <a name="PerformanceTuning" /> <subsection name="Async Logger
         Performance Tuning"> <p>While the default settings should give good results