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Posted to by Houston Putman <> on 2021/11/17 15:55:58 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Solr Operator v0.5.0 released

The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.5.0.

The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.

This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:

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Solr Operator v0.5.0 Release Highlights:

Support for Kubernetes v1.22+ (including the new Ingress APIs)
Support for cloud-native backups, and multiple backup repositories per-SolrCloud
GCS and S3 Backup Repositories are now fully supported (require Solr 8.9 and Solr 8.10 respectively)
SolrCloud Backup option has been removed from SolrCloud.spec.dataStorage.backupRestoreOptions, please use SolrCloud.spec.backupRepositories instead
When upgrading, the Solr Operator will automatically migrate the information to the new location
SolrBackup Persistence has been removed
Please keep the data in the shared volume, or use a cloud-native backup repository instead (e.g. GCS, S3)
Any persistence options provided will be removed and ignored
Introducing recurring/scheduled backup support in SolrBackup resource
Ability to bootstrap a custom Solr security.xml from a Secret
Fix for managed SolrCloud upgrades across multiple SolrCloud resources (with a shared zookeeper connection string)
Easy enablement of Solr Modules and additional libraries for SolrCloud
Pod Lifecycle is now customizable for SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter
SolrCloud can now be run across availability zones with support for PodSpreadTopologyConstraints
Augment the available Pod customization options for provided Zookeeper Clusters
The Solr Operator now runs with liveness and readiness probes by default
The Solr Operator now provides a metrics endpoint, that is enabled by default when using the Solr Operator Helm chart
Leader election is now enabled for the Solr Operator by default, and supports multiple namespace watching

A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:

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For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.

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