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Posted to by Bernd Mathiske <> on 2015/04/13 12:46:05 UTC

Mesos IRC office hours for Europe

Hi All,
how would you like to have an additional weekly Mesos IRC office hour, now in a Europe-friendly time slot? 
Suggestion: Thursdays 14:00 to 15:00 CEDT, currently 12pm to 1pm GMT. 
The Mesosphere office in Hamburg/Germany can provide highly predictable IRC presence during this hour, starting next week. (We are also available at many other times, just not as predictably.)
Looking forward to questions and feedback,

P.S.: Niklas’ message about the first office hour attached.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Niklas Nielsen" < <>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 11:33am
To: " <>" < <>>, "dev" < <>>
Subject: Mesos IRC office hours

Hi all,

We are running an IRC office hour experiment where we will have a couple of people sitting
on the channel to answer any questions (Mesosphere or non-mesosphere related, anything). For
now it will be Tuesdays at 11AM PST to noon.

Ideally, we can have this as a general time slot for office hours for the entire community
(and across companies).
As it is an experiment, we can do one or more things:
 - Free-form: No specific topic or questions. Just anything that shows up
 - Topic: We can choose a topic of the hour and focus our discussion on that
 - AMA: Collect questions during the week and go through as many as we can.
(Or a combination of the above).
We started a spreadsheet where folks can commit to be at the office hour, including topic
and AMA link:
[ <>
]( <>

We are looking for all the feedback we can get; Is this helpful at all? How can we optimize
our time? More strict/less strict topic and so on.
