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Posted to by on 2020/06/12 17:54:19 UTC

[couchdb] 09/10: fix: all_docs on partitioned dbs, override partition requirement on faked access all docs query

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jan pushed a commit to branch feat/access-3.x
in repository

commit 82007260d09f7626f441939edd72d77db9b9091f
Author: Jan Lehnardt <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jun 12 18:49:05 2020 +0200

    fix: all_docs on partitioned dbs, override partition requirement on faked access all docs query
 src/couch/src/couch_db.erl                         |   1 -
 src/couch_mrview/include/couch_mrview.hrl.orig     | 110 ++++
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl              |   8 +-
 .../{couch_mrview.erl => couch_mrview.erl.orig}    | 121 +---
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_http.erl.orig    | 640 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.orig | 380 ++++++++++++
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.rej  |  52 ++
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl         |   4 +-
 ..._mrview_util.erl => couch_mrview_util.erl.orig} |   5 -
 src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.rej     |  16 +
 10 files changed, 1206 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
index ecd456c..b315f07 100644
--- a/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -1792,7 +1792,6 @@ open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
 open_doc_int(Db, <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> = Id, Options) ->
     case couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [Id]) of
     [#doc{} = Doc] ->
-        couch_log:info("~nopen_doc_int: Doc: ~p~n", [Doc]),
         case Doc#doc.body of
             { Body } ->
                 Access = couch_util:get_value(<<"_access">>, Body),
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/include/couch_mrview.hrl.orig b/src/couch_mrview/include/couch_mrview.hrl.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb0ab0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/include/couch_mrview.hrl.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-record(mrst, {
+    sig=nil,
+    fd=nil,
+    fd_monitor,
+    db_name,
+    idx_name,
+    language,
+    design_opts=[],
+    partitioned=false,
+    lib,
+    views,
+    id_btree=nil,
+    update_seq=0,
+    purge_seq=0,
+    first_build,
+    partial_resp_pid,
+    doc_acc,
+    doc_queue,
+    write_queue,
+    qserver=nil
+-record(mrview, {
+    id_num,
+    update_seq=0,
+    purge_seq=0,
+    map_names=[],
+    reduce_funs=[],
+    def,
+    btree=nil,
+    options=[]
+-record(mrheader, {
+    seq=0,
+    purge_seq=0,
+    id_btree_state=nil,
+    view_states=nil
+-define(MAX_VIEW_LIMIT, 16#10000000).
+-record(mrargs, {
+    view_type,
+    reduce,
+    preflight_fun,
+    start_key,
+    start_key_docid,
+    end_key,
+    end_key_docid,
+    keys,
+    direction = fwd,
+    limit = ?MAX_VIEW_LIMIT,
+    skip = 0,
+    group_level = 0,
+    group = undefined,
+    stable = false,
+    update = true,
+    multi_get = false,
+    inclusive_end = true,
+    include_docs = false,
+    doc_options = [],
+    update_seq=false,
+    conflicts,
+    callback,
+    sorted = true,
+    extra = []
+-record(vacc, {
+    db,
+    req,
+    resp,
+    prepend,
+    etag,
+    should_close = false,
+    buffer = [],
+    bufsize = 0,
+    threshold = 1490,
+    row_sent = false,
+    meta_sent = false
+-record(lacc, {
+    db,
+    req,
+    resp,
+    qserver,
+    lname,
+    etag,
+    code,
+    headers
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl
index 98bceae..0d41f2e 100644
--- a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ query_all_docs(Db, Args) ->
 query_all_docs(Db, Args, Callback, Acc) when is_list(Args) ->
     query_all_docs(Db, to_mrargs(Args), Callback, Acc);
 query_all_docs(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc) ->
-    case couch_db:is_admin(Db) of
-        true -> query_all_docs_admin(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc);
-        false -> query_all_docs_access(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc)
+    case couch_db:has_access_enabled(Db) and not couch_db:is_admin(Db) of
+        true -> query_all_docs_access(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc);
+        false -> query_all_docs_admin(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc)
 access_ddoc() ->
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ query_all_docs_access(Db, Args0, Callback0, Acc) ->
     UserCtx = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
     UserName =,
     Args1 = prefix_startkey_endkey(UserName, Args0, Args0#mrargs.direction),
-    Args = Args1#mrargs{reduce=false},
+    Args = Args1#mrargs{reduce=false, extra=Args1#mrargs.extra ++ [{all_docs_access, true}]},
     Callback = fun
         ({row, Props}, Acc0) ->
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl.orig
similarity index 83%
copy from src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl
copy to src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl.orig
index 98bceae..1cdc918 100644
--- a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview.erl.orig
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
--export([query_all_docs/2, query_all_docs/4, query_changes_access/5]).
+-export([query_all_docs/2, query_all_docs/4]).
 -export([query_view/3, query_view/4, query_view/6, get_view_index_pid/4]).
 -export([trigger_update/2, trigger_update/3]).
@@ -233,123 +233,6 @@ query_all_docs(Db, Args) ->
 query_all_docs(Db, Args, Callback, Acc) when is_list(Args) ->
     query_all_docs(Db, to_mrargs(Args), Callback, Acc);
 query_all_docs(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc) ->
-    case couch_db:is_admin(Db) of
-        true -> query_all_docs_admin(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc);
-        false -> query_all_docs_access(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc)
-    end.
-access_ddoc() ->
-    #doc{
-        id = <<"_design/_access">>,
-        body = {[
-            {<<"language">>,<<"_access">>},
-            {<<"options">>, {[
-                {<<"include_design">>, true}
-            ]}},
-            {<<"views">>, {[
-                {<<"_access_by_id">>, {[
-                    {<<"map">>, <<"_access/by-id-map">>},
-                    {<<"reduce">>, <<"_count">>}
-                ]}},
-                {<<"_access_by_seq">>, {[
-                    {<<"map">>, <<"_access/by-seq-map">>},
-                    {<<"reduce">>, <<"_count">>}
-                ]}}
-            ]}}
-        ]}
-    }.
-query_changes_access(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc) ->
-    DDoc = access_ddoc(),
-    UserCtx = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
-    UserName =,
-    %% % TODO: add roles
-    Args1 = prefix_startkey_endkey(UserName, #mrargs{}, fwd),
-    Args2 = Args1#mrargs{deleted=true},
-    Args = Args2#mrargs{reduce=false},
-    %% % filter out the user-prefix from the key, so _all_docs looks normal
-    %% % this isn’t a separate function because I’m binding Callback0 and I don’t
-    %% % know the Erlang equivalent of JS’s fun.bind(this, newarg)
-    Callback = fun
-         ({meta, _}, Acc0) ->
-            {ok, Acc0}; % ignore for now
-         ({row, Props}, Acc0) ->
-            % turn row into FDI
-            Value = couch_util:get_value(value, Props),
-            [Owner, Seq] = couch_util:get_value(key, Props),
-            Rev = couch_util:get_value(rev, Value),
-            Deleted = couch_util:get_value(deleted, Value, false),
-            BodySp = couch_util:get_value(body_sp, Value),
-            [Pos, RevId] = string:split(?b2l(Rev), "-"),
-            FDI = #full_doc_info{
-                id = proplists:get_value(id, Props),
-                rev_tree = [{list_to_integer(Pos), {?l2b(RevId), #leaf{deleted=Deleted, ptr=BodySp, seq=Seq, sizes=#size_info{}}, []}}],
-                deleted = Deleted,
-                update_seq = 0,
-                sizes = #size_info{},
-                access = [Owner]
-            },
-            Fun(FDI, Acc0);
-        (_Else, Acc0) ->
-            {ok, Acc0} % ignore for now
-        end,
-    VName = <<"_access_by_seq">>,
-    query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args, Callback, Acc).
-query_all_docs_access(Db, Args0, Callback0, Acc) ->
-    % query our not yest existing, home-grown _access view.
-    % use query_view for this.
-    DDoc = access_ddoc(),
-    UserCtx = couch_db:get_user_ctx(Db),
-    UserName =,
-    Args1 = prefix_startkey_endkey(UserName, Args0, Args0#mrargs.direction),
-    Args = Args1#mrargs{reduce=false},
-    Callback = fun
-        ({row, Props}, Acc0) ->
-            % filter out the user-prefix from the key, so _all_docs looks normal
-            % this isn’t a separate function because I’m binding Callback0 and I
-            % don’t know the Erlang equivalent of JS’s fun.bind(this, newarg)
-            [_User, Key] = proplists:get_value(key, Props),
-            Row0 = proplists:delete(key, Props),
-            Row = [{key, Key} | Row0],
-            Callback0({row, Row}, Acc0);
-        (Row, Acc0) ->
-            Callback0(Row, Acc0)
-        end,
-    VName = <<"_access_by_id">>,
-    query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args, Callback, Acc).
-prefix_startkey_endkey(UserName, Args, fwd) ->
-    #mrargs{start_key=StartKey, end_key=EndKey} = Args,
-    Args#mrargs {
-        start_key = case StartKey of
-            undefined -> [UserName];
-            StartKey -> [UserName, StartKey]
-        end,
-        end_key = case EndKey of
-            undefined -> [UserName, {}];
-            EndKey -> [UserName, EndKey, {}]
-        end
-    };
-prefix_startkey_endkey(UserName, Args, rev) ->
-    #mrargs{start_key=StartKey, end_key=EndKey} = Args,
-    Args#mrargs {
-        end_key = case StartKey of
-            undefined -> [UserName];
-            StartKey -> [UserName, StartKey]
-        end,
-        start_key = case EndKey of
-            undefined -> [UserName, {}];
-            EndKey -> [UserName, EndKey, {}]
-        end
-    }.
-query_all_docs_admin(Db, Args0, Callback, Acc) ->
     Sig = couch_util:with_db(Db, fun(WDb) ->
         {ok, Info} = couch_db:get_db_info(WDb),
@@ -376,7 +259,6 @@ query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args) ->
 query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args, Callback, Acc) when is_list(Args) ->
     query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, to_mrargs(Args), Callback, Acc);
 query_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args0, Callback, Acc0) ->
-    ok = couch_util:validate_design_access(Db, DDoc),
     case couch_mrview_util:get_view(Db, DDoc, VName, Args0) of
         {ok, VInfo, Sig, Args} ->
             {ok, Acc1} = case Args#mrargs.preflight_fun of
@@ -804,6 +686,7 @@ default_cb(ok, ddoc_updated) ->
 default_cb(Row, Acc) ->
     {ok, [Row | Acc]}.
 to_mrargs(KeyList) ->
     lists:foldl(fun({Key, Value}, Acc) ->
         Index = lookup_index(couch_util:to_existing_atom(Key)),
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_http.erl.orig b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_http.erl.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf8833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_http.erl.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+    handle_all_docs_req/2,
+    handle_local_docs_req/2,
+    handle_design_docs_req/2,
+    handle_reindex_req/3,
+    handle_view_req/3,
+    handle_temp_view_req/2,
+    handle_info_req/3,
+    handle_compact_req/3,
+    handle_cleanup_req/2
+    parse_boolean/1,
+    parse_int/1,
+    parse_pos_int/1,
+    prepend_val/1,
+    parse_body_and_query/2,
+    parse_body_and_query/3,
+    parse_params/2,
+    parse_params/3,
+    parse_params/4,
+    view_cb/2,
+    row_to_json/1,
+    row_to_json/2,
+    check_view_etag/3
+handle_all_docs_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db) ->
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, undefined);
+handle_all_docs_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    Keys = couch_mrview_util:get_view_keys(chttpd:json_body_obj(Req)),
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys);
+handle_all_docs_req(Req, _Db) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+handle_local_docs_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db) ->
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, undefined, <<"_local">>);
+handle_local_docs_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    Keys = couch_mrview_util:get_view_keys(chttpd:json_body_obj(Req)),
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, <<"_local">>);
+handle_local_docs_req(Req, _Db) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+handle_design_docs_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db) ->
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, undefined, <<"_design">>);
+handle_design_docs_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    Keys = couch_mrview_util:get_view_keys(chttpd:json_body_obj(Req)),
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, <<"_design">>);
+handle_design_docs_req(Req, _Db) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+                          path_parts=[_, _, DName,<<"_reindex">>]}=Req,
+                   Db, _DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    ok = couch_db:check_is_admin(Db),
+    couch_mrview:trigger_update(Db, <<"_design/", DName/binary>>),
+    chttpd:send_json(Req, 201, {[{<<"ok">>, true}]});
+handle_reindex_req(Req, _Db, _DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
+                      path_parts=[_, _, DDocName, _, VName, <<"_info">>]}=Req,
+                Db, _DDoc) ->
+    DbName = couch_db:name(Db),
+    DDocId = <<"_design/", DDocName/binary >>,
+    {ok, Info} = couch_mrview:get_view_info(DbName, DDocId, VName),
+    FinalInfo = [{db_name, DbName},
+                 {ddoc, DDocId},
+                 {view, VName}] ++ Info,
+    chttpd:send_json(Req, 200, {FinalInfo});
+handle_view_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db, DDoc) ->
+    [_, _, _, _, ViewName] = Req#httpd.path_parts,
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, httpd, view_reads]),
+    design_doc_view(Req, Db, DDoc, ViewName, undefined);
+handle_view_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db, DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    [_, _, _, _, ViewName] = Req#httpd.path_parts,
+    Props = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+    Keys = couch_mrview_util:get_view_keys(Props),
+    Queries = couch_mrview_util:get_view_queries(Props),
+    case {Queries, Keys} of
+        {Queries, undefined} when is_list(Queries) ->
+            IncrBy = length(Queries),
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, httpd, view_reads], IncrBy),
+            multi_query_view(Req, Db, DDoc, ViewName, Queries);
+        {undefined, Keys} when is_list(Keys) ->
+            couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, httpd, view_reads]),
+            design_doc_view(Req, Db, DDoc, ViewName, Keys);
+        {undefined, undefined} ->
+            throw({
+                bad_request,
+                "POST body must contain `keys` or `queries` field"
+            });
+        {_, _} ->
+            throw({bad_request, "`keys` and `queries` are mutually exclusive"})
+    end;
+handle_view_req(Req, _Db, _DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+handle_temp_view_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    ok = couch_db:check_is_admin(Db),
+    {Body} = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+    DDoc = couch_mrview_util:temp_view_to_ddoc({Body}),
+    Keys = couch_mrview_util:get_view_keys({Body}),
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, httpd, temporary_view_reads]),
+    design_doc_view(Req, Db, DDoc, <<"temp">>, Keys);
+handle_temp_view_req(Req, _Db) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
+handle_info_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, Db, DDoc) ->
+    [_, _, Name, _] = Req#httpd.path_parts,
+    {ok, Info} = couch_mrview:get_info(Db, DDoc),
+    chttpd:send_json(Req, 200, {[
+        {name, Name},
+        {view_index, {Info}}
+    ]});
+handle_info_req(Req, _Db, _DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET").
+handle_compact_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db, DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    ok = couch_db:check_is_admin(Db),
+    ok = couch_mrview:compact(Db, DDoc),
+    chttpd:send_json(Req, 202, {[{ok, true}]});
+handle_compact_req(Req, _Db, _DDoc) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
+handle_cleanup_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+    chttpd:validate_ctype(Req, "application/json"),
+    ok = couch_db:check_is_admin(Db),
+    ok = couch_mrview:cleanup(Db),
+    chttpd:send_json(Req, 202, {[{ok, true}]});
+handle_cleanup_req(Req, _Db) ->
+    chttpd:send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
+all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys) ->
+    all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, undefined).
+all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, NS) ->
+    case is_restricted(Db, NS) of
+    true ->
+        case (catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db)) of
+        ok ->
+            do_all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, NS);
+        _ when NS == <<"_local">> ->
+            throw({forbidden, <<"Only admins can access _local_docs">>});
+        _ ->
+            case is_public_fields_configured(Db) of
+                true ->
+                    do_all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, NS);
+                false ->
+                    throw({forbidden, <<"Only admins can access _all_docs",
+                                        " of system databases.">>})
+            end
+        end;
+    false ->
+        do_all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, NS)
+    end.
+is_restricted(_Db, <<"_local">>) ->
+    true;
+is_restricted(Db, _) ->
+    couch_db:is_system_db(Db).
+is_public_fields_configured(Db) ->
+    DbName = ?b2l(couch_db:name(Db)),
+    case config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "authentication_db", "_users") of
+    DbName ->
+        UsersDbPublic = config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "users_db_public", "false"),
+        PublicFields = config:get("couch_httpd_auth", "public_fields"),
+        case {UsersDbPublic, PublicFields} of
+        {"true", PublicFields} when PublicFields =/= undefined ->
+            true;
+        {_, _} ->
+            false
+        end;
+    _ ->
+        false
+    end.
+do_all_docs_req(Req, Db, Keys, NS) ->
+    Args0 = couch_mrview_http:parse_body_and_query(Req, Keys),
+    Args1 = set_namespace(NS, Args0),
+    ETagFun = fun(Sig, Acc0) ->
+        check_view_etag(Sig, Acc0, Req)
+    end,
+    Args = Args1#mrargs{preflight_fun=ETagFun},
+    {ok, Resp} = couch_httpd:etag_maybe(Req, fun() ->
+        Max = chttpd:chunked_response_buffer_size(),
+        VAcc0 = #vacc{db=Db, req=Req, threshold=Max},
+        DbName = ?b2l(couch_db:name(Db)),
+        UsersDbName = config:get("couch_httpd_auth",
+                                 "authentication_db",
+                                 "_users"),
+        IsAdmin = is_admin(Db),
+        Callback = get_view_callback(DbName, UsersDbName, IsAdmin),
+        couch_mrview:query_all_docs(Db, Args, Callback, VAcc0)
+    end),
+    case is_record(Resp, vacc) of
+        true -> {ok, Resp#vacc.resp};
+        _ -> {ok, Resp}
+    end.
+set_namespace(NS, #mrargs{extra = Extra} = Args) ->
+    Args#mrargs{extra = [{namespace, NS} | Extra]}.
+is_admin(Db) ->
+    case catch couch_db:check_is_admin(Db) of
+    {unauthorized, _} ->
+        false;
+    ok ->
+        true
+    end.
+% admin users always get all fields
+get_view_callback(_, _, true) ->
+    fun view_cb/2;
+% if we are operating on the users db and we aren't
+% admin, filter the view
+get_view_callback(_DbName, _DbName, false) ->
+    fun filtered_view_cb/2;
+% non _users databases get all fields
+get_view_callback(_, _, _) ->
+    fun view_cb/2.
+design_doc_view(Req, Db, DDoc, ViewName, Keys) ->
+    Args0 = parse_params(Req, Keys),
+    ETagFun = fun(Sig, Acc0) ->
+        check_view_etag(Sig, Acc0, Req)
+    end,
+    Args = Args0#mrargs{preflight_fun=ETagFun},
+    {ok, Resp} = couch_httpd:etag_maybe(Req, fun() ->
+        Max = chttpd:chunked_response_buffer_size(),
+        VAcc0 = #vacc{db=Db, req=Req, threshold=Max},
+        couch_mrview:query_view(Db, DDoc, ViewName, Args, fun view_cb/2, VAcc0)
+    end),
+    case is_record(Resp, vacc) of
+        true -> {ok, Resp#vacc.resp};
+        _ -> {ok, Resp}
+    end.
+multi_query_view(Req, Db, DDoc, ViewName, Queries) ->
+    Args0 = parse_params(Req, undefined),
+    {ok, _, _, Args1} = couch_mrview_util:get_view(Db, DDoc, ViewName, Args0),
+    ArgQueries = lists:map(fun({Query}) ->
+        QueryArg = parse_params(Query, undefined, Args1),
+        couch_mrview_util:validate_args(Db, DDoc, QueryArg)
+    end, Queries),
+    {ok, Resp2} = couch_httpd:etag_maybe(Req, fun() ->
+        Max = chttpd:chunked_response_buffer_size(),
+        VAcc0 = #vacc{db=Db, req=Req, prepend="\r\n", threshold=Max},
+        %% TODO: proper calculation of etag
+        Etag = [$", couch_uuids:new(), $"],
+        Headers = [{"ETag", Etag}],
+        FirstChunk = "{\"results\":[",
+        {ok, Resp0} = chttpd:start_delayed_json_response(VAcc0#vacc.req, 200, Headers, FirstChunk),
+        VAcc1 = VAcc0#vacc{resp=Resp0},
+        VAcc2 = lists:foldl(fun(Args, Acc0) ->
+            {ok, Acc1} = couch_mrview:query_view(Db, DDoc, ViewName, Args, fun view_cb/2, Acc0),
+            Acc1
+        end, VAcc1, ArgQueries),
+        {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(VAcc2#vacc.resp, "\r\n]}"),
+        {ok, Resp2} = chttpd:end_delayed_json_response(Resp1),
+        {ok, VAcc2#vacc{resp=Resp2}}
+    end),
+    case is_record(Resp2, vacc) of
+        true -> {ok, Resp2#vacc.resp};
+        _ -> {ok, Resp2}
+    end.
+filtered_view_cb({row, Row0}, Acc) ->
+  Row1 = lists:map(fun({doc, null}) ->
+        {doc, null};
+    ({doc, Body}) ->
+        Doc = couch_users_db:strip_non_public_fields(#doc{body=Body}),
+        {doc, Doc#doc.body};
+    (KV) ->
+        KV
+    end, Row0),
+    view_cb({row, Row1}, Acc);
+filtered_view_cb(Obj, Acc) ->
+    view_cb(Obj, Acc).
+%% these clauses start (and possibly end) the response
+view_cb({error, Reason}, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:send_error(Acc#vacc.req, Reason),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp}};
+view_cb(complete, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    % Nothing in view
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:send_json(Acc#vacc.req, 200, {[{rows, []}]}),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp}};
+view_cb(Msg, #vacc{resp=undefined}=Acc) ->
+    %% Start response
+    Headers = [],
+    {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_delayed_json_response(Acc#vacc.req, 200, Headers),
+    view_cb(Msg, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp, should_close=true});
+%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%% From here on down, the response has been started.
+view_cb({error, Reason}, #vacc{resp=Resp}=Acc) ->
+    {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:send_delayed_error(Resp, Reason),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp1}};
+view_cb(complete, #vacc{resp=Resp, buffer=Buf, threshold=Max}=Acc) ->
+    % Finish view output and possibly end the response
+    {ok, Resp1} = chttpd:close_delayed_json_object(Resp, Buf, "\r\n]}", Max),
+    case Acc#vacc.should_close of
+        true ->
+            {ok, Resp2} = chttpd:end_delayed_json_response(Resp1),
+            {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp2}};
+        _ ->
+            {ok, Acc#vacc{resp=Resp1, meta_sent=false, row_sent=false,
+                prepend=",\r\n", buffer=[], bufsize=0}}
+    end;
+view_cb({meta, Meta}, #vacc{meta_sent=false, row_sent=false}=Acc) ->
+    % Sending metadata as we've not sent it or any row yet
+    Parts = case couch_util:get_value(total, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Total -> [io_lib:format("\"total_rows\":~p", [Total])]
+    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(offset, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Offset -> [io_lib:format("\"offset\":~p", [Offset])]
+    end ++ case couch_util:get_value(update_seq, Meta) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        null ->
+            ["\"update_seq\":null"];
+        UpdateSeq when is_integer(UpdateSeq) ->
+            [io_lib:format("\"update_seq\":~B", [UpdateSeq])];
+        UpdateSeq when is_binary(UpdateSeq) ->
+            [io_lib:format("\"update_seq\":\"~s\"", [UpdateSeq])]
+    end ++ ["\"rows\":["],
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), "{", string:join(Parts, ","), "\r\n"],
+    {ok, AccOut} = maybe_flush_response(Acc, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk)),
+    {ok, AccOut#vacc{prepend="", meta_sent=true}};
+view_cb({meta, _Meta}, #vacc{}=Acc) ->
+    %% ignore metadata
+    {ok, Acc};
+view_cb({row, Row}, #vacc{meta_sent=false}=Acc) ->
+    %% sorted=false and row arrived before meta
+    % Adding another row
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), "{\"rows\":[\r\n", row_to_json(Row)],
+    maybe_flush_response(Acc#vacc{meta_sent=true, row_sent=true}, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk));
+view_cb({row, Row}, #vacc{meta_sent=true}=Acc) ->
+    % Adding another row
+    Chunk = [prepend_val(Acc), row_to_json(Row)],
+    maybe_flush_response(Acc#vacc{row_sent=true}, Chunk, iolist_size(Chunk)).
+maybe_flush_response(#vacc{bufsize=Size, threshold=Max} = Acc, Data, Len)
+        when Size > 0 andalso (Size + Len) > Max ->
+    #vacc{buffer = Buffer, resp = Resp} = Acc,
+    {ok, R1} = chttpd:send_delayed_chunk(Resp, Buffer),
+    {ok, Acc#vacc{prepend = ",\r\n", buffer = Data, bufsize = Len, resp = R1}};
+maybe_flush_response(Acc0, Data, Len) ->
+    #vacc{buffer = Buf, bufsize = Size} = Acc0,
+    Acc = Acc0#vacc{
+        prepend = ",\r\n",
+        buffer = [Buf | Data],
+        bufsize = Size + Len
+    },
+    {ok, Acc}.
+prepend_val(#vacc{prepend=Prepend}) ->
+    case Prepend of
+        undefined ->
+            "";
+        _ ->
+            Prepend
+    end.
+row_to_json(Row) ->
+    Id = couch_util:get_value(id, Row),
+    row_to_json(Id, Row).
+row_to_json(error, Row) ->
+    % Special case for _all_docs request with KEYS to
+    % match prior behavior.
+    Key = couch_util:get_value(key, Row),
+    Val = couch_util:get_value(value, Row),
+    Reason = couch_util:get_value(reason, Row),
+    ReasonProp = if Reason == undefined -> []; true ->
+        [{reason, Reason}]
+    end,
+    Obj = {[{key, Key}, {error, Val}] ++ ReasonProp},
+    ?JSON_ENCODE(Obj);
+row_to_json(Id0, Row) ->
+    Id = case Id0 of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Id0 -> [{id, Id0}]
+    end,
+    Key = couch_util:get_value(key, Row, null),
+    Val = couch_util:get_value(value, Row),
+    Doc = case couch_util:get_value(doc, Row) of
+        undefined -> [];
+        Doc0 -> [{doc, Doc0}]
+    end,
+    Obj = {Id ++ [{key, Key}, {value, Val}] ++ Doc},
+    ?JSON_ENCODE(Obj).
+parse_params(#httpd{}=Req, Keys) ->
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys);
+parse_params(Props, Keys) ->
+    Args = #mrargs{},
+    parse_params(Props, Keys, Args).
+parse_params(Props, Keys, Args) ->
+    parse_params(Props, Keys, Args, []).
+parse_params(Props, Keys, #mrargs{}=Args0, Options) ->
+    IsDecoded = lists:member(decoded, Options),
+    Args1 = case lists:member(keep_group_level, Options) of
+        true ->
+            Args0;
+        _ ->
+            % group_level set to undefined to detect if explicitly set by user
+            Args0#mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined, group_level=undefined}
+    end,
+    lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Acc) ->
+        parse_param(K, V, Acc, IsDecoded)
+    end, Args1, Props).
+parse_body_and_query(#httpd{method='POST'} = Req, Keys) ->
+    Props = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+    parse_body_and_query(Req, Props, Keys);
+parse_body_and_query(Req, Keys) ->
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys, #mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined,
+        group_level=undefined}, [keep_group_level]).
+parse_body_and_query(Req, {Props}, Keys) ->
+    Args = #mrargs{keys=Keys, group=undefined, group_level=undefined},
+    BodyArgs = parse_params(Props, Keys, Args, [decoded]),
+    parse_params(chttpd:qs(Req), Keys, BodyArgs, [keep_group_level]).
+parse_param(Key, Val, Args, IsDecoded) when is_binary(Key) ->
+    parse_param(binary_to_list(Key), Val, Args, IsDecoded);
+parse_param(Key, Val, Args, IsDecoded) ->
+    case Key of
+        "" ->
+            Args;
+        "reduce" ->
+            Args#mrargs{reduce=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val, end_key=Val};
+        "key" ->
+            JsonKey = ?JSON_DECODE(Val),
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=JsonKey, end_key=JsonKey};
+        "keys" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{keys=Val};
+        "keys" ->
+            Args#mrargs{keys=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "startkey" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val};
+        "start_key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=Val};
+        "startkey" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "start_key" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "startkey_docid" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "start_key_doc_id" ->
+            Args#mrargs{start_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "endkey" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=Val};
+        "end_key" when IsDecoded ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=Val};
+        "endkey" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "end_key" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key=?JSON_DECODE(Val)};
+        "endkey_docid" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "end_key_doc_id" ->
+            Args#mrargs{end_key_docid=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "limit" ->
+            Args#mrargs{limit=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "stale" when Val == "ok" orelse Val == <<"ok">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true, update=false};
+        "stale" when Val == "update_after" orelse Val == <<"update_after">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true, update=lazy};
+        "stale" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `stale`.">>});
+        "stable" when Val == "true" orelse Val == <<"true">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=true};
+        "stable" when Val == "false" orelse Val == <<"false">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{stable=false};
+        "stable" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `stable`.">>});
+        "update" when Val == "true" orelse Val == <<"true">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=true};
+        "update" when Val == "false" orelse Val == <<"false">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=false};
+        "update" when Val == "lazy" orelse Val == <<"lazy">> ->
+            Args#mrargs{update=lazy};
+        "update" ->
+            throw({query_parse_error, <<"Invalid value for `update`.">>});
+        "descending" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+                true -> Args#mrargs{direction=rev};
+                _ -> Args#mrargs{direction=fwd}
+            end;
+        "skip" ->
+            Args#mrargs{skip=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "group" ->
+            Args#mrargs{group=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "group_level" ->
+            Args#mrargs{group_level=parse_pos_int(Val)};
+        "inclusive_end" ->
+            Args#mrargs{inclusive_end=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "include_docs" ->
+            Args#mrargs{include_docs=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "attachments" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+            true ->
+                Opts = Args#mrargs.doc_options,
+                Args#mrargs{doc_options=[attachments|Opts]};
+            false ->
+                Args
+            end;
+        "att_encoding_info" ->
+            case parse_boolean(Val) of
+            true ->
+                Opts = Args#mrargs.doc_options,
+                Args#mrargs{doc_options=[att_encoding_info|Opts]};
+            false ->
+                Args
+            end;
+        "update_seq" ->
+            Args#mrargs{update_seq=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "conflicts" ->
+            Args#mrargs{conflicts=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "callback" ->
+            Args#mrargs{callback=couch_util:to_binary(Val)};
+        "sorted" ->
+            Args#mrargs{sorted=parse_boolean(Val)};
+        "partition" ->
+            Partition = couch_util:to_binary(Val),
+            couch_partition:validate_partition(Partition),
+            couch_mrview_util:set_extra(Args, partition, Partition);
+        _ ->
+            BKey = couch_util:to_binary(Key),
+            BVal = couch_util:to_binary(Val),
+            Args#mrargs{extra=[{BKey, BVal} | Args#mrargs.extra]}
+    end.
+parse_boolean(true) ->
+    true;
+parse_boolean(false) ->
+    false;
+parse_boolean(Val) when is_binary(Val) ->
+    parse_boolean(?b2l(Val));
+parse_boolean(Val) ->
+    case string:to_lower(Val) of
+    "true" -> true;
+    "false" -> false;
+    _ ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid boolean parameter: ~p", [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
+parse_int(Val) when is_integer(Val) ->
+    Val;
+parse_int(Val) ->
+    case (catch list_to_integer(Val)) of
+    IntVal when is_integer(IntVal) ->
+        IntVal;
+    _ ->
+        Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid value for integer: ~p", [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
+parse_pos_int(Val) ->
+    case parse_int(Val) of
+    IntVal when IntVal >= 0 ->
+        IntVal;
+    _ ->
+        Fmt = "Invalid value for positive integer: ~p",
+        Msg = io_lib:format(Fmt, [Val]),
+        throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+    end.
+check_view_etag(Sig, Acc0, Req) ->
+    ETag = chttpd:make_etag(Sig),
+    case chttpd:etag_match(Req, ETag) of
+        true -> throw({etag_match, ETag});
+        false -> {ok, Acc0#vacc{etag=ETag}}
+    end.
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.orig b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6823e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start_update/4, purge/4, process_doc/3, finish_update/1]).
+-define(REM_VAL, removed).
+start_update(Partial, State, NumChanges, NumChangesDone) ->
+    MaxSize = config:get_integer("view_updater", "queue_memory_cap", 100000),
+    MaxItems = config:get_integer("view_updater", "queue_item_cap", 500),
+    QueueOpts = [{max_size, MaxSize}, {max_items, MaxItems}],
+    {ok, DocQueue} = couch_work_queue:new(QueueOpts),
+    {ok, WriteQueue} = couch_work_queue:new(QueueOpts),
+    InitState = State#mrst{
+        first_build=State#mrst.update_seq==0,
+        partial_resp_pid=Partial,
+        doc_acc=[],
+        doc_queue=DocQueue,
+        write_queue=WriteQueue
+    },
+    Self = self(),
+    MapFun = fun() ->
+        erlang:put(io_priority,
+            {view_update, State#mrst.db_name, State#mrst.idx_name}),
+        Progress = case NumChanges of
+            0 -> 0;
+            _ -> (NumChangesDone * 100) div NumChanges
+        end,
+        couch_task_status:add_task([
+            {indexer_pid, ?l2b(pid_to_list(Partial))},
+            {type, indexer},
+            {database, State#mrst.db_name},
+            {design_document, State#mrst.idx_name},
+            {progress, Progress},
+            {changes_done, NumChangesDone},
+            {total_changes, NumChanges}
+        ]),
+        couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(500),
+        map_docs(Self, InitState)
+    end,
+    WriteFun = fun() ->
+        erlang:put(io_priority,
+            {view_update, State#mrst.db_name, State#mrst.idx_name}),
+        write_results(Self, InitState)
+    end,
+    spawn_link(MapFun),
+    spawn_link(WriteFun),
+    {ok, InitState}.
+purge(_Db, PurgeSeq, PurgedIdRevs, State) ->
+    #mrst{
+        id_btree=IdBtree,
+        views=Views,
+        partitioned=Partitioned
+    } = State,
+    Ids = [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- PurgedIdRevs],
+    {ok, Lookups, IdBtree2} = couch_btree:query_modify(IdBtree, Ids, [], Ids),
+    MakeDictFun = fun
+        ({ok, {DocId, ViewNumRowKeys}}, DictAcc) ->
+            FoldFun = fun
+                ({ViewNum, {Key, Seq, _Op}}, DictAcc2) ->
+                    dict:append(ViewNum, {Key, Seq, DocId}, DictAcc2);
+                ({ViewNum, RowKey0}, DictAcc2) ->
+                    RowKey = if not Partitioned -> RowKey0; true ->
+                        [{RK, _}] = inject_partition([{RowKey0, DocId}]),
+                        RK
+                    end,
+                    dict:append(ViewNum, {RowKey, DocId}, DictAcc2)
+            end,
+            lists:foldl(FoldFun, DictAcc, ViewNumRowKeys);
+        ({not_found, _}, DictAcc) ->
+            DictAcc
+    end,
+    KeysToRemove = lists:foldl(MakeDictFun, dict:new(), Lookups),
+    RemKeysFun = fun(#mrview{id_num=ViewId}=View) ->
+        ToRem = couch_util:dict_find(ViewId, KeysToRemove, []),
+        {ok, VBtree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(View#mrview.btree, [], ToRem),
+        NewPurgeSeq = case VBtree2 =/= View#mrview.btree of
+            true -> PurgeSeq;
+            _ -> View#mrview.purge_seq
+        end,
+        View#mrview{btree=VBtree2, purge_seq=NewPurgeSeq}
+    end,
+    Views2 = lists:map(RemKeysFun, Views),
+    {ok, State#mrst{
+        id_btree=IdBtree2,
+        views=Views2,
+        purge_seq=PurgeSeq
+    }}.
+process_doc(Doc, Seq, #mrst{doc_acc=Acc}=State) when length(Acc) > 100 ->
+    couch_work_queue:queue(State#mrst.doc_queue, lists:reverse(Acc)),
+    process_doc(Doc, Seq, State#mrst{doc_acc=[]});
+process_doc(nil, Seq, #mrst{doc_acc=Acc}=State) ->
+    {ok, State#mrst{doc_acc=[{nil, Seq, nil} | Acc]}};
+% process_doc(#doc{id=Id, deleted=true}, Seq, #mrst{doc_acc=Acc}=State) ->
+%     {ok, State#mrst{doc_acc=[{Id, Seq, deleted} | Acc]}};
+process_doc(#doc{id=Id}=Doc, Seq, #mrst{doc_acc=Acc}=State) ->
+    {ok, State#mrst{doc_acc=[{Id, Seq, Doc} | Acc]}}.
+finish_update(#mrst{doc_acc=Acc}=State) ->
+    if Acc /= [] ->
+        couch_work_queue:queue(State#mrst.doc_queue, Acc);
+        true -> ok
+    end,
+    couch_work_queue:close(State#mrst.doc_queue),
+    receive
+        {new_state, NewState} ->
+            {ok, NewState#mrst{
+                first_build=undefined,
+                partial_resp_pid=undefined,
+                doc_acc=undefined,
+                doc_queue=undefined,
+                write_queue=undefined,
+                qserver=nil
+            }}
+    end.
+make_deleted_body({Props}, Meta, Seq) ->
+    BodySp = couch_util:get_value(body_sp, Meta),
+    Result = [{<<"_seq">>, Seq}, {<<"_body_sp">>, BodySp}],
+    case couch_util:get_value(<<"_access">>, Props) of
+    undefined -> Result;
+    Access -> [{<<"_access">>, Access} | Result]
+    end.
+map_docs(Parent, #mrst{db_name = DbName, idx_name = IdxName} = State0) ->
+    erlang:put(io_priority, {view_update, DbName, IdxName}),
+    case couch_work_queue:dequeue(State0#mrst.doc_queue) of
+        closed ->
+            couch_query_servers:stop_doc_map(State0#mrst.qserver),
+            couch_work_queue:close(State0#mrst.write_queue);
+        {ok, Dequeued} ->
+            % Run all the non deleted docs through the view engine and
+            % then pass the results on to the writer process.
+            State1 = case State0#mrst.qserver of
+                nil -> start_query_server(State0);
+                _ -> State0
+            end,
+            QServer = State1#mrst.qserver,
+            DocFun = fun
+                ({nil, Seq, _}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                    {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), Results};
+                ({Id, Seq, deleted}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                    {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, []} | Results]};
+                ({Id, Seq, Doc}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                    couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, mrview, map_doc]),
+                    {ok, Res} = couch_query_servers:map_doc_raw(QServer, Doc),
+                    {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Res} | Results]}
+            end,
+            FoldFun = fun(Docs, Acc) ->
+                update_task(length(Docs)),
+                lists:foldl(DocFun, Acc, Docs)
+            end,
+            Results = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {0, []}, Dequeued),
+            couch_work_queue:queue(State1#mrst.write_queue, Results),
+            map_docs(Parent, State1)
+    end.
+write_results(Parent, #mrst{} = State) ->
+    case accumulate_writes(State, State#mrst.write_queue, nil) of
+        stop ->
+            Parent ! {new_state, State};
+        {Go, {Seq, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys}} ->
+            NewState = write_kvs(State, Seq, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys),
+            if Go == stop ->
+                Parent ! {new_state, NewState};
+            true ->
+                send_partial(NewState#mrst.partial_resp_pid, NewState),
+                write_results(Parent, NewState)
+            end
+    end.
+start_query_server(State) ->
+    #mrst{
+        language=Language,
+        lib=Lib,
+        views=Views
+    } = State,
+    Defs = [View#mrview.def || View <- Views],
+    {ok, QServer} = couch_query_servers:start_doc_map(Language, Defs, Lib),
+    State#mrst{qserver=QServer}.
+accumulate_writes(State, W, Acc0) ->
+    {Seq, ViewKVs, DocIdKVs} = case Acc0 of
+        nil -> {0, [{V#mrview.id_num, []} || V <- State#mrst.views], []};
+        _ -> Acc0
+    end,
+    case couch_work_queue:dequeue(W) of
+        closed when Seq == 0 ->
+            stop;
+        closed ->
+            {stop, {Seq, ViewKVs, DocIdKVs}};
+        {ok, Info} ->
+            {_, _, NewIds} = Acc = merge_results(Info, Seq, ViewKVs, DocIdKVs),
+            case accumulate_more(length(NewIds), Acc) of
+                true -> accumulate_writes(State, W, Acc);
+                false -> {ok, Acc}
+            end
+    end.
+accumulate_more(NumDocIds, Acc) ->
+    % check if we have enough items now
+    MinItems = config:get("view_updater", "min_writer_items", "100"),
+    MinSize = config:get("view_updater", "min_writer_size", "16777216"),
+    CurrMem = ?term_size(Acc),
+    NumDocIds < list_to_integer(MinItems)
+        andalso CurrMem < list_to_integer(MinSize).
+merge_results([], SeqAcc, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys) ->
+    {SeqAcc, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys};
+merge_results([{Seq, Results} | Rest], SeqAcc, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys) ->
+    Fun = fun(RawResults, {VKV, DIK}) ->
+        merge_results(RawResults, VKV, DIK)
+    end,
+    {ViewKVs1, DocIdKeys1} = lists:foldl(Fun, {ViewKVs, DocIdKeys}, Results),
+    merge_results(Rest, erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), ViewKVs1, DocIdKeys1).
+merge_results({DocId, []}, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys) ->
+    {ViewKVs, [{DocId, []} | DocIdKeys]};
+merge_results({DocId, RawResults}, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys) ->
+    JsonResults = couch_query_servers:raw_to_ejson(RawResults),
+    Results = [[list_to_tuple(Res) || Res <- FunRs] || FunRs <- JsonResults],
+    case lists:flatten(Results) of
+        [] ->
+            {ViewKVs, [{DocId, []} | DocIdKeys]};
+        _ ->
+            {ViewKVs1, ViewIdKeys} = insert_results(DocId, Results, ViewKVs, [], []),
+            {ViewKVs1, [ViewIdKeys | DocIdKeys]}
+    end.
+insert_results(DocId, [], [], ViewKVs, ViewIdKeys) ->
+    {lists:reverse(ViewKVs), {DocId, ViewIdKeys}};
+insert_results(DocId, [KVs | RKVs], [{Id, VKVs} | RVKVs], VKVAcc, VIdKeys) ->
+    CombineDupesFun = fun
+        ({Key, Val}, {[{Key, {dups, Vals}} | Rest], IdKeys}) ->
+            {[{Key, {dups, [Val | Vals]}} | Rest], IdKeys};
+        ({Key, Val1}, {[{Key, Val2} | Rest], IdKeys}) ->
+            {[{Key, {dups, [Val1, Val2]}} | Rest], IdKeys};
+        ({Key, Value}, {Rest, IdKeys}) ->
+            {[{Key, Value} | Rest], [{Id, Key} | IdKeys]}
+    end,
+    InitAcc = {[], VIdKeys},
+    couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, mrview, emits], length(KVs)),
+    {Duped, VIdKeys0} = lists:foldl(CombineDupesFun, InitAcc,
+                                          lists:sort(KVs)),
+    FinalKVs = [{{Key, DocId}, Val} || {Key, Val} <- Duped] ++ VKVs,
+    insert_results(DocId, RKVs, RVKVs, [{Id, FinalKVs} | VKVAcc], VIdKeys0).
+write_kvs(State, UpdateSeq, ViewKVs, DocIdKeys) ->
+    #mrst{
+        id_btree=IdBtree,
+        first_build=FirstBuild,
+        partitioned=Partitioned
+    } = State,
+    {ok, ToRemove, IdBtree2} = update_id_btree(IdBtree, DocIdKeys, FirstBuild),
+    ToRemByView = collapse_rem_keys(ToRemove, dict:new()),
+    UpdateView = fun(#mrview{id_num=ViewId}=View, {ViewId, KVs0}) ->
+        ToRem0 = couch_util:dict_find(ViewId, ToRemByView, []),
+        {KVs, ToRem} = case Partitioned of
+            true ->
+                KVs1 = inject_partition(KVs0),
+                ToRem1 = inject_partition(ToRem0),
+                {KVs1, ToRem1};
+            false ->
+                {KVs0, ToRem0}
+        end,
+        {ok, VBtree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(View#mrview.btree, KVs, ToRem),
+        NewUpdateSeq = case VBtree2 =/= View#mrview.btree of
+            true -> UpdateSeq;
+            _ -> View#mrview.update_seq
+        end,
+        View2 = View#mrview{btree=VBtree2, update_seq=NewUpdateSeq},
+        maybe_notify(State, View2, KVs, ToRem),
+        View2
+    end,
+    State#mrst{
+        views=lists:zipwith(UpdateView, State#mrst.views, ViewKVs),
+        update_seq=UpdateSeq,
+        id_btree=IdBtree2
+    }.
+inject_partition(Rows) ->
+    lists:map(fun
+        ({{Key, DocId}, Value}) ->
+            % Adding a row to the view
+            {Partition, _} = couch_partition:extract(DocId),
+            {{{p, Partition, Key}, DocId}, Value};
+        ({Key, DocId}) ->
+            % Removing a row based on values in id_tree
+            {Partition, _} = couch_partition:extract(DocId),
+            {{p, Partition, Key}, DocId}
+    end, Rows).
+update_id_btree(Btree, DocIdKeys, true) ->
+    ToAdd = [{Id, DIKeys} || {Id, DIKeys} <- DocIdKeys, DIKeys /= []],
+    couch_btree:query_modify(Btree, [], ToAdd, []);
+update_id_btree(Btree, DocIdKeys, _) ->
+    ToFind = [Id || {Id, _} <- DocIdKeys],
+    ToAdd = [{Id, DIKeys} || {Id, DIKeys} <- DocIdKeys, DIKeys /= []],
+    ToRem = [Id || {Id, DIKeys} <- DocIdKeys, DIKeys == []],
+    couch_btree:query_modify(Btree, ToFind, ToAdd, ToRem).
+collapse_rem_keys([], Acc) ->
+    Acc;
+collapse_rem_keys([{ok, {DocId, ViewIdKeys}} | Rest], Acc) ->
+    NewAcc = lists:foldl(fun({ViewId, Key}, Acc2) ->
+        dict:append(ViewId, {Key, DocId}, Acc2)
+    end, Acc, ViewIdKeys),
+    collapse_rem_keys(Rest, NewAcc);
+collapse_rem_keys([{not_found, _} | Rest], Acc) ->
+    collapse_rem_keys(Rest, Acc).
+send_partial(Pid, State) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Pid, {new_state, State});
+send_partial(_, _) ->
+    ok.
+update_task(NumChanges) ->
+    [Changes, Total] = couch_task_status:get([changes_done, total_changes]),
+    Changes2 = Changes + NumChanges,
+    Progress = case Total of
+        0 ->
+            % updater restart after compaction finishes
+            0;
+        _ ->
+            (Changes2 * 100) div Total
+    end,
+    couch_task_status:update([{progress, Progress}, {changes_done, Changes2}]).
+maybe_notify(State, View, KVs, ToRem) ->
+    Updated = fun() ->
+        [Key || {{Key, _}, _} <- KVs]
+    end,
+    Removed = fun() ->
+        [Key || {Key, _DocId} <- ToRem]
+    end,
+    couch_index_plugin:index_update(State, View, Updated, Removed).
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.rej b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.rej
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a2ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_updater.erl.rej
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+*** 192,202 ****
+              DocFun = fun
+                  ({nil, Seq, _, _}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                      {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), Results};
+-                 ({Id, Seq, Rev, deleted}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+-                     {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Seq, Rev, []} | Results]};
+                  ({Id, Seq, Rev, Doc}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                      couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, mrview, map_doc]),
+-                     {ok, Res} = couch_query_servers:map_doc_raw(QServer, Doc),
+                      {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Seq, Rev, Res} | Results]}
+              end,
+--- 199,236 ----
+              DocFun = fun
+                  ({nil, Seq, _, _}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                      {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), Results};
++                 ({Id, Seq, Rev, #doc{deleted=true, body=Body, meta=Meta}}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
++                     % _access needs deleted docs
++                     case IdxName of
++                         <<"_design/_access">> ->
++                             % splice in seq
++                             {Start, Rev1} = Rev,
++                             Doc = #doc{
++                                 id = Id,
++                                 revs = {Start, [Rev1]},
++                                 body = {make_deleted_body(Body, Meta, Seq)}, %% todo: only keep _access and add _seq
++                                 deleted = true
++                             },
++                             {ok, Res} = couch_query_servers:map_doc_raw(QServer, Doc),
++                             {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Seq, Rev, Res} | Results]};
++                         _Else ->
++                             {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Seq, Rev, []} | Results]}
++                         end;
+                  ({Id, Seq, Rev, Doc}, {SeqAcc, Results}) ->
+                      couch_stats:increment_counter([couchdb, mrview, map_doc]),
++                     % couch_log:info("~nIdxName: ~p, Doc: ~p~n~n", [IdxName, Doc]),
++                     Doc0 = case IdxName of
++                         <<"_design/_access">> ->
++                             % splice in seq
++                             {Props} = Doc#doc.body,
++                             BodySp = couch_util:get_value(body_sp, Doc#doc.meta),
++                             Doc#doc{
++                                 body = {Props++[{<<"_seq">>, Seq}, {<<"_body_sp">>, BodySp}]}
++                             };
++                         _Else ->
++                             Doc
++                         end,
++                     {ok, Res} = couch_query_servers:map_doc_raw(QServer, Doc0),
+                      {erlang:max(Seq, SeqAcc), [{Id, Seq, Rev, Res} | Results]}
+              end,
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
index be75dd5..2bf1680 100644
--- a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
@@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ validate_args(Db, DDoc, Args0) ->
 validate_args(#mrst{} = State, Args0) ->
     Args = validate_args(Args0),
     ViewPartitioned = State#mrst.partitioned,
     Partition = get_extra(Args, partition),
+    AllDocsAccess = get_extra(Args, all_docs_access, false),
-    case {ViewPartitioned, Partition} of
+    case {ViewPartitioned and not AllDocsAccess, Partition} of
         {true, undefined} ->
             Msg1 = <<"`partition` parameter is mandatory "
                     "for queries to this view.">>,
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.orig
similarity index 99%
copy from src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
copy to src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.orig
index be75dd5..e971720 100644
--- a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.orig
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 -export([index_file/2, compaction_file/2, open_file/1]).
 -export([delete_files/2, delete_index_file/2, delete_compaction_file/2]).
 -export([get_row_count/1, all_docs_reduce_to_count/1, reduce_to_count/1]).
 -export([all_docs_key_opts/1, all_docs_key_opts/2, key_opts/1, key_opts/2]).
 -export([fold/4, fold_reduce/4]).
@@ -341,10 +340,6 @@ temp_view_to_ddoc({Props}) ->
-get_access_row_count(#mrview{btree=Bt}, UserName) ->
-    couch_btree:full_reduce_with_options(Bt, [
-        {start_key, UserName}
-    ]).
 get_row_count(#mrview{btree=Bt}) ->
     Count = case couch_btree:full_reduce(Bt) of
diff --git a/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.rej b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.rej
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bcf126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couch_mrview/src/couch_mrview_util.erl.rej
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+*** 20,25 ****
+  -export([index_file/2, compaction_file/2, open_file/1]).
+  -export([delete_files/2, delete_index_file/2, delete_compaction_file/2]).
+  -export([get_row_count/1, all_docs_reduce_to_count/1, reduce_to_count/1]).
+  -export([get_view_changes_count/1]).
+  -export([all_docs_key_opts/1, all_docs_key_opts/2, key_opts/1, key_opts/2]).
+  -export([fold/4, fold_reduce/4]).
+--- 20,26 ----
+  -export([index_file/2, compaction_file/2, open_file/1]).
+  -export([delete_files/2, delete_index_file/2, delete_compaction_file/2]).
+  -export([get_row_count/1, all_docs_reduce_to_count/1, reduce_to_count/1]).
++ -export([get_access_row_count/2]).
+  -export([get_view_changes_count/1]).
+  -export([all_docs_key_opts/1, all_docs_key_opts/2, key_opts/1, key_opts/2]).
+  -export([fold/4, fold_reduce/4]).