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Posted to by Kevin Meyer - KMZ <> on 2011/04/01 21:09:04 UTC

Re: Date, Time and DateTime: what do they mean to you?

An update:
Hopefully, tonight's tests will pass. My own tests with the system 
default timezone replaced with both +ve and -ve offsets wrt GMT 
seem to now work.

I have used Joda-Time's LocalDate to replace java.util.Date in the Isis 
applib.value.Date class.

LocalDate is explicitly TimeZone-free, but internally represented using 
UTC[1]. Conversions from LocalDate to java.util.Date and 
java.sql.Date (via a Joda-Time "DateTime" using UTC) are correctly 
UTC based.

I think this satisfies what Dan and Mark wanted?

Next, I want to do the same (use LocalTime) for oai.applib.value.Time.

Eventually, do the same for oai.applib.value.DateTime.
DateTime *is* tied to a timezone, but I will use UTC.
