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svn commit: r1334278 - /lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/

Author: vajda
Date: Sat May  5 00:45:05 2012
New Revision: 1334278

added (Thomas Koch)

    lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/   (with props)

Added: lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/
--- lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/ (added)
+++ lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/ Sat May  5 00:45:05 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# ====================================================================
+#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#   limitations under the License.
+# ====================================================================
+# Author: Thomas Koch
+# - a simple Facet example for PyLucene
+#   (based on the Java counterpart from
+#    package org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple)
+# ====================================================================
+usage = """
+  usage: python [index | simple | drilldown]
+  where
+    'index' => create index for faceted search
+    'simple'  => run simple faceted search
+    'drilldown' => run faceted search with drilldown
+import os, sys, lucene
+from lucene import FSDirectory, SimpleFSDirectory, Document, Field,\
+    IndexWriter, IndexSearcher, IndexReader, IndexWriterConfig, \
+    WhitespaceAnalyzer, StandardAnalyzer, \
+    MatchAllDocsQuery, Sort, SortField, DecimalFormat, System, File, \
+    TopFieldCollector, QueryParser, Version, BooleanQuery, BooleanClause, \
+    DirectoryTaxonomyWriter, DirectoryTaxonomyReader, \
+    CategoryDocumentBuilder, CategoryPath
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# SimpleUtils:
+# Documents title field
+TITLE = "title"
+TEXT = "text";
+docTexts = [
+    "the white car is the one I want.",
+    "the white dog does not belong to anyone.",
+# sample documents titles (for the title field).
+docTitles = [
+    "white car",  # doc nr.0
+    "white dog",  # doc nr.1
+# Categories: categories[D][N] == category-path no. N for document no. D.
+categories = [
+    [["root","a","f1"], ["root","a","f2"]], # doc nr.0
+    [["root","a","f1"], ["root","a","f3"]]  # doc nr.1
+def createCategoryPath(strList):
+    """create CategoryPath and initialize with categories
+     from given string list (python helper method)
+     """
+    cp = CategoryPath()
+    for s in strList:
+        cp.add(s)
+    return cp
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# port of org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple from java to python
+# Sample indexer creates an index, and adds to it sample documents and facets.
+class SimpleIndexer(object):
+    def index (cls, indexDir, taxoDir):
+        """Create an index, and adds to it sample documents and facets.
+        indexDir Directory in which the index should be created.
+        taxoDir Directory in which the taxonomy index should be created.
+        """
+        # create and open an index writer
+        ver = lucene.Version.LUCENE_35
+        config = IndexWriterConfig(ver, WhitespaceAnalyzer(ver))
+        config.setOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE)
+        iw = IndexWriter(indexDir, config)
+        # create and open a taxonomy writer
+        taxo = DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE)
+        # loop over sample documents
+        nDocsAdded = 0
+        nFacetsAdded = 0
+        for docNum in range(len(docTexts)):
+            # obtain the sample facets for current document
+            facets = categories[docNum]
+            facetList = [ createCategoryPath(f) for f in facets]
+            # NOTE: setCategoryPaths() requires an Iterable, so need to convert the
+            #       Python list in order to to pass a proper argument to setCategoryPaths.
+            #       We use java.util.Arrays (via JCC) to create a Java List.
+            # see
+            facetList = lucene.Arrays.asList(facetList)
+            # NOTE: we could use lucene.collections here as well in order to convert our
+            # Python list to a Java based list using the JavaList class (JavaList implements
+            # java.util.List around a Python list instance it wraps):
+            #  from lucene.collections import JavaList
+            #  facetList = JavaList(facetList)
+            # we do not alter indexing parameters
+            # a category document builder will add the categories to a document once build() is called
+            categoryDocBuilder = CategoryDocumentBuilder(taxo).setCategoryPaths(facetList)
+            # create a plain Lucene document and add some regular Lucene fields to it
+            doc = Document()
+            doc.add(Field(TITLE, docTitles[docNum], Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED))
+            doc.add(Field(TEXT, docTexts[docNum], Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED))
+            # invoke the category document builder for adding categories to the document and,
+            # as required, to the taxonomy index
+            # finally add the document to the index
+            iw.addDocument(doc)
+            nDocsAdded +=1
+            nFacetsAdded += facetList.size()
+        # end for
+        # commit changes.
+        # we commit changes to the taxonomy index prior to committing them to the search index.
+        # this is important, so that all facets referred to by documents in the search index
+        # will indeed exist in the taxonomy index.
+        taxo.commit()
+        iw.commit()
+        # close the taxonomy index and the index - all modifications are
+        # now safely in the provided directories: indexDir and taxoDir.
+        taxo.close()
+        iw.close()
+        print "Indexed %d documents with overall %d facets." % (nDocsAdded,nFacetsAdded)
+    index = classmethod(index)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# port of org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple from java to python
+# SimpleSearcer searches index with facets.
+from lucene import (Query, Term, TermQuery, TopScoreDocCollector,
+                    MultiCollector,
+                    DefaultFacetIndexingParams, FacetIndexingParams,
+                    DrillDown, FacetsCollector, CountFacetRequest,
+                    FacetRequest, FacetSearchParams,FacetResult,
+                    FacetResultNode)
+class SimpleSearcher(object):
+    def searchWithFacets(cls, indexReader, taxoReader):
+        """
+        Search an index with facets.
+        returns a List<FacetResult>
+        """
+        facetRequest = CountFacetRequest(createCategoryPath(["root","a"]), 10)
+        return cls.searchWithRequest(indexReader, taxoReader, None, facetRequest)
+    def searchWithRequest(cls, indexReader, taxoReader, indexingParams, facetRequest):
+        """
+        Search an index with facets for given facet requests.
+        returns a List<FacetResult>
+        """
+        query = TermQuery(Term(TEXT, "white"))
+        return cls.searchWithRequestAndQuery(query, indexReader, taxoReader,
+                                         indexingParams, facetRequest)
+    def searchWithRequestAndQuery(cls, query, indexReader, taxoReader,
+                                  indexingParams, facetRequest):
+        """
+        Search an index with facets for given query and facet requests.
+        returns a List<FacetResult>
+        """
+        # prepare searcher to search against
+        searcher = IndexSearcher(indexReader)
+        # collect matching documents into a collector
+        topDocsCollector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(10, True)
+        if not indexingParams:
+            indexingParams = DefaultFacetIndexingParams()
+        # Faceted search parameters indicate which facets are we interested in
+        facetSearchParams = FacetSearchParams(indexingParams)
+        # Add the facet request of interest to the search params
+        facetSearchParams.addFacetRequest(facetRequest)
+        facetsCollector = FacetsCollector(facetSearchParams, indexReader, taxoReader)
+        # perform documents search and facets accumulation
+, MultiCollector.wrap([topDocsCollector, facetsCollector]))
+        # Obtain facets results and print them
+        res = facetsCollector.getFacetResults()
+        i = 0
+        for facetResult in res:
+            print "Result #%d has %d descendants" % (i, facetResult.getNumValidDescendants())
+            print "Result #%d : %s" % (i, facetResult)
+            i += 1
+        return res
+    def searchWithDrillDown(cls, indexReader, taxoReader):
+        """
+        Search an index with facets drill-down.
+        returns a List<FacetResult>
+        """
+        # base query the user is interested in
+        baseQuery = TermQuery(Term(TEXT, "white"))
+        # facet of interest
+        facetRequest = CountFacetRequest(createCategoryPath(["root","a"]), 10)
+        # initial search - all docs matching the base query will contribute to the accumulation
+        res1 = cls.searchWithRequest(indexReader, taxoReader, None, facetRequest)
+        # a single result (because there was a single request)
+        fres = res1.get(0)
+        # assume the user is interested in the second sub-result
+        # (just take the second sub-result returned by the iterator - we know there are 3 results!)
+        subResults = fres.getFacetResultNode().getSubResults()
+        # NOTE: .getSubResults() yields an "Iterable<? extends FacetResultNode>:"
+        #  the elements of this iterator are of type Object and need to be casted to
+        #  FacetResultNode by calling FacetResultNode.cast_(obj) first
+        resIterator = subResults.iterator()
+ # skip first result
+        resultNode =
+        resultNode = FacetResultNode.cast_(resultNode)
+        categoryOfInterest = resultNode.getLabel()
+        # drill-down preparation: turn the base query into a drill-down query for the category of interest
+        query2 = DrillDown.query(baseQuery, [categoryOfInterest,])
+        # that's it - search with the new query and we're done!
+        # only documents both matching the base query AND containing the
+        # category of interest will contribute to the new accumulation
+        return cls.searchWithRequestAndQuery(query2, indexReader, taxoReader,
+                                             None, facetRequest)
+    searchWithFacets = classmethod(searchWithFacets)
+    searchWithRequest = classmethod(searchWithRequest)
+    searchWithRequestAndQuery = classmethod(searchWithRequestAndQuery)
+    searchWithDrillDown = classmethod(searchWithDrillDown)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class FacetExample(object):
+    def __init__(self, directory):
+ = directory
+        # create Directories for the search index and for the taxonomy index
+        # in RAM or on Disc
+        #indexDir = RAMDirectory()
+        #taxoDir = RAMDirectory()
+        self.indexDir =,'Index')))
+        self.taxoDir =,'Taxonomy')))
+    def createIndex(self):
+        # index the sample documents
+        SimpleIndexer.index(self.indexDir, self.taxoDir)
+    def runSimple(self):
+        # open readers
+        taxo = DirectoryTaxonomyReader(self.taxoDir)
+        indexReader =, True)
+        # returns List<FacetResult>
+        facetRes = SimpleSearcher.searchWithFacets(indexReader, taxo)
+        # close readers
+        taxo.close()
+        indexReader.close()
+        # return result
+        return facetRes
+    def runDrillDown(self):
+        # open readers
+        taxo = DirectoryTaxonomyReader(self.taxoDir)
+        indexReader =, True)
+        facetRes = SimpleSearcher.searchWithDrillDown(indexReader, taxo)
+        # close readers
+        taxo.close()
+        indexReader.close()
+        # return result
+        return facetRes
+    def main(cls, argv):
+        baseDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(argv[0]))
+        if len(argv) > 1:
+            index = simple = drilldown = False
+            for arg in argv[1:]:
+                if arg == "index":
+                    index = True
+                elif arg == "simple":
+                    simple = True
+                elif arg == "drilldown":
+                    drilldown = True
+                else:
+                    sys.exit(usage+"\nunknown argument: %s" % arg)
+        else:
+            index = simple = True
+            drilldown = False
+        example = FacetExample(baseDir)
+        if index:
+            example.createIndex()
+        if simple:
+            example.runSimple()
+        if drilldown:
+            example.runDrillDown()
+    main = classmethod(main)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    lucene.initVM()
+    FacetExample.main(sys.argv)

Propchange: lucene/pylucene/branches/branch_3x/samples/
    svn:eol-style = native

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    svn:mime-type = text/plain