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cvs commit: xml-batik/test-sources/org/apache/batik/svggen

cjolif      01/04/23 02:31:57

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  translation of old regsvggen test files to new system (first part)
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47.14892578125 L 60.4482421875 40.36767578125 L 58.5888671875 40.36767578125 L 58.5888671875 37.08642578125 L 60.4482421875 37.08642578125 L 60.4482421875 34.00830078125 L 65.5419921875 31.03955078125 L 65.5419921875 37.08642578125 L 68.3544921875 37.08642578125 Z M 76.1083984375 52.64892578125 L 71.0458984375 52.64892578125 L 71.0458984375 37.08642578125 L 75.7177734375 37.08642578125 L 75.7177734375 38.46142578125 Q 75.8427734375 37.74267578125 76.6318359375 37.24267578125 Q 77.4208984375 36.74267578125 78.8896484375 36.74267578125 Q 80.7802734375 36.74267578125 82.0927734375 37.52392578125 L 80.6240234375 41.60205078125 Q 78.8115234375 40.43017578125 78.3896484375 40.43017578125 Q 78.0146484375 40.43017578125 77.4130859375 40.90673828125 Q 76.8115234375 41.38330078125 76.4677734375 42.62548828125 Q 76.1240234375 43.86767578125 76.1083984375 47.83642578125 L 76.1083984375 52.64892578125 Z M 83.859375 34.97705078125 L 83.859375 31.18017578125 L 88.9375 31.18017578125 L 88.921875 34.97705078125 L 83.859375 34.97705078125 Z M 83.859375 52.64892578125 L 83.859375 37.08642578125 L 88.9375 37.08642578125 L 88.921875 52.64892578125 L 83.859375 52.64892578125 Z M 92.9892578125 52.64892578125 L 92.9892578125 31.18017578125 L 97.9892578125 31.18017578125 L 97.9892578125 38.11767578125 Q 99.0205078125 36.74267578125 102.0986328125 36.74267578125 Q 105.4267578125 36.74267578125 107.2861328125 38.79736328125 Q 109.1455078125 40.85205078125 109.1455078125 44.71142578125 Q 109.1455078125 48.69580078125 107.2392578125 50.84423828125 Q 105.3330078125 52.99267578125 102.1611328125 52.99267578125 Q 100.3330078125 52.99267578125 99.0361328125 52.32861328125 Q 97.7392578125 51.66455078125 97.5830078125 51.18017578125 L 97.7548828125 52.64892578125 L 92.9892578125 52.64892578125 Z M 98.0361328125 44.53955078125 Q 98.0361328125 46.94580078125 98.8017578125 48.10205078125 Q 99.8486328125 49.74267578125 101.1611328125 49.74267578125 Q 102.0361328125 49.74267578125 102.9970703125 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122.390625 46.99267578125 122.390625 43.64892578125 L 122.390625 37.08642578125 L 127.484375 37.08642578125 L 127.46875 52.64892578125 L 122.796875 52.64892578125 Z M 139.8388671875 37.08642578125 L 139.8388671875 40.36767578125 L 137.0263671875 40.36767578125 L 137.0263671875 46.64892578125 Q 137.0263671875 48.53955078125 137.1123046875 48.85986328125 Q 137.1982421875 49.18017578125 137.4716796875 49.38330078125 Q 137.7451171875 49.58642578125 137.7451171875 49.58642578125 Q 137.7763671875 49.58642578125 139.8076171875 48.85205078125 L 140.1826171875 52.38330078125 Q 138.7294921875 52.99267578125 136.4482421875 52.99267578125 Q 134.8544921875 52.99267578125 133.9560546875 52.62548828125 Q 133.0576171875 52.25830078125 132.6435546875 51.66455078125 Q 132.2294921875 51.07080078125 132.0732421875 50.05517578125 Q 131.9326171875 49.33642578125 131.9326171875 47.14892578125 L 131.9326171875 40.36767578125 L 130.0732421875 40.36767578125 L 130.0732421875 37.08642578125 L 131.9326171875 37.08642578125 L 131.9326171875 34.00830078125 L 137.0263671875 31.03955078125 L 137.0263671875 37.08642578125 L 139.8388671875 37.08642578125 Z M 151.7646484375 47.55517578125 L 156.7802734375 48.38330078125 Q 155.9833984375 50.64892578125 154.2724609375 51.82080078125 Q 152.5615234375 52.99267578125 149.5302734375 52.99267578125 Q 144.9833984375 52.99267578125 143.0302734375 50.35205078125 Q 141.4990234375 48.22705078125 141.4990234375 44.99267578125 Q 141.4990234375 41.11767578125 143.5302734375 38.93017578125 Q 145.5615234375 36.74267578125 149.1240234375 36.74267578125 Q 153.0771484375 36.74267578125 155.0849609375 39.03173828125 Q 157.0927734375 41.32080078125 156.9990234375 46.05517578125 L 146.6865234375 46.05517578125 Q 146.7333984375 47.88330078125 147.6787109375 48.90673828125 Q 148.6240234375 49.93017578125 149.5771484375 49.93017578125 Q 150.0615234375 49.93017578125 150.7177734375 49.39892578125 Q 151.3740234375 48.86767578125 151.7646484375 47.55517578125 Z M 151.9365234375 43.53955078125 Q 151.9052734375 41.74267578125 151.0302734375 40.81298828125 Q 150.1552734375 39.88330078125 149.3583984375 39.88330078125 Q 148.4990234375 39.88330078125 147.6240234375 40.86767578125 Q 146.7490234375 41.85205078125 146.7490234375 43.53955078125 L 151.9365234375 43.53955078125 Z M 175.572265625 52.64892578125 L 170.900390625 52.64892578125 L 170.900390625 51.18017578125 Q 170.806640625 51.69580078125 169.501953125 52.34423828125 Q 168.197265625 52.99267578125 166.416015625 52.99267578125 Q 163.259765625 52.99267578125 161.345703125 50.83642578125 Q 159.431640625 48.68017578125 159.431640625 44.80517578125 Q 159.431640625 40.85205078125 161.298828125 38.79736328125 Q 163.166015625 36.74267578125 166.478515625 36.74267578125 Q 169.572265625 36.74267578125 170.572265625 38.11767578125 L 170.572265625 31.18017578125 L 175.572265625 31.18017578125 L 175.572265625 52.64892578125 Z M 164.603515625 44.53955078125 Q 164.603515625 47.02392578125 165.291015625 48.13330078125 Q 166.275390625 49.74267578125 167.587890625 49.74267578125 Q 168.525390625 49.74267578125 169.525390625 48.53955078125 Q 170.525390625 47.33642578125 170.525390625 44.93017578125 Q 170.525390625 42.24267578125 169.564453125 41.06298828125 Q 168.603515625 39.88330078125 167.556640625 39.88330078125 Q 166.572265625 39.88330078125 165.587890625 41.04736328125 Q 164.603515625 42.21142578125 164.603515625 44.53955078125 Z" stroke="none" />
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47.89892578125 187.65234375 45.74267578125 Z M 214.052734375 50.28955078125 L 214.427734375 52.61767578125 Q 213.318359375 52.83642578125 212.443359375 52.83642578125 Q 211.005859375 52.83642578125 210.216796875 52.39111328125 Q 209.427734375 51.94580078125 209.107421875 51.20361328125 Q 208.787109375 50.46142578125 208.787109375 48.08642578125 L 208.787109375 39.14892578125 L 206.849609375 39.14892578125 L 206.849609375 37.08642578125 L 208.787109375 37.08642578125 L 208.787109375 33.24267578125 L 211.396484375 31.66455078125 L 211.396484375 37.08642578125 L 214.052734375 37.08642578125 L 214.052734375 39.14892578125 L 211.396484375 39.14892578125 L 211.396484375 48.24267578125 Q 211.396484375 49.36767578125 211.537109375 49.68798828125 Q 211.677734375 50.00830078125 211.990234375 50.20361328125 Q 212.302734375 50.39892578125 212.896484375 50.39892578125 Q 213.333984375 50.39892578125 214.052734375 50.28955078125 Z M 216.6064453125 52.64892578125 L 216.6064453125 37.08642578125 L 218.9814453125 37.08642578125 L 218.9814453125 39.44580078125 Q 219.8876953125 37.78955078125 220.6533203125 37.26611328125 Q 221.4189453125 36.74267578125 222.3408203125 36.74267578125 Q 223.6845703125 36.74267578125 225.0595703125 37.58642578125 L 224.1533203125 40.03955078125 Q 223.1845703125 39.46142578125 222.2158203125 39.46142578125 Q 221.3408203125 39.46142578125 220.6533203125 39.98486328125 Q 219.9658203125 40.50830078125 219.6845703125 41.43017578125 Q 219.2314453125 42.83642578125 219.2314453125 44.50830078125 L 219.2314453125 52.64892578125 L 216.6064453125 52.64892578125 Z M 226.6435546875 34.21142578125 L 226.6435546875 31.18017578125 L 229.2685546875 31.18017578125 L 229.2685546875 34.21142578125 L 226.6435546875 34.21142578125 Z M 226.6435546875 52.64892578125 L 226.6435546875 37.08642578125 L 229.2685546875 37.08642578125 L 229.2685546875 52.64892578125 L 226.6435546875 52.64892578125 Z M 233.29296875 52.64892578125 L 233.29296875 37.08642578125 L 235.65234375 37.08642578125 L 235.65234375 39.30517578125 Q 237.37109375 36.74267578125 240.60546875 36.74267578125 Q 242.01171875 36.74267578125 243.19140625 37.25048828125 Q 244.37109375 37.75830078125 244.95703125 38.57861328125 Q 245.54296875 39.39892578125 245.77734375 40.52392578125 Q 245.93359375 41.25830078125 245.93359375 43.08642578125 L 245.93359375 52.64892578125 L 243.29296875 52.64892578125 L 243.29296875 43.18017578125 Q 243.29296875 41.57080078125 242.98828125 40.77392578125 Q 242.68359375 39.97705078125 241.89453125 39.50048828125 Q 241.10546875 39.02392578125 240.05859375 39.02392578125 Q 238.37109375 39.02392578125 237.14453125 40.09423828125 Q 235.91796875 41.16455078125 235.91796875 44.14892578125 L 235.91796875 52.64892578125 L 233.29296875 52.64892578125 Z M 249.4931640625 53.93017578125 L 252.0556640625 54.30517578125 Q 252.2119140625 55.49267578125 252.9462890625 56.03955078125 Q 253.9306640625 56.75830078125 255.6181640625 56.75830078125 Q 257.4619140625 56.75830078125 258.4541015625 56.03173828125 Q 259.4462890625 55.30517578125 259.8056640625 53.97705078125 Q 260.0087890625 53.18017578125 259.9931640625 50.61767578125 Q 258.2587890625 52.64892578125 255.6806640625 52.64892578125 Q 252.4775390625 52.64892578125 250.7197265625 50.33642578125 Q 248.9619140625 48.02392578125 248.9619140625 44.78955078125 Q 248.9619140625 42.55517578125 249.7666015625 40.67236328125 Q 250.5712890625 38.78955078125 252.1025390625 37.76611328125 Q 253.6337890625 36.74267578125 255.6962890625 36.74267578125 Q 258.4462890625 36.74267578125 260.2431640625 38.96142578125 L 260.2431640625 37.08642578125 L 262.6650390625 37.08642578125 L 262.6650390625 50.53955078125 Q 262.6650390625 54.16455078125 261.9306640625 55.68017578125 Q 261.1962890625 57.19580078125 259.5869140625 58.07080078125 Q 257.9775390625 58.94580078125 255.6337890625 58.94580078125 Q 252.8525390625 58.94580078125 251.1416015625 57.69580078125 Q 249.4306640625 56.44580078125 249.4931640625 53.93017578125 Z M 251.6650390625 44.58642578125 Q 251.6650390625 47.64892578125 252.8837890625 49.05517578125 Q 254.1025390625 50.46142578125 255.9306640625 50.46142578125 Q 257.7431640625 50.46142578125 258.9775390625 49.06298828125 Q 260.2119140625 47.66455078125 260.2119140625 44.68017578125 Q 260.2119140625 41.82080078125 258.9462890625 40.37548828125 Q 257.6806640625 38.93017578125 255.8837890625 38.93017578125 Q 254.1337890625 38.93017578125 252.8994140625 40.35205078125 Q 251.6650390625 41.77392578125 251.6650390625 44.58642578125 Z M 265.599609375 48.00830078125 L 268.208984375 47.60205078125 Q 268.427734375 49.16455078125 269.427734375 50.00048828125 Q 270.427734375 50.83642578125 272.240234375 50.83642578125 Q 274.052734375 50.83642578125 274.935546875 50.09423828125 Q 275.818359375 49.35205078125 275.818359375 48.35205078125 Q 275.818359375 47.46142578125 275.037109375 46.94580078125 Q 274.490234375 46.60205078125 272.333984375 46.05517578125 Q 269.443359375 45.32080078125 268.318359375 44.78955078125 Q 267.193359375 44.25830078125 266.615234375 43.31298828125 Q 266.037109375 42.36767578125 266.037109375 41.22705078125 Q 266.037109375 40.18017578125 266.513671875 39.29736328125 Q 266.990234375 38.41455078125 267.818359375 37.82080078125 Q 268.427734375 37.36767578125 269.490234375 37.05517578125 Q 270.552734375 36.74267578125 271.771484375 36.74267578125 Q 273.599609375 36.74267578125 274.982421875 37.26611328125 Q 276.365234375 37.78955078125 277.029296875 38.69580078125 Q 277.693359375 39.60205078125 277.927734375 41.10205078125 L 275.349609375 41.46142578125 Q 275.177734375 40.25830078125 274.333984375 39.58642578125 Q 273.490234375 38.91455078125 271.958984375 38.91455078125 Q 270.146484375 38.91455078125 269.365234375 39.50830078125 Q 268.583984375 40.10205078125 268.583984375 40.91455078125 Q 268.583984375 41.43017578125 268.912109375 41.83642578125 Q 269.240234375 42.25830078125 269.927734375 42.53955078125 Q 270.318359375 42.68017578125 272.255859375 43.21142578125 Q 275.052734375 43.96142578125 276.154296875 44.43798828125 Q 277.255859375 44.91455078125 277.888671875 45.82080078125 Q 278.521484375 46.72705078125 278.521484375 48.07080078125 Q 278.521484375 49.39892578125 277.755859375 50.56298828125 Q 276.990234375 51.72705078125 275.537109375 52.35986328125 Q 274.083984375 52.99267578125 272.255859375 52.99267578125 Q 269.224609375 52.99267578125 267.630859375 51.73486328125 Q 266.037109375 50.47705078125 265.599609375 48.00830078125 Z" stroke="none" />
        <path fill="black" d="M 300.1376953125 50.72705078125 Q 298.6845703125 51.97705078125 297.3251953125 52.48486328125 Q 295.9658203125 52.99267578125 294.4189453125 52.99267578125 Q 291.8564453125 52.99267578125 290.4736328125 51.74267578125 Q 289.0908203125 50.49267578125 289.0908203125 48.53955078125 Q 289.0908203125 47.39892578125 289.6142578125 46.45361328125 Q 290.1376953125 45.50830078125 290.9814453125 44.93798828125 Q 291.8251953125 44.36767578125 292.8720703125 44.08642578125 Q 293.6533203125 43.86767578125 295.2158203125 43.68017578125 Q 298.4189453125 43.30517578125 299.9189453125 42.77392578125 Q 299.9345703125 42.22705078125 299.9345703125 42.08642578125 Q 299.9345703125 40.47705078125 299.1845703125 39.82080078125 Q 298.1845703125 38.93017578125 296.1845703125 38.93017578125 Q 294.3251953125 38.93017578125 293.4423828125 39.57861328125 Q 292.5595703125 40.22705078125 292.1220703125 41.88330078125 L 289.5439453125 41.52392578125 Q 289.9033203125 39.86767578125 290.7080078125 38.85205078125 Q 291.5126953125 37.83642578125 293.0361328125 37.28955078125 Q 294.5595703125 36.74267578125 296.5751953125 36.74267578125 Q 298.5595703125 36.74267578125 299.8017578125 37.21142578125 Q 301.0439453125 37.68017578125 301.6298828125 38.39111328125 Q 302.2158203125 39.10205078125 302.4501953125 40.18017578125 Q 302.5908203125 40.85205078125 302.5908203125 42.61767578125 L 302.5908203125 46.13330078125 Q 302.5908203125 49.80517578125 302.7548828125 50.78173828125 Q 302.9189453125 51.75830078125 303.4189453125 52.64892578125 L 300.6689453125 52.64892578125 Q 300.2626953125 51.82080078125 300.1376953125 50.72705078125 Z M 299.9189453125 44.83642578125 Q 298.4814453125 45.43017578125 295.6220703125 45.83642578125 Q 293.9970703125 46.07080078125 293.3173828125 46.36767578125 Q 292.6376953125 46.66455078125 292.2705078125 47.22705078125 Q 291.9033203125 47.78955078125 291.9033203125 48.47705078125 Q 291.9033203125 49.52392578125 292.7080078125 50.22705078125 Q 293.5126953125 50.93017578125 295.0439453125 50.93017578125 Q 296.5751953125 50.93017578125 297.7548828125 50.26611328125 Q 298.9345703125 49.60205078125 299.4970703125 48.44580078125 Q 299.9189453125 47.55517578125 299.9189453125 45.80517578125 L 299.9189453125 44.83642578125 Z M 306.650390625 52.64892578125 L 306.650390625 37.08642578125 L 309.025390625 37.08642578125 L 309.025390625 39.44580078125 Q 309.931640625 37.78955078125 310.697265625 37.26611328125 Q 311.462890625 36.74267578125 312.384765625 36.74267578125 Q 313.728515625 36.74267578125 315.103515625 37.58642578125 L 314.197265625 40.03955078125 Q 313.228515625 39.46142578125 312.259765625 39.46142578125 Q 311.384765625 39.46142578125 310.697265625 39.98486328125 Q 310.009765625 40.50830078125 309.728515625 41.43017578125 Q 309.275390625 42.83642578125 309.275390625 44.50830078125 L 309.275390625 52.64892578125 L 306.650390625 52.64892578125 Z M 327.3125 47.63330078125 L 330.046875 47.97705078125 Q 329.390625 50.36767578125 327.6484375 51.68017578125 Q 325.90625 52.99267578125 323.203125 52.99267578125 Q 319.78125 52.99267578125 317.78125 50.89111328125 Q 315.78125 48.78955078125 315.78125 45.00830078125 Q 315.78125 41.07080078125 317.8046875 38.90673828125 Q 319.828125 36.74267578125 323.046875 36.74267578125 Q 326.171875 36.74267578125 328.1484375 38.86767578125 Q 330.125 40.99267578125 330.125 44.83642578125 Q 330.125 45.07080078125 330.109375 45.53955078125 L 318.515625 45.53955078125 Q 318.65625 48.10205078125 319.9609375 49.46923828125 Q 321.265625 50.83642578125 323.21875 50.83642578125 Q 324.65625 50.83642578125 325.6875 50.07080078125 Q 326.71875 49.30517578125 327.3125 47.63330078125 Z M 318.65625 43.38330078125 L 327.34375 43.38330078125 Q 327.171875 41.41455078125 326.34375 40.43017578125 Q 325.09375 38.91455078125 323.078125 38.91455078125 Q 321.265625 38.91455078125 320.03125 40.12548828125 Q 318.796875 41.33642578125 318.65625 43.38330078125 Z" stroke="none" />
        <rect x="339.70703125" y="25" fill="rgb(70,107,132)" width="58.3740234375" height="34.4970703125" stroke="none" />
        <path fill="rgb(236,214,70)" d="M 342.31640625 52.64892578125 L 342.31640625 39.14892578125 L 339.98828125 39.14892578125 L 339.98828125 37.08642578125 L 342.31640625 37.08642578125 L 342.31640625 35.43017578125 Q 342.31640625 33.86767578125 342.59765625 33.10205078125 Q 342.97265625 32.08642578125 343.93359375 31.44580078125 Q 344.89453125 30.80517578125 346.62890625 30.80517578125 Q 347.73828125 30.80517578125 349.08203125 31.07080078125 L 348.69140625 33.36767578125 Q 347.86328125 33.22705078125 347.12890625 33.22705078125 Q 345.92578125 33.22705078125 345.43359375 33.73486328125 Q 344.94140625 34.24267578125 344.94140625 35.64892578125 L 344.94140625 37.08642578125 L 347.97265625 37.08642578125 L 347.97265625 39.14892578125 L 344.94140625 39.14892578125 L 344.94140625 52.64892578125 L 342.31640625 52.64892578125 Z M 360.2138671875 52.64892578125 L 360.2138671875 50.36767578125 Q 358.4013671875 52.99267578125 355.2763671875 52.99267578125 Q 353.9013671875 52.99267578125 352.7060546875 52.46923828125 Q 351.5107421875 51.94580078125 350.9326171875 51.14892578125 Q 350.3544921875 50.35205078125 350.1201171875 49.19580078125 Q 349.9638671875 48.41455078125 349.9638671875 46.72705078125 L 349.9638671875 37.08642578125 L 352.6044921875 37.08642578125 L 352.6044921875 45.72705078125 Q 352.6044921875 47.78955078125 352.7607421875 48.50830078125 Q 353.0107421875 49.53955078125 353.8154296875 50.13330078125 Q 354.6201171875 50.72705078125 355.8076171875 50.72705078125 Q 356.9951171875 50.72705078125 358.0341796875 50.11767578125 Q 359.0732421875 49.50830078125 359.5029296875 48.46142578125 Q 359.9326171875 47.41455078125 359.9326171875 45.43017578125 L 359.9326171875 37.08642578125 L 362.5732421875 37.08642578125 L 362.5732421875 52.64892578125 L 360.2138671875 52.64892578125 Z M 366.7109375 52.64892578125 L 366.7109375 37.08642578125 L 369.0703125 37.08642578125 L 369.0703125 39.30517578125 Q 370.7890625 36.74267578125 374.0234375 36.74267578125 Q 375.4296875 36.74267578125 376.609375 37.25048828125 Q 377.7890625 37.75830078125 378.375 38.57861328125 Q 378.9609375 39.39892578125 379.1953125 40.52392578125 Q 379.3515625 41.25830078125 379.3515625 43.08642578125 L 379.3515625 52.64892578125 L 376.7109375 52.64892578125 L 376.7109375 43.18017578125 Q 376.7109375 41.57080078125 376.40625 40.77392578125 Q 376.1015625 39.97705078125 375.3125 39.50048828125 Q 374.5234375 39.02392578125 373.4765625 39.02392578125 Q 371.7890625 39.02392578125 370.5625 40.09423828125 Q 369.3359375 41.16455078125 369.3359375 44.14892578125 L 369.3359375 52.64892578125 L 366.7109375 52.64892578125 Z M 393.13671875 47.32080078125 L 392.32421875 35.93017578125 L 392.32421875 31.18017578125 L 395.58984375 31.18017578125 L 395.58984375 35.93017578125 L 394.82421875 47.32080078125 L 393.13671875 47.32080078125 Z M 392.44921875 52.64892578125 L 392.44921875 49.64892578125 L 395.48046875 49.64892578125 L 395.48046875 52.64892578125 L 392.44921875 52.64892578125 Z" stroke="none" />
        <line fill="none" x1="339.70703125" x2="398.0810546875" y1="52.64892578125" y2="52.64892578125" stroke="rgb(236,214,70)" stroke-width="2.5" />
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-references/org/apache/batik/svggen/BEExample.svg
  Index: BEExample.svg
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
  <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN' ''>
  <svg stroke-dasharray="none" shape-rendering="auto" xmlns="" font-family="&apos;Arial&apos;" width="300" text-rendering="auto" fill-opacity="1" contentScriptType="text/ecmascript" color-rendering="auto" color-interpolation="sRGB" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" font-size="12" fill="black" stroke="black" image-rendering="auto" stroke-miterlimit="10" zoomAndPan="magnify" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="miter" contentStyleType="text/css" font-style="normal" height="400" stroke-width="1" stroke-dashoffset="0" font-weight="normal" stroke-opacity="1">
    <!--Generated by the Batik Graphics2D SVG Generator-->
    <defs id="genericDefs" />
      <g fill="rgb(103,103,152)" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" stroke="rgb(103,103,152)">
        <rect width="200" x="10" height="50" y="10" stroke="none" />
        <text fill="white" x="40" font-size="20" y="40" stroke="none">Hello Java 2D to SVG
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-references/org/apache/batik/svggen/BasicShapes2.svg
  Index: BasicShapes2.svg
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
  <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN' ''>
  <svg stroke-dasharray="none" shape-rendering="auto" xmlns="" font-family="&apos;Arial&apos;" width="300" text-rendering="auto" fill-opacity="1" contentScriptType="text/ecmascript" color-rendering="auto" color-interpolation="sRGB" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" font-size="12" fill="black" stroke="black" image-rendering="auto" stroke-miterlimit="10" zoomAndPan="magnify" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="miter" contentStyleType="text/css" font-style="normal" height="400" stroke-width="1" stroke-dashoffset="0" font-weight="normal" stroke-opacity="1">
    <!--Generated by the Batik Graphics2D SVG Generator-->
    <defs id="genericDefs" />
      <g text-rendering="geometricPrecision" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision">
        <text x="10" y="20" stroke="none">Arc2D
        <path fill="none" d="M 60 50 C 60 38.95430374145508 48.8071174621582 30 35 30 C 21.192880630493164 30 10 38.95430374145508 10 50 C 10 61.04569625854492 21.192880630493164 70 35 70 L 35 50 Z" />
        <text x="10" y="20" transform="translate(0,90)" stroke="none">Ellipse
        <ellipse transform="translate(0,90)" fill="none" rx="50" cx="60" ry="20" cy="50" />
        <text x="10" y="20" transform="translate(150,0)" stroke="none">GeneralPath, lineTo
        <path fill="none" d="M 10 30 L 60 30 L 60 70 L 10 30 Z" transform="translate(150,0)" />
        <text x="10" y="20" transform="translate(150,90)" stroke="none">GeneralPath, curveTo
        <path fill="none" d="M 10 30 C 35 10 35 50 60 30 C 80 55 40 55 60 80 C 35 60 35 100 10 80 C -10 55 30 55 10 30 Z" transform="translate(150,90)" />
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-sources/org/apache/batik/svggen/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.        *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in  *
   * the LICENSE file.                                                         *
  package org.apache.batik.svggen;
  import java.awt.*;
  import java.awt.geom.*;
   * This test validates the convertion of Java 2D AffineTransform into SVG
   * Shapes.
   * @author <a href="">Christophe Jolif</a>
   * @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/23 09:31:57 cjolif Exp $
  public class AffineTransform implements Painter {
      public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
          g.setPaint(; // new Color(102, 102, 144));
          int legendX = 10, legendY = 12;
          g.translate(0, 30);
          java.awt.geom.AffineTransform defaultTransform = g.getTransform();
          // Define rectangle
          Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(10, 20, 50, 30);
          // Paint with default transform
          g.drawString("Default transform", legendX, legendY);
          // Paint after translate
          g.translate(0, 90);
          g.drawString("Translate applied", legendX, legendY);
          // Rotate rectangle about its center
          g.translate(0, 90);
          g.rotate(Math.PI/2, 35, 35);
          g.drawString("Rotate about center", legendX, legendY);
          // Restore default transform
          // Paint after scale
          g.translate(150, 0);
          g.drawString("Scale (sx=2, sy=1)", legendX, legendY);
          g.scale(2, 1);
          // Paint after shear
          g.translate(150, 90);
          g.drawString("Shear", legendX, legendY);
          g.shear(.2, 1);
          java.awt.geom.AffineTransform txf = g.getTransform();
          g.setTransform(new java.awt.geom.AffineTransform());
          Shape shearBounds = txf.createTransformedShape(rect).getBounds();
          g.setPaint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 128));
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-sources/org/apache/batik/svggen/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.        *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in  *
   * the LICENSE file.                                                         *
  package org.apache.batik.svggen;
  import java.awt.*;
  import java.awt.geom.*;
  import java.awt.font.*;
  import java.text.*;
   * This test validates the convertion of Java 2D AffineTransform into SVG
   * Shapes.
   * @author <a href="">Christophe Jolif</a>
   * @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/23 09:31:57 cjolif Exp $
  public class AttributedCharacterIterator implements Painter {
      public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
          String fontName = "SunSansCondensed-Demi";
          int fontSize = 30;
          FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
          String text = "Attributed Strings are fun !";
          AttributedString styledText = new AttributedString(text);
          // Set font family for the whole string
          Font font = new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, font.getFamily());
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(font.getSize()));
          // Set font style attributes for different part of the string
          // "Attributed" is in Bold
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD, 0, 10);
          // "String" is italic
          // styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE, 11, 18);
          // fun is Bold and underlined
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.UNDERLINE, TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON, 23, 28);
          // styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS, TextAttribute.SWAP_COLORS_ON);
          // styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH, TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH_ON, 23, 28);
          /*TextLayout aLayout = new TextLayout("A", font, frc);
            Shape aShape = aLayout.getOutline(null);
            ShapeGraphicAttribute aReplacement = new ShapeGraphicAttribute(aShape, GraphicAttribute.ROMAN_BASELINE, true);
            styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.CHAR_REPLACEMENT, aReplacement, 0, 1);
            // Create a BufferedImage to decorate the Shape
            TextLayout aLayout = new TextLayout("A", font, frc);
            Shape aShape = aLayout.getOutline(null);
            Rectangle bounds = aShape.getBounds();
            int blurWidth = 6;
            BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(bounds.width + blurWidth*4, bounds.height + blurWidth*4,
            Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
            int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight();
            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g2.translate(-bounds.x + (w - bounds.width)/2, -bounds.y + (h - bounds.height)/2);
            g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(blurWidth/2));
            float k[] = new float[blurWidth*blurWidth];
            for(int i=0; i<k.length; i++) k[i] = 1/(float)k.length;
            Kernel kernel = new Kernel(blurWidth, blurWidth, k);
            ConvolveOp blur = new ConvolveOp(kernel);
            image = blur.filter(image, null);
            g2 = image.createGraphics();
            g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
            g2.translate(-bounds.x + (w - bounds.width)/2, -bounds.y + (h - bounds.height)/2);
            image = image.getSubimage(blurWidth, blurWidth, image.getWidth() - 2*blurWidth, image.getHeight() - 2*blurWidth);
            ImageGraphicAttribute aImageReplacement = new ImageGraphicAttribute(image, GraphicAttribute.ROMAN_BASELINE, blurWidth,
            blurWidth + bounds.height);
            styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.CHAR_REPLACEMENT, aImageReplacement, 0, 1);
          // Set text color
          // "Attributed" is in dard red
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, new Color(128, 0, 0), 0, 10);
          // "String" is blue
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, new Color(70, 107, 132), 11, 18);
          // "fun" is yellow on blue background
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, new Color(236, 214, 70), 23, 28);
          styledText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.BACKGROUND, new Color(70, 107, 132), 23, 28);
          java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator iter = styledText.getIterator();
          TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(iter, frc);
          Rectangle bounds = layout.getBounds().getBounds();
          bounds.width += 50;
          bounds.height += 50;
          layout.draw(g, 25, layout.getAscent() + 25);
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-sources/org/apache/batik/svggen/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.        *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in  *
   * the LICENSE file.                                                         *
  package org.apache.batik.svggen;
  import java.awt.*;
  import java.awt.geom.*;
  import java.awt.font.*;
   * This test validates the convertion of Java 2D AffineTransform into SVG
   * Shapes.
   * @author <a href="">Christophe Jolif</a>
   * @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/23 09:31:57 cjolif Exp $
  public class BEExample implements Painter {
      public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
          // Text
          g.setPaint(new Color(103, 103, 152));
          g.fillRect(10, 10, 200, 50);
          g.setFont(new Font("SunSansCondensed-Heavy", Font.PLAIN, 20));
          g.drawString("Hello Java 2D to SVG", 40, 40);
  1.1                  xml-batik/test-sources/org/apache/batik/svggen/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.        *
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software License *
   * version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in  *
   * the LICENSE file.                                                         *
  package org.apache.batik.svggen;
  import java.awt.*;
  import java.awt.geom.*;
   * This test validates the convertion of Java 2D shapes into SVG
   * Shapes.
   * @author <a href="">Christophe Jolif</a>
   * @author <a href="">Vincent Hardy</a>
   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2001/04/23 09:31:57 cjolif Exp $
  public class BasicShapes2 implements Painter {
      public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
          // Arc2D
          g.drawString("Arc2D", 10, 20);
          Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Float(10, 30, 50, 40, 0, 270, Arc2D.PIE);
          g.translate(0, 90);
          // Ellipse
          g.drawString("Ellipse", 10, 20);
          Ellipse2D ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(10, 30, 100, 40);
          g.translate(150, -90);
          // GeneralPath lineTo
          g.drawString("GeneralPath, lineTo", 10, 20);
          GeneralPath lineToPath = new GeneralPath();
          lineToPath.moveTo(10, 30);
          lineToPath.lineTo(60, 30);
          lineToPath.lineTo(60, 70);
          lineToPath.lineTo(10, 30);
          g.translate(0, 90);
          // GeneralPath curveTo
          g.drawString("GeneralPath, curveTo", 10, 20);
          GeneralPath curveToPath = new GeneralPath();
          curveToPath.moveTo(10, 30);
          curveToPath.curveTo(35, 10, 35, 50, 60, 30);
          curveToPath.curveTo(80, 55, 40, 55, 60, 80);
          curveToPath.curveTo(35, 60, 35, 100, 10, 80);
          curveToPath.curveTo(-10, 55, 30, 55, 10, 30);

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