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Posted to by on 2007/05/08 11:55:53 UTC

[DAISY] Updated: Features

A document has been updated:

Document ID: 1363
Branch: main
Language: default
Name: Features (unchanged)
Document Type: Cocoon Document (unchanged)
Updated on: 5/8/07 9:55:50 AM
Updated by: Reinhard Pötz

A new version has been created, state: publish


This part has been updated.
Mime type: text/xml (unchanged)
File name:  (unchanged)
Size: 11023 bytes (previous version: 9491 bytes)
Content diff:
--- <h1>General information</h1>
+++ <h1>What is?</h1>
+++ <h2>Apache Cocoon</h2>
+++ <p>Apache Cocoon is a <a href="">Spring-based</a>
+++ framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns and
+++ component-based development.</p>
+++ <p>Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of <strong>component
+++ pipelines</strong>, each component on the pipeline specializing on a particular
+++ operation. This makes it possible to use a Lego(tm)-like approach in building
+++ web solutions, hooking together components into pipelines, often without any
+++ required programming.</p>
+++ <p>Cocoon used as web framework is "web glue for your web application
+++ development needs". It is a glue that keeps concerns separate and allows
+++ parallel evolution of all aspects of a web application, improving development
+++ pace and reducing the chance of conflicts. In particular it makes it easy to
+++ support multiple output formats, offers continuation based web controller
+++ implementations and comes with a JSR-168 compatible Portal implementation.</p>
+++ <h2>Cocoon blocks</h2>
+++ <p>A block is the unit of modularization (Eclipse uses the term plugins, OSGi
+++ bundles) in Cocoon. Everything that goes beyond that what Cocoon provides in its
+++ core modules (Spring integration, sitemap and pipeline implementation) is
+++ provided as block. Every custom Cocoon application is developed as block. A
+++ block <em>can</em> provide following features:</p>
--- <li>Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concepts of
--- component-based web development and separation of concerns, ensuring that people
--- can interact and collaborate on a project without stepping on each other toes.
--- </li>
+++ <li>sitemap services by provide pipelines that can be called by a special
+++ purpose protocol (<tt>block:</tt>) as a special servlet service</li>
+++ <li>general servlet services (<em>any</em> servlet can be managed by the Cocoon
+++ blocks framework)</li>
+++ <li>component services (Spring beans, Avalon services/components)</li>
+++ <li>a container for classes and resources</li>
+++ </ul>
+++ <p>A block is packaged as Java archive (jar) following certain conventions.</p>
+++ <h1>General features</h1>
+++ <ul>
+++ <li>Apache Cocoon is a <a href="">Spring-based</a>
+++ framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns and
+++ component-based development, ensuring that people can interact and collaborate
+++ on a project without stepping on each other toes.</li>
    <li>Cocoon implements these concepts around the notion of <strong>component
    pipelines</strong>, each component on the pipeline specializing in a particular
    operation (usual pipeline uses a Generator, Transformers and a Serializer). This
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    the complexity of request/response processing and is cleanly separated from the
    view and data components.</li>
    <li>Cocoon is open source software (based on the <a href="daisy:421">Apache
--- Software License</a>).</li>
+++ License 2.0</a>).</li>
    <li>Cocoon does not duplicate efforts but tightly integrates many technologies.
    <li>Cocoon is in use at many live sites and on many company networks.</li>
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    <li><a href="">JAX</a></li>
--- <li>To get started see the <a href="daisy:424">"first steps" documentation
--- track</a>. Basically you only need to
--- <a href="">download</a> Cocoon, unpack it and
--- follow the simple INSTALL.txt instructions. A minimal version of the Jetty
--- servlet container is included with Cocoon.</li>
+++ <li>To get started see the <a href="daisy:1159">Getting started tutorial</a>
+++ </li>
    <h1>Usage scenarios</h1>
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    <li>Use Cocoon as the base for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)</li>
    <li>Use Cocoon as the base for your Content Management System (CMS) (see
--- <a href="">Apache Lenya</a> for a Cocoon based
--- CMS)</li>
--- <li>Use Cocoon for producing mobile content (mobile phones, pdas)</li>
+++ <a href="">Apache Lenya</a>,
+++ <a href="">Daisy CMS</a> and
+++ <a href="">Hippy CMS</a>)</li>
+++ <li>Use Cocoon for producing mobile content (mobile phones, PDAs)</li>
    <li>Datawarehouse reporting across multiple formats (see xReporter)</li>
(19 equal lines skipped)
    approach to parsing, or the "slop" component (Simple Line Oriented Parser).
    <li><a href="">Velocity templates</a></li>
--- <li><a href="daisy:511">JXPath/Jexl templates</a></li>
--- <li><a href="daisy:507">eXtensible Server Pages (XSP)</a> with wide range of
--- logicsheets (database, mailing, ...)</li>
+++ <li>JXPath/Jexl templates</li>
+++ <li>eXtensible Server Pages (XSP) with wide range of logicsheets (database,
+++ mailing, ...)</li>
    <li><a href="">Python (Jython</a>) and generic
    <a href="">BSF support</a></li>
    <li><a href="">JSP</a></li>
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    <h1>What else we can do for you</h1>
+++ <li>tight integration with the <a href="">Spring
+++ framework</a></li>
+++ <li>Modularize your applications using blocks</li>
    <li>Coexist and interoperate side-by-side with your existing J2EE solutions
    (<a href="">EJB</a>,
    <a href="">JMS</a>, ...)</li>
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    Axis</a> is integrated)</li>
    <li><a href="">Java Mail</a> support</li>
    <li>Easy integration of object-relational frameworks
--- (<a href="">OJB</a>,
--- <a href="">Hibernate</a>, ...)</li>
+++ (<a href="">Hibernate</a>,
+++ <a href="">OJB</a>, ...)</li>
    <li>I18n support (translation support)</li>
--- <li>Easily extensible by clear interfaces (write your own components following
--- <a href="">Avalon</a> patterns)</li>
+++ <li>Easily extensible by clear interfaces</li>
    <li>Many, many examples and samples</li>
--- <li>Configurable build mechanism based on
--- <a href="">Ant</a> (you decide which parts of Cocoon you
--- need)</li>
    <li>Integration of Java data binding frameworks
    (<a href="">Castor</a>,
    <a href="">Betwixt</a>)</li>
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    <h1>Cocoon deployment and integration</h1>
+++ <li>Cocoon requires Java 1.4.2 or above</li>
    <li>Cocoon can be run in every servlet container or J2EE application server that
    supports Java Servlets 2.2 and above, e.g.
    <a href="">Tomcat</a>,
(3 equal lines skipped)
    <a href="">Resin</a>,
    <a href="">Websphere</a>,
    <a href="">Weblogic</a>, ...</li>
--- <li>Command line execution, without requiring a servlet container</li>
--- <li>Embeddable in any Java application</li>
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