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Posted to by on 2007/07/20 08:06:16 UTC

[build-test alert] BUILD SUCCEEDED Windows XP SP2 msvc debug: drlvm reg.test


Date of build:	07/20/2007 12:30:14
Time to build:	35 minutes 23 seconds
Last changed:	07/20/2007 10:38:52
Last log entry:	minor modification, make the test pass on RI

Execution log (errors/warnings messages):	
     Hosting Java = 1.5.0_08 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    classlib root = C:\cruise\trunk\cc\projects\classlib\trunk
               os = Windows
             arch = ia32
              cxx = msvc
              cfg = debug
     svn revision = ${svn.revision}
       components = deploy

DRLVM Regression Testing on platform: windows.x86
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running on JET
Running on OPT
Running on interpreter
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running on JIT
Running on interpreter
Running on OPT
Running on OPT
==> VM Init callback
==> Exception callback
    for class: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3698/InvokeAgentException;
Exception location:	test()V	: 15
Catch clause location:	test()V	: 16
Top frame location:	test()V	: 15
==> VM Init callback
==> Class Prepare callback
    for class: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3730/StepM2N;
==> Breakpoint callback
    at: inner()V :0
==> Frame Pop callback
    at: inner()V
==> Single Step callback
    at: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3730/StepM2N;.outer()V :25
    expected location reached
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
==> VM Init callback
==> Exception callback
    for class: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3894/InvokeAgentException;
Child threads:
0:	child thread 2
1:	child thread 9
2:	child thread 12
3:	child thread 5
4:	child thread 13
5:	child thread 8
6:	child thread 3
7:	child thread 10
8:	child thread 6
9:	child thread 14
10:	child thread 1
11:	child thread 4
12:	child thread 11
13:	child thread 0
14:	child thread 7
Child groups:
0:	empty child group 0
1:	empty child group 1
2:	child group 0
3:	child group 1
4:	child group 2
5:	child group 3
6:	child group 4
7:	child group 5
8:	child group 6
9:	child group 7
10:	child group 8
11:	child group 9
12:	child group 10
13:	child group 11
14:	child group 12
15:	child group 13
16:	child group 14
Checking threads...
Array length:   	15
Expected length:	15
Checking groups...
Array length:   	17
Expected length:	17
==> VM Init callback
==> Exception callback
    for class: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3909/InvokeAgentException;
System group:	system
All threads:
0:	ref handler	in group: system
1:	finalizer	in group: system
2:	main	in group: main
Found 1 finalizer threads. All in system group
==> VM Init callback
starting native thread...
==> VM Init finished
native thread stated
==> Exception callback
    for class: Lorg/apache/harmony/drlvm/tests/regression/h3982/InvokeAgentException;
All threads:
0:	attached_thread	in group: main
1:	ref handler	in group: system
2:	finalizer	in group: system
3:	main	in group: main
Atached thread  stack [0]
native thread finished
Regression testing report was stored in:

Unit Tests: (114)

Modifications since last successful build:	(433)
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:38:52 minor modification, make the test pass on RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:38:52 minor modification, make the test pass on RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/editors/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/beancontext/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/beancontext/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 10:08:44 Tidy up compiler warning, add missing license to the mock classes, no functional change
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/20/2007 09:44:52 enrich tests for Introspector
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 09:35:28 Apply patch for HARMONY-4488([classlib][beans] Add specific persistence delegate for j.u.List to improve performance).
added leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 09:35:28 Apply patch for HARMONY-4488([classlib][beans] Add specific persistence delegate for j.u.List to improve performance).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 09:35:28 Apply patch for HARMONY-4488([classlib][beans] Add specific persistence delegate for j.u.List to improve performance).
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 08:11:31 Fix exception compatibility, should throw NullPointerException rather than IntorspectException
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/20/2007 08:11:31 Fix exception compatibility, should throw NullPointerException rather than IntorspectException
modified ayza  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/java/common/java/awt/dnd/ 07/20/2007 00:25:30 Add NotImplementedException to some stub methods. See HARMONY-4500.
added leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:39:34 Apply patch for HARMONY-4487([classlib][beans] Persistence delegate for j.u.Map is missing).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:39:34 Apply patch for HARMONY-4487([classlib][beans] Persistence delegate for j.u.Map is missing).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:39:34 Apply patch for HARMONY-4487([classlib][beans] Persistence delegate for j.u.Map is missing).
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:30:02 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:30:02 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:30:02 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:30:02 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:30:02 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/excludes/exclude.drlvm_smoke.linux.x86_64.jet 07/19/2007 13:29:48 Excluded stress.Sync for jet/jit also due to HARMONY-3299.
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/excludes/exclude.drlvm_smoke.linux.x86_64.jit 07/19/2007 13:29:48 Excluded stress.Sync for jet/jit also due to HARMONY-3299.
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/smoke/shutdown/TestInterrupt.c 07/19/2007 13:28:31 Fixed gcc warning: no newline at end of file
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/smoke/shutdown/TestFatalError.c 07/19/2007 13:28:31 Fixed gcc warning: no newline at end of file
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 13:17:33 correct the behavior of merging display name
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 12:22:13 write testcase for default property index and event index
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 12:22:13 write testcase for default property index and event index
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 12:22:13 write testcase for default property index and event index
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 12:22:13 write testcase for default property index and event index
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/19/2007 12:22:13 write testcase for default property index and event index
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 12:10:38 make the default event be the same as RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 12:10:38 make the default event be the same as RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 12:10:38 make the default event be the same as RI
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass1.cpp 07/19/2007 11:59:06 more fixes for gcc 4.x
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/ver_utils.h 07/19/2007 10:47:48 fixed compilation on gcc 4.x
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/tpool.h 07/19/2007 10:47:48 fixed compilation on gcc 4.x
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/context.h 07/19/2007 10:47:48 fixed compilation on gcc 4.x
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass2.cpp 07/19/2007 10:34:08 fix HARMONY-2103 (Jitrino/OPT does not reject class which uses incorrect invokespecial instruction) regression
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 10:09:07 Tidy up compiler warning and format code, no functional change
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 07/19/2007 09:27:42 new feature for getIcon
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 09:27:42 new feature for getIcon
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 09:27:42 new feature for getIcon
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/19/2007 07:56:20 Apply Harmony-4478 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist many awt classes properly (refer to Harmony-4473))
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/helper_inliner.cpp 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/codegenerator/ia32/Ia32CodeEmitter.cpp 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/escanalyzer.cpp 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/inliner.cpp 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/main/CompilationContext.cpp 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/optimizer/inliner.h 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/main/CompilationContext.h 07/18/2007 21:45:43 Fix for HARMONY-3817New feature: pragma @Inline support in Jitrino.OPT: HARMONY-4475
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/java/common/org/apache/harmony/awt/gl/font/ 07/18/2007 19:46:04 Patch for HARMONY-4441 "[classlib][awt] Can't create new swing component using new fontlib"Default font has been changed to DejaVu Sans
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/native/fontlib/shared/ParsingTables.cpp 07/18/2007 19:36:37 Patch for HARMONY-4492 "[classlib][awt] Fontlib can not load style info from DejaVu fonts"
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/java/common/org/apache/harmony/awt/gl/font/fontlib/ 07/18/2007 18:40:29 Patch for HARMONY-4490 "[classlib][awt] Fontlib adds fonts from the first existing directory in the list only"
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/ehwa/ 07/18/2007 17:28:11 Fixed HARMONY-4084 [drlvm][build][ehwa] made timeout customizable for automated ehwa test
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 15:51:48 RI sets the property to unbound by default 
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 15:51:48 RI sets the property to unbound by default 
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/make/exclude.common 07/18/2007 14:38:40 Apply Harmony-4425 ([classlib][beans] Bring back
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 14:25:56 fix a typo in comment
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/pos.j 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/pos2.j 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/neg.j 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/run.test.xml 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/neg2.j 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass1.cpp 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/neg3.j 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass2.cpp 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H3862/ 07/18/2007 14:11:13 fix and regression test for jsr/ret processing, including HARMONY-3862 (A subroutine splits execution into several ret instructions)
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/resources/xml/Choice.xml 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 13:36:03 Appliy Harmony-4473 ([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist awt.Choice properly) with minor modification
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:06:27 add the BeanInfo wrapper class
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/editors/ 07/18/2007 11:03:44 Add test to FontEditor and ColorEditor against RI's behavior, fix bugs; Also fix some trivial bugs in PropertyEditorManager, add cache mechanism to the findEditor
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:03:44 Add test to FontEditor and ColorEditor against RI's behavior, fix bugs; Also fix some trivial bugs in PropertyEditorManager, add cache mechanism to the findEditor
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/editors/ 07/18/2007 11:03:44 Add test to FontEditor and ColorEditor against RI's behavior, fix bugs; Also fix some trivial bugs in PropertyEditorManager, add cache mechanism to the findEditor
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:03:44 Add test to FontEditor and ColorEditor against RI's behavior, fix bugs; Also fix some trivial bugs in PropertyEditorManager, add cache mechanism to the findEditor
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 11:01:20 refactor Introspector, make it easier to understand1, correct some testcases2, combine BeanInfoData and BeanInfoWrapper to one class3, add method merge() in FeatureDescripter and its sub classes
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/tpool.cpp 07/18/2007 10:48:34 fix dacapo.jython in debug mode
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 09:55:26 restore the default search path when tear down in order to make sure there is no dependency between testcases
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 09:55:26 restore the default search path when tear down in order to make sure there is no dependency between testcases
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/18/2007 09:29:50 Write javadoc for java.beans.Beans, no functional change
modified ayza  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/lang-management/make/exclude.common 07/18/2007 00:25:41 ThreadMXBeanImplTest excluded till the further investigation.
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/build-java.xml 07/17/2007 23:24:52 Patch for HARMONY-4483 "[classlib][awt] Default fonts needed for correct work of font libraries."DejaVu fonts has been added to Harmony
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/ 07/17/2007 23:24:52 Patch for HARMONY-4483 "[classlib][awt] Default fonts needed for correct work of font libraries."DejaVu fonts has been added to Harmony
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/THIRD_PARTY_NOTICES.txt 07/17/2007 23:24:52 Patch for HARMONY-4483 "[classlib][awt] Default fonts needed for correct work of font libraries."DejaVu fonts has been added to Harmony
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/depends.xml 07/17/2007 23:24:52 Patch for HARMONY-4483 "[classlib][awt] Default fonts needed for correct work of font libraries."DejaVu fonts has been added to Harmony
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/shared/ControlFlowGraph.cpp 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/jet/jet.cpp 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/shared/ControlFlowGraph.h 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/shared/HashTable.h 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/jet/rt.cpp 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/jet/cg.cpp 07/17/2007 22:12:13 Cosmetic fixes (UNUSED markers) forHARMONY-3855HARMONY-4004HARMONY-4047HARMONY-4048+ removal of deprecated parameter in ControlFlowGraph.cpp.
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/swing/src/main/java/common/javax/swing/plaf/basic/ 07/17/2007 20:03:03 Patch for HARMONY-4480 "[classlib][swing] JSlider scrolls if it's unneded"
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/custom/msvc_2003/vmcore/vmcore.vcproj 07/17/2007 19:56:49 Update to MSVC2003 project files: jthread project was merged into vmcore
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/custom/msvc_2003/drlvm.sln 07/17/2007 19:56:49 Update to MSVC2003 project files: jthread project was merged into vmcore
deleted mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/custom/msvc_2003/jthread 07/17/2007 19:56:49 Update to MSVC2003 project files: jthread project was merged into vmcore
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/swing/src/main/java/common/javax/swing/plaf/basic/ 07/17/2007 19:41:18 Patch for HARMONY-4481 "[classlib][swing] Slider code is probably uneffective"
modified ayza  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/lang-management/make/exclude.common 07/17/2007 17:16:13 ManagementFactoryTest excluded till the further investigation.
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/beancontext/ 07/17/2007 16:36:33 BeanContextSupport.remove(Object, boolean) should be a protected method
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/ 07/17/2007 16:18:07 changed https -> http for antlr url to fix connectivity complaints
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/jndi/src/main/java/javax/naming/ldap/ 07/17/2007 15:11:42 SortControl's constructor doesn't handle the array parameter properly when that array contains null elements. Further, the non-ascii characters in the SortKey are not encoded property.
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/jndi/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/jndi/tests/javax/naming/ldap/ 07/17/2007 15:11:42 SortControl's constructor doesn't handle the array parameter properly when that array contains null elements. Further, the non-ascii characters in the SortKey are not encoded property.
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/17/2007 14:17:49 Refactor testcases, make it more clear
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/internal/nls/ 07/17/2007 13:46:33 change the nls message id to hexdecimal
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 13:46:33 change the nls message id to hexdecimal
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 13:45:35 Handle the exceptional case of the constructor without setter and getter.
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 13:45:35 Handle the exceptional case of the constructor without setter and getter.
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 12:48:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-3777( [classlib][beans]java.beans.Beans.instantiate should supply the applet with a default AppletStub and AppletContext when the target is an applet).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 12:48:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-3777( [classlib][beans]java.beans.Beans.instantiate should supply the applet with a default AppletStub and AppletContext when the target is an applet).
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/internal/nls/ 07/17/2007 12:14:26 update NLS support
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 12:14:26 update NLS support
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml 07/17/2007 11:36:45 switching default verifier to HARMONY-3363
added leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
added leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:49:39 Apply patch for HARMONY-4327([classlib][beans] Current bean implementation does not persist Collection and its subclasses correctly).
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:47:30 Fix getter and setter methods1, handle null value2, remove redundant code3, add javadoc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:47:30 Fix getter and setter methods1, handle null value2, remove redundant code3, add javadoc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:23:32 Improve constructors1, add check for empty method name, null method name and empty property name2, add check for compatiblity between indexed read and indexed write method3, add javadoc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/17/2007 10:23:32 Improve constructors1, add check for empty method name, null method name and empty property name2, add check for compatiblity between indexed read and indexed write method3, add javadoc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 10:23:32 Improve constructors1, add check for empty method name, null method name and empty property name2, add check for compatiblity between indexed read and indexed write method3, add javadoc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 08:26:29 optimize for multi-threads
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 08:26:29 optimize for multi-threads
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/17/2007 08:26:29 optimize for multi-threads
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_helpers_ipf.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_ti_others.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_condvar.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/port/src/lil/em64t/pim/m2n_em64t.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_thread.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_pop_frame.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/native_stack.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_ti_local_storage.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_basic.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_java_identify.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/ipf/base/ini_ipf.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/exceptions_type.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_event.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/hythr.exp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_suspend.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_iterator.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/targets/common_vm.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_basic.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/linux/signals_ia32.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_interrupt.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_park.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_native_fat_monitor.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_ti_instr.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/helpers/thread_helpers_ipf.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_attrs.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/helpers/thread_helpers.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/thread_manager.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_ti_instrum.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_ti_monitors.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_helpers.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_break_intf.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/Class.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_ti_monitors.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_generic.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_tls.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/open/hythread.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/vm_core_types.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_ti_timing.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_private.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/exception/exceptions_jit.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_ti_timing.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_java_basic.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_ti_instr.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/components/vm/hythr.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/jvmti_support.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_native_suspend.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_attrs.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_ti_others.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/targets/cunit.test.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/open/hythread_ext.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_java_ptr_conv.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_interrupt.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_dump.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/open/thread_externals.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jit/ini.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_init.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/interpreter/src/interpreter_ti.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_roots.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/kernel_classes/native/org_apache_harmony_lang_management_ThreadMXBeanImpl.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_monitors.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/interpreter/src/interpreter.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/kernel_classes/javasrc/org/apache/harmony/drlvm/thread/ 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_private.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_monitors.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jit/compile.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/em64t/base/native_stack_em64t.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/win/os_thread.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_ti_state.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/gc/root_set_enum_common.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/linux/os_thread.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/hythr.def 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/helpers 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/lock_manager.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_fat_monitor.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/utils/thread_unit_test_utils.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_native_basic.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/interpreter_exports.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/interpreter/src/interp_exports.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_iterator.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/javasrc 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/utils/thread_unit_test_utils.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_park.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/win/ia32_em64t/nt_exception_filter_common.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_ti_monitor_info.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_interrupt.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/port/src/lil/ipf/pim/m2n_ipf.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/port/src/lil/ia32/pim/m2n_ia32.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_stack.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_manager.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/init/vm_init.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/object/object_handles.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/open/ti_thread.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/jvmti/jvmti_step.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/ipf/base/native_stack_ipf.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/ia32/base/native_stack_ia32.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/components/vm/jthread.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/thread/thread_java_suspend.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/deploy.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_thin_monitor.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/tests/unit/thread/test_native_thin_monitor.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
added wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/kernel_classes/javasrc/org/apache/harmony/drlvm/thread 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
deleted wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_java_basic.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/jvmti_internal.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/util/native_stack.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/include/open/jthread.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/kernel_classes/native/java_lang_VMThreadManager.cpp 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_suspend.c 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified wjwashburn  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/vm_threads.h 07/17/2007 02:32:35 Harmony-3985:  this is general cleanup of thread data structs andis a precursor to fixing thread lifecycle
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/native/fontlib/shared/TypeDefinition.cpp 07/17/2007 00:09:22 Patch for HARMONY-4299 "[classlib][awt] Invalid font's style definition for TrueType fonts in fontlib"
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/native/fontlib/shared/ParsingTables.cpp 07/17/2007 00:09:22 Patch for HARMONY-4299 "[classlib][awt] Invalid font's style definition for TrueType fonts in fontlib"
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/native/fontlib/shared/TypeDefinition.h 07/17/2007 00:09:22 Patch for HARMONY-4299 "[classlib][awt] Invalid font's style definition for TrueType fonts in fontlib"
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/custom/msvc_2003/jitrino/jitrino.vcproj 07/16/2007 19:12:46 Removing recently deleted files from Jitrino's MSVC2003 project file
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/java/common/java/awt/image/ 07/16/2007 18:18:14 Patch for HARMONY-1658 "[class][awt] BufferedImage.isTileWritable(int,int) throws IllegalArgumentException while Harmony throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
modified apetrenko  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/test/api/java/common/java/awt/image/ 07/16/2007 18:18:14 Patch for HARMONY-1658 "[class][awt] BufferedImage.isTileWritable(int,int) throws IllegalArgumentException while Harmony throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/logging/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/logging/tests/java/util/logging/ 07/16/2007 16:22:33 Apply patch for HARMONY-4474([classlib][logging] Logger initialize should bypass security check).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/logging/src/main/java/java/util/logging/ 07/16/2007 16:22:33 Apply patch for HARMONY-4474([classlib][logging] Logger initialize should bypass security check).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/logging/src/main/java/java/util/logging/ 07/16/2007 16:22:33 Apply patch for HARMONY-4474([classlib][logging] Logger initialize should bypass security check).
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/archive/internal/nls/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/archive/util/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/zip/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/archive/src/main/java/java/util/jar/ 07/16/2007 16:22:19 Tidy up format of archive module using Eclipse formatter, convert tabs to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/ 07/16/2007 16:09:58 Add method hashCode() for PropertyDescriptor
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 16:09:58 Add method hashCode() for PropertyDescriptor
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 16:09:58 Add method hashCode() for PropertyDescriptor
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/security/src/main/java/common/java/security/ 07/16/2007 16:05:57 Fix bug of new line should be appended at the end. 2. one space instead of two as seperator between permissions.).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/security/src/test/impl/java/org/apache/harmony/security/tests/java/security/ 07/16/2007 16:05:57 Fix bug of new line should be appended at the end. 2. one space instead of two as seperator between permissions.).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/security/src/test/api/java/tests/api/java/security/ 07/16/2007 16:05:57 Fix bug of new line should be appended at the end. 2. one space instead of two as seperator between permissions.).
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/transaction/xa/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/internal/nls/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/xa/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/xa/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/xa/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/spi/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/transaction/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/spi/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/java/sql/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/serial/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/sql/tests/javax/sql/rowset/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified pyang  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/sql/src/main/java/javax/sql/rowset/spi/ 07/16/2007 16:02:56 Tidy up format of sql module using Eclipse formatter, convert tab to spaces, remove redundant empty lines and spaces, etc
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:58:34 Fix bug: Some condition check for listener methods are not compatible with RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:58:34 Fix bug: Some condition check for listener methods are not compatible with RI
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:37:43 Fix bug: EventSetDescriptor can not handle the default package
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:37:43 Fix bug: EventSetDescriptor can not handle the default package
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:18:27 Fix bug: EventSetDescriptor with less check for listeners
added tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/support/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/support/mock/ 07/16/2007 15:18:27 Fix bug: EventSetDescriptor with less check for listeners
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 15:18:27 Fix bug: EventSetDescriptor with less check for listeners
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:52:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-4326([classlib][beans] Current java6 bean implementation does not persist java.lang.refect.Method properly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:52:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-4326([classlib][beans] Current java6 bean implementation does not persist java.lang.refect.Method properly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF 07/16/2007 13:52:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-4326([classlib][beans] Current java6 bean implementation does not persist java.lang.refect.Method properly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:52:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-4326([classlib][beans] Current java6 bean implementation does not persist java.lang.refect.Method properly).
modified leoli  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:52:30 Apply patch for HARMONY-4326([classlib][beans] Current java6 bean implementation does not persist java.lang.refect.Method properly).
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/main/java/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:51:56 Fix bug: When add/remove action is not supported on the target, an IntrospectionException should be thrown out in constructor
modified tonywu  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/beans/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/beans/tests/java/beans/ 07/16/2007 13:51:56 Fix bug: When add/remove action is not supported on the target, an IntrospectionException should be thrown out in constructor
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Ver.cpp 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/tpool.cpp 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
modified mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/build/make/components/vm/vmcore.xml 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/ver_utils.h 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/tpool.h 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass1.cpp 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/instr_props.h 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/Pass2.cpp 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/stackmap.h 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/context.h 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
added mloenko  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/verifier-3363/vf_resolve.cpp 07/16/2007 13:44:55 integration of HARMONY-3363 (contribution of alternative bytecode verifier). Default behavior not switched yet
modified varlax  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/codegenerator/ia32/Ia32CodeEmitter.cpp 07/16/2007 11:24:09 Fixed compilation warning after [r556007] HARMONY-2114