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Posted to by on 2003/05/11 16:15:44 UTC

Bug report for Axis [2003/05/11]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
| 8435|Ass|Enh|2002-04-23|[xsd:list] WSDL2Java doesn't handle schema <list> |
| 9527|Ver|Cri|2002-05-30|Problem generating client-stubs.  WSDL to Java.   |
| 9815|New|Enh|2002-06-12|WSDL2Java doesn't honor restrictions in schema    |
| 9925|Ver|Nor|2002-06-17|serializers called twice when logging is on       |
| 9967|Ver|Nor|2002-06-18|WSDL2Java Doesn't support xsd:time                |
| 9969|Ver|Nor|2002-06-18|WSDL2Java generates bad stubs for out only params.|
|10058|New|Enh|2002-06-20|WSDL2Java should not fail on valid schema         |
|10173|Ver|Nor|2002-06-24|Overridden methods appear twice in the WSDL       |
|10211|Ass|Enh|2002-06-25|Validating WSDD content                           |
|10290|Ver|Nor|2002-06-27|Use of common Java classes like String and Object |
|10479|Ass|Nor|2002-07-04|should not include in axis.jar   |
|10566|Ver|Nor|2002-07-08|xmlns="" added to every literal element instance  |
|10567|Ver|Nor|2002-07-08|Prevent xsi:type from being generated for ElementS|
|10642|Ver|Nor|2002-07-10|Problem with multiple imports                     |
|10646|Ver|Nor|2002-07-10|echoHexBinary described as base64 instead         |
|10647|Ver|Nor|2002-07-10|base xsd:token and xsd:normalizedString are redecl|
|10872|Ass|Enh|2002-07-16|validate requests against custom WSDL             |
|11290|New|Nor|2002-07-30|Problems with "sequence maxOccurs='unbounded' " in|
|11295|Ver|Nor|2002-07-30|When an xsd:date is used as an output parameter, w|
|11296|New|Nor|2002-07-30|Connections not closed in http client code.       |
|11376|Ver|Cri|2002-08-01|WSDL2Java generates invalid stubs when a method ha|
|11381|Ver|Maj|2002-08-01|Stubs generated by WSDL2Java for SOAP faults don�t|
|11532|New|Nor|2002-08-07|Out of Memory Error - tcpmon                      |
|11720|Ass|Nor|2002-08-15|Chains shouldn't call onFault when not calling inv|
|11766|Ass|Nor|2002-08-16|The wsdl used by axis when a service is called is |
|11815|Ass|Nor|2002-08-19|ServiceLifecycle.destroy() never called when sessi|
|12174|Ass|Min|2002-08-29|Java2WSDL --all is ignored                        |
|12312|Ver|Cri|2002-09-04|Calling a .NET server with both an out argument an|
|12316|Ver|Maj|2002-09-04|Calling a method with an output only parameter res|
|12339|Ver|Cri|2002-09-05|xsd:date fails to un-marshal on reply because the |
|12382|Ass|Nor|2002-09-06|Java2WSDL should do the right thing with DataHandl|
|12450|Ver|Cri|2002-09-09|Stubs generated by WSDL2Java don�t fully scope Thr|
|12524|New|Nor|2002-09-11|unbound sequence: invalid class name when generati|
|12572|New|Nor|2002-09-12|none SOAP Array Deserialization in BeanDeserialize|
|12621|New|Nor|2002-09-13|Element array Deserialization calling Windows.NET |
|12685|Ass|Maj|2002-09-16|RC1 - Setting "PROP_DOMULTIREFS" looses important |
|12713|New|Enh|2002-09-16|problem when generating java code for xsd:simpleTy|
|12747|New|Nor|2002-09-17|AdminService generates invalid WSDL               |
|12833|Ver|Cri|2002-09-19|Axis clients fail to extract the value of output (|
|12867|Ver|Nor|2002-09-20|array of bean_b inside bean_a deserializer problem|
|12873|Ver|Cri|2002-09-20|Axis clients don�t set xsi:type attribute when mar|
|12903|Ass|Enh|2002-09-22|[PATCH] AvalonProvider                            |
|12940|New|Nor|2002-09-24|TCPMon CRLF Bug in Resend (Content-Length calc)   |
|12969|Ver|Maj|2002-09-24|UnsignedLong(String) constructor screws up with nu|
|13007|Ver|Nor|2002-09-25|Java2WSDL emits type="" when should be xsd:anyType|
|13057|New|Nor|2002-09-27|RPCElement serialization doesn't use prefixes     |
|13215|New|Enh|2002-10-02|Axis does not seem to support xs:group            |
|13230|New|Min|2002-10-03|Axis does not validate bad hrefs                  |
|13324|Opn|Nor|2002-10-04|Deserialization of circular references is broken  |
|13439|New|Enh|2002-10-09|Incorrect code generated from xsd:choice element i|
|13512|New|Nor|2002-10-10|WSDL for java.util.List uses xsd:anyType rather th|
|13618|Ass|Enh|2002-10-14|Implicit header support                           |
|13724|Opn|Maj|2002-10-17|Java2WSDL not generating nillable attribute for pr|
|13737|New|Nor|2002-10-17|WSDL2Java creating invalid bean when using ref att|
|13808|Ass|Nor|2002-10-21|java:EJB provider does not work ?                 |
|13819|New|Nor|2002-10-21|Attachment temp files never get removed           |
|13903|Opn|Nor|2002-10-23|Axis does not create server-config.wsdd in WEB-INF|
|13923|New|Nor|2002-10-24|default value for attributes ignored in generated |
|13979|New|Maj|2002-10-25|WSDL produced for arrays in wrapped doc/lit servic|
|13980|New|Nor|2002-10-25|WSDL2Java produces wrapper bean for arrays for WSD|
|14014|New|Nor|2002-10-28|wsdl2java tool schema compatibility failure       |
|14033|New|Maj|2002-10-29|bean property multi-dimensional arrays don't deser|
|14152|New|Enh|2002-11-01|Java2WSDL generates invalid WSDL for arrays specif|
|14162|Ass|Maj|2002-11-01|Round 5 BaseType WSDL needs additional schema buil|
|14218|New|Nor|2002-11-04|MinOccurs=0 not added to wsdl for arrays          |
|14287|Ass|Enh|2002-11-06|How to deploy an EJB into Axis 1.0                |
|14313|New|Nor|2002-11-06|Java2WSDL generates schema element with type=""   |
|14400|New|Nor|2002-11-08|wsdl2java generates stub using parameter names for|
|14490|New|Nor|2002-11-12|WSDL generation breaks on multi-processor linux   |
|14636|New|Nor|2002-11-18|SOAPAction MIME header set through SAAJ not being |
|14713|New|Nor|2002-11-20|Axis does not enforce use="required" on attributes|
|14807|New|Nor|2002-11-24|Re/Undeploying doesn't clear session cache        |
|14818|New|Nor|2002-11-25|WSDL generated by Axis does not properly generate |
|14820|New|Nor|2002-11-25|Axis successfully imports invalid WSDL and XML sch|
|14844|New|Nor|2002-11-26|SOAP Array deserialization bug                    |
|14847|New|Nor|2002-11-26|Axis generates non unique namespaces              |
|14902|New|Nor|2002-11-27|elements without minOccurs="0" produce isnill="tru|
|14989|New|Enh|2002-12-02|Promote encoding style from first body element to |
|15059|New|Nor|2002-12-04|Shouldn't hardcode dispatchers                    |
|15103|New|Nor|2002-12-05|java2wsdl ant task seems not to work              |
|15125|New|Nor|2002-12-05|wsdl2java outputs the incorrect stubs             |
|15126|New|Nor|2002-12-06|onFault on global Handlers are not called...      |
|15130|Opn|Nor|2002-12-06|malformed encoding when SOAPBodyElement's data are|
|15133|New|Nor|2002-12-06|Problems serializing german umlauts               |
|15153|New|Nor|2002-12-06|Exception classes not mapped in client stub       |
|15181|New|Nor|2002-12-09|javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler#handleFault method i|
|15248|New|Nor|2002-12-10|SymbolTable can't resolve element refs in schemas |
|15300|New|Nor|2002-12-12|WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Can't find p|
|15328|New|Nor|2002-12-12|Unnecessary namespace definitions generated in ser|
|15340|New|Nor|2002-12-12|[xsd:union] WSDL2java problem with union of NMTOKE|
|15384|New|Nor|2002-12-16|when deserialize array in custom datatype         |
|15487|New|Nor|2002-12-18|only partial support for "xml:lang"               |
|15494|New|Nor|2002-12-18|zero terminated java string serialize zero to XML |
|15533|Opn|Nor|2002-12-19|Throw an error when wrapped and non-wrapped WSDL a|
|15566|New|Nor|2002-12-20|Element not specified with nillable="true" in the |
|15581|Ass|Maj|2002-12-20|setSchemaVersion() does not work                  |
|15695|New|Nor|2002-12-28|error in samples.userguide.example1               |
|15698|New|Nor|2002-12-28|getters and setters needed for public arrays in Ja|
|15741|Ass|Min|2002-12-31|TCP Monitor does not handle WebDAV methods in prox|
|15789|New|Nor|2003-01-03|wsdl2java: <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> does|
|15902|New|Enh|2003-01-08|Generated comments should be javadoc comments     |
|15933|New|Nor|2003-01-09|HTTP response status codes arent being set as per |
|16082|New|Nor|2003-01-14|bug in ElementDeserializer                        |
|16097|New|Nor|2003-01-15|xml schema anyType not set in WSDL                |
|16110|New|Maj|2003-01-15|Fault Code empty on the client if AxisFault is sub|
|16121|New|Nor|2003-01-15|MessageElement is not for mortals                 |
|16172|New|Nor|2003-01-16|Axis Client Fault if fault type is the same as inp|
|16180|New|Nor|2003-01-16|Axis only deserializing the first response paramet|
|16184|New|Nor|2003-01-16|tcpmon save doesn't save multiple selections      |
|16339|New|Enh|2003-01-22|Axis WSDL Support Issue: WSDL SOAP Binding vs. SOA|
|16418|Ass|Nor|2003-01-25|No deserialization context after changing SOAPBody|
|16522|Opn|Enh|2003-01-29|Allow Axis HTTP 1.1 clients to use Keep-Alive     |
|16538|New|Nor|2003-01-29|AttachmentsImpl.getAttachmentCount not properly im|
|16591|New|Enh|2003-01-30|LDAP Authentication Handler                       |
|16623|New|Enh|2003-01-31|when Axis faults are generated from HTTP faults, c|
|16703|New|Nor|2003-02-03|java2wsdl on multiple classes                     |
|16711|New|Nor|2003-02-03|Wrong WSDL2Java generation                        |
|16735|New|Maj|2003-02-03|Class cast exception on getDetail in SOAPFault    |
|16771|New|Nor|2003-02-04|cannot catch specific exception in client if it ha|
|16800|New|Nor|2003-02-05|simpleTypes based on date/dateTime serialization p|
|16820|New|Nor|2003-02-05|odd behavior with off-case JWS files              |
|16838|New|Nor|2003-02-06|EJB/Ant/Java2WSDL                                 |
|16842|New|Nor|2003-02-06|WSDL2Java generates unusable classes for Arrays   |
|16943|New|Nor|2003-02-10|attachments.Directory parameter in server-config.w|
|17028|New|Nor|2003-02-12|AxisServlet doesn't strip double-quotes from SOAPA|
|17112|New|Nor|2003-02-17|Can't find resource for bundle                    |
|17174|New|Enh|2003-02-18|tcpmon shouldn't call System.exit()               |
|17175|New|Enh|2003-02-18|Empty methods in tcpmon for setting source & desti|
|17189|New|Nor|2003-02-19|Axis gives errors when Aelfred XML Parser used    |
|17269|New|Nor|2003-02-21|CalendarDeserializer bug                          |
|17270|New|Nor|2003-02-21|Patch to serialize custom exceptions into the deta|
|17279|New|Nor|2003-02-21|Axis does not work when installed in WEB-INF/lib  |
|17282|New|Enh|2003-02-21|Deserialization performance problem               |
|17291|New|Nor|2003-02-21|axis returns the type specified in the WSDL from t|
|17303|New|Nor|2003-02-21|Invalid WSDL generated when using wrapped/literal |
|17347|New|Nor|2003-02-24|Provider Lookup Fails within EAR                  |
|17348|New|Nor|2003-02-24|WSDL2Java creates method >64K                     |
|17431|New|Enh|2003-02-26|Add Axis Version Info to WSDL                     |
|17439|New|Maj|2003-02-26|WSDD causes deserialisation error ... not able to |
|17534|New|Nor|2003-02-28|java2wsdl generates incorrect WSDL for overloaded |
|17541|New|Maj|2003-02-28|bug in wsdl2java for type with optional field     |
|17544|Ass|Enh|2003-02-28|default attribute in wsdl does not translate to de|
|17554|Opn|Blk|2003-03-01|Integer[] -> int[]                                |
|17555|New|Nor|2003-03-01|Unable to return Object from a method             |
|17556|New|Nor|2003-03-01|Arrays don't automatically get deserialized       |
|17596|New|Nor|2003-03-03|Multiple code generation problems ( wrong types ge|
|17689|New|Nor|2003-03-05|Some axis properties are extracted from the Servle|
|17790|New|Nor|2003-03-07|NPE in AxisServlet during AdminClient work        |
|17795|New|Min|2003-03-07|NPE in SOAPMonitorService - Race Condition?       |
|17906|New|Nor|2003-03-12|Sample JWS support not working on JBoss 3.06 w/ Je|
|18024|New|Min|2003-03-15|Bad client handling of HTTP 204 NO CONTENT respons|
|18084|New|Nor|2003-03-17|Auto Typing in TypeMappingImpl only puts types in |
|18148|New|Nor|2003-03-19|Serializing fault incorrect when Error occurs     |
|18189|New|Enh|2003-03-20|Link to JavaDocs from Web Site                    |
|18205|New|Nor|2003-03-20|WSDL type mapping broken for non-built-in MIME typ|
|18287|Opn|Blk|2003-03-24|Error in serialization of xsd:boolean fields      |
|18390|New|Nor|2003-03-26|Axis reject array element without xsi:type="soapen|
|18401|New|Nor|2003-03-27|WSDL2Java does not take into account multiple rest|
|18517|New|Nor|2003-03-31|jaxrpc samples needed with JavaBean serializatrion|
|18530|Opn|Blk|2003-03-31|org.xml.sax.SAXException: No deserializer defined |
|18561|New|Nor|2003-04-01|SSL Tunneling via MS-Proxy 2.0 does not work; bad |
|18587|New|Blk|2003-04-01|Java2WSDL Issue                                   |
|18621|New|Nor|2003-04-02|generated proxy code doesnt escape \ chars in URLs|
|18657|New|Cri|2003-04-03|Unusable with Java Web Start + Authenticating Prox|
|18672|New|Nor|2003-04-03|handler parameter value not redefined in reference|
|18674|New|Nor|2003-04-03|Handler.cleanup() and Chain.cleanup() not called  |
|18699|New|Nor|2003-04-04|Getting a Socket Writer Error in the client while |
|18711|New|Cri|2003-04-04|Documents returned by Axis being truncated        |
|18714|New|Cri|2003-04-04|WS-I problems with WSDL for Document/literal web s|
|18718|New|Enh|2003-04-04|User Documentation needs to include programmatic d|
|18877|New|Cri|2003-04-09|No service is available at this URL               |
|18903|New|Enh|2003-04-10|Remove .NET 1.0 workaround patch                  |
|18911|New|Nor|2003-04-10|generated classes in java.lang.*                  |
|18919|New|Cri|2003-04-10|HTTP ERROR: 500 org.apache.axis.client.Stub.setPor|
|18966|New|Nor|2003-04-11|encoding problems with international charset      |
|19001|New|Nor|2003-04-14|DOM2Writer prints xmlns:="" when Element ns prefix|
|19069|New|Maj|2003-04-16|WSDL2Java generates code with does not compile    |
|19090|New|Nor|2003-04-16|Weblogic Deployment, log4j, commons-logging.jar   |
|19092|New|Enh|2003-04-16|Finer granularity in Axis Logging                 |
|19105|New|Nor|2003-04-17|SOAPAction Header not mapped to operation         |
|19123|New|Min|2003-04-17|Java2WSDL docs slightly misleading about getting p|
|19147|New|Nor|2003-04-18|getmaintainSession with HttpSession does nothing  |
|19148|New|Nor|2003-04-18|SimpleSessionHandler adds headers even if setMaint|
|19155|New|Enh|2003-04-18|make CommonsHTTPSender connection pool, connection|
|19214|Opn|Nor|2003-04-22|WSDL2Java ignores <xs:annotation> comments        |
|19322|New|Maj|2003-04-25|No serializer registered in org.apache.axis.encodi|
|19327|New|Nor|2003-04-25|Character entities are escaped to aggressively    |
|19330|New|Nor|2003-04-25|Empty String deserialization + fix                |
|19372|New|Nor|2003-04-27|.jws files contained in /services can not be serve|
|19398|New|Nor|2003-04-28|Java2WSDL Does Not Handle byte[] Mapping Properly |
|19404|New|Nor|2003-04-28|Wrong serialization of an element referred as "ref|
|19412|New|Nor|2003-04-29|[PATCH] Allow multiple schemas to be inlined      |
|19413|New|Nor|2003-04-29|[PATCH] Allow namespace prefixes to be picked up f|
|19435|New|Nor|2003-04-29|awkward documentation for novices (clarification h|
|19484|New|Nor|2003-04-30|WSDL2Java ignores fixed elements/attributes       |
|19489|New|Nor|2003-04-30|expose Session.invalidate()                       |
|19514|New|Maj|2003-05-01|Maxoccurs="unbounded" makes autogenerated WSDL fai|
|19533|New|Nor|2003-05-01|SOAPMonitorService.ServerSocketThread does not pro|
|19544|New|Nor|2003-05-02|WSDL2Java generates uncompilable code for simpleTy|
|19586|Ass|Enh|2003-05-02|org.apache.axis.types.Token.isValid() should be st|
|19682|New|Nor|2003-05-05|non-AxisFault exceptions don't have details serial|
|19744|New|Cri|2003-05-07|attributes from super class are not serialized    |
|19783|New|Maj|2003-05-08|axis-java2wsdl ant task produces incorrect wsdl wh|
| Total  203 bugs                                                           |