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Posted to by on 2016/12/09 08:26:20 UTC

svn commit: r1773334 [1/3] - in /openmeetings/application/branches: 3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/base/components/lps/ 3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/ 3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference...

Author: solomax
Date: Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
New Revision: 1773334

no jira: code clean-up


Modified: openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/base/components/lps/colorpicker.lzx
--- openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/base/components/lps/colorpicker.lzx (original)
+++ openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/base/components/lps/colorpicker.lzx Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
@@ -19,330 +19,317 @@
-      changed by swagner
+	  changed by swagner
 <class name="colorSlider" extends="slider" x="4"
-    minvalue="1" maxvalue="240" 
-    trackheight="4" thumbheight="12"
-    showrange="false" showvalue="true">
-    <attribute name="doSendValueEvent" value="false" type="boolean" />
-    <handler name="onvalue">
-        if (this.doSendValueEvent) { 
-            classroot.updateColor();
-        } else {
-            this.doSendValueEvent=true;
-        }
-    </handler>
+	minvalue="1" maxvalue="240" 
+	trackheight="4" thumbheight="12"
+	showrange="false" showvalue="true">
+	<attribute name="doSendValueEvent" value="false" type="boolean" />
+	<handler name="onvalue">
+		if (this.doSendValueEvent) { 
+			classroot.updateColor();
+		} else {
+			this.doSendValueEvent=true;
+		}
+	</handler>
 <class name="colorPot" width="13" height="13" onmouseout="">
-    <attribute name="mycolor" type="color" value="0x000000"/>
-    <attribute name="mycolorString" type="string" value="0x000000"/>
-    <attribute name="listener" type="expression"/>
-    <handler name="onmouseover">
-        this.setAttribute('mycolorString',this.parent.parent.parent.numberToRGB(this.mycolor));
-    </handler>
-    <handler name="onclick">
-        listener.changeColor(this.mycolor);
-        listener.close();
-    </handler>
-    <handler name="ondblclick">
-        listener.changeColor(this.mycolor);
-        listener.close();
-    </handler>    
-    <labelTooltip text="${ parent.mycolorString }" />
-    <view bgcolor="#444444" width="13" height="13" >
-        <view bgcolor="${classroot.mycolor}"  x="1" y="1" width="11" height="11"/>
-    </view>
+	<attribute name="mycolor" type="color" value="0x000000"/>
+	<attribute name="mycolorString" type="string" value="0x000000"/>
+	<attribute name="listener" type="expression"/>
+	<handler name="onmouseover">
+		this.setAttribute('mycolorString',this.parent.parent.parent.numberToRGB(this.mycolor));
+	</handler>
+	<handler name="onclick">
+		listener.changeColor(this.mycolor);
+		listener.close();
+	</handler>
+	<handler name="ondblclick">
+		listener.changeColor(this.mycolor);
+		listener.close();
+	</handler>	
+	<labelTooltip text="${ parent.mycolorString }" />
+	<view bgcolor="#444444" width="13" height="13" >
+		<view bgcolor="${classroot.mycolor}"  x="1" y="1" width="11" height="11"/>
+	</view>
 <class name="colorRow" layout="axis:x;spacing:-1" />
 <class name="colorpicker" extends="guiPresenter" labelid="425" isdragable="false" 
-    minimizable="false" maximizable="false" fullToolBar="true" 
-    resizeable="false" width="250" height="154" >
-    <attribute name="btnRef" value="null" />
-    <attribute name="selectedColor" type="number" value="0x00aeef"/>
-    <handler name="onclose">
-    	lz.ModeManager.release(this);
-        this.btnRef.closedColorPicker();
-        this.btnRef.setAttribute('selectedColor', this.selectedColor);
-        this.btnRef.setTransformedStringColor();        
-    </handler>
-    <!--- @keywords private -->
-    <method name="passModeEvent" args="eventStr,view" > 
-        <![CDATA[
-           if ( eventStr == "onmousedown"  ){
-               if ( view != null ) {
-                  if ( !view.childOf(this) ) {
-                       this.close();
-                  }
-               } else {
-                   this.close();
-               }
-           }
-           if (view && view.childOf(this)) {
-               if (view[ eventStr ]) {
-                   view[ eventStr ].sendEvent( view );
-               }
-               return false;
-           }
-          return true;
-       ]]> 
-    </method>  
-    <method name="doDefaultColor" args="c">
-        <![CDATA[            
-            var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
-            var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
-            var b = c & 0xff;
-            ////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
-            var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
-            ////Debug.write("doDefaultColor ",hsl);
-            this.updateSlidersByValue(hsl);
-            var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
-            var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
-            this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
-        ]]>    
-    </method>  
-    <method name="updateColor" >
-        <![CDATA[
-            ////Debug.write("updateColor ");
-            var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
-            var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
-            this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
-        ]]>
-    </method>
-    <method name="changeColor" args="c">
-        <![CDATA[
-            ////Debug.write("changeColor ");
-            this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
-            var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
-            var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
-            var b = c & 0xff;
-            var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
-            this.updateSlidersByValue(hsl);
-        ]]>
-    </method>
-    <method name="updateSlidersByValue" args="hsl">
-        s_hue.doSendValueEvent=false;
-        s_hue.setValue(hsl.h);
-        s_bri.doSendValueEvent=false;
-        s_bri.setValue(hsl.l);
-        s_sat.doSendValueEvent=false;
-        s_sat.setValue(hsl.s);        
-    </method>
-    <method name="numberToRGB" args="thisC">
-        <![CDATA[            
-            var c = thisC.getRGB();
-            var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
-            var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
-            var b = c & 0xff;
-            ////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
-            var HEX_R = r.toString(16).toUpperCase();
-            var HEX_G = g.toString(16).toUpperCase();
-            var HEX_B = b.toString(16).toUpperCase();
-            if (HEX_R.length < 2) {
-                HEX_R = "0"+HEX_R;
-            }
-            if (HEX_G.length < 2) {
-                HEX_G = "0"+HEX_G;
-            }
-            if (HEX_B.length < 2) {
-                HEX_B = "0"+HEX_B;
-            }
-            var hex = "0x"+HEX_R + HEX_G + HEX_B;
-            return hex;
-        ]]>
-    </method>
-    <method name="RGBtoHLS" args="r,g,b">
-        <![CDATA[
-            var h,l,s;
-            var max = (Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b))/255;
-            var min = (Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b))/255;
-            var delta = max-min;
-            l = (max+min)/2;
-            s = (max == min) ? 0 : ((l <= 0.5) ? delta/l/2 : delta/(2-l*2));
-            if(r/255 == max) h = (g-b)/delta/255;
-            else if(g/255 == max) h = 2+(b-r)/delta/255;
-            else if(b/255 == max) h = 4+(r-g)/delta/255;
-            h *= 40;
-            if(h < 0) h += 240;
-            h = Math.round(h);
-            return {h:((isNaN(h)) ? 0 : h), l:Math.round(l*240), s:Math.round(s*240)};
-        ]]>
-    </method>
-    <method name="HLStoRGB" args="h,l,s">
-        <![CDATA[
-            var r,g,b;
-            if(s == 0) {
-                r = g = b = Math.round(l/240*255);
-            } else {
-                h /= 240; l /= 240; s /= 240;
-                var temp4,temp3;
-                var temp2 = (l < 0.5) ? l*(s+1) : l+s-l*s;
-                var temp1 = l*2 - temp2;
-                for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
-                    switch(i) {
-                        case 0: temp3 = h+1/3; break;
-                        case 1: temp3 = h; break;
-                        case 2: temp3 = h-1/3; break;
-                    }
-                    if(temp3 < 0) temp3++;
-                    else if(temp3 > 1) temp3--;
-                    if(temp3*6 < 1) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6*temp3;
-                    else if(temp3*2 < 1) temp4 = temp2;
-                    else if(temp3*3 < 2) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2/3)-temp3)*6;
-                    else temp4 = temp1;
-                    switch(i) {
-                        case 0: r = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
-                        case 1: g = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
-                        case 2: b = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return {r:r, g:g, b:b};
-        ]]>
-    </method>
-    <text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_hue.width + classroot.s_hue.x}"
-          y="$once{classroot.s_hue.y - 4}" text="HUE" width="26"/>
-    <colorSlider name="s_hue" y="102" />
-    <text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_bri.width + classroot.s_bri.x}"
-          y="$once{classroot.s_bri.y - 4}" text="BRI" />
-    <colorSlider name="s_bri" y="120" />
-    <text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_sat.width + classroot.s_sat.x}"
-          y="$once{classroot.s_sat.y - 4}" text="SAT" />
-    <colorSlider name="s_sat" y="138" />  
-    <!-- current color -->
-    <view name="c2" bgcolor="black" width="30" height="66" y="24" x="206">
-        <view name="current" x="1" y="1" bgcolor="${classroot.selectedColor}" 
-            width="$once{parent.width -2}" height="$once{parent.height -2}" />
-    </view>
-    <!-- default colors -->
-    <view x="4" y="26" layout="axis:y;spacing:-1" >
-        <colorRow>
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff0000" mycolorString="0xFF0000" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffff00" mycolorString="0xFFFF00" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ff00" mycolorString="0x00FF00" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ffff" mycolorString="0x00FFFF" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#0000ff" mycolorString="0x0000FF" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff00ff" mycolorString="0xFF00Ff" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffffff" mycolorString="0xFFFFFF" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ebebeb" mycolorString="0xEBEBEB" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#e1e1e1" mycolorString="0xE1E1E1" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#d7d7d7" mycolorString="0xD7D7D7" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#cccccc" mycolorString="0xCCCCCC" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c2c2c2" mycolorString="0xC2C2C2" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#b7b7b7" mycolorString="0xB7B7B7" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#acacac" mycolorString="0xACACAC" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a0a0a0" mycolorString="0xA0A0A0" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#959595" mycolorString="0x959595" />
-        </colorRow>
-        <colorRow>
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ee1d24" mycolorString="0xEE1D24" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff100" mycolorString="0xFFF100" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00a650" mycolorString="0x00A650" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00aeef" mycolorString="0x00AEEF" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#2f3192" mycolorString="0x2F3192" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ed008c" mycolorString="0xED008C" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#898989" mycolorString="0x898989" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7d7d7d" mycolorString="0x7D7D7D" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#707070" mycolorString="0x707070" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#626262" mycolorString="0x626262" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#555555" mycolorString="0x555555" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#464646" mycolorString="0x464646" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#363636" mycolorString="0x363636" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#262626" mycolorString="0x262626" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#111111" mycolorString="0x111111" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#000000" mycolorString="0x000000" />
-        </colorRow>
-        <colorRow>
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f7977a" mycolorString="0xF7977A" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fbad82" mycolorString="0xFBAD82" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fdc68c" mycolorString="0xFDC68C" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff799" mycolorString="0xFFF799" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c6df9c" mycolorString="0xC6DF9C" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a4d49d" mycolorString="0xA4D49D" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#81ca9d" mycolorString="0x81CA9D" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7bcdc9" mycolorString="0x7bcdc9" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#6ccff7" mycolorString="0x6CCFF7" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7ca6d8" mycolorString="0x7CA6D8" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8293ca" mycolorString="0x8293CA" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8881be" mycolorString="0x8881BE" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a286bd" mycolorString="0xA286BD" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#bc8cbf" mycolorString="0xBC8CBf" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f49bc1" mycolorString="0xF49BC1" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f5999d" mycolorString="0xf5999d" />
-        </colorRow>
-        <colorRow>
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f16c4d" mycolorString="0xF16C4D" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f68e54" mycolorString="0xF68E54" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fbaf5a" mycolorString="0xFBAF5A" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff467" mycolorString="0xFFF467" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#acd372" mycolorString="0xACD372" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7dc473" mycolorString="0x7DC473" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#39b778" mycolorString="0x39B778" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#16bcb4" mycolorString="0x16BCB4" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00bff3" mycolorString="0x00BFF3" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#438ccb" mycolorString="0x438CCB" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#5573b7" mycolorString="0x5573B7" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#5e5ca7" mycolorString="0x5E5CA7" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#855FA8" mycolorString="0x855FA8" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a763a9" mycolorString="0xA763A9" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ef6ea8" mycolorString="0xEf6EA8" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f16d7e" mycolorString="0xF16D7E" />
-        </colorRow>
-        <colorRow>
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#9a8575" mycolorString="0x9A8575" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#726357" mycolorString="0x726357" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#524842" mycolorString="0x524842" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#362f2c" mycolorString="0x362F2C" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c69c6d" mycolorString="0xC69C6D" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a77c50" mycolorString="0xA77C50" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8c623a" mycolorString="0x8C623A" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#744b24" mycolorString="0x744B24" />
-            <colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#613813" mycolorString="0x613813" />
-        </colorRow>
-    </view>
+		minimizable="false" maximizable="false" fullToolBar="true" 
+		resizeable="false" width="250" height="154" >
+	<attribute name="btnRef" value="null" />
+	<attribute name="selectedColor" type="number" value="0x00aeef"/>
+	<handler name="onclose">
+		lz.ModeManager.release(this);
+		this.btnRef.closedColorPicker();
+		this.btnRef.setAttribute('selectedColor', this.selectedColor);
+		this.btnRef.setTransformedStringColor();		
+	</handler>
+	<!--- @keywords private -->
+	<method name="passModeEvent" args="eventStr,view" > 
+	<![CDATA[
+		if ( eventStr == "onmousedown"  ){
+			if ( view != null ) {
+				if ( !view.childOf(this) ) {
+					this.close();
+				}
+			} else {
+				this.close();
+			}
+		}
+		if (view && view.childOf(this)) {
+			if (view[ eventStr ]) {
+				view[ eventStr ].sendEvent( view );
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+		return true;
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="doDefaultColor" args="c">
+	<![CDATA[			
+		var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
+		var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
+		var b = c & 0xff;
+		////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
+		var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
+		////Debug.write("doDefaultColor ",hsl);
+		this.updateSlidersByValue(hsl);
+		var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
+		var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
+		this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="updateColor" >
+		<![CDATA[
+			////Debug.write("updateColor ");
+			var rgb = HLStoRGB(s_hue.value, s_bri.value, s_sat.value);
+			var c = rgb.r << 16 | rgb.g << 8 | rgb.b
+			this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
+		]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="changeColor" args="c">
+	<![CDATA[
+		////Debug.write("changeColor ");
+		this.setAttribute('selectedColor', c);
+		var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
+		var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
+		var b = c & 0xff;
+		var hsl = RGBtoHLS(r,g,b);
+		this.updateSlidersByValue(hsl);
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="updateSlidersByValue" args="hsl">
+		s_hue.doSendValueEvent=false;
+		s_hue.setValue(hsl.h);
+		s_bri.doSendValueEvent=false;
+		s_bri.setValue(hsl.l);
+		s_sat.doSendValueEvent=false;
+		s_sat.setValue(hsl.s);
+	</method>
+	<method name="numberToRGB" args="c">
+	<![CDATA[
+		//if ($debug) Debug.write("numberToRGB 1", c);
+		var r = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
+		var g = (c >> 8) &  0xff;
+		var b = c & 0xff;
+		////Debug.write("r g b: ",r,g,b);
+		var HEX_R = r.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+		var HEX_G = g.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+		var HEX_B = b.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+		if (HEX_R.length < 2) {
+			HEX_R = "0"+HEX_R;
+		}
+		if (HEX_G.length < 2) {
+			HEX_G = "0"+HEX_G;
+		}
+		if (HEX_B.length < 2) {
+			HEX_B = "0"+HEX_B;
+		}
+		var hex = "0x"+HEX_R + HEX_G + HEX_B;
+		return hex;
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="RGBtoHLS" args="r,g,b">
+	<![CDATA[
+		var h,l,s;
+		var max = (Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b))/255;
+		var min = (Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b))/255;
+		var delta = max-min;
+		l = (max+min)/2;
+		s = (max == min) ? 0 : ((l <= 0.5) ? delta/l/2 : delta/(2-l*2));
+		if(r/255 == max) h = (g-b)/delta/255;
+		else if(g/255 == max) h = 2+(b-r)/delta/255;
+		else if(b/255 == max) h = 4+(r-g)/delta/255;
+		h *= 40;
+		if(h < 0) h += 240;
+		h = Math.round(h);
+		return {h:((isNaN(h)) ? 0 : h), l:Math.round(l*240), s:Math.round(s*240)};
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<method name="HLStoRGB" args="h,l,s">
+	<![CDATA[
+		var r,g,b;
+		if(s == 0) {
+			r = g = b = Math.round(l/240*255);
+		} else {
+			h /= 240; l /= 240; s /= 240;
+			var temp4,temp3;
+			var temp2 = (l < 0.5) ? l*(s+1) : l+s-l*s;
+			var temp1 = l*2 - temp2;
+			for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
+				switch(i) {
+					case 0: temp3 = h+1/3; break;
+					case 1: temp3 = h; break;
+					case 2: temp3 = h-1/3; break;
+				}
+				if(temp3 < 0) temp3++;
+				else if(temp3 > 1) temp3--;
+				if(temp3*6 < 1) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*6*temp3;
+				else if(temp3*2 < 1) temp4 = temp2;
+				else if(temp3*3 < 2) temp4 = temp1+(temp2-temp1)*((2/3)-temp3)*6;
+				else temp4 = temp1;
+				switch(i) {
+					case 0: r = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
+					case 1: g = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
+					case 2: b = Math.round(temp4*255); break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return {r:r, g:g, b:b};
+	]]>
+	</method>
+	<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_hue.width + classroot.s_hue.x}"
+			y="$once{classroot.s_hue.y - 4}" text="HUE" width="26"/>
+	<colorSlider name="s_hue" y="102" />
+	<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_bri.width + classroot.s_bri.x}"
+			y="$once{classroot.s_bri.y - 4}" text="BRI" />
+	<colorSlider name="s_bri" y="120" />
+	<text fontsize="8" x="$once{classroot.s_sat.width + classroot.s_sat.x}"
+			y="$once{classroot.s_sat.y - 4}" text="SAT" />
+	<colorSlider name="s_sat" y="138" />  
+	<!-- current color -->
+	<view name="c2" bgcolor="black" width="30" height="66" y="24" x="206">
+		<view name="current" x="1" y="1" bgcolor="${classroot.selectedColor}"
+				width="$once{parent.width -2}" height="$once{parent.height -2}" />
+	</view>
+	<!-- default colors -->
+	<view x="4" y="26" layout="axis:y;spacing:-1" >
+		<colorRow>
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff0000" mycolorString="0xFF0000" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffff00" mycolorString="0xFFFF00" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ff00" mycolorString="0x00FF00" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00ffff" mycolorString="0x00FFFF" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#0000ff" mycolorString="0x0000FF" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ff00ff" mycolorString="0xFF00Ff" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ffffff" mycolorString="0xFFFFFF" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ebebeb" mycolorString="0xEBEBEB" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#e1e1e1" mycolorString="0xE1E1E1" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#d7d7d7" mycolorString="0xD7D7D7" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#cccccc" mycolorString="0xCCCCCC" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c2c2c2" mycolorString="0xC2C2C2" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#b7b7b7" mycolorString="0xB7B7B7" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#acacac" mycolorString="0xACACAC" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a0a0a0" mycolorString="0xA0A0A0" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#959595" mycolorString="0x959595" />
+		</colorRow>
+		<colorRow>
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ee1d24" mycolorString="0xEE1D24" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff100" mycolorString="0xFFF100" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00a650" mycolorString="0x00A650" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00aeef" mycolorString="0x00AEEF" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#2f3192" mycolorString="0x2F3192" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ed008c" mycolorString="0xED008C" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#898989" mycolorString="0x898989" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7d7d7d" mycolorString="0x7D7D7D" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#707070" mycolorString="0x707070" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#626262" mycolorString="0x626262" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#555555" mycolorString="0x555555" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#464646" mycolorString="0x464646" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#363636" mycolorString="0x363636" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#262626" mycolorString="0x262626" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#111111" mycolorString="0x111111" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#000000" mycolorString="0x000000" />
+		</colorRow>
+		<colorRow>
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f7977a" mycolorString="0xF7977A" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fbad82" mycolorString="0xFBAD82" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fdc68c" mycolorString="0xFDC68C" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff799" mycolorString="0xFFF799" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c6df9c" mycolorString="0xC6DF9C" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a4d49d" mycolorString="0xA4D49D" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#81ca9d" mycolorString="0x81CA9D" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7bcdc9" mycolorString="0x7bcdc9" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#6ccff7" mycolorString="0x6CCFF7" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7ca6d8" mycolorString="0x7CA6D8" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8293ca" mycolorString="0x8293CA" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8881be" mycolorString="0x8881BE" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a286bd" mycolorString="0xA286BD" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#bc8cbf" mycolorString="0xBC8CBf" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f49bc1" mycolorString="0xF49BC1" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f5999d" mycolorString="0xf5999d" />
+		</colorRow>
+		<colorRow>
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f16c4d" mycolorString="0xF16C4D" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f68e54" mycolorString="0xF68E54" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fbaf5a" mycolorString="0xFBAF5A" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#fff467" mycolorString="0xFFF467" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#acd372" mycolorString="0xACD372" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#7dc473" mycolorString="0x7DC473" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#39b778" mycolorString="0x39B778" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#16bcb4" mycolorString="0x16BCB4" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#00bff3" mycolorString="0x00BFF3" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#438ccb" mycolorString="0x438CCB" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#5573b7" mycolorString="0x5573B7" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#5e5ca7" mycolorString="0x5E5CA7" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#855FA8" mycolorString="0x855FA8" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a763a9" mycolorString="0xA763A9" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#ef6ea8" mycolorString="0xEf6EA8" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#f16d7e" mycolorString="0xF16D7E" />
+		</colorRow>
+		<colorRow>
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#9a8575" mycolorString="0x9A8575" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#726357" mycolorString="0x726357" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#524842" mycolorString="0x524842" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#362f2c" mycolorString="0x362F2C" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#c69c6d" mycolorString="0xC69C6D" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#a77c50" mycolorString="0xA77C50" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#8c623a" mycolorString="0x8C623A" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#744b24" mycolorString="0x744B24" />
+			<colorPot listener="$once{classroot}" mycolor="#613813" mycolorString="0x613813" />
+		</colorRow>
+	</view>
 <!-- * X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_BEGIN ***************************************************
-* Copyright 2005-2007 Laszlo Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.               *
-* Use is subject to license terms.                                            *
+* Copyright 2005-2007 Laszlo Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.			   *
+* Use is subject to license terms.											*
 * X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_END ****************************************************** -->
-<!-- @LZX_VERSION@                                                         -->
+<!-- @LZX_VERSION@	-->

Modified: openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/baseDrawImage.lzx
--- openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/baseDrawImage.lzx (original)
+++ openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/baseDrawImage.lzx Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	<!-- invoked by clicking on the confirmation dialog after
 		clicking on an image in the Library -->
 	<method name="addNewSyncImage" args="urlname,posx,posy,baseurl,fileName,moduleName,parentPath,room,domain">
-		if ($debug) Debug.write("urlname: ",urlname);
+		if ($debug) Debug.write("urlname: ", urlname);
 		var now = new Date();
 		//This invokes a Method which is in the remoteWhiteboard.lzx
 		this.startNewObjectSyncProcess.isStarting = true;

Modified: openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/remoteWhiteboard.lzx
--- openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/remoteWhiteboard.lzx (original)
+++ openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/base/remoteWhiteboard.lzx Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
 <class name="remoteWhiteboard" extends="baseDrawSave">
 	<attribute name="loadingObjectListId" value="0" type="number" />
 	<attribute name="loadingObjectList" value="null" />
 	<attribute name="loadObjectDelegate" value="null" />
 	<method name="loadObjectList" args="whiteBoardObject">
 		if ($debug)"loadObjectList :1: ", whiteBoardObject);
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@
 	<method name="loadSavedObjectList" args="objList">
 		var tempArray = new Array();			
@@ -114,18 +113,14 @@
 	<method name="prepareLoadWMLFile" args="itemObj">
 		if ($debug) Debug.write("loadWMLFile: ",itemObj);
 		this.loadWMLFile.setAttribute('fileId', itemObj.fileId);
 		if ($debug) Debug.write("prepareLoadWMLFile 1: ",parent.parent.whiteboardId);
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="loadWMLFile" funcname="fileservice.loadWmlObject" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<attribute name="fileId" type="number" value="0"/>
 		<netparam><method name="getValue">return canvas.sessionId;</method></netparam>
@@ -137,14 +132,14 @@
 			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
 			if ($debug) Debug.write("loadWMLFile: ",value);
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib> 
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
 	<method name="loadWmlToWhiteboardById" args="roomItems">
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="startNewSyncprocess" funcname="whiteboardservice.startNewSyncprocess" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<handler name="ondata" args="value">
@@ -155,10 +150,10 @@
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib> 
-	 <netRemoteCallHib name="startSavedSyncprocess" funcname="whiteboardservice.startNewSyncprocess" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
+	<netRemoteCallHib name="startSavedSyncprocess" funcname="whiteboardservice.startNewSyncprocess" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<handler name="ondata" args="value">
 			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
@@ -166,25 +161,25 @@
 			if ($debug) Debug.write("currentLoadingItem IS mine");
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib> 
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="sendCompletedSyncEvent" funcname="whiteboardservice.sendCompletedSyncEvent" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<handler name="ondata" args="value">
 			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
 			if ($debug) Debug.write("sendCompletedSyncEvent: ",value);
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib>	 	
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
 	<method name="startInitialLoadingProcess">
 		this.loadObjectDelegate = new LzDelegate(this, "loadRemoteObject");
 		if (this.loadingObjectList.length != 0){
 			lz.Timer.addTimer(this.loadObjectDelegate, 250);
 	<method name="loadRemoteObject" args="ref">
@@ -199,7 +194,7 @@
 	<method name="sendRemoteWatchObject" args="actionObject">
 		if ($debug) Debug.write("[sendRemoteWatchObject]: ",actionObject);
@@ -236,10 +231,9 @@
 		if ($debug) Debug.write("[store actionObject] ",actionObject);
 	<!-- methods for syncing events -->
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="startNewObjectSyncProcess" funcname="whiteboardservice.startNewObjectSyncProcess" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<attribute name="isStarting" value="false" type="boolean" />
@@ -252,9 +246,9 @@
 			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
 			if ($debug) Debug.write("startNewImagesSyncprocess: ",value);
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib> 
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="sendCompletedObjectSyncEvent" funcname="whiteboardservice.sendCompletedObjectSyncEvent"
 		remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<attribute name="uniqueObjectSyncName" value="" type="string" />
@@ -264,18 +258,13 @@
 			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
 			if ($debug) Debug.write("sendCompletedImagesSyncEvent: ",value);
-		</handler>   
-	</netRemoteCallHib>   
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
 	<method name="startStreaming" args="messageObj">
 		new lz.incomingScreenSharing(canvas,{messageObj:messageObj});
 	<method name="stopStreaming" args="messageObj">

Modified: openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard.lzx
--- openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard.lzx (original)
+++ openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard.lzx Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
@@ -19,90 +19,81 @@
-    Class newWhiteBoard
-    @keywords deprecated
+	Class newWhiteBoard
+	@keywords deprecated
+<class name="fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard" extends="view" showhandcursor="false">
+	<attribute name="baseurl" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="fileName" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="moduleName" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="parentPath" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="room" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="domain" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="downloadurl" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="iamgex" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="imagey" value="" type="string" />
+	<attribute name="restricted" value="false" type="boolean" />
+	<attribute name="sendObject" value="null" />
+	<attribute name="sendObjectToClientID" value="0" type="number"  />
+	<attribute name="confirmdialog" value="null" />
+	<attribute name="documentmenuIsInited" value="false" type="boolean" />
+	<event name="onsharedMessage" />
+	<event name="isloadingImage" />
+	<event name="isloadedImage" />
-<class name="fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard" extends="view" showhandcursor="false">
-    <attribute name="baseurl" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="fileName" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="moduleName" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="parentPath" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="room" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="domain" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="downloadurl" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="iamgex" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="imagey" value="" type="string" />
-    <attribute name="restricted" value="false" type="boolean" />
-    <event name="onsharedMessage" />
-    <attribute name="sendObject" value="null" />
-    <attribute name="sendObjectToClientID" value="0" type="number"  />
-    <attribute name="confirmdialog" value="null" />
-    <attribute name="documentmenuIsInited" value="false" type="boolean" />
-    <handler name="oninit">
-        if ($debug)"Init Whiteboard ",this.restricted);
-    </handler>
+	<handler name="oninit">
+		if ($debug)"Init Whiteboard ",this.restricted);
+	</handler>
-    <handler name="ondestroy">
+	<handler name="ondestroy">
 		//if ($debug) Debug.write("############## fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard::ondestroy : ", this);
-    </handler>
+	</handler>
+	<method name="sendConfirmation" args="yesno,askagain" >
+		////Debug.write("clear yesno,askagain: ",yesno,askagain);
+		var g = canvas.getUserData();
+		if (g["image"]==null) g["image"]=new Array();
+		g["image"]["clearField"]=yesno;
+		g["image"]["askagainclear"]=!askagain;
+		canvas.setUserData(g);
+		if (yesno){
+			////Debug.write("clear field!!");
+			canvas._drawarea.setModus('plain');
+			canvas._drawarea.addNewSyncImage(this.downloadurl,this.iamgex,this.imagey,this.baseurl,this.fileName,this.moduleName,this.parentPath,,this.domain);
+		} else {
+			////Debug.write("don't clear field!!");
+			canvas._drawarea.addNewSyncImage(this.downloadurl,this.iamgex,this.imagey,this.baseurl,this.fileName,this.moduleName,this.parentPath,,this.domain);
+		}
+		this.confirmdialog.close();
+	</method>
+	<method name="getconfirmationscode">
+		var g = canvas.getUserData();
+		if (g["image"]==null) {
+			g["image"]=new Array();
+			g["image"]["clearField"]=false;
+			g["image"]["askagainclear"]=true;
+			canvas.setUserData(g);
+		}
+		return g["image"];
+	</method>
-    <method name="sendConfirmation" args="yesno,askagain" >
-        ////Debug.write("clear yesno,askagain: ",yesno,askagain);
-         var g = canvas.getUserData();
-         if (g["image"]==null) g["image"]=new Array();
-         g["image"]["clearField"]=yesno;
-         g["image"]["askagainclear"]=!askagain;
-         canvas.setUserData(g);
-         if (yesno){
-            ////Debug.write("clear field!!");
-            canvas._drawarea.setModus('plain');
-            canvas._drawarea.addNewSyncImage(this.downloadurl,this.iamgex,this.imagey,this.baseurl,this.fileName,this.moduleName,this.parentPath,,this.domain);
-         } else {
-            ////Debug.write("don't clear field!!");
-            canvas._drawarea.addNewSyncImage(this.downloadurl,this.iamgex,this.imagey,this.baseurl,this.fileName,this.moduleName,this.parentPath,,this.domain);
-         }
-         this.confirmdialog.close();
-    </method>
-    <method name="getconfirmationscode">
-        var g = canvas.getUserData();
-        if (g["image"]==null) {
-            g["image"]=new Array();
-            g["image"]["clearField"]=false;
-            g["image"]["askagainclear"]=true;
-            canvas.setUserData(g);
-        }
-        return g["image"];
-    </method>
-    <method name="resetDefaultConfirmations">
-        var g = canvas.getUserData();
-        if (g["image"]==null) g["image"]=new Array();
-        g["image"]["clearField"]=false;
-        g["image"]["askagainclear"]=true;
-        canvas.setUserData(g);
-    </method>   
+	<method name="resetDefaultConfirmations">
+		var g = canvas.getUserData();
+		if (g["image"]==null) g["image"]=new Array();
+		g["image"]["clearField"]=false;
+		g["image"]["askagainclear"]=true;
+		canvas.setUserData(g);
+	</method>
 	<method name="clearAreaAndAddImage" args="downloadurlVal,xVal,yVal,baseurl,fileName,moduleName,parentPath,room,domain">
@@ -134,455 +125,430 @@
-    <event name="isloadingImage" />
-    <event name="isloadedImage" />
-    <text fontsize="11" x="10" y="2" name="_sharingClientName" fontstyle="bold" />    
-    <!-- 
-        The Content Area    
-     -->
-    <view width="${ parent.parent.width-2 }" 
-          height="${ (canvas.ismoderator) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : (parent.parent.height-42)) }" 
-          y="0" name="_drawareaMask" clip="true" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" >
-    	<handler name="oninit">
-            if ($debug)"lz.Track.register ",canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentTrackGroupName);
-            lz.Track.register(this, canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentTrackGroupName);
-        </handler>
-    	<handler name="onmousedown">
-            this._drawarea.onmousedownMethod();
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmouseup">
-            this._drawarea.onmouseupMethod();
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmouseover">
-        	lz.Cursor.restoreCursor();
-        	lz.Cursor.showHandCursor(false);
-            this._drawarea.onmouseoverMethod();
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmouseout">
-        	lz.Cursor.showHandCursor(true);
-        	lz.Cursor.unlock();
-            this._drawarea.onmouseoutMethod();
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmousetrackover">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackover");
-            canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentDragItem.sendOverItem(this);
-            this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0x93FE92);
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmousetrackout">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackout");
-            canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentDragItem.sendOutItem(this);
-            this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0xFFFFFF);
-        </handler>
-        <handler name="onmousetrackup">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackup");
-            this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0xFFFFFF);
-        </handler>   
-    	<remoteWhiteboard y="0" name="_drawarea" isRemoteOID="true" height="${parent.height}" width="${parent.height}"
-                          restricted="$once{ parent.parent.restricted }" >
-    		<attribute name="sendUpdate" value="true" type="boolean"/>
-    		<handler name="onx" args="x"><![CDATA[
-                if (this.sendUpdate) {
-                    if ($debug) Debug.write("# x",x);
+	<text fontsize="11" x="10" y="2" name="_sharingClientName" fontstyle="bold" />
+	<!-- 
+		The Content Area
+	 -->
+	<view width="${ parent.parent.width-2 }"
+			height="${ (canvas.ismoderator) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : (parent.parent.height-42)) }"
+			y="0" name="_drawareaMask" clip="true" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" >
+		<handler name="oninit">
+			if ($debug)"lz.Track.register ",canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentTrackGroupName);
+			lz.Track.register(this, canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentTrackGroupName);
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmousedown">
+			this._drawarea.onmousedownMethod();
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmouseup">
+			this._drawarea.onmouseupMethod();
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmouseover">
+			lz.Cursor.restoreCursor();
+			lz.Cursor.showHandCursor(false);
+			this._drawarea.onmouseoverMethod();
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmouseout">
+			lz.Cursor.showHandCursor(true);
+			lz.Cursor.unlock();
+			this._drawarea.onmouseoutMethod();
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmousetrackover">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackover");
+			canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentDragItem.sendOverItem(this);
+			this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0x93FE92);
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmousetrackout">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackout");
+			canvas.currentImagesListdraw.currentDragItem.sendOutItem(this);
+			this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0xFFFFFF);
+		</handler>
+		<handler name="onmousetrackup">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("onmousetrackup");
+			this.setAttribute("bgcolor",0xFFFFFF);
+		</handler>
+		<remoteWhiteboard y="0" name="_drawarea" isRemoteOID="true" height="${parent.height}" width="${parent.height}"
+				restricted="$once{ parent.parent.restricted }" >
+			<attribute name="sendUpdate" value="true" type="boolean"/>
+			<attribute name="_propPanel" type="object"/>
+			<handler name="onx" args="x"><![CDATA[
+				if (this.sendUpdate) {
+					if ($debug) Debug.write("# x",x);
 					if (parent.parent && parent.parent.scrollContainer) {
-	                    parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+						parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
-                }
-            ]]></handler>
-            <handler name="ony" args="y"><![CDATA[
-                if (this.sendUpdate) {
-                    if ($debug) Debug.write("# y", y);
+				}
+			]]></handler>
+			<handler name="ony" args="y"><![CDATA[
+				if (this.sendUpdate) {
+					if ($debug) Debug.write("# y", y);
 					if (parent.parent && parent.parent.scrollContainer) {
-                    	parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+						parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
-                }
-            ]]></handler>
-            <handler name="onheight" args="h"><![CDATA[
-                if ($debug) Debug.write("# height",h);
-                //this.dragger.drag_min_x = parent.width - w;
+				}
+			]]></handler>
+			<handler name="onheight" args="h"><![CDATA[
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("# height",h);
+				//this.dragger.drag_min_x = parent.width - w;
 				if (parent.parent && parent.parent.scrollContainer) {
-	                parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+					parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
-                parent.parent.zoombox.sendUpdate(null);
-            ]]></handler>
-            <handler name="onwidth" args="w"><![CDATA[
-                if ($debug) Debug.write("# width",w);
-                //this.dragger.drag_min_y = parent.height - h;
+				parent.parent.zoombox.sendUpdate(null);
+			]]></handler>
+			<handler name="onwidth" args="w"><![CDATA[
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("# width",w);
+				//this.dragger.drag_min_y = parent.height - h;
 				if (parent.parent && parent.parent.scrollContainer) {
-	                parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+					parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
-            ]]></handler>
-            <handler name="onupdateScale" args="tRef"><![CDATA[
-                if ($debug) Debug.write("# updateScale",this.getDisplayObject().scaleX);
+			]]></handler>
+			<handler name="onupdateScale" args="tRef"><![CDATA[
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("# updateScale",this.getDisplayObject().scaleX);
 				if (parent.parent && parent.parent.scrollContainer) {
-	                parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+					parent.parent.scrollContainer.calcScrollContent();
+				}
+			]]></handler>
+			<handler name="oninit">
+				canvas._drawarea = this;
+				_propPanel = parent.parent._propertyPanel;
+			</handler>
+			<handler name="onprogress" args="perc">
+				//Debug.write("onprogress: ",perc);
+				this.parent.parent._progress.setProgress(perc);
+			</handler>
+			<handler name="ondrawmodus" args="d">
+				this.drawmodus = d;
+				//change Enabled Status of Toolbar Menu Button
+				_propPanel.loadPanelByModus(this);
+			</handler>
+			<handler name="setNewScreenUserName" args="value">
+				this.parent.parent._sharingClientName.setAttribute('text',value);
+			</handler>
+			<!-- @overwrite -->
+			<method name="onsharedMessage" args="action,obj">
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("###### onsharedMessage",action,obj);
+				var tempSendArray = new Array ();
+				tempSendArray[0] = 'whiteboard';
+				tempSendArray[1] = new Date();
+				tempSendArray[2] = action;
+				tempSendArray[3] = obj;
+				parent.parent.onsharedMessage.sendEvent(tempSendArray);
+			</method>
+			<handler name="onopenWhiteBoard" >
+			</handler>
+			<!-- clientid  = streamid of the user -->
+			<method name="oninitUser" args="clientid,objectList">
+				this.parent.parent.sendObjectToClientID = clientid;
+				this.parent.parent.sendObject = objectList;
+				this.parent.parent.sendMessageWithClientById.doCall();
+			</method>
+			<handler name="onboundingIsActive" args="b">
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("boundingIsActive: ",b);
+				if (b){
+					var boundingDoUpdateOnInit = true;
+					if (this.ObjectByName instanceof lz.swfResourceView){
+						//Debug.write("is swf Presentation");
+						boundingDoUpdateOnInit=false;
+					}
+					if (!boundingDoUpdateOnInit) {
+						_propPanel.setObjectBounds(
+							this.ObjectByName.x,this.ObjectByName.y,
+							this.ObjectByName._swfView.width,this.ObjectByName._swfView.height);
+					} else {
+						_propPanel.setObjectBounds(
+							this.ObjectByName.x,this.ObjectByName.y,
+							this.ObjectByName.width,this.ObjectByName.height);
+					}
+				}
+			</handler>
+			<!--  bounding Box (selection Box) -->
+			<handler name="onBoundingBox" args="boundingBoxRef">
+				var boundingDoUpdateOnInit = true;
+				if (boundingBoxRef.objRef instanceof lz.swfResourceView){
+					//if ($debug) Debug.write("is swf Presentation");
+					boundingDoUpdateOnInit=false;
+				}
+				if (!boundingDoUpdateOnInit) {
+					_propPanel.setObjectBounds(
+					boundingBoxRef.objRef.x,boundingBoxRef.objRef.y,
+					boundingBoxRef.objRef._swfView.width,boundingBoxRef.objRef._swfView.height);
+				} else {
+					_propPanel.setObjectBounds(
+					boundingBoxRef.objRef.x,boundingBoxRef.objRef.y,
+					boundingBoxRef.objRef.width,boundingBoxRef.objRef.height);
-            ]]></handler>
-            <handler name="oninit">
-                canvas._drawarea = this; 
-            </handler>
-            <handler name="onprogress" args="perc">
-                //Debug.write("onprogress: ",perc);
-                this.parent.parent._progress.setProgress(perc);
-            </handler>
-            <!--
-            <handler name="onmousedown" >
-                //Debug.write("onprogress: ",perc);
-            </handler>
-             -->
-            <handler name="ondrawmodus" args="d">
-                this.drawmodus = d;
-                //change Enabled Status of Toolbar Menu Button
-                parent.parent._propertyPanel.loadPanelByModus(this);
-            </handler>
-            <handler name="setNewScreenUserName" args="value">
-                this.parent.parent._sharingClientName.setAttribute('text',value);
-            </handler>
-            <!-- @overwrite -->
-            <method name="onsharedMessage" args="action,obj">
-                if ($debug) Debug.write("###### onsharedMessage",action,obj);
-                var tempSendArray = new Array ();
-                tempSendArray[0] = 'whiteboard';
-                tempSendArray[1] = new Date();
-                tempSendArray[2] = action;
-                tempSendArray[3] = obj;
-                parent.parent.onsharedMessage.sendEvent(tempSendArray);
-            </method>
-            <handler name="onopenWhiteBoard" >
-                //parent.parent.getRoomItems.doCall();
-            </handler>
-            <!-- clientid  = streamid of the user -->
-            <method name="oninitUser" args="clientid,objectList">
-                this.parent.parent.sendObjectToClientID = clientid;
-                this.parent.parent.sendObject = objectList;
-                this.parent.parent.sendMessageWithClientById.doCall();
-            </method>
-            <handler name="onboundingIsActive" args="b">
-                if ($debug) Debug.write("boundingIsActive: ",b);
-                if (b){
-                    var boundingDoUpdateOnInit = true;
-                    if (this.ObjectByName instanceof lz.swfResourceView){
-                        //Debug.write("is swf Presentation");
-                        boundingDoUpdateOnInit=false;
-                    }
-                    if (!boundingDoUpdateOnInit) {
-                        parent.parent._propertyPanel.setObjectBounds(
-                            this.ObjectByName.x,this.ObjectByName.y,
-                            this.ObjectByName._swfView.width,this.ObjectByName._swfView.height);
-                    } else {
-                        parent.parent._propertyPanel.setObjectBounds(
-                            this.ObjectByName.x,this.ObjectByName.y,
-                            this.ObjectByName.width,this.ObjectByName.height);
-                    }
-                }
-            </handler>
-            <!--  bounding Box (selection Box) -->
-            <handler name="onBoundingBox" args="boundingBoxRef">
-                var boundingDoUpdateOnInit = true;
-                if (boundingBoxRef.objRef instanceof lz.swfResourceView){
-                //Debug.write("is swf Presentation");
-                    boundingDoUpdateOnInit=false;
-                }
-                if (!boundingDoUpdateOnInit) {
-                    parent.parent._propertyPanel.setObjectBounds(
-                    boundingBoxRef.objRef.x,boundingBoxRef.objRef.y,
-                    boundingBoxRef.objRef._swfView.width,boundingBoxRef.objRef._swfView.height);
-                } else {
-                    parent.parent._propertyPanel.setObjectBounds(
-                    boundingBoxRef.objRef.x,boundingBoxRef.objRef.y,
-                    boundingBoxRef.objRef.width,boundingBoxRef.objRef.height);
-                }
-            </handler>
-            <method name="getDocumentToolBar">
-                return parent.parent.panelArea.getDocumentsToolbar();
-            </method>
-            <method name="getPaintToolBar">
-                return parent.parent.panelArea._mainToolsPanel;
-            </method>
-            <view name="_grid" x="-2" y="-2" height="${parent.height}" width="${parent.height}" 
-                  visibility="${ (parent.showGrid) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}"/>
-        </remoteWhiteboard>   
-    </view>
-    <view name="scrollContainer" width="${ parent.parent.width-2 }" 
-          visible="${ ((canvas.ismoderator) ? true : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? true : false )) }"
-          height="${ (canvas.ismoderator) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? (parent.parent.height-33-parent._propertyPanel.height) : (parent.parent.height-33)) }" >
-        <attribute name="sendUpdate" value="true" type="boolean"/>
-        <method name="calcScrollContent">
-            var rHeight = Math.round(parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.height * parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().scaleX);
-            var rWidth = Math.round(parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.width * parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().scaleY);
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("# calcScrollContent:: ", rHeight, rWidth);
-            this.sendUpdate = false;
-            this.scrollview.setAttribute("x", parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.x);
-            this.scrollview.setAttribute("y", parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.y);
-            this.scrollview.setAttribute("height", Math.max(rHeight, parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().height));
-            this.scrollview.setAttribute("width", Math.max(rWidth, parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().width));
-            this.sendUpdate = true;
-        </method>
-        <view name="scrollview">
-            <attribute name="timeisInited" value="false" type="boolean" />
-            <attribute name="sendObjectDel" value="null" />
-            <handler name="oninit">
-                this.sendObjectDel = new LzDelegate( this, "sendObject" );
-            </handler>
-            <handler name="onx" args="x">
-                if (parent.sendUpdate) {
-                    if ($debug) Debug.write("# scrollview x",x);
-                    parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setAttribute("x",x);
-                    if (!this.timeisInited){
-                        this.timeisInited=true;
-                        lz.Timer.addTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
-                    } else {
-                        lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
-                    }
-                }
-            </handler>
-            <handler name="ony" args="y">
-                if (parent.sendUpdate) {
-                    if ($debug) Debug.write("# scrollview y",y);
-                    parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setAttribute("y",y);
-                    if (!this.timeisInited){
-                        this.timeisInited=true;
-                        lz.Timer.addTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
-                    } else {
-                        lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
-                    }
-                }
-            </handler>
-            <method name="sendObject" args="itemRef">
-                if ($debug)"sendObject :: scrollview");
-                var tArray = new Array();
-                tArray[0] = "moveMap";
-                tArray[1] = Math.round(this.x);
-                tArray[2] = Math.round(this.y);
-                this.parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.onsharedMessage('moveMap',tArray);
-                this.timeisInited=false;
-            </method>
-        </view>
-        <om_vscrollbar name="_scrollstv"/> 
-        <om_hscrollbar name="_scrollsth" /> 
-    </view>    
-        <netRemoteCallHib name="sendMessageWithClientById" funcname="sendMessageWithClientById"
-            remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
-            <netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.sendObject;</method></netparam>
-            <netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.sendObjectToClientID;</method></netparam>
-            <handler name="ondata" args="value">
-                <![CDATA[
-                    //The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
-                    //Debug.write("sendMessageWithClientById : ",value);
-                ]]>
-            </handler>   
-        </netRemoteCallHib>     
-    <view name="panelArea" width="${ parent.parent.width }" 
-          height="${ parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height }">
-        <attribute name="objectRef" value="null" />
-        <!--- @deprecated -->
-        <method name="_setSelection" args="obj">
-            parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.removeObjectBounds();
-            if (obj.setSelectionToItem){            
-                if (this.objectRef!=null){
-                    this.objectRef._isselected = false;
-                    this.objectRef._area.setAttribute('bgcolor',0xFFFFFF);
-                }
-                this.objectRef = obj;
-                this.objectRef._isselected = true;
-                this.objectRef._area.setAttribute('bgcolor',canvas.getThemeColor('basebgcolorizer'));
-                parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setModus(this.objectRef.modi);
-            }
-        </method>
-        <method name="setSelection" args="obj">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("setSelection ",obj);
-            parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.removeObjectBounds();
-            if (obj.setSelectionToItem){            
-                if (this.objectRef!=null){
-                    this.objectRef._isselected = false;
-                    this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',true);
-                }
-                this.objectRef = obj;
-                this.objectRef._isselected = true;
-                this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',false);
-            }
-            if (obj.modi=="saveobj"){
-                parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doAction(obj.modi);
-            } else {
-                parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setModus(obj.modi);
-            }
-        </method>
-        <method name="setSelectionWithoutEvent" args="obj">
-            if (obj.setSelectionToItem){         
-                if (this.objectRef!=null){
-                    this.objectRef._isselected = false;
-                    this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',true);
-                }
-                this.objectRef = obj;
-                this.objectRef._isselected = true;
-                this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',false);
-            }
-        </method>
-        <!--
-         -->
-        <method name="sendNewPropertyHeight" args="objRef">
-            <![CDATA[
-                for (var i=0;i<this.subviews.length;i++) {
-                    if (this.subviews[i].y != 0) {
-                        if (this.subviews[i] instanceof lz.mainToolsTopPanel) {
-                            if (objRef.height<=22){
-                                if (this.subviews[i].y+this.subviews[i].height+5>=parent.parent.height-objRef.initheight-21){
-                                    if ($debug) Debug.write("mainToolsTopPanel");
-                                    this.subviews[i].setAttribute('y',objRef.y-this.subviews[i].height);
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                if (this.subviews[i].y+this.subviews[i].height+5>=objRef.y){
-                                    if ($debug) Debug.write("mainToolsTopPanel");
-                                    this.subviews[i].setAttribute('y',objRef.y-this.subviews[i].height);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }   
-                    }
-                }
-            ]]>
-        </method>
-        <method name="getDocumentsToolbar">
-            return parent._propertyPanel._content._documentsPanel;
-        </method>
-        <mainToolsTopPanel x="100" y="0" name="_mainToolsPanel" 
-             visible="${ ((canvas.ismoderator) ? true : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? true : false )) }"/>
-        <mainToolsLeftPanelPointer y="20" name="_mainToolsLeftPanelPointer" 
-             visible="${ (parent.parent.restricted) ? false : (((canvas.ismoderator) ? false : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? false : true ))) }"/>
-    </view> 
-    <view name="zoombox" y="0" x="${ parent.parent.width-this.width-14 }" layout="axis:x;spacing:2">
-        <attribute name="ignoreUpdates" value="false" type="boolean" />
-        <handler name="onx" args="x">
-        	if (this._fullFit.getValue()) {
-        		if ($debug) Debug.write("on x sendUpdate ",x);
-        		lz.Timer.addTimer( new LzDelegate( this, "sendUpdate" ), 100 );
-        	}
-        </handler>
-        <method name="sendUpdate" args="refObj">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("fixedFileExplorer sendUpdate ",refObj);
-        	parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doFullFit(true);
-        </method>
-        <method name="setWhiteboardValues" args="fullFit,zoom">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("setWhiteboardValues -1- ",fullFit,zoom);
-            this.ignoreUpdates = true;
+			</handler>
+			<method name="getDocumentToolBar">
+				return _propPanel._content._documentsPanel;
+			</method>
+			<method name="getPaintToolBar">
+				return parent.parent.panelArea._mainToolsPanel;
+			</method>
+			<view name="_grid" x="-2" y="-2" height="${parent.height}" width="${parent.height}"
+					visibility="${ (parent.showGrid) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}"/>
+		</remoteWhiteboard>
+	</view>
+	<view name="scrollContainer" width="${ parent.parent.width-2 }"
+			visible="${ ((canvas.ismoderator) ? true : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? true : false )) }"
+			height="${ (canvas.ismoderator) ? (parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height) : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? (parent.parent.height-33-parent._propertyPanel.height) : (parent.parent.height-33)) }" >
+		<attribute name="sendUpdate" value="true" type="boolean"/>
+		<method name="calcScrollContent">
+			var rHeight = Math.round(parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.height * parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().scaleX);
+			var rWidth = Math.round(parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.width * parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().scaleY);
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("# calcScrollContent:: ", rHeight, rWidth);
+			this.sendUpdate = false;
+			this.scrollview.setAttribute("x", parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.x);
+			this.scrollview.setAttribute("y", parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.y);
+			this.scrollview.setAttribute("height", Math.max(rHeight, parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().height));
+			this.scrollview.setAttribute("width", Math.max(rWidth, parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.getDisplayObject().width));
+			this.sendUpdate = true;
+		</method>
+		<view name="scrollview">
+			<attribute name="timeisInited" value="false" type="boolean" />
+			<attribute name="sendObjectDel" value="null" />
+			<handler name="oninit">
+				this.sendObjectDel = new LzDelegate( this, "sendObject" );
+			</handler>
+			<handler name="onx" args="x">
+				if (parent.sendUpdate) {
+					if ($debug) Debug.write("# scrollview x",x);
+					parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setAttribute("x",x);
+					if (!this.timeisInited){
+						this.timeisInited=true;
+						lz.Timer.addTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
+					} else {
+						lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
+					}
+				}
+			</handler>
+			<handler name="ony" args="y">
+				if (parent.sendUpdate) {
+					if ($debug) Debug.write("# scrollview y",y);
+					parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setAttribute("y",y);
+					if (!this.timeisInited){
+						this.timeisInited=true;
+						lz.Timer.addTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
+					} else {
+						lz.Timer.resetTimer( this.sendObjectDel, 250 );
+					}
+				}
+			</handler>
+			<method name="sendObject" args="itemRef">
+				if ($debug)"sendObject :: scrollview");
+				var tArray = new Array();
+				tArray[0] = "moveMap";
+				tArray[1] = Math.round(this.x);
+				tArray[2] = Math.round(this.y);
+				this.parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.onsharedMessage('moveMap',tArray);
+				this.timeisInited=false;
+			</method>
+		</view>
+		<om_vscrollbar name="_scrollstv"/>
+		<om_hscrollbar name="_scrollsth" />
+	</view>
+	<netRemoteCallHib name="sendMessageWithClientById" funcname="sendMessageWithClientById"
+			remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
+		<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.sendObject;</method></netparam>
+		<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.sendObjectToClientID;</method></netparam>
+		<handler name="ondata" args="value">
+		<![CDATA[
+			//The onResult-Handler will be called be the rtmpconnection
+			//Debug.write("sendMessageWithClientById : ",value);
+		]]>
+		</handler>
+	</netRemoteCallHib>
+	<view name="panelArea" width="${ parent.parent.width }"
+			height="${ parent.parent.height-42-parent._propertyPanel.height }">
+		<attribute name="objectRef" value="null" />
+		<!--- @deprecated -->
+		<method name="_setSelection" args="obj">
+			parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.removeObjectBounds();
+			if (obj.setSelectionToItem){
+				if (this.objectRef!=null){
+					this.objectRef._isselected = false;
+					this.objectRef._area.setAttribute('bgcolor',0xFFFFFF);
+				}
+				this.objectRef = obj;
+				this.objectRef._isselected = true;
+				this.objectRef._area.setAttribute('bgcolor',canvas.getThemeColor('basebgcolorizer'));
+				parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setModus(this.objectRef.modi);
+			}
+		</method>
+		<method name="setSelection" args="obj">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("setSelection ",obj);
+			parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.removeObjectBounds();
+			if (obj.setSelectionToItem){
+				if (this.objectRef!=null){
+					this.objectRef._isselected = false;
+					this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',true);
+				}
+				this.objectRef = obj;
+				this.objectRef._isselected = true;
+				this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',false);
+			}
+			if (obj.modi=="saveobj"){
+				parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doAction(obj.modi);
+			} else {
+				parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.setModus(obj.modi);
+			}
+		</method>
+		<method name="setSelectionWithoutEvent" args="obj">
+			if (obj.setSelectionToItem){
+				if (this.objectRef!=null){
+					this.objectRef._isselected = false;
+					this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',true);
+				}
+				this.objectRef = obj;
+				this.objectRef._isselected = true;
+				this.objectRef.setAttribute('enabled',false);
+			}
+		</method>
+		<method name="sendNewPropertyHeight" args="objRef">
+		<![CDATA[
+			for (var i=0;i<this.subviews.length;i++) {
+				if (this.subviews[i].y != 0) {
+					if (this.subviews[i] instanceof lz.mainToolsTopPanel) {
+						if (objRef.height<=22){
+							if (this.subviews[i].y+this.subviews[i].height+5>=parent.parent.height-objRef.initheight-21){
+								if ($debug) Debug.write("mainToolsTopPanel");
+								this.subviews[i].setAttribute('y',objRef.y-this.subviews[i].height);
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (this.subviews[i].y+this.subviews[i].height+5>=objRef.y){
+								if ($debug) Debug.write("mainToolsTopPanel");
+								this.subviews[i].setAttribute('y',objRef.y-this.subviews[i].height);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		]]>
+		</method>
+		<mainToolsTopPanel x="100" y="0" name="_mainToolsPanel"
+				visible="${ ((canvas.ismoderator) ? true : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? true : false )) }"/>
+		<mainToolsLeftPanelPointer y="20" name="_mainToolsLeftPanelPointer"
+				visible="${ (parent.parent.restricted) ? false : (((canvas.ismoderator) ? false : ((canvas.isAllowedToDraw) ? false : true ))) }"/>
+	</view>
+	<view name="zoombox" y="0" x="${ parent.parent.width-this.width-14 }" layout="axis:x;spacing:2">
+		<attribute name="ignoreUpdates" value="false" type="boolean" />
+		<handler name="onx" args="x">
+			if (this._fullFit.getValue()) {
+				if ($debug) Debug.write("on x sendUpdate ",x);
+				lz.Timer.addTimer( new LzDelegate( this, "sendUpdate" ), 100 );
+			}
+		</handler>
+		<method name="sendUpdate" args="refObj">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("fixedFileExplorer sendUpdate ",refObj);
+			parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doFullFit(true);
+		</method>
+		<method name="setWhiteboardValues" args="fullFit,zoom">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("setWhiteboardValues -1- ",fullFit,zoom);
+			this.ignoreUpdates = true;
 			if ('_zoom' in this) {
-	            this._zoom.setSliderValue(zoom);
+				this._zoom.setSliderValue(zoom);
-            this._fullFit.setValue(fullFit);
-            this.ignoreUpdates = false;
-        </method>
-        <method name="setCurrentScaleByFullFit" args="tScale">
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("setCurrentScaleByFullFit -2- ",tScale);
-            this.ignoreUpdates = true;
+			this._fullFit.setValue(fullFit);
+			this.ignoreUpdates = false;
+		</method>
+		<method name="setCurrentScaleByFullFit" args="tScale">
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("setCurrentScaleByFullFit -2- ",tScale);
+			this.ignoreUpdates = true;
 			if ('_zoom' in this) {
-	            this._zoom.setSliderValue(tScale);
+				this._zoom.setSliderValue(tScale);
-            this.ignoreUpdates = false;
-        </method>
-        <labelCheckbox x="344" name="_fullFit" labelid="847" y="4" fontstyle="bold" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF"
-        		visible="${ ((canvas.becomemoderator) ? true : false ) }">
-            <handler name="onvalue" args="v"><![CDATA[
-                if (parent.ignoreUpdates) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if ($debug) Debug.warn("onvalue Full Fit ",v);
+			this.ignoreUpdates = false;
+		</method>
+		<labelCheckbox x="344" name="_fullFit" labelid="847" y="4" fontstyle="bold" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF"
+				visible="${ ((canvas.becomemoderator) ? true : false ) }">
+			<handler name="onvalue" args="v"><![CDATA[
+				if (parent.ignoreUpdates) {
+					return;
+				}
+				if ($debug) Debug.warn("onvalue Full Fit ",v);
 				if ('_zoom' in parent && parent._zoom) {
-                	parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doUpdateFullFit(v,parent._zoom.initialNumber);
+					parent.parent._drawareaMask._drawarea.doUpdateFullFit(v,parent._zoom.initialNumber);
+				}
+			]]></handler>
+			<labelTooltip labelid="1212" multiline="true" />
+		</labelCheckbox>
+		<changeWidthSlider name="_zoom" initialNumberInit="50" labelid="1328"
+				boxPosition="down" initialNumber="50" maximum="200">
+			<handler name="oninitialNumber" args="i">
+				if (parent.ignoreUpdates) {
+					return;
-            ]]></handler>
-            <labelTooltip labelid="1212" multiline="true" />
-        </labelCheckbox>
-        <changeWidthSlider name="_zoom" initialNumberInit="50" labelid="1328"
-	            boxPosition="down" initialNumber="50" maximum="200">
-            <handler name="oninitialNumber" args="i">
-                if (parent.ignoreUpdates) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                if ($debug) Debug.warn("onvalue Zoom Fit ",this.initialNumber);
-                parent._fullFit.setValue(false);
+				if ($debug) Debug.warn("onvalue Zoom Fit ",this.initialNumber);
+				parent._fullFit.setValue(false);
-            </handler>
-        </changeWidthSlider>
-        <view width="2" />
-    </view>    
-    <propertyPanel name="_propertyPanel" x="0" y="${ parent.parent.height-this.height-42 }" 
-                    visible="${ canvas.ismoderator || canvas.isAllowedToDraw }">
-        <handler name="onheight" args="h">
-            this.height = h;
-            if ($debug) Debug.write("onheight: ",h);
-            parent.panelArea.sendNewPropertyHeight(this);
-        </handler>
-    </propertyPanel>
+			</handler>
+		</changeWidthSlider>
+		<view width="2" />
+	</view>
+	<propertyPanel name="_propertyPanel" x="0" y="${ parent.parent.height-this.height-42 }"
+			visible="${ canvas.ismoderator || canvas.isAllowedToDraw }">
+		<handler name="onheight" args="h">
+			this.height = h;
+			if ($debug) Debug.write("onheight: ",h);
+			parent.panelArea.sendNewPropertyHeight(this);
+		</handler>
+	</propertyPanel>

Modified: openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteboardPanel.lzx
--- openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteboardPanel.lzx (original)
+++ openmeetings/application/branches/3.1.x/openmeetings-flash/src/main/swf/modules/conference/whiteboard/fixedFileExplorerWhiteboardPanel.lzx Fri Dec  9 08:26:19 2016
@@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
 <class name="multiWhiteboardPanel" extends="fixedFileExplorerWhiteBoard" y="42" x="1">
 	<attribute name="whiteboardId" value="0" type="number" />
 	<attribute name="objWhiteboard" value="null" />
 	<attribute name="objMessage" value="null" />
 	<handler name="onsharedMessage" args="obj">
 		this.objWhiteboard = obj;
 		if (this.sendVarsByWhiteboardId != null){
@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@
 	<netRemoteCallHib name="sendVarsByWhiteboardId" funcname="sendVarsByWhiteboardId" 
 			showLoading="false" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
 		<netparam><method name="getValue">return parent.parent.objWhiteboard;</method></netparam>
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@
 	<handler name="onvisible" args="v">
 		if ($debug) Debug.write("onvisible :: ",v);
@@ -122,6 +121,7 @@
 		var tWhiteboardBtn = new lz.whiteboardMiniButton(canvas._wbBar,{
+									name: "bar" + whiteboardId,
 									objRef: whiteboard,
 									width: canvas._wbBar.staticwidth,
 									isactive: true,