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Posted to by JT DeLys <> on 2007/06/27 17:38:05 UTC

[resolved] attempt to manually remove address from AWL failing


After chatting in #irc, checking execution with DEBUG enabled

   spamassassin --debug --remove-addr-from-whitelist ...

clearly shows the problem,

	[24453] dbg: auto-whitelist: tie-ing to DB file of type DB_File R/W in

Checking the documentation, I'd only found the path-related config
option "bayes_path".

"perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist" showed no
additional/different option, so I'd assumed -- incorrectly -- set the
path for auto_whitelist 'stuff', too.

Turns out that I /should/ have check the /plugin/ doc instead,

   perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL

which, does offer an "auto_whitelist_path" config option.

Setting that in cures the problem; 'removed' addresses are
now, in fact, removed.

It is a little disconcerting, that the 'success' message @ command
execution -- using, apparently, the WRONG db where the target addr
does NOT exist -- makes no mention of a problem.

Rather, the impression (SpamAssassin auto-whitelist: removing address:
info@... ) is that it's doing/done what I've asked it to.

Perhaps a "no such address found" might be helpful?

(Yes, I know now -- "-D".)

