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svn commit: r835981 - in /couchdb/trunk: share/www/script/test/ src/couchdb/ src/mochiweb/ test/etap/

Author: damien
Date: Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
New Revision: 835981

Initial check-in of APIs for multiple/related supported and incremental replication of only changed attachments. Needs more far more testing and to be hooked up the replicator.


Modified: couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/attachments.js
--- couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/attachments.js (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/test/attachments.js Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -237,6 +237,60 @@
   TEquals(201, xhr.status, "should send 201 Accepted");
+  // try mime multipart
+  xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/multipart", {
+    headers: {"Content-Type": "multipart/related;boundary=\"abc123\""},
+    body:
+      "--abc123\r\n" +
+      "content-type: application/json\r\n" +
+      "\r\n" +
+      JSON.stringify({
+        "body":"This is a body.",
+        "_attachments":{
+          "foo.txt": {
+            "follows":true,
+            "content_type":"text/plain",
+            "length":21
+            },
+          "bar.txt": {
+            "follows":true,
+            "content_type":"text/plain",
+            "length":20
+            },
+          "baz.txt": {
+            "follows":true,
+            "content_type":"text/plain",
+            "length":19
+            }
+          }
+        }) +
+      "\r\n--abc123\r\n" +
+      "\r\n" +
+      "this is 21 chars long" +
+      "\r\n--abc123\r\n" +
+      "\r\n" +
+      "this is 20 chars lon" +
+      "\r\n--abc123\r\n" +
+      "\r\n" +
+      "this is 19 chars lo" +
+      "\r\n--abc123--"
+    });
+  TEquals(201, xhr.status, "should send 201 Accepted");
+  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/multipart/foo.txt");
+  T(xhr.responseText == "this is 21 chars long");
+  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/multipart/bar.txt");
+  T(xhr.responseText == "this is 20 chars lon");
+  xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/multipart/baz.txt");
+  T(xhr.responseText == "this is 19 chars lo");
   // implicit doc creation allows creating docs with a reserved id. COUCHDB-565
   var xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/_nonexistant/attachment.txt", {

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -116,22 +116,40 @@
     [Result] = open_doc_revs_int(Db, [{Id, Revs}], Options),
+% Each returned result is a list of tuples:
+% {Id, MissingRevs, PossibleAncestors}
+% if no revs are missing, it's omitted from the results.
 get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevsList) ->
-    Ids = [Id1 || {Id1, _Revs} <- IdRevsList],
-    FullDocInfoResults = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids),
-    Results = lists:zipwith(
-        fun({Id, Revs}, FullDocInfoResult) ->
-            case FullDocInfoResult of
-            {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevisionTree}} ->
-                {Id, couch_key_tree:find_missing(RevisionTree, Revs)};
-            not_found ->
-                {Id, Revs}
+    Results = get_full_doc_infos(Db, [Id1 || {Id1, _Revs} <- IdRevsList]),
+    {ok, find_missing(IdRevsList, Results)}.
+find_missing([], []) ->
+    [];
+find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [{ok, FullInfo} | RestLookupInfo]) ->
+    case couch_key_tree:find_missing(FullInfo#full_doc_info.rev_tree, Revs) of
+    [] ->
+        find_missing(RestIdRevs, RestLookupInfo);
+    MissingRevs ->
+        #doc_info{revs=RevsInfo} = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullInfo),
+        LeafRevs = [Rev || #rev_info{rev=Rev} <- RevsInfo],
+        % Find the revs that are possible parents of this rev
+        PossibleAncestors =
+        lists:foldl(fun({LeafPos, LeafRevId}, Acc) ->
+            % this leaf is a "possible ancenstor" of the missing 
+            % revs if this LeafPos lessthan any of the missing revs
+            case lists:any(fun({MissingPos, _}) -> 
+                    LeafPos < MissingPos end, MissingRevs) of
+            true ->
+                [{LeafPos, LeafRevId} | Acc];
+            false ->
+                Acc
-        end,
-        IdRevsList, FullDocInfoResults),
-    % strip out the non-missing ids
-    Missing = [{Id, Revs} || {Id, Revs} <- Results, Revs /= []],
-    {ok, Missing}.
+        end, [], LeafRevs),
+        [{Id, MissingRevs, PossibleAncestors} |
+                find_missing(RestIdRevs, RestLookupInfo)]
+    end;
+find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [not_found | RestLookupInfo]) ->
+    [{Id, Revs, []} | find_missing(RestIdRevs, RestLookupInfo)].
 get_doc_info(Db, Id) ->
     case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of
@@ -334,7 +352,12 @@
     % no existing revs are known,
     {PreppedBucket, AccErrors3} = lists:foldl(
-        fun(#doc{revs=Revs}=Doc, {AccBucket, AccErrors2}) ->
+        fun(#doc{revs=Revs}=Doc, {AccBucket, AccErrors2}) ->       
+            case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc) of
+            true ->
+                couch_doc:merge_doc(Doc, #doc{}); % will throw exception
+            false -> ok
+            end,
             case Revs of
             {0, []} ->
                 case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun() -> nil end) of
@@ -385,7 +408,12 @@
     case OldInfo of
     not_found ->
         {ValidatedBucket, AccErrors3} = lists:foldl(
-            fun(Doc, {AccPrepped2, AccErrors2}) ->
+            fun(Doc, {AccPrepped2, AccErrors2}) ->                
+                case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc) of
+                true ->
+                    couch_doc:merge_doc(Doc, #doc{}); % will throw exception
+                false -> ok
+                end,
                 case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun() -> nil end) of
                 ok ->
                     {[Doc | AccPrepped2], AccErrors2};
@@ -411,12 +439,24 @@
                 {ok, {Start, Path}} ->
                     % our unflushed doc is a leaf node. Go back on the path
                     % to find the previous rev that's on disk.
                     LoadPrevRevFun = fun() ->
                                 make_first_doc_on_disk(Db,Id,Start-1, tl(Path))
-                    case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, LoadPrevRevFun) of
+                    case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc) of
+                    true ->
+                        DiskDoc = LoadPrevRevFun(),
+                        Doc2 = couch_doc:merge_stubs(Doc, DiskDoc),
+                        GetDiskDocFun = fun() -> DiskDoc end;
+                    false ->
+                        Doc2 = Doc,
+                        GetDiskDocFun = LoadPrevRevFun
+                    end,
+                    case validate_doc_update(Db, Doc2, GetDiskDocFun) of
                     ok ->
-                        {[Doc | AccValidated], AccErrors2};
+                        {[Doc2 | AccValidated], AccErrors2};
                     Error ->
                         {AccValidated, [{Doc, Error} | AccErrors2]}
@@ -455,18 +495,18 @@
     end, IdRevsAcc, Bucket),
     new_revs(RestBuckets, [NewBucket|OutBuckets], IdRevsAcc3).
-check_dup_atts([#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2} | _]) when N1 == N2 ->
+check_dup_atts(#doc{atts=Atts}=Doc) ->
+    Atts2 = lists:sort(fun(#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2}) -> N1 < N2 end, Atts),
+    check_dup_atts2(Atts2),
+    Doc.
+check_dup_atts2([#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2} | _]) when N1 == N2 ->
     throw({bad_request, <<"Duplicate attachments">>});
-check_dup_atts([_, _ | Rest]) ->
-    check_dup_atts(Rest);
-check_dup_atts(_) ->
+check_dup_atts2([_ | Rest]) ->
+    check_dup_atts2(Rest);
+check_dup_atts2(_) ->
-sort_and_check_atts(#doc{atts=Atts}=Doc) ->
-    Atts2 = lists:sort(fun(#att{name=N1}, #att{name=N2}) -> N1 < N2 end, Atts),
-    check_dup_atts(Atts2),
-    Doc#doc{atts=Atts2}.
 update_docs(Db, Docs, Options, replicated_changes) ->
     couch_stats_collector:increment({couchdb, database_writes}),
@@ -475,7 +515,8 @@
     case (Db#db.validate_doc_funs /= []) orelse
             fun(#doc{id= <<?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>>}) -> true;
-            (_) -> false
+            (#doc{atts=Atts}) ->
+                Atts /= []
             end, Docs) of
     true ->
         Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocBuckets],
@@ -488,7 +529,7 @@
         DocErrors = [],
         DocBuckets3 = DocBuckets
-    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(sort_and_check_atts(Doc), Db#db.fd)
+    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(check_dup_atts(Doc), Db#db.fd)
             || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets3],
     {ok, []} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets4, [], [merge_conflicts | Options]),
     {ok, DocErrors};
@@ -544,7 +585,7 @@
                 true -> [] end ++ Options,
         DocBuckets3 = [[
-                        sort_and_check_atts(Doc)), Db#db.fd)
+                        check_dup_atts(Doc)), Db#db.fd)
                 || Doc <- B] || B <- DocBuckets2],
         {DocBuckets4, IdRevs} = new_revs(DocBuckets3, [], []),
@@ -690,20 +731,8 @@
 write_streamed_attachment(Stream, F, LenLeft) ->
     Bin = F(),
-    TruncatedBin = check_bin_length(LenLeft, Bin),
-    ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, TruncatedBin),
-    write_streamed_attachment(Stream, F, LenLeft - size(TruncatedBin)).
-%% There was a bug in ibrowse 1.4.1 that would cause it to append a CR to a
-%% chunked response when the CR and LF terminating the last data chunk were
-%% split across packets.  The bug was fixed in version 1.5.0, but we still
-%% check for it just in case.
-check_bin_length(LenLeft, Bin) when size(Bin) > LenLeft ->
-    <<_ValidData:LenLeft/binary, Crap/binary>> = Bin,
-    ?LOG_ERROR("write_streamed_attachment has written too much expected: ~p" ++
-        " got: ~p tail: ~p", [LenLeft, size(Bin), Crap]),
-    exit(replicated_attachment_too_large);
-check_bin_length(_, Bin) -> Bin.
+    ok = couch_stream:write(Stream, Bin),
+    write_streamed_attachment(Stream, F, LenLeft - size(Bin)).
 enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
             % nums, which means couchdb will sometimes reexamine unchanged
             % documents with the _changes API.
             % This is fixed by compacting the database.
-            {IsDeleted, BodyPointer, HighSeq}
+            {IsDeleted == 1, BodyPointer, HighSeq}
         end, DiskTree),
     #full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=HighSeq, deleted=Deleted==1, rev_tree=Tree}.

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
 -export([from_json_obj/1,to_json_obj/2,has_stubs/1, merge_stubs/2]).
+-export([doc_to_multi_part_stream/5, len_doc_to_multi_part_stream/4]).
@@ -47,10 +49,10 @@
-rev_to_strs([]) ->
+revs_to_strs([]) ->
-rev_to_strs([{Pos, RevId}| Rest]) ->
-    [rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) | rev_to_strs(Rest)].
+revs_to_strs([{Pos, RevId}| Rest]) ->
+    [rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) | revs_to_strs(Rest)].
 to_json_meta(Meta) ->
@@ -65,56 +67,44 @@
         ({local_seq, Seq}) ->
             {<<"_local_seq">>, Seq};
         ({conflicts, Conflicts}) ->
-            {<<"_conflicts">>, rev_to_strs(Conflicts)};
+            {<<"_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(Conflicts)};
         ({deleted_conflicts, DConflicts}) ->
-            {<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, rev_to_strs(DConflicts)}
+            {<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(DConflicts)}
         end, Meta).
-to_json_attachment_stubs(Attachments) ->
-    BinProps = lists:map(
-        fun(#att{name=Name,type=Type,len=Length,revpos=Pos}) ->
-            {Name, {[
-                {<<"stub">>, true},
-                {<<"content_type">>, Type},
-                {<<"length">>, Length},
-                {<<"revpos">>, Pos}
-            ]}}
-        end,
-        Attachments),
-    case BinProps of
-        [] -> [];
-        _ -> [{<<"_attachments">>, {BinProps}}]
+to_json_attachments(Attachments, Options) ->
+    case lists:member(attachments, Options) of
+    true -> % return all the binaries
+        to_json_attachments(Attachments, 0, lists:member(follows, Options));
+    false ->
+        % note the default is [], because this sorts higher than all numbers.
+        % and will return all the binaries.
+        RevPos = proplists:get_value(atts_after_revpos, Options, []),
+        to_json_attachments(Attachments, RevPos, lists:member(follows, Options))
-to_json_attachments(Atts) ->
+to_json_attachments([], _RevPosIncludeAfter, _DataToFollow) ->
+    [];
+to_json_attachments(Atts, RevPosIncludeAfter, DataToFollow) ->
     AttProps = lists:map(
-        fun(#att{data=Fun,len=Len}=Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
-            Data = read_streamed_attachment(Fun, Len, _Acc = []),
-            {, {[
-                {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type},
-                {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos},
-                {<<"data">>, couch_util:encodeBase64(Data)}
-            ]}};
-        (Att) ->
+        fun(#att{len=Len}=Att) ->
             {, {[
                 {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type},
-                {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos},
-                {<<"data">>, couch_util:encodeBase64(att_to_iolist(Att))}
-            ]}}
-        end,
-        Atts),
-    case AttProps of
-    [] -> [];
-    _ -> [{<<"_attachments">>, {AttProps}}]
-    end.
-to_json_attachments(Attachments, Options) ->
-    case lists:member(attachments, Options) of
-    true -> % return the full rev list and the binaries as strings.
-        to_json_attachments(Attachments);
-    false ->
-        to_json_attachment_stubs(Attachments)
-    end.
+                {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos}
+                ] ++
+                if Att#att.revpos > RevPosIncludeAfter ->    
+                    if DataToFollow ->
+                        [{<<"length">>, Len}, {<<"follows">>, true}];
+                    true ->
+                        [{<<"data">>, 
+                            couch_util:encodeBase64(att_to_iolist(Att))}]
+                    end;
+                true ->
+                    [{<<"length">>, Len}, {<<"stub">>, true}]
+                end
+            }}
+        end, Atts),
+    [{<<"_attachments">>, {AttProps}}].
 to_json_obj(#doc{id=Id,deleted=Del,body=Body,revs={Start, RevIds},
@@ -199,12 +189,20 @@
             RevPos = proplists:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0),
             #att{name=Name, data=stub, type=Type, len=Length, revpos=RevPos};
         _ ->
-            Value = proplists:get_value(<<"data">>, BinProps),
             Type = proplists:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps,
             RevPos = proplists:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0),
-            Bin = couch_util:decodeBase64(Value),
-            #att{name=Name, data=Bin, type=Type, len=size(Bin), revpos=RevPos}
+            case proplists:get_value(<<"follows">>, BinProps) of
+            true ->
+                #att{name=Name, data=follows, type=Type, 
+                    len=proplists:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps),
+                        revpos=RevPos};
+            _ ->
+                Value = proplists:get_value(<<"data">>, BinProps),
+                Bin = couch_util:decodeBase64(Value),
+                #att{name=Name, data=Bin, type=Type, len=size(Bin),
+                        revpos=RevPos}
+            end
     end, JsonBins),
     transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{atts=Atts});
@@ -278,14 +276,21 @@
     % 09 UPGRADE CODE
     couch_stream:old_foldl(Fd, Sp, Len, Fun, Acc);
 att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}, Fun, Acc) ->
-    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc).
+    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc);
+att_foldl(#att{data=DataFun,len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->
+   fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc).
 att_to_iolist(#att{data=Bin}) when is_binary(Bin) ->
 att_to_iolist(#att{data=Iolist}) when is_list(Iolist) ->
 att_to_iolist(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}) ->
-    lists:reverse(couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, [])).
+    lists:reverse(couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, 
+            fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, []));
+att_to_iolist(#att{data=DataFun, len=Len}) when is_function(DataFun)->
+    lists:reverse(fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len,
+            fun(Data, Acc) -> [Data | Acc] end, [])).
 get_validate_doc_fun(#doc{body={Props}}) ->
     Lang = proplists:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
@@ -309,18 +314,121 @@
 has_stubs([_Att|Rest]) ->
-merge_stubs(#doc{atts=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{atts=DiskBins}) ->
+merge_stubs(#doc{id=Id,atts=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{atts=DiskBins}) ->
     BinDict = dict:from_list([{Name, Att} || #att{name=Name}=Att <- DiskBins]),
     MergedBins = lists:map(
-        fun(#att{name=Name, data=stub}) ->
-            dict:fetch(Name, BinDict);
+        fun(#att{name=Name, data=stub, revpos=RevPos}) ->
+            case dict:find(Name, BinDict) of
+            {ok, #att{revpos=RevPos}=DiskAtt} ->
+                DiskAtt;
+            _ ->
+                throw({missing_stub_on_target,
+                        <<"id:", Id/binary, ", name:", Name/binary>>})
+            end;
         (Att) ->
         end, MemBins),
     StubsDoc#doc{atts= MergedBins}.
-read_streamed_attachment(_RcvFun, 0, Acc) ->
-    list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
-read_streamed_attachment(RcvFun, LenLeft, Acc) ->
+fold_streamed_data(_RcvFun, 0, _Fun, Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft, Fun, Acc) when LenLeft > 0->
     Bin = RcvFun(),
-    read_streamed_attachment(RcvFun, LenLeft - size(Bin), [Bin|Acc]).
+    ResultAcc = Fun(Bin, Acc),
+    fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft - size(Bin), Fun, ResultAcc).
+len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary,JsonBytes,Atts,AttsSinceRevPos) ->
+    2 + % "--"
+    size(Boundary) +
+    34 + % "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n"
+    iolist_size(JsonBytes) +
+    4 + % "\r\n--"
+    size(Boundary) +
+    + lists:foldl(fun(#att{revpos=RevPos,len=Len}, AccAttsSize) ->
+            if RevPos > AttsSinceRevPos ->
+                AccAttsSize +  
+                2 + % "\r\n"
+                Len +
+                4 + % "\r\n--"
+                size(Boundary);
+            true ->
+                AccAttsSize
+            end
+        end, 0, Atts) +
+    2. % "--"
+doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary,JsonBytes,Atts,AttsSinceRevPos,WriteFun) ->
+    WriteFun([<<"--", Boundary, "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n">>,
+            JsonBytes, <<"\r\n--", Boundary>>]),
+    atts_to_mp(Atts, Boundary, WriteFun, AttsSinceRevPos).
+atts_to_mp([], _Boundary, WriteFun, _AttsSinceRevPos) ->
+    WriteFun(<<"--">>);
+atts_to_mp([#att{revpos=RevPos} = Att | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun, 
+        AttsSinceRevPos) when RevPos > AttsSinceRevPos ->
+    WriteFun(<<"\r\n">>),
+    att_foldl(Att, fun(Data, ok) -> WriteFun(Data) end, ok),
+    WriteFun(<<"\r\n--", Boundary>>),
+    atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, AttsSinceRevPos);
+atts_to_mp([_ | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun, AttsSinceRevPos) ->
+    atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, AttsSinceRevPos).
+doc_from_multi_part_stream(ContentType, DataFun) ->
+    Parser = spawn_link(fun() -> 
+        couch_httpd:parse_multipart_request(ContentType, DataFun,
+                fun(Next)-> mp_parse_doc(Next, []) end)
+        end),
+    Parser ! {get_doc_bytes, self()},
+    receive {doc_bytes, DocBytes} -> ok end,
+    Doc = from_json_obj(?JSON_DECODE(DocBytes)),
+    % go through the attachments looking for 'follows' in the data,
+    % replace with function that reads the data from MIME stream.
+    ReadAttachmentDataFun = fun() ->
+        Parser ! {get_bytes, self()},
+        receive {bytes, Bytes} -> Bytes end
+    end,
+    Atts2 = lists:map(
+        fun(#att{data=follows}=A) ->
+            A#att{data=ReadAttachmentDataFun};
+        (A) ->
+            A
+        end, Doc#doc.atts),
+    Doc#doc{atts=Atts2}.
+mp_parse_doc({headers, H}, []) ->
+    {"application/json", _} = proplists:get_value("content-type", H),
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_doc(Next, [])
+    end;
+mp_parse_doc({body, Bytes}, AccBytes) ->
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_doc(Next, [Bytes | AccBytes])
+    end;
+mp_parse_doc(body_end, AccBytes) ->
+    receive {get_doc_bytes, From} ->
+        From ! {doc_bytes, lists:reverse(AccBytes)}
+    end,
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_atts(Next)
+    end.
+mp_parse_atts(eof) ->
+    ok;
+mp_parse_atts({headers, _H}) ->
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_atts(Next)
+    end;
+mp_parse_atts({body, Bytes}) ->
+    receive {get_bytes, From} ->
+        From ! {bytes, Bytes}
+    end,
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_atts(Next)
+    end;
+mp_parse_atts(body_end) ->
+    fun (Next) ->
+        mp_parse_atts(Next)
+    end.

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 -export([start_response_length/4, send/2]).
 -export([start_json_response/2, start_json_response/3, end_json_response/1]).
 -export([send_response/4,send_method_not_allowed/2,send_error/4, send_redirect/2,send_chunked_error/2]).
 start_link() ->
     % read config and register for configuration changes
@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@
 doc_etag(#doc{revs={Start, [DiskRev|_]}}) ->
     "\"" ++ ?b2l(couch_doc:rev_to_str({Start, DiskRev})) ++ "\"".
@@ -628,3 +629,140 @@
     OTPVersion = "R" ++ integer_to_list(erlang:system_info(compat_rel)) ++ "B",
     [{"Server", "CouchDB/" ++ couch_server:get_version() ++
                 " (Erlang OTP/" ++ OTPVersion ++ ")"}].
+-record(mp, {boundary, buffer, data_fun, callback}).
+parse_multipart_request(ContentType, DataFun, Callback) ->
+    Boundary0 = iolist_to_binary(get_boundary(ContentType)),
+    Boundary = <<"\r\n--", Boundary0/binary>>,
+    Mp = #mp{boundary= Boundary,
+            buffer= <<>>,
+            data_fun=DataFun,
+            callback=Callback},
+    {Mp2, _NilCallback} = read_until(Mp, <<"--", Boundary0/binary>>, 
+        fun(Next)-> nil_callback(Next) end),
+    #mp{buffer=Buffer, data_fun=DataFun2, callback=Callback2} = 
+            parse_part_header(Mp2),
+    {Buffer, DataFun2, Callback2}.
+    fun(Next) -> nil_callback(Next) end.
+get_boundary(ContentType) ->
+    {"multipart/" ++ _, Opts} = mochiweb_util:parse_header(ContentType),
+    case proplists:get_value("boundary", Opts) of
+        S when is_list(S) ->
+            S
+    end.
+split_header(<<>>) ->
+    [];
+split_header(Line) ->
+    {Name, [$: | Value]} = lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> C =/= $: end,
+                                           binary_to_list(Line)),
+    [{string:to_lower(string:strip(Name)),
+     mochiweb_util:parse_header(Value)}].
+read_until(#mp{data_fun=DataFun, buffer=Buffer}=Mp, Pattern, Callback) ->
+    case find_in_binary(Pattern, Buffer) of
+    not_found ->
+        Callback2 = Callback(Buffer),
+        {Buffer2, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
+        Buffer3 = iolist_to_binary(Buffer2),
+        read_until(Mp#mp{data_fun=DataFun2,buffer=Buffer3}, Pattern, Callback2);
+    {partial, Skip} ->
+        <<DataChunk:Skip/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+        Callback2 = Callback(DataChunk),
+        {Buffer2, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
+        Buffer3 = iolist_to_binary(Buffer2),
+        read_until(Mp#mp{data_fun=DataFun2,
+                buffer= <<Buffer3/binary, Rest/binary>>}, 
+                Pattern, Callback2);
+    {exact, Skip} ->
+        PatternLen = size(Pattern),
+        <<DataChunk:Skip/binary, _:PatternLen/binary, Rest/binary>> = Buffer,
+        Callback2 = Callback(DataChunk),
+        {Mp#mp{buffer= Rest}, Callback2}
+    end.
+parse_part_header(#mp{callback=UserCallBack}=Mp) ->
+    {Mp2, AccCallback} = read_until(Mp, <<"\r\n\r\n">>,
+            fun(Next) -> acc_callback(Next, []) end),
+    HeaderData = AccCallback(get_data),
+    Headers =
+    lists:foldl(fun(Line, Acc) ->
+            split_header(Line) ++ Acc
+        end, [], re:split(HeaderData,<<"\r\n">>, [])),
+    NextCallback = UserCallBack({headers, Headers}),
+    parse_part_body(Mp2#mp{callback=NextCallback}).
+parse_part_body(#mp{boundary=Prefix, callback=Callback}=Mp) ->
+    {Mp2, WrappedCallback} = read_until(Mp, Prefix,
+            fun(Data) -> body_callback_wrapper(Data, Callback) end),
+    Callback2 = WrappedCallback(get_callback),
+    Callback3 = Callback2(body_end),
+    case check_for_last(Mp2#mp{callback=Callback3}) of
+    {last, #mp{callback=Callback3}=Mp3} ->
+        Mp3#mp{callback=Callback3(eof)};
+    {more, Mp3} ->
+        parse_part_header(Mp3)
+    end.
+acc_callback(get_data, Acc)->
+    iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
+acc_callback(Data, Acc)->
+    fun(Next) -> acc_callback(Next, [Data | Acc]) end.
+body_callback_wrapper(get_callback, Callback) ->
+    Callback;
+body_callback_wrapper(Data, Callback) ->
+    Callback2 = Callback({body, Data}),
+    fun(Next) -> body_callback_wrapper(Next, Callback2) end.
+check_for_last(#mp{buffer=Buffer, data_fun=DataFun}=Mp) ->
+    case Buffer of
+    <<"--",_/binary>> -> {last, Mp};
+    <<_, _, _/binary>> -> {more, Mp};
+    _ -> % not long enough
+        {Data, DataFun2} = DataFun(),
+        check_for_last(Mp#mp{buffer= <<Buffer/binary, Data/binary>>,
+                data_fun = DataFun2})
+    end.
+find_in_binary(B, Data) when size(B) > 0 ->
+    case size(Data) - size(B) of
+        Last when Last < 0 ->
+            partial_find(B, Data, 0, size(Data));
+        Last ->
+            find_in_binary(B, size(B), Data, 0, Last)
+    end.
+find_in_binary(B, BS, D, N, Last) when N =< Last->
+    case D of
+        <<_:N/binary, B:BS/binary, _/binary>> ->
+            {exact, N};
+        _ ->
+            find_in_binary(B, BS, D, 1 + N, Last)
+    end;
+find_in_binary(B, BS, D, N, Last) when N =:= 1 + Last ->
+    partial_find(B, D, N, BS - 1).
+partial_find(_B, _D, _N, 0) ->
+    not_found;
+partial_find(B, D, N, K) ->
+    <<B1:K/binary, _/binary>> = B,
+    case D of
+        <<_Skip:N/binary, B1:K/binary>> ->
+            {partial, N, K};
+        _ ->
+            partial_find(B, D, 1 + N, K - 1)
+    end.

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_db.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
     options = [],
     rev = nil,
     open_revs = [],
-    show = nil
+    show = nil,
+    atts_since = nil
 % Database request handlers
@@ -476,7 +477,7 @@
     case couch_db:purge_docs(Db, IdsRevs2) of
     {ok, PurgeSeq, PurgedIdsRevs} ->
-        PurgedIdsRevs2 = [{Id, couch_doc:rev_to_strs(Revs)} || {Id, Revs} <- PurgedIdsRevs],
+        PurgedIdsRevs2 = [{Id, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(Revs)} || {Id, Revs} <- PurgedIdsRevs],
         send_json(Req, 200, {[{<<"purge_seq">>, PurgeSeq}, {<<"purged">>, {PurgedIdsRevs2}}]});
     Error ->
@@ -507,7 +508,8 @@
     {JsonDocIdRevs} = couch_httpd:json_body_obj(Req),
     JsonDocIdRevs2 = [{Id, [couch_doc:parse_rev(RevStr) || RevStr <- RevStrs]} || {Id, RevStrs} <- JsonDocIdRevs],
     {ok, Results} = couch_db:get_missing_revs(Db, JsonDocIdRevs2),
-    Results2 = [{Id, [couch_doc:rev_to_str(Rev) || Rev <- Revs]} || {Id, Revs} <- Results],
+    io:format("Results:~p~n", [Results]),
+    Results2 = [{Id, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(Revs)} || {Id, Revs, _} <- Results],
     send_json(Req, {[
         {missing_revs, {Results2}}
@@ -515,6 +517,29 @@
 db_req(#httpd{path_parts=[_,<<"_missing_revs">>]}=Req, _Db) ->
     send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST");
+db_req(#httpd{method='POST',path_parts=[_,<<"_revs_diff">>]}=Req, Db) ->
+    {JsonDocIdRevs} = couch_httpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+    JsonDocIdRevs2 = 
+        [{Id, couch_doc:parse_revs(RevStrs)} || {Id, RevStrs} <- JsonDocIdRevs],
+    {ok, Results} = couch_db:get_missing_revs(Db, JsonDocIdRevs2),
+    Results2 = 
+    lists:map(fun({Id, MissingRevs, PossibleAncestors}) ->
+        {Id,
+            {[{missing, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(MissingRevs)}] ++ 
+                if PossibleAncestors == [] ->
+                    [];
+                true -> 
+                    [{possible_ancestors, 
+                        couch_doc:revs_to_strs(PossibleAncestors)}]
+                end}}
+    end, Results),
+    send_json(Req, {[{missing, {Results2}}]});
+db_req(#httpd{path_parts=[_,<<"_revs_diff">>]}=Req, _Db) ->
+    send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST");
         Db) ->
     Admins = couch_httpd:json_body(Req),
@@ -655,9 +680,12 @@
     couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, nil, []),
     case couch_httpd:qs_value(Req, "rev") of
     undefined ->
-        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, {[{<<"_deleted">>,true}]});
+        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, 
+                couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, {[{<<"_deleted">>,true}]}));
     Rev ->
-        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, {[{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b(Rev)},{<<"_deleted">>,true}]})
+        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, 
+                couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, 
+                    {[{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b(Rev)},{<<"_deleted">>,true}]}))
 db_doc_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db, DocId) ->
@@ -665,23 +693,21 @@
         show = Format,
         rev = Rev,
         open_revs = Revs,
-        options = Options
+        options = Options,
+        atts_since = AttsSince
     } = parse_doc_query(Req),
     case Format of
     nil ->
         case Revs of
         [] ->
             Doc = couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, Rev, Options),
-            DiskEtag = couch_httpd:doc_etag(Doc),
-            case Doc#doc.meta of
-            [] ->
-                % output etag only when we have no meta
-                couch_httpd:etag_respond(Req, DiskEtag, fun() -> 
-                    send_json(Req, 200, [{"Etag", DiskEtag}], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
-                end);
-            _ ->
-                send_json(Req, 200, [], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
-            end;
+            Options2 =
+            if AttsSince /= nil ->
+                RevPos = find_ancestor_rev_pos(Doc#doc.revs, AttsSince),
+                [{atts_after_revpos, RevPos} | Options];
+            true -> Options
+            end,
+            send_doc(Req, Doc, Options2);
         _ ->
             {ok, Results} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, Revs, Options),
             {ok, Resp} = start_json_response(Req, 200),
@@ -713,7 +739,7 @@
 db_doc_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db, DocId) ->
-    case couch_httpd:header_value(Req, "content-type") of
+    case couch_httpd:header_value(Req, "Content-Type") of
     "multipart/form-data" ++  _Rest ->
     _Else ->
@@ -756,27 +782,38 @@
 db_doc_req(#httpd{method='PUT'}=Req, Db, DocId) ->
-    Json = couch_httpd:json_body(Req),
-    case couch_httpd:qs_value(Req, "batch") of
-    "ok" ->
-        % batch
-        Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, Json),
+    Loc = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ ?b2l( ++ "/" ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
+    RespHeaders = [{"Location", Loc}],
+    case couch_httpd:header_value(Req, "content-type") of
+    ("multipart/related" ++  _Rest) = ContentType->
+        io:format("Huh!~n"),
+        Doc0 = couch_doc:doc_from_multi_part_stream(ContentType,
+                fun() -> receive_request_data(Req) end),
+        Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, Doc0),
+        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc, RespHeaders);
+    _ ->
+        case couch_httpd:qs_value(Req, "batch") of
+        "ok" ->
+            % batch
+            Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, couch_httpd:json_body(Req)),
-        spawn(fun() ->
-                case catch(couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, [])) of
-                {ok, _} -> ok;
-                Error ->
-                    ?LOG_INFO("Batch doc error (~s): ~p",[DocId, Error])
-                end
-            end),
-        send_json(Req, 202, [], {[
-            {ok, true},
-            {id, DocId}
-        ]});
-    _Normal ->
-        % normal
-        Location = absolute_uri(Req, "/" ++ ?b2l( ++ "/" ++ ?b2l(DocId)),
-        update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Json, [{"Location", Location}])
+            spawn(fun() ->
+                    case catch(couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, [])) of
+                    {ok, _} -> ok;
+                    Error ->
+                        ?LOG_INFO("Batch doc error (~s): ~p",[DocId, Error])
+                    end
+                end),
+            send_json(Req, 202, [], {[
+                {ok, true},
+                {id, DocId}
+            ]});
+        _Normal ->
+            % normal
+            Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, couch_httpd:json_body(Req)),
+            update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc, RespHeaders)
+        end
 db_doc_req(#httpd{method='COPY'}=Req, Db, SourceDocId) ->
@@ -799,7 +836,66 @@
 db_doc_req(Req, _Db, _DocId) ->
     send_method_not_allowed(Req, "DELETE,GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,COPY").
+find_ancestor_rev_pos({_, []}, _AttsSinceRevs) ->
+    0;
+find_ancestor_rev_pos(_DocRevs, []) ->
+    0;
+find_ancestor_rev_pos({RevPos, [RevId|Rest]}, AttsSinceRevs) ->
+    case lists:member({RevPos, RevId}, AttsSinceRevs) of
+    true ->
+        RevPos;
+    false ->
+        find_ancestor_rev_pos({RevPos - 1, Rest}, AttsSinceRevs)
+    end.
+send_doc(Req, Doc, Options) ->
+    case Doc#doc.meta of
+    [] ->
+        DiskEtag = couch_httpd:doc_etag(Doc),
+        % output etag only when we have no meta
+        couch_httpd:etag_respond(Req, DiskEtag, fun() -> 
+            send_doc_efficiently(Req, Doc, [{"Etag", DiskEtag}], Options)
+        end);
+    _ ->
+        send_doc_efficiently(Req, Doc, [], Options)
+    end.
+send_doc_efficiently(Req, #doc{atts=[]}=Doc, Headers, Options) ->
+        send_json(Req, 200, Headers, couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options));
+send_doc_efficiently(Req, #doc{atts=Atts}=Doc, Headers, Options) ->
+    case lists:member(attachments, Options) orelse 
+        proplists:is_defined(atts_after_revpos, Options) of
+    true ->
+        AcceptedTypes = case couch_httpd:header_value(Req, "Accept") of
+            undefined       -> [];
+            AcceptHeader    -> string:tokens(AcceptHeader, ", ")
+        end,
+        case lists:member(AcceptedTypes, "multipart/related") of
+        false ->
+            send_json(Req, 200, [], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options));
+        true ->
+            Boundary = couch_uuids:random(),
+            JsonBytes = ?JSON_ENCODE(couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options)),
+            AttsSinceRevPos = proplists:get_value(atts_after_revpos, Options, 0),
+            Len = couch_doc:len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary,JsonBytes,Atts,
+                    AttsSinceRevPos),
+            CType = {<<"content-type">>, 
+                    <<"multipart/related; boundary=", Boundary/binary>>},
+            Resp = start_response_length(Req, 200, [CType | Headers], Len),
+            couch_doc:doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary,JsonBytes,Atts,
+                    AttsSinceRevPos,
+                    fun(Data) -> couch_httpd:send(Resp, Data) end)
+        end;
+    false ->
+        send_json(Req, 200, [], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options))
+    end.
+receive_request_data(Req) ->
+    {couch_httpd:recv(Req, 0), fun() -> receive_request_data(Req) end}.
 update_doc_result_to_json({{Id, Rev}, Error}) ->
         {_Code, Err, Msg} = couch_httpd:error_info(Error),
         {[{id, Id}, {rev, couch_doc:rev_to_str(Rev)},
@@ -814,12 +910,10 @@
     {[{id, DocId}, {error, ErrorStr}, {reason, Reason}]}.
-update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Json) ->
-    update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Json, []).
-update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Json, Headers) ->
-    #doc{deleted=Deleted} = Doc = couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, Json),
+update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc) ->
+    update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, Doc, []).
+update_doc(Req, Db, DocId, #doc{deleted=Deleted}=Doc, Headers) ->
     case couch_httpd:header_value(Req, "X-Couch-Full-Commit") of
     "true" ->
         Options = [full_commit];
@@ -837,21 +931,22 @@
             {id, DocId},
             {rev, NewRevStr}]}).
-couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, Json) ->
-    Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(Json),
+couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, #doc{revs=Revs}=Doc) ->
     ExplicitDocRev =
-    case Doc#doc.revs of
+    case Revs of
         {Start,[RevId|_]} -> {Start, RevId};
         _ -> undefined
     case extract_header_rev(Req, ExplicitDocRev) of
     missing_rev ->
-        Revs = {0, []};
+        Revs2 = {0, []};
     {Pos, Rev} ->
-        Revs = {Pos, [Rev]}
+        Revs2 = {Pos, [Rev]}
-    Doc#doc{id=DocId, revs=Revs}.
+    Doc#doc{id=DocId, revs=Revs2};
+couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, Json) ->
+    couch_doc_from_req(Req, DocId, couch_doc:from_json_obj(Json)).
 % Useful for debugging
@@ -1034,7 +1129,10 @@
         {"open_revs", RevsJsonStr} ->
             JsonArray = ?JSON_DECODE(RevsJsonStr),
-            Args#doc_query_args{open_revs=[couch_doc:parse_rev(Rev) || Rev <- JsonArray]};
+            Args#doc_query_args{open_revs=couch_doc:parse_revs(JsonArray)};
+        {"atts_since", RevsJsonStr} ->
+            JsonArray = ?JSON_DECODE(RevsJsonStr),
+            Args#doc_query_args{atts_since = couch_doc:parse_revs(JsonArray)};
         {"show", FormatStr} ->
         _Else -> % unknown key value pair, ignore.

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_missing_revs.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_missing_revs.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_missing_revs.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
     SeqDict = changes_dictionary(Changes),
     {[{<<"seq">>, HighSeq}, _, _]} = lists:last(Changes),
     {ok, Results} = couch_db:get_missing_revs(Target, IdRevsList),
-    {HighSeq, [{Id, dict:fetch(Id, SeqDict), Revs} || {Id, Revs} <- Results]}.
+    {HighSeq, [{Id, dict:fetch(Id, SeqDict), Revs} || {Id, Revs, _} <- Results]}.
 changes_dictionary(ChangeList) ->
     KVs = [{proplists:get_value(<<"id">>,C), proplists:get_value(<<"seq">>,C)}

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_reader.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_reader.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_rep_reader.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
     BaseLength = length(couch_rep_httpc:full_url(BaseReq)) + 11, % &open_revs=
     {RevLists, _, _} = lists:foldl(fun split_revlist/2,
-        {[[]], BaseLength, BaseLength}, couch_doc:rev_to_strs(Revs)),
+        {[[]], BaseLength, BaseLength}, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(Revs)),
     Requests = [BaseReq#http_db{
         qs = [{open_revs, ?JSON_ENCODE(RevList)} | BaseQS]

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_multipart.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_multipart.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_multipart.erl Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 get_boundary(ContentType) ->
-    {"multipart/form-data", Opts} = mochiweb_util:parse_header(ContentType),
+    {"multipart/" ++ _, Opts} = mochiweb_util:parse_header(ContentType),
     case proplists:get_value("boundary", Opts) of
         S when is_list(S) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/test/etap/031-doc-to-json.t
--- couchdb/trunk/test/etap/031-doc-to-json.t (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/test/etap/031-doc-to-json.t Fri Nov 13 20:38:45 2009
@@ -114,13 +114,15 @@
                     name = <<"big.xml">>, 
                     type = <<"xml/sucks">>, 
-                    data = fun() -> ok end, 
+                    data = fun() -> ok end,
+                    revpov = 1,
                     len = 400
                     name = <<"fast.json">>, 
                     type = <<"json/ftw">>, 
                     data = <<"{\"so\": \"there!\"}">>,
+                    revpos = 1,
                     len = 16
@@ -128,16 +130,16 @@
                 {<<"_id">>, <<>>},
                 {<<"_attachments">>, {[
                     {<<"big.xml">>, {[
-                        {<<"stub">>, true},
                         {<<"content_type">>, <<"xml/sucks">>},
+                        {<<"revpos">>, 1},
                         {<<"length">>, 400},
-                        {<<"revpos">>, 0}
+                        {<<"stub">>, true}
                     {<<"fast.json">>, {[
-                        {<<"stub">>, true},
                         {<<"content_type">>, <<"json/ftw">>},
+                        {<<"revpos">>, 1},
                         {<<"length">>, 16},
-                        {<<"revpos">>, 0}
+                        {<<"stub">>, true}
@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@
                     name = <<"stuff.txt">>,
                     type = <<"text/plain">>,
                     data = fun() -> <<"diet pepsi">> end,
+                    revpos = 1
                     len = 10
@@ -163,12 +166,12 @@
                 {<<"_attachments">>, {[
                     {<<"stuff.txt">>, {[
                         {<<"content_type">>, <<"text/plain">>},
-                        {<<"revpos">>, 0},
+                        {<<"revpos">>, 1},
                         {<<"data">>, <<"ZGlldCBwZXBzaQ==">>}
                     {<<"">>, {[
                         {<<"content_type">>, <<"application/food">>},
-                        {<<"revpos">>, 0},
+                        {<<"revpos">>, 1},
                         {<<"data">>, <<"c2FtbWljaA==">>}