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Posted to by Chen Wang <> on 2014/08/21 02:43:05 UTC

Most bolts are idle, and the upstream bolt stopped pulling data

i am having a bolt to poll from kafka(bolt, not spout). It has 3 threads as
the topic has 3 partitions. Then the downstream processing bolt has 200
threads. With this set up I hope the processing bolt can catch up with the
kafka bolt. However, in my testing, it seems that at a single time, only 3
processing bolts are processing the data, and then the kafka polling bolt
seems to be blocked.
I am simply using:

BatchProcessorBolt batchProcessorBolt = new BatchProcessorBolt();

 builder.setBolt("processing bolt),

  batchProcessorBolt, 200)


and kafkapollingbolt simply polls from kafka topic.

pollingBolt = new KafkaPollingBolt(kafkaConsumerProperties,


Is there something apparently missing here? If I only have
kafkaPollingBolt, then the speed is expected. But once adding the
processorBolt, kafkaPollingBolt will also hangs.

Thanks in advance.
