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svn commit: r474221 - /webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/installationguide.html

Author: chatra
Date: Mon Nov 13 01:56:16 2006
New Revision: 474221

made corrections


Modified: webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/installationguide.html
--- webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/installationguide.html (original)
+++ webservices/axis2/branches/java/1_1/xdocs/1_1/installationguide.html Mon Nov 13 01:56:16 2006
@@ -1,405 +1,403 @@
-    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="">
-    <title>Axis2 Installation Guide</title>
-  <link href="../css/axis-docs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
-<body lang="en">
-<h1 align="center">Apache Axis2 Installation Guide</h1>
-<p>This document will give you information on Axis2 distribution packages,
-    system prerequisites &amp; setting up environment variables and tools
-    followed by detailed instructions on installation methods.</p>
-<p><i>Send your feedback to: <a
-        href=""></a></i>. Prefix
-    subject with [Axis2]. To subscribe to mailing list see <a
-        href="">here.</a></p>
-    <li><a href="#Download_Axis2">Download Axis2</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#requirements">System Requirements</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#standalone">Installation Using Standard Binary Distribution</a>
-                <ul>
-                    <li><a href="#standalone1">Install the Apache Axis2 Binary Distribution</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#standalone2">Starting up Axis2 Standalone Server</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#standalone3">Building WAR File Using Standard Binary Distribution</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#standalone4">Getting Familiar with the Axis2 Convenient Scripts</a></li>
-                </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#build_war"></a></li>
-    <li><a href="#servlet_container">Installing Axis2 in a Servlet
-        Container</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#upload">Uploading Services</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#advanced">Advanced</a>
-        <ul>
-            <li><a href="#source">Axis2 Source Distribution</a>
-                <ul>
-                    <li><a href="#_Toc96698083">Setting up the Environment and
-                        Tools</a></li>
-                    <li><a href="#_Toc96698085">Building Axis2 Binaries and WAR file
-                        Using the Source Distribution</a></li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-<a name="Download_Axis2"></a>
-<h2>Download Axis2</h2>
-<p>Axis2 is distributed in several convenient distribution packages and can
-    be installed either as a standalone server or as part of a J2EE compliant
-    servlet container. Axis2 is distributed under the Apache License, version
-    2.0. This Installation Guide will mainly focus on running Apache Axis2 using
-    the Standard Binary Distribution.</p>
-<p><a href="">Download</a> distribution packages
-    of the Apache Axis2 1.1 version (latest).<p/>
-<p><a href="">Download</a> distribution packages of all versions of Apache Axis2.</p>
-<p>The Distribution Packages Provided are as follows:</p>
-<a name="std-bin" id="std-bin"></a>
-<h3>1. Standard Binary Distribution</h3>
-<p>This is the complete version of Axis2 and include samples and convenient scripts as
-    well. 
-<p><a href="">Download</a> Standard
-    Binary Distribution</p>
-<a name="war1"></a>
-<h3>2. WAR (Web Archive) Distribution</h3>
-<p>This will be the Web application of Axis2 which can be deployed in most of
-    the servlet containers.</p>
-<p><a href="">Download</a> WAR (Web Archive)
-    Distribution</p>
-<h3>3. Documents Distribution</h3>
-<p>This will contain all the documentation in one package. The package
-    includes the xdocs and the Java API docs of this project.</p>
-<p><a href="">Download</a> Documents
-    Distribution</p>
-<h3>4. Source Distribution</h3>
-<p>This will contain the sources of Axis2 standard distribution, and is
-    mainly for the benefit of the advance users. One can generate a binary
-    distribution using the source by typing <span class="style1">$maven
-dist-bin. </span> You need to set up the Axis2 environment before
-    running this command. Step by step details on how to create the binary
-    distribution is available in the <a href="#advanced">Advanced</a> section.</p>
-<p><a href="">Download</a> Source
-    Distribution</p>
-<a name="requirements"></a>
-<h2>System Requirements</h2>
-<table border="2">
-    <caption></caption>
-    <tbody>
-        <tr>
-            <td>Java Development Kit (JDK)
-            </td>
-            <td>1.4 or later (For instructions on setting up the JDK in different operating systems,
-                visit
-                <a href=""></a>)</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td>Disk</td>
-            <td>Approximately 11 MB seperately for standard binary distribution
-            </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td>Operating system</td>
-            <td>Tested on Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X, Fedora core, Ubuntu,
-                Gentoo</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td><a href="">Apache Ant</a> -  
-             <p>To run samples and to build war from Axis2 binary distribution.</p></td>
-            <td>Version 1.6.5 or higher(<a
-                    href="">download</a>).</td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr>
-            <td><strong>Build Tool</strong>- <a href="">Apache
-                Maven 1.x</a>
-                <p>Required <em>only</em> for building Axis2 from Source
-                    Distribution</p>
-            </td>
-            <td>1.0.2 or higher in Maven 1.x series (<a
-                    href="">download</a>).
-                <strong>Please download maven 1.x version. Axis2 does not support maven 2.</strong></td>
-        </tr>
-    </tbody>
-<a name="standalone"></a>
-<h2>Installation Using Standard Binary Distribution</h2>
-<a name="standalone1"></a>
-<h3>1. Download and Install the Apache Axis2 Binary Distribution</h3>
-<p> Download and install a Java Development Kit (JDK) release (version 1.4 or later) from <a href=""
-> here .</a> Install the JDK according to the instructions included with the release.Set an environment 
-variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory into which you installed the JDK release.</p>
-<p>Download and unpack the <a
-        href="">Axis2 Standard Binary Distribution</a>
-        into a convenient location so that the distribution resides in its own directory. Set an 
-        environment variables AXIS2_HOME to the pathname of the extracted directory of Axis2 (Eg: /opt/axis2-1.1).
-<a name="standalone2"></a>
-<h3>2. Starting up Axis2 Standalone Server</h3>
-<p> Standalone Axis2 server can be started by executing the following commands: <br/>
-$AXIS2_HOME\bin\axis2server.bat          (Windows) <br/>
-      $AXIS2_HOME/bin/           (Unix)<br/>
-      After startup, the default web services included with Axis2 will be
-available by visiting:<br/>
-    http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/</p>
-<a name="standalone3"></a>
-<h3>3. Building the Axis2 Web Application (axis2.war) Using Standard Binary Distribution</h3>
-<p> Download and install Apache Ant (version 1.6.5 or later) from <a href=""
-> here .</a> Install the Apache Ant according to the instructions included with the Ant release.</p>
-<p>Locate the ant build file (build.xml) inside the webapp directory which resides in your Axis2 home
- directory (i.e:- $AXIS_HOME/webapp)". Run the Ant build by executing "ant create.war" inside the $AXIS2_HOME/webapps folder. 
-You can find the generated axis2.war inside the $AXIS2_HOME/dist directory. All the services and modules that are present in the
-AXIS2_HOME/repository will be packed in to the created axis2.war together with the Axis2 configuration found
-at $AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml.</p>
-<p> You can read the <a href="#servlet_container">installing Axis2 in a servlet container</a> to figure 
-out how to deploy the Axis2 web application in a servlet container. </p>
-<a name="standalone4"></a>
-<h3>4. Getting Familiar with the Axis2 Convenient Scripts</h3>
-<p>It is advised to add the $AXIS2_HOME/bin to the PATH, so that you'll be able to run the following scripts from any where.</p>
-<table border="1">
-	<td><b>Script Name</b></td>
-	<td><b>Description</b></td>
-	<td>axis2.{bat|sh}</td>
-	<td>You can use this script to run web service clients written using Axis2.
-	This script calls the "java" command after adding the classpath for Axis2 dependent libraries (*.jar files present in your AXIS2_HOME/lib), 
-	setting the Axis2 repository location (AXIS2_HOME/repository) and setting the Axis2 configuration file location(AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml) for you. With this you can be relieved from setting all the above Axis2 specific parameters.<br/>
-	<em>Usage : axis2.{sh.bat}  [-options] class [args...]</em><br/>
-	Eg: $ -classpath myservice-client.jar<br/>
-	    All the options supported by "java" are supported here (Eg: -classpath,  -D&lt;name>=&lt;value>, ...). <br/>
-	<td>axis2server.{sh|bat}</td>
-	<td>This script will start an standalone Axis2 server using the AXIS2_HOME/repository as the
-	 Axis2 repository and the AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml as
-	  the Axis2 configuration file.  This will start all the transport listeners listed in the 
-	  AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml.<br/>
-	As an example, if you want to deploy a service using standalone Axis2 server,then copy your 
-	service archive to the AXIS2_HOME/repository/services directory. After that go to the "Transport Ins" section of the AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml 
-	and configure the tranport receivers (simpleHttpServer in port 8080 is listed by default). Then invoke this script. </td>
-	<td>wsdl2java.{bat|sh}</td>
-	<td>This script generates java code according to a given WSDL file to handle Web service invocations 
-	(Client side Stubs). This script also has the ability to generate service skeletons according to the given wsdl.<br/>
-	<em>Usage:  WSDL2Java.{sh|bat} [OPTION]... -uri &lt;Location of WSDL> </em><br/>
-	Eg: -uri ../wsdl/Axis2Sample.wsdl <br/>
-	A more detailed reference about this script can be found <a href="reference.html">here</a></td>	
-	<td>java2wsdl.{bat|sh} </td>
-	<td>This script generates the appropriate WSDL file for a given java class.<br/>
-	<em>Usage:  Java2WSDL.{sh|bat} [OPTION]... -cn &lt;fully qualified class name> </em><br/>
-	Eg: -cn ../samples/test/searchTool.Search  <br/>
-	A more detailed reference about this script can be found <a href="reference.html">here</a>
-	</td>
-<a name="servlet_container"></a>
-<h2>Installing Axis2 in a Servlet Container</h2>
-<p>Which ever the distribution, installing Axis2 in a J2EE compliant servlet
-    container is as follows:</p>
-    <li>Build the Axis2 WAR
-        file using the Axis2 Standard Binary Distributioon. (Alternatively you can
-         <a href="">download</a> the axis2.war
-        or you can build axis2.war using the <a href="#war">Source
-        Distribution</a>.</li>
-    <li>Drop the war in the webapps folder of the servlet container. Most
-        servlet containers will automatically install war. (some servlet
-        containers may require a restart in order to capture the new web
-        application. Refer your servlet container documentation for more
-        information about this.)</li>
-    <li>Once the WAR is successfully installed, test it by pointing the web
-        browser to the <strong>http://&lt;host :port&gt;/axis2. </strong>It
-        should produce the following page which is the <strong>Axis2 Web
-        Application Home Page</strong>.</li>
-    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/clip_image006.jpg"
-                                   alt=""></strong></p>
-    <li>Use the link "Validate" to ensure that everything is fine and smooth.
-        If the validation fails then the war has failed to install properly or
-        some essential jars are missing. At such a situation the documentation of
-        the particular servlet container should be consulted to find the problem.
-        The following page is a successful validation. Note the statement core
-        Axis2 libraries are present.</li>
-<p align="center"><img src="images/happyaxis.jpg"></p>
-<a name="upload"></a>
-<p><strong>Note:</strong> For any Application server specific installation
-    information please refer <a href="app_server.html">Application Server
-    Specific Configuration Guide</a>.</p>
-<h2>Uploading Services</h2>
-    <p>The Axis2 Web application also provides an interface to upload services.
-        Once a service is created according to the service specification as
-        described in <a name="userguide.html" target="_blank">User's Guide that jar
-        file can be uploaded using the upload page.</a></p>
-    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/clip_image010.jpg"
-                                   alt=""></strong></p>
-    <p>The uploaded jar files will be stored in the default service directory.
-        For Axis2 this will be the &lt;webapps&gt;/axis2/WEB-INF/services
-        directory. Once a service is uploaded it will be installed instantly.</p>
-    <a name="hot_deployment"></a>
-    <p>Since Axis2 supports <strong>hot deployment</strong> one can drop the
-        service jar directly through the file system to the above mentioned
-        services directory. It will also cause the service to be automatically
-        installed without the container being restarted.</p>
-    <p>Use the 'Services' link on the Web Application home page to check the
-        successful installation of a service. The services and the operations of
-        successfully installed services will be displayed in the available services
-        page.</p>
-    <p align="center"><img src="images/clip_image012.jpg" alt=""></p>
-    <p></p>
-    <p>If the service has deployment time errors it will list those services as
-        faulty services. If you click on the link you can see the deployment fault
-        error message(s).</p>
-    <p align="center"><img src="images/faultservice.jpg" alt=""></p>
-    <p>Deployment time error message</p>
-    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/faultmsg.jpg"
-                                   alt=""></strong></p>
-    <p></p>
-    <p>Axis2 Administration is all about configuring Axis2 at the run time and
-        the configuration will be transient. More descriptions are available in <a
-            href="webadminguide.html" target="_blank">Axis2 Web Administration
-        Guide</a></p>
-<a name="advanced"></a>
-<a name="source"></a>
-<h2>Axis2 Source Distribution</h2>
-<a name="_Toc96698083"></a>
-Using the Source Distribution both brinary files (which is downloadable as the </a><a href="#std-bin">Standard Binary
-Distribution</a>) and axis2.war file (which is downloadable as the <a href="#war1">WAR distribution</a>) can be built using maven commands.
-<p>Required jar files do not come with the distribution and they will also
-    have to be built by running the maven command. Before we go any further it is
-    necessary to install <a href=""
-                            target="_blank">Maven</aandsettheEnvironment.Thenextsectionwillguideyouhowtodojustthat.>
-<h3>Setting Up the Environment and Tools</h3>
-<a name="maven"></a>
-<p>The Axis2 build is based on <a href=""
-                                  target="_blank">Maven </a>. Hence the only prerequisite to build
-    Axis2 from
-    source distribution is to have Maven installed. Extensive instruction guides
-    are available at the Maven site. This guide however contains the easiest path
-    for quick environment setting. Advanced users who wish to know more about
-    Maven can visit <a href=""
-                       target="_blank">here </a>.</p>
-    <li>MS Windows</li>
-    <li>Download and run the Windows installer package for Maven.</li>
-    <li>Set the 'Environment Variables' ( create system variable MAVEN_HOME and
-        edit path. eg: "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\maven-1.0.2";
-        path %MAVEN_HOME%\bin)</li>
-    <li>Make sure that system variable JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your
-        JDK, eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_02</li>
-    <li>Run maven --version to verify that it is correctly installed.</li>
-<p align="center"><img alt="clip_image002 (15K)"
-                       src="images/clip_image002.jpg" height="211" width="477"></p>
-    <li>Unix based OS (Linux etc)</li>
-<p>The tar ball or the zip archive is the best option. Once the archive is
-    downloaded expand it to a directory of choice and set the environment
-    variable MAVEN_HOME and add MAVEN_HOME/bin to the path as well. More
-    instructions for installing Maven in Unix based operating systems can be
-    found <a href=""
-             target="_blank">here </a>.</p>
-<p>Once maven is properly installed you can start building Axis2.</p>
-<p><a href="../faq.html#d4">Maven commands that are frequently used</a> in
-    Axis2 are listed on the <a href="../faq.html">FAQs</a> page.</p>
-<a name="_Toc96698085"></a>
-<h3>Building Binaries and WAR File Using the Source Distribution</h3>
-<p>The Source Distribution is available as a zipped archive. All the
-    necessary build scripts are included with the source distribution. Once the
-    source archive is expanded into a directory of choice, moving to the
-    particular directory and running <code>maven</code> command will build the
-    Axis2 jar file.</p>
-<p align="center"><img alt="clip_image004 (43K)" src="images/maven.jpg"><br
-        clear="all">
-<p>Once the command completes, the binaries (jar files in this case) can be
-    found at a newly created "target" directory.</p>
-<p><strong>Note: For the first Maven build (if the maven repository is not
-    built first) it will take a while since required jars need to be downloaded.
-    However this is a once only process and will not affect any successive
-    builds.</strong></p>
-<a name="war"></a>
-<p><strong></strong>The default maven build will however build only the Axis2
-    jar file. To obtain a <strong>WAR (Web Archive)</strong>, <code>maven
-    war</code> command should be issued. This will create a complete WAR with the
-    name axis2.war inside the target directory.</p>
-<p>Once this build step is complete, the binaries are ready to be
-    deployed.</p>
-<a name="_Toc96698086"></a>
+    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="">
+    <title>Axis2 Installation Guide</title>
+  <link href="../css/axis-docs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
+<body lang="en">
+<h1 align="center">Apache Axis2 Installation Guide</h1>
+<p>This document will give you information on Axis2 distribution packages,
+    system prerequisites &amp; setting up environment variables and tools
+    followed by detailed instructions on installation methods.</p>
+<p><i>Send your feedback to: <a
+        href=""></a></i>. Prefix
+    subject with [Axis2]. To subscribe to mailing list see <a
+        href="">here.</a></p>
+    <li><a href="#Download_Axis2">Download Axis2</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#requirements">System Requirements</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#standalone">Installation Using Standard Binary Distribution</a>
+                <ul>
+                    <li><a href="#standalone1">Install the Apache Axis2 Binary Distribution</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="#standalone2">Starting up Axis2 Standalone Server</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="#standalone3">Building WAR File Using Standard Binary Distribution</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="#standalone4">Getting Familiar with the Axis2 Convenient Scripts</a></li>
+                </ul>
+    </li>
+    <li><a href="#build_war"></a></li>
+    <li><a href="#servlet_container">Installing Axis2 in a Servlet
+        Container</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#upload">Uploading Services</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#advanced">Advanced</a>
+        <ul>
+            <li><a href="#source">Axis2 Source Distribution</a>
+                <ul>
+                    <li><a href="#_Toc96698083">Setting up the Environment and
+                        Tools</a></li>
+                    <li><a href="#_Toc96698085">Building Axis2 Binaries and WAR file
+                        Using the Source Distribution</a></li>
+                </ul>
+            </li>
+        </ul>
+    </li>
+<a name="Download_Axis2"></a>
+<h2>Download Axis2</h2>
+<p>Axis2 is distributed in several convenient distribution packages and can
+    be installed either as a standalone server or as part of a J2EE compliant
+    servlet container. Axis2 is distributed under the Apache License, version
+    2.0. This Installation Guide will mainly focus on running Apache Axis2 using
+    the Standard Binary Distribution.</p>
+<p><a href="">Download</a> distribution packages
+    of the Apache Axis2 1.1 version (latest).<p/>
+<p><a href="">Download</a> distribution packages of all versions of Apache Axis2.</p>
+<p>The Distribution Packages Provided are as follows:</p>
+<a name="std-bin" id="std-bin"></a>
+<h3>1. Standard Binary Distribution</h3>
+<p>This is the complete version of Axis2 and include samples and convenient scripts as
+    well. 
+<p><a href="">Download</a> Standard
+    Binary Distribution</p>
+<a name="war1"></a>
+<h3>2. WAR (Web Archive) Distribution</h3>
+<p>This will be the Web application of Axis2 which can be deployed in most of
+    the servlet containers.</p>
+<p><a href="">Download</a> WAR (Web Archive)
+    Distribution</p>
+<h3>3. Documents Distribution</h3>
+<p>This will contain all the documentation in one package. The package
+    includes the xdocs and the Java API docs of this project.</p>
+<p><a href="">Download</a> Documents
+    Distribution</p>
+<h3>4. Source Distribution</h3>
+<p>This will contain the sources of Axis2 standard distribution, and is
+    mainly for the benefit of the advance users. One can generate a binary
+    distribution using the source by typing <span class="style1">$maven
+dist-bin. </span> You need to set up the Axis2 environment before
+    running this command. Step by step details on how to create the binary
+    distribution is available in the <a href="#advanced">Advanced</a> section.</p>
+<p><a href="">Download</a> Source
+    Distribution</p>
+<a name="requirements"></a>
+<h2>System Requirements</h2>
+<table border="2">
+    <caption></caption>
+    <tbody>
+        <tr>
+            <td>Java Development Kit (JDK)
+            </td>
+            <td>1.4 or later (For instructions on setting up the JDK in different operating systems,
+                visit
+                <a href=""></a>)</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <td>Disk</td>
+            <td>Approximately 11 MB separately for standard binary distribution
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <td>Operating system</td>
+            <td>Tested on Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X, Fedora core, Ubuntu,
+                Gentoo</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <td><strong>Build Tool</strong>-<a href="">Apache Ant</a>  
+             <p>To run samples and to build war from Axis2 binary distribution.</p></td>
+            <td>Version 1.6.5 or higher(<a
+                    href="">download</a>).</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+            <td><strong>Build Tool</strong>- <a href="">Apache
+                Maven 1.x</a>
+                <p>Required <em>only</em> for building Axis2 from Source
+                    Distribution</p>
+            </td>
+            <td>1.0.2 or higher in Maven 1.x series (<a
+                    href="">download</a>).
+                <strong>Please download maven 1.x version. Axis2 does not support maven 2.</strong></td>
+        </tr>
+    </tbody>
+<a name="standalone"></a>
+<h2>Installation Using Standard Binary Distribution</h2>
+<a name="standalone1"></a>
+<h3>1. Download and Install the Apache Axis2 Binary Distribution</h3>
+<p> Download and install a Java Development Kit (JDK) release (version 1.4 or later) from <a href=""
+> here .</a> Install the JDK according to the instructions included with the release.Set an environment 
+variable JAVA_HOME to the pathname of the directory into which you installed the JDK release.</p>
+<p>Download and unpack the <a
+        href="">Axis2 Standard Binary Distribution</a>
+        into a convenient location so that the distribution resides in its own directory. Set an 
+        environment variables AXIS2_HOME to the pathname of the extracted directory of Axis2 (Eg: /opt/axis2-1.1).
+<a name="standalone2"></a>
+<h3>2. Starting up Axis2 Standalone Server</h3>
+<p> Standalone Axis2 server can be started by executing the following commands: <br/>
+      $AXIS2_HOME\bin\axis2server.bat (Windows) <br/>
+      $AXIS2_HOME/bin/  (Unix)
+ <p>After startup, the default web services included with Axis2 will be
+available by visiting http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/</p>
+<a name="standalone3"></a>
+<h3>3. Building the Axis2 Web Application (axis2.war) Using Standard Binary Distribution</h3>
+<p> Download and install Apache Ant (version 1.6.5 or later) from <a href=""
+> here .</a> Install the Apache Ant according to the instructions included with the Ant release.</p>
+<p>Locate the ant build file (build.xml) inside the webapp directory which resides in your Axis2 home
+ directory (i.e:- $AXIS_HOME/webapp)". Run the Ant build by executing "ant create.war" inside the $AXIS2_HOME/webapps folder. 
+You can find the generated axis2.war inside the $AXIS2_HOME/dist directory. All the services and modules that are present in the
+AXIS2_HOME/repository will be packed in to the created axis2.war together with the Axis2 configuration found
+at $AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml.</p>
+<p> You can read the <a href="#servlet_container">installing Axis2 in a servlet container</a> to figure 
+out how to deploy the Axis2 web application in a servlet container. </p>
+<a name="standalone4"></a>
+<h3>4. Getting Familiar with the Axis2 Convenient Scripts</h3>
+<p>It is advised to add the $AXIS2_HOME/bin to the PATH, so that you'll be able to run the following scripts from any where.</p>
+<table border="1">
+	<td><b>Script Name</b></td>
+	<td><b>Description</b></td>
+	<td>axis2.{bat|sh}</td>
+	<td>You can use this script to run web service clients written using Axis2.
+	This script calls the "java" command after adding the classpath for Axis2 dependent libraries (*.jar files present in your AXIS2_HOME/lib), 
+	setting the Axis2 repository location (AXIS2_HOME/repository) and setting the Axis2 configuration file location(AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml) for you. With this you can be relieved from setting all the above Axis2 specific parameters.<br/>
+	<p><em>Usage : axis2.{sh.bat}  [-options] class [args...]</em></p>
+	<p>Eg: $ -classpath myservice-client.jar</p>
+	<p>All the options supported by "java" are supported here (Eg: -classpath,  -D&lt;name>=&lt;value>, ...). </p>
+	<td>axis2server.{sh|bat}</td>
+	<td>This script will start an standalone Axis2 server using the AXIS2_HOME/repository as the
+	 Axis2 repository and the AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml as the Axis2 configuration file.  This will start all the transport listeners listed in the AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml.
+	<p>As an example, if you want to deploy a service using standalone Axis2 server,then copy your 
+	service archive to the AXIS2_HOME/repository/services directory. After that go to the "Transport Ins" section of the AXIS2_HOME/conf/axis2.xml and configure the transport receivers (simpleHttpServer in port 8080 is listed by default). Then invoke this script.</p> </td>
+	<td>wsdl2java.{bat|sh}</td>
+	<td>This script generates java code according to a given WSDL file to handle Web service invocations 
+	(Client side Stubs). This script also has the ability to generate service skeletons according to the given WSDL.<br/>
+	<p><em>Usage:  WSDL2Java.{sh|bat} [OPTION]... -uri &lt;Location of WSDL> </em></p>
+	<p>Eg: -uri ../wsdl/Axis2Sample.wsdl </p>
+	<p>A more detailed reference about this script can be found <a href="reference.html">here</a></p></td>	
+	<td>java2wsdl.{bat|sh} </td>
+	<td>This script generates the appropriate WSDL file for a given java class.<br/>
+	<em><p>Usage:  Java2WSDL.{sh|bat} [OPTION]... -cn &lt;fully qualified class name> </em></p>
+	<p>Eg: -cn ../samples/test/searchTool.Search</p>
+	<p>A more detailed reference about this script can be found <a href="reference.html">here</a></p>
+	</td>
+<a name="servlet_container"></a>
+<h2>Installing Axis2 in a Servlet Container</h2>
+<p>Which ever the distribution, installing Axis2 in a J2EE compliant servlet
+    container is as follows:</p>
+    <li>Build the Axis2 WAR
+        file using the Axis2 Standard Binary Distribution. (Alternatively you can
+         <a href="">download</a> the axis2.war
+        or you can build axis2.war using the <a href="#war">Source
+        Distribution</a>.</li>
+    <li>Drop the war in the webapps folder of the servlet container. Most
+        servlet containers will automatically install war. (some servlet
+        containers may require a restart in order to capture the new web
+        application. Refer your servlet container documentation for more
+        information about this.)</li>
+    <li>Once the WAR is successfully installed, test it by pointing the web
+        browser to the <strong>http://&lt;host :port&gt;/axis2. </strong>It
+        should produce the following page which is the <strong>Axis2 Web
+        Application Home Page</strong>.</li>
+    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/clip_image006.jpg"
+                                   alt=""></strong></p>
+    <li>Use the link "Validate" to ensure that everything is fine and smooth.
+        If the validation fails then the war has failed to install properly or
+        some essential jars are missing. At such a situation the documentation of
+        the particular servlet container should be consulted to find the problem.
+        The following page is a successful validation. Note the statement core
+        Axis2 libraries are present.</li>
+<p align="center"><img src="images/happyaxis.jpg"></p>
+<a name="upload"></a>
+<p><strong>Note:</strong> For any Application server specific installation
+    information please refer <a href="app_server.html">Application Server
+    Specific Configuration Guide</a>.</p>
+<h2>Uploading Services</h2>
+    <p>The Axis2 Web application also provides an interface to upload services.
+        Once a service is created according to the service specification as
+        described in <a name="userguide.html" target="_blank">User's Guide that jar
+        file can be uploaded using the upload page.</a></p>
+    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/clip_image010.jpg"
+                                   alt=""></strong></p>
+    <p>The uploaded jar files will be stored in the default service directory.
+        For Axis2 this will be the &lt;webapps&gt;/axis2/WEB-INF/services
+        directory. Once a service is uploaded it will be installed instantly.</p>
+    <a name="hot_deployment"></a>
+    <p>Since Axis2 supports <strong>hot deployment</strong> one can drop the
+        service jar directly through the file system to the above mentioned
+        services directory. It will also cause the service to be automatically
+        installed without the container being restarted.</p>
+    <p>Use the 'Services' link on the Web Application home page to check the
+        successful installation of a service. The services and the operations of
+        successfully installed services will be displayed in the available services
+        page.</p>
+    <p align="center"><img src="images/clip_image012.jpg" alt=""></p>
+    <p></p>
+    <p>If the service has deployment time errors it will list those services as
+        faulty services. If you click on the link you can see the deployment fault
+        error message(s).</p>
+    <p align="center"><img src="images/faultservice.jpg" alt=""></p>
+    <p>Deployment time error message</p>
+    <p align="center"><strong><img src="images/faultmsg.jpg"
+                                   alt=""></strong></p>
+    <p></p>
+    <p>Axis2 Administration is all about configuring Axis2 at the run time and
+        the configuration will be transient. More descriptions are available in <a
+            href="webadminguide.html" target="_blank">Axis2 Web Administration
+        Guide</a></p>
+<a name="advanced"></a>
+<a name="source"></a>
+<h2>Axis2 Source Distribution</h2>
+<a name="_Toc96698083"></a>
+Using the Source Distribution both binary files (which is downloadable as the </a><a href="#std-bin">Standard Binary
+Distribution</a>) and axis2.war file (which is downloadable as the <a href="#war1">WAR distribution</a>) can be built using maven commands.
+<p>Required jar files do not come with the distribution and they will also
+    have to be built by running the maven command. Before we go any further it is
+    necessary to install <a href=""
+                            target="_blank">Maven</aandsettheEnvironment.Thenextsectionwillguideyouhowtodojustthat.>
+<h3>Setting Up the Environment and Tools</h3>
+<a name="maven"></a>
+<p>The Axis2 build is based on <a href=""
+                                  target="_blank">Maven </a>. Hence the only prerequisite to build
+    Axis2 from
+    source distribution is to have Maven installed. Extensive instruction guides
+    are available at the Maven site. This guide however contains the easiest path
+    for quick environment setting. Advanced users who wish to know more about
+    Maven can visit <a href=""
+                       target="_blank">here </a>.</p>
+    <li>MS Windows</li>
+    <li>Download and run the Windows installer package for Maven.</li>
+    <li>Set the 'Environment Variables' ( create system variable MAVEN_HOME and
+        edit path. eg: "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\maven-1.0.2";
+        path %MAVEN_HOME%\bin)</li>
+    <li>Make sure that system variable JAVA_HOME is set to the location of your
+        JDK, eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_02</li>
+    <li>Run maven --version to verify that it is correctly installed.</li>
+<p align="center"><img alt="clip_image002 (15K)"
+                       src="images/clip_image002.jpg" height="211" width="477"></p>
+    <li>Unix based OS (Linux etc)</li>
+<p>The tar ball or the zip archive is the best option. Once the archive is
+    downloaded expand it to a directory of choice and set the environment
+    variable MAVEN_HOME and add MAVEN_HOME/bin to the path as well. More
+    instructions for installing Maven in Unix based operating systems can be
+    found <a href=""
+             target="_blank">here </a>.</p>
+<p>Once maven is properly installed you can start building Axis2.</p>
+<p><a href="../faq.html#d4">Maven commands that are frequently used</a> in
+    Axis2 are listed on the <a href="../faq.html">FAQs</a> page.</p>
+<a name="_Toc96698085"></a>
+<h3>Building Binaries and WAR File Using the Source Distribution</h3>
+<p>The Source Distribution is available as a zipped archive. All the
+    necessary build scripts are included with the source distribution. Once the
+    source archive is expanded into a directory of choice, moving to the
+    particular directory and running <code>maven</code> command will build the
+    Axis2 jar file.</p>
+<p align="center"><img alt="clip_image004 (43K)" src="images/maven.jpg"><br
+        clear="all">
+<p>Once the command completes, the binaries (jar files in this case) can be
+    found at a newly created "target" directory.</p>
+<p><strong>Note: For the first Maven build (if the maven repository is not
+    built first) it will take a while since required jars need to be downloaded.
+    However this is a once only process and will not affect any successive
+    builds.</strong></p>
+<a name="war"></a>
+<p><strong></strong>The default maven build will however build only the Axis2
+    jar file. To obtain a <strong>WAR (Web Archive)</strong>, <code>maven
+    war</code> command should be issued. This will create a complete WAR with the
+    name axis2.war inside the target directory.</p>
+<p>Once this build step is complete, the binaries are ready to be
+    deployed.</p>
+<a name="_Toc96698086"></a>

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