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Posted to by Sam Ruby <> on 2001/04/18 04:14:58 UTC

Timings for processing of small messages


   Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
   for small messages then their predecessors.


   Processing of small messages is not the only scenario, but I would argue
   it is an important one.  Particularly from the perspective of measuring
   overhead.  This test is also designed to measure latency (time to send
   and receive a request) under rather ideal conditions (one client,
   request is completely processed before the next is issued).  Other
   measurements are important, like throughput (number of messages a server
   can process under heavy loads).

   These disclaimers aside, this is just the first scenario I have analyzed
   in any detail.  It is likely to identify areas of fixed overhead, and
   any improvement made here will likely benefit all scenarios and will
   improve throughput too.  I designed these tests unaware of what the
   results would be.  The tests were not designed to produce a specific
   result.  I encourage others to reproduce the results.  All sources are


   I sent a rather small but syntactically correct soap message, and
   generated an appropriate reply.  The reply contains data found in the
   request, so parsing is required.  In the soap and axis cases,
   conversions to and from floating point were done, in all others the data
   was simply copied as is.  In each case, the results were verified using
   the TcpTunnelGui tool.  The number of request/response pairs were
   counted in periods of eleven seconds each, with the first second
   ignored.  Each test was repeated five times, with the best time taken.
   As a general rule, timings improved each time, a phenomenon I attribute
   to hotspot.  The messages were designed so that they could be processed
   by MS dot net beta 1, the Apache xml-soap, and the Apache xml-axis
   implementations.  All tests were performed with the latest versions of
   each of the products compiled from source from CVS within the last 24

The standard message was:

   <?xml version="1.0"?>
   <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
   <echoFloat xmlns="">
   <input xsi:type="xsd:float">3.14159</input>

With a response of:

   <?xml version="1.0"?>
   <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
   <echoFloatResult xmlns="">

Overall results:

   The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end, whereas
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.

Parser overhead:

   Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
   JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
   worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
   small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
   scenarios may differ.

   Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
   1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.

   With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
   for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating

   Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
   strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version was
   faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to identify
   techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis


   550 Mhz Pentium III
   196M RAM
   Sun JDK 1.3 w/hotspot
   Win2K server

- Sam Ruby

(See attached file:

Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
graham glass wrote:

> hi guys,
> incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
> and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
> the performance of version 1.3.
> Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
> a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
> sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:
> GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
> gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
> HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
> release should be able to achieve better performance,
> maybe 800 messages/second.

i think that it is only meaningful when compared in exactly the same

could you add electric xml to tests that are already in echosoap? it would be
very interesting ot see how it compares with other parsers (you would need just
to add two new files and to modify *.bat file as i did with XPP in


Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
graham glass wrote:

> hi guys,
> incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
> and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
> the performance of version 1.3.
> Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
> a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
> sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:
> GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
> gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
> HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
> release should be able to achieve better performance,
> maybe 800 messages/second.

i think that it is only meaningful when compared in exactly the same

could you add electric xml to tests that are already in echosoap? it would be
very interesting ot see how it compares with other parsers (you would need just
to add two new files and to modify *.bat file as i did with XPP in


Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

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Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
graham glass wrote:

> hi guys,
> incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
> and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
> the performance of version 1.3.
> Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
> a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
> sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:
> GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
> gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
> HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
> release should be able to achieve better performance,
> maybe 800 messages/second.

i think that it is only meaningful when compared in exactly the same

could you add electric xml to tests that are already in echosoap? it would be
very interesting ot see how it compares with other parsers (you would need just
to add two new files and to modify *.bat file as i did with XPP in


Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

RE: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by graham glass <>.
hi guys,

incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
the performance of version 1.3.

Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:

GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
release should be able to achieve better performance,
maybe 800 messages/second.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Slominski []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified
test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by
number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that
XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and
memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP
keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not
introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end,
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and
xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX
1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i
guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per
second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it
would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input
stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to
achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on
java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

RE: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by graham glass <>.
hi guys,

incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
the performance of version 1.3.

Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:

GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
release should be able to achieve better performance,
maybe 800 messages/second.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Slominski []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified
test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by
number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that
XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and
memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP
keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not
introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end,
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and
xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX
1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i
guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per
second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it
would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input
stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to
achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on
java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

RE: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by graham glass <>.
hi guys,

incidentally, the Electric XML 1.4 library for parsing
and manipulating XML was just released, with almost double
the performance of version 1.3.

Electric XML 1.4 takes about 0.3 milliseconds to parse
a standard small SOAP message similar to the one that
sam posted. the benchmark sample i used is here:

GLUE uses Electric XML/HTTP/servlets and currently
gets around 550 SOAP messages/second round trip using
HTTP 1.1 keep alive connections. i think the production
release should be able to achieve better performance,
maybe 800 messages/second.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksander Slominski []
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified
test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by
number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that
XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and
memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP
keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not
introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end,
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and
xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX
1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i
guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per
second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it
would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input
stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to
achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on
java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version was
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to identify
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more difficult...).

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end, whereas
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX 1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version was
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to identify
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more difficult...).

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end, whereas
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX 1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)

Re: Timings for processing of small messages

Posted by Aleksander Slominski <>.
Sam Ruby wrote:

> Summary:
>    Axis and Xerces 2 provide hope for significantly better response time
>    for small messages then their predecessors.


i have re-run your tests and added new tests for Xml Pull Parser (modified test sources are available at

> Parser overhead:
>    Alternatives to Xerces 1's implementation of DOM (5533 usec) include
>    JDOM (5224 usec), Crimson (1789 usec), and Xerces 2 (801 usec).  It is
>    worth repeating - these measurements are based on repeatedly parsing
>    small messages in the context of a web server; performance of other
>    scenarios may differ.
>    Alternatives to DOM is SAX.  Measurements were 3,050 usec for Xerces 1,
>    1,583 usec for Crimson, and 690 usec for Xerces 2.
>    With Xerces 2, a native interface is available.  Timings were 621 usec
>    for the standard configuration, and 531 usec for the non-validating
>    configuration.
>    Two non-parser implementations were also created - one was based on
>    strings, the other was based on byte arrays.  The byte array version was
>    faster by 163 usec.  Hopefully this kind of data can be used to identify
>    techniques to target in order to further optimize the soap and axis
>    implementations.

i have got different results (though following your patter)

here are my observations: there is following hierarchy (as measured by number of messages per second):

#messages per second/#microseconds per message test_name(s)
108/9200 jdom, dom1 (from xerces1.3.0)
150/6500 sax1 (from xerces1.3.0)
255/3900 dom2 (from xerces2)
260/3740 sax2
277/3600 xnin, xnis (internal xerces2 interfaces)
300/3300 char, xpp (Xml Pull Parser 1.1)
330/3030 byte

i think that tests should be re-evaluated as from it one could infer that XPP is  fast as reading characters directing from input and it seems not
right :-)

i am suspecting that tests are spending too much time doing buffering and memory IO including socket connection and disconnection that heavily
affects performance - it would be interesting to see tests that uses HTTP keep-alive and allows for streaming of input into parsers (and not
buffering it). however it requires very careful coding that will not introduce unnecessary buffering and delays...( it would be also interesting
to do some testing with chunked encoding but this is even more difficult...).

   (...) The xml-soap implementation processed 50.8 messages at the end, whereas
   xml-axis was able to process 93.7 messages per second.  This translates
   to 19,685 microseconds per message for xml-soap, and 10,672 microseconds
   per message for xml-axis.

   Both results are based on the Xerces 1 DOM implementation and Tomcat
   3.3.  The overhead per message for each have been computed at 5,533
   microseconds and 3,548 microseconds respectively - the latter number
   includes wait time for the client.  Subtracting out this fixed cost
   results in an overhead of 10,604 microseconds per message for xml-soap
   and 1,591 microseconds per message for xml-axis.(...)

that seems like extremely good result :-)

i have run also servlet tests (without soap and axis but just dom, sax and xpp)  but the results here are extremely inconclusive - i was using
tomcat 3.2.1 and during all tests (sax, dome, xpp and xpp2sax which is SAX 1.0 driver on top of XML Pull Parser) cpu utilization was below 50%!
that means that there are very significant delays somewhere in tomcat IO (i guess) affecting heavily servlet performance (in tests they are 20x
slower - from 250+ messages per second when standalone to 15-17 messages per second in servlet).

i could not get any good conclusion from tests - calculating overhead it would seem that char test is _maximum_ performance that parser can
possible achieve (as it is just converting to UNICODE  from byte input stream and it must be done in any XML parser) so then i could conclude that
XPP _is_ getting this maximum performance but i think it is possible to achieve even better performance when streaming input into parser...

let me know what you think about it.



ps. tests were executed on PII450Mhz/256MB RAM. with Windows 2000 SP1 on java -version:
java version "1.3.1-beta"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-beta-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1beta-b15, mixed mode)

and here are actual results:

byte    342.3   2921.0
byte    330.0   3030.0
byte    326.3   3064.0
byte    329.4   3035.0
byte    319.5   3129.0
char    288.4   3467.0
char    297.6   3360.0
char    301.7   3314.0
char    303.3   3297.0
char    304.5   3284.0
sax1    140.2   7132.0
sax1    150.4   6648.0
sax1    153.0   6535.0
sax1    152.6   6553.0
sax1    148.2   6747.0
dom1    96.3    10384.0
dom1    102.3   9775.0
dom1    105.5   9478.0
dom1    105.4   9487.0
dom1    105.3   9496.0
sax2    241.6   4139.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    266.9   3746.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
sax2    267.3   3741.0
dom2    224.3   4458.0
dom2    255.7   3910.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
dom2    257.8   3878.0
dom2    256.1   3904.0
jdom    83.8    11933.0
jdom    102.7   9737.0
jdom    107.7   9285.0
jdom    108.2   9242.0
jdom    104.5   9569.0
xnin    253.7   3941.0
xnin    278.0   3597.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnin    278.6   3589.0
xnin    277.5   3603.0
xnis    248.6   4022.0
xnis    272.7   3667.0
xnis    274.1   3648.0
xnis    272.6   3668.0
xnis    273.6   3654.0
xpp     290.0   3448.0
xpp     299.0   3344.0
xpp     301.7   3314.0
xpp     300.8   3324.0
xpp     301.4   3317.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        16.9    59171.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp        17.8    56179.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.7    56497.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.6    56818.0
echo/xpp2sax    17.8    56179.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/sax        16.3    61349.0
echo/sax        16.6    60240.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        15.2    65789.0
echo/dom        14.6    68493.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0
echo/dom        15.0    66666.0

Aleksander Slominski, LH 316, IU,
As I look afar I see neither cherry Nor tinted leaves Just a modest hut
on the coast In the dusk of Autumn nightfall - Fujiwara no Teika(1162-1241)