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Posted to by Dave Lindsey <> on 2005/03/19 15:06:46 UTC

JSP compile with jdk 1.5 in 5.5.7

Tomcat 5.5.7/8 documentation suggest setting 'compilerSourceVM' and 
to enable jdk 1.5 JSP compilation (along with removing 
and replacing with ant.jar|)

However, those 2 parameter names are not in web.xml's commented list of 
optional flags.

I've tried this in 5.5.8 and in the 5.5.7 distributed with net-beans 4.1 

I get an error saying that the [java 5 ] features are not supported in 
source 1.4
Seems like these flags are not being passed to ant.
Are these flags still valid?

Can JSPs be compile using Java 5 in Tomcat 5.5.x?

I know the docs say that the IBM compiler will be "updated to support 
the Java 5 syntax
as soon as possible".

Thanks, Dave

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