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Posted to by Andy Jefferson <> on 2006/12/01 14:59:48 UTC

JPOX : branching and nightly builds

Information for those people using JPOX, and accessing "nightly builds" from 
the JPOX Maven repo at (

JPOX 1.1 (CVS branch : RELEASE_1_1)
This is the "stable" branch of JPOX and releases are currently up to 1.1.4, 
but will soon have a 1.1.5.
Nightly builds from this branch will be in our Maven repo labelled

JPOX 1.2 (CVS branch : HEAD)
This is the "dev" branch of JPOX, and there'll be a 1.2.0-beta-1 in the near 
future. This branch includes things like JPA support, persistence to DB4O, 
support for persistence of multiple geometry libraries and for all spatial 
functions in OGC Simple Feature Specification, and more.
Nightly builds from this branch will be in our Maven repo labelled

While saying that the latter is the "dev" branch, it's as compatible with the 
JDO2 TCK as the "stable" branch so shouldn't affect people using it for TCK 

Choose the branch most suitable for your requirements