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svn commit: r1710698 - /lucene/dev/trunk/dev-tools/scripts/

Author: mikemccand
Date: Mon Oct 26 21:07:03 2015
New Revision: 1710698

INFRA-9182: add Paul Elschot's workaround script for when the svn -> github mirror is broken

    lucene/dev/trunk/dev-tools/scripts/   (with props)

Added: lucene/dev/trunk/dev-tools/scripts/
--- lucene/dev/trunk/dev-tools/scripts/ (added)
+++ lucene/dev/trunk/dev-tools/scripts/ Mon Oct 26 21:07:03 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+""" Workaround for slow updates from svn to git.
+Remove svn repo   ---> slow git-svn update process --->    Remote git-svn repo (upstream)
+   |                                                        |
+   |                                                        |
+   v                                                        v
+Local svn working copy --> this workaround         --->    Local git repo
+Because of the slow remote git-svn update process the remote git repo is (far) behind
+the remote svn repo.
+For a branch branchname in a local git repository following an upstream git-svn git repository,
+this maintains commits on a temporary git branch branchname.svn in the local git repository.
+These commits contain a message ending like this:
+  "RepoUrl patch of svn diff -r EarlierSvnRevisionNumber:LatestSvnRevisionNumber".
+The earlier revision number is taken from the git-svn-id message of git svn,
+or from the LatestSvnRevisionNumber in the commit message of branchname.svn,
+whichever is later.
+This allows branchname.svn to be used as a local git branch instead of branchname
+to develop new features locally, usually by mering branchname.svn into a feature branch.
+Once the normal git-svn branch is up to date, it can also be merged.
+In more detail:
+  - update the svn working copy of the branch to the latest revision,
+  - in the git repo:
+  - fetch the git repository from upstream.
+  - merge branchname from upstream/branchname, this is the branch that can be (far) behind.
+  - use the git-svn-id from the latest git commit on this branch to determine the corresponding svn revision.
+  - if the branchname.svn exists determine the latest svn revision from there.
+  - choose the latest svn revision number available.
+  - compare the git-svn revision to the svn latest revision (delay deleting a too early branchname.svn to later below).
+  - when the git repository has the same revision:
+    - exit reporting that branchname is up to date.
+  - when the git repository has an earlier revision:
+    - in the svn working copy, create a patch from the earlier revision into file ~/patches/branchname.svn
+    - in the git working tree:
+      - if branchname.svn is not at the earlier svn revision number, delete branchname.svn
+      - if necessary create branch branchname.svn from branchname.
+      - check out branchname.svn
+      - apply the patch ~/patches/branchname.svn, ignoring whitespace differences.
+      - commit with a message with revision numbers as indicated above
+import os
+import subprocess
+import StringIO
+def svnSeq():
+  return ("svn",)
+def callSvn(*args):
+  subprocess.check_call(svnSeq() + args)
+def callSvnStdout(*args):
+  return subprocess.check_output(svnSeq() + args)
+def callSvnStdoutToFile(f, *args):
+  subprocess.check_call(svnSeq() + args, stdout=f)
+def gitCommand():
+  return "git"
+def gitAndRepoList(gitRepo):
+  return (gitCommand(), "-C", gitRepo)
+def callGitRepo(gitRepo, *args):
+  subprocess.check_call(gitAndRepoList(gitRepo) + args)
+def callGitStdout(gitRepo, *args):
+  return subprocess.check_output(gitAndRepoList(gitRepo) + args)
+def getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, commitRef):
+  return callGitStdout(gitRepo, "log", "--format=%B", "-n", "1", commitRef)
+def lastChangedSvnRevision(svnInfo):
+  lastChangedMarker = "Last Changed Rev: "
+  after = svnInfo.split(lastChangedMarker)[1]
+  splitAfter = after.split()
+  return int(splitAfter[0])
+def getGitSvnRemoteAndRevision(gitSvnCommitMessage): # from a git-svn commit
+  words = gitSvnCommitMessage.split();
+  svnIdMarker = "git-svn-id:"
+  assert words.index(svnIdMarker) >= 0
+  svnId = words[words.index(svnIdMarker) + 1]
+  splitSvnId = svnId.split("@")
+  return (splitSvnId[0], int(splitSvnId[1]))
+def lastTempGitSvnRevision(gitCommitMessage): # from a commit generated here on the temp branch.
+  parts = gitCommitMessage.split(":")
+  lastPart = parts[-1].split()[0] # remove appended newlines
+  try:
+    return int(lastPart)
+  except: # not generated here, ignore.
+    print "Warning: svn revision range not found at end of commit message:\n", gitCommitMessage
+    return None
+def errorExit(*messageParts):
+  raise Exception(" ".join(messageParts))
+def maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName, svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, gitRepo, gitUpstream, patchFileName):
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", branchName) # fail when git working tree is not clean
+  # CHECKME: add svn switch to branch here?
+  callSvn("update", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch)
+  svnInfo = callSvnStdout("info", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch)
+  # print "svnInfo:", svnInfo
+  lastSvnRevision = lastChangedSvnRevision(svnInfo)
+  print svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, "lastSvnRevision:", lastSvnRevision
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo, "fetch", gitUpstream)
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo, "merge", branchName, gitUpstream + "/" + branchName)
+  lastGitCommitMessage = getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, branchName)
+  print "lastGitCommitMessage:\n", lastGitCommitMessage
+  (svnRemote, lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch) = getGitSvnRemoteAndRevision(lastGitCommitMessage)
+  print "svnRemote:", svnRemote
+  print gitRepo, branchName, "lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:", lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch
+  # check whether tempGitBranchName exists:
+  diffBaseRevision = lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch
+  svnTempRevision = None
+  doCommitOnExistingTempBranch = False
+  listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
+  if listOut: # tempGitBranchName exists
+    print tempGitBranchName, "exists"
+    lastGitCommitMessage = getGitCommitMessage(gitRepo, tempGitBranchName)
+    # update lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch from there.
+    svnTempRevision = lastTempGitSvnRevision(lastGitCommitMessage)
+    if svnTempRevision is not None:
+      if svnTempRevision > lastSvnRevisionOnGitSvnBranch:
+        doCommitOnExistingTempBranch = True
+        diffBaseRevision = svnTempRevision
+  if doCommitOnExistingTempBranch:
+    callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", tempGitBranchName) # checkout the temp branch.
+    currentGitBranch = tempGitBranchName
+  else:
+    currentGitBranch = branchName
+  if lastSvnRevision == diffBaseRevision:
+    print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "up to date with", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch
+    return
+  if lastSvnRevision < diffBaseRevision: # unlikely, do nothing
+    print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "later than", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, ", nothing to update."
+    return
+  print gitRepo, currentGitBranch, "earlier than", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch
+  # assert that the git working tree is on branchName
+  gitStatus = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "status")
+  # print "gitStatus:\n", gitStatus
+  statusParts = gitStatus.split("On branch")
+  actualBranchName = statusParts[1].split()[0]
+  if actualBranchName != currentGitBranch:
+    errorExit(gitRepo, "on unexpected branch", actualBranchName, "but expected", currentGitBranch)
+  expSubString = "nothing to commit, working directory clean"
+  if gitStatus.find(expSubString) < 0:
+    errorExit(gitRepo, "on branch", actualBranchName, "not clean")
+  print gitRepo,"on branch", actualBranchName, "and clean"
+  # create patch file from svn between the revisions:
+  revisionsRange = str(diffBaseRevision) + ":" + str(lastSvnRevision)
+  patchFile = open(patchFileName, 'w')
+  print "Creating patch from", svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, "between revisions", revisionsRange
+  callSvnStdoutToFile(patchFile,
+                      "diff", "-r", revisionsRange,
+                      svnWorkingCopyOfBranch)
+  patchFile.close()
+  print "Created patch", patchFileName
+  if not doCommitOnExistingTempBranch:
+    listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
+    if listOut: # tempGitBranchName exists, delete it first.
+      print tempGitBranchName, "exists, deleting"
+      callGitRepo(gitRepo, "branch", "-D", tempGitBranchName)
+      # verify deletion:
+      listOut = callGitStdout(gitRepo, "branch", "--list", tempGitBranchName)
+      if listOut:
+        errorExit("Could not delete", tempGitBranchName, "(", listOut, ")")
+      callGitRepo(gitRepo, "branch", tempGitBranchName) # create a new tempGitBranchName
+      callGitRepo(gitRepo, "checkout", tempGitBranchName) # checkout tempGitBranchName
+  # apply the patch
+  subprocess.check_call((gitCommand(), "apply",
+                                      "-p6",  # FIXME: use depth of svnRepo from root to determine the depth to strip from patch.
+                                      "--whitespace=nowarn",
+                                      ("--directory=" + gitRepo),
+                                      patchFileName))
+  # add all patch changes to the git index to be committed.
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo, "add", "-A")
+  # Applying the patch leaves files that have been actually deleted at zero size.
+  # Therefore delete empty patched files from the git repo that do not exist in svn working copy:
+  indexPrefix = "^Index: "
+  patchedFileNames = subprocess.check_output(("grep", indexPrefix, patchFileName))
+  for indexPatchFileName in patchedFileNames.split("\n"):
+    patchFileName = indexPatchFileName[len(indexPrefix):]
+    versionControlledFileName = patchFileName[len(svnWorkingCopyOfBranch):]
+    # print "Patched versionControlledFileName:", versionControlledFileName
+    fileNameInGitRepo = gitRepo + "/" + versionControlledFileName
+    if not os.path.isfile(fileNameInGitRepo): # already deleted or a directory.
+      continue
+    fileSize = os.path.getsize(fileNameInGitRepo)
+    if fileSize > 0:
+      # print "Non empty file patched normally:", fileNameInGitRepo
+      continue
+    # fileNameInGitRepo exists is empty
+    if os.path.isfile(patchFileName):
+      print "Left empty file:", fileNameInGitRepo
+      continue
+    callGitRepo(gitRepo, "rm", "-f", # force, the file is not up to date
+                          fileNameInGitRepo)
+    # print "Deleted empty file", fileNameInGitRepo # not needed, git rm is verbose enough
+  # commit
+  message = svnRemote + " patch of svn diff -r " + revisionsRange
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo,
+              "commit",
+              "-a",
+              "--message=" + message)
+  callGitRepo(gitRepo, "clean", "-fd") # delete untracked directories and files
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  repo = "lucene-solr"
+  branchName = "trunk"
+  tempGitBranchName = branchName + ".svn"
+  home = os.path.expanduser("~")
+  svnWorkingCopyOfBranch = home + "/svnwork/" + repo + "/" + branchName
+  # CHECKME: branchName is not really needed here, svn can switch between branches.
+  gitRepo = home + "/gitrepos/" + repo
+  gitUpstream = "upstream"
+  patchFileName = home + "/patches/" + tempGitBranchName
+  maintainTempGitSvnBranch(branchName, tempGitBranchName, svnWorkingCopyOfBranch, gitRepo, gitUpstream, patchFileName)