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Posted to by Lei Xu <> on 2022/12/09 23:09:04 UTC

[Python] pyarrow.dataset.dataset(source) does not take RecordBatchReader as its document states.

> Hello,

I was trying to write a larger-than-memory dataset via
I attempted creating a PyArrow dataset via RecordBatchReader, or a
generator of RecordBatch, to allow writing batches one by one in memory.

def _record_batch_gen() -> Generator[pa.RecordBatch, None, None]:
   for i in range(VERY_LARGE_NUMBER):
       yield pa.RecordBatch(arrs, names)

batch_reader = pa.RecordBatchReader.from_batches(schema, _record_batch_gen())
dataset = pa.dataset.dataset(batch_reader)

Pyarrow raises an exception like

  File "/home/lei/work/lance/python/./lance/data/convert/", line
79, in convert_imagenet_1k
    dataset = pa.dataset.dataset(batch_reader)
line 772, in the dataset
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: Expected a path-like, list of path-likes or a list of Datasets
instead of the given type: RecordBatchReader

The Pyarrow doc suggests that `pyarrow.dataset.dataset(source)` can
actually take RecordBatchReader

Would appreciate any suggestion.

Lei Xu