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Posted to by Andrew Purtell <> on 2014/07/23 02:13:24 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] HBase 0.98.4 is now available for download

Apache HBase 0.98.4 is now available for download.  Get it from an Apache
mirror [1] or Maven repository.

The list of changes in this release can be found in the release notes [2]
or following this announcement.

Thanks to all who contributed to this release.

The HBase Dev Team


​​HBASE-8495 Change ownership of the directory to bulk load
HBASE-10289 Avoid random port usage by default JMX Server. Create Custome
JMX server
HBASE-10330 TableInputFormat/TableRecordReaderImpl leaks HTable
HBASE-10641 Configurable Bucket Sizes in bucketCache
HBASE-10871 Indefinite OPEN/CLOSE wait on busy RegionServers
HBASE-10885 Support visibility expressions on Deletes
HBASE-10922 Log splitting status should always be closed
HBASE-10935 support snapshot policy where flush memstore can be skipped to
prevent production cluster freeze
HBASE-11039 [VisibilityController] Integration test for labeled data set
mixing and filtered excise
HBASE-11052 Sending random data crashes thrift service
HBASE-11057 Improve TestShell coverage of grant and revoke comamnds
HBASE-11088 Support Visibility Expression Deletes in Shell
HBASE-11094 Distributed log replay is incompatible for rolling restarts
HBASE-11118 non environment variable solution for "IllegalAccessError:
class cannot access its
HBASE-11126 Add RegionObserver pre hooks that operate under row lock
HBASE-11162 RegionServer webui uses the default master info port
irrespective of the user configuration.
HBASE-11194 [AccessController] issue with covering permission check in case
of concurrent op on same row
HBASE-11294 IntegrationTestIngestWithACL should automatically set the
superuser when running on local minicluster
HBASE-11302 ReplicationSourceManager#sources is not thread safe
HBASE-11307 Deprecate SlabCache
HBASE-11310 Delete's copy constructor should copy the attributes also
HBASE-11311 Secure Bulk Load does not execute chmod 777 on the files
HBASE-11312 Minor refactoring of TestVisibilityLabels class
HBASE-11327 ExportSnapshot hit stackoverflow error when target snapshotDir
doesn't contain uri
HBASE-11335 Fix the TABLE_DIR param in TableSnapshotInputFormat
HBASE-11341 ZKProcedureCoordinatorRpcs should respond only to members
HBASE-11342 The method isChildReadLock in class ZKInterProcessLockBase is
HBASE-11347 For some errors, the client can retry infinitely
HBASE-11349 [Thrift] support authentication/impersonation
HBASE-11353 Wrong Write Request Count
HBASE-11355 a couple of callQueue related improvements
HBASE-11362 Minor improvements to LoadTestTool and PerformanceEvaluation
HBASE-11363 Access checks in preCompact and preCompactSelection are out of
HBASE-11366 Backport HBASE-4089 (block cache contents report UI) to 0.98
HBASE-11371 Typo in Thrift2 docs
HBASE-11374 RpcRetryingCaller#callWithoutRetries has a timeout of zero
HBASE-11376 Presplit table in IntegrationTestBigLinkedList's Generator tool
HBASE-11378 TableMapReduceUtil overwrites user supplied options for
multiple tables/scaners job
HBASE-11380 HRegion lock object is not being released properly, leading to
snapshot failure
HBASE-11387 metrics: wrong totalRequestCount
HBASE-11391 Thrift table creation will fail with default TTL with sanity
HBASE-11395 Add logging for HBase table operations
HBASE-11396 Invalid meta entries can lead to unstartable master
HBASE-11397 When merging expired stripes, we need to create an empty file
to preserve metadata.
HBASE-11398 Print the stripes' state with file size info
HBASE-11403 Fix race conditions around Object#notify
HBASE-11407 hbase-client should not require Jackson for pure HBase queries
be executed
HBASE-11413 [findbugs] RV: Negating the result of compareTo()/compare()
HBASE-11418 build target "site" doesn't respect hadoop-two.version property
HBASE-11422 Specification of scope is missing for certain Hadoop
HBASE-11423 Visibility label and per cell ACL feature not working with
HTable#mutateRow() and MultiRowMutationEndpoint
HBASE-11424 Avoid usage of CellUtil#getTagArray(Cell cell) within server
HBASE-11430 lastFlushSeqId has been updated wrongly during region open
HBASE-11432 [AccessController] Remove cell first strategy
HBASE-11433 LruBlockCache does not respect its configurable parameters
HBASE-11434 [AccessController] Disallow inbound cells with reserved tags
HBASE-11435 Visibility labelled cells fail to getting replicated
HBASE-11436 Support start Row and stop Row in HBase Export
HBASE-11437 Modify cell tag handling code to treat the length as unsigned
HBASE-11439 StripeCompaction may not obey the OffPeak rule to compaction
HBASE-11442 ReplicationSourceManager doesn't cleanup the queues for
recovered sources
HBASE-11444 Remove use of reflection for User#getShortName
HBASE-11446 Reduce the frequency of RNG calls in
HBASE-11450 Improve file size info in SnapshotInfo tool
HBASE-11452 add getUserPermission feature in AccessControlClient as client
HBASE-11457 Increment HFile block encoding IVs accounting for ciper's
internal use
HBASE-11458 NPEs if RegionServer cannot initialize
HBASE-11460 Deadlock in HMaster on masterAndZKLock in HConnectionManager
HBASE-11465 [VisibilityController] Reserved tags check not happening for
HBASE-11473 Add BaseWALObserver class
HBASE-11474 [Thrift2] support authentication/impersonation
HBASE-11475 Distributed log replay should also replay compaction events
HBASE-11481 TableSnapshotInputFormat javadoc wrongly claims HBase "enforces
HBASE-11487 ScanResponse carries non-zero cellblock for CloseScanRequest
(ScanRequest with close_scanner = true)
HBASE-11488 cancelTasks in SubprocedurePool can hang during task error
HBASE-11492 Hadoop configuration overrides some ipc parameters including
HBASE-11493 Autorestart option is not working because of stale znode
HBASE-11496 HBASE-9745 broke cygwin CLASSPATH translation
HBASE-11497 Expose RpcScheduling implementations as LimitedPrivate
HBASE-11505 'snapshot' shell command shadows 'snapshot' shell when 'help'
is invoked
HBASE-11506 IntegrationTestWithCellVisibilityLoadAndVerify allow User to be
passed as arg
HBASE-11510 Visibility serialization format tag gets duplicated in
Append/Increment'ed cells
HBASE-11513 Combine SingleMultiple Queue RpcExecutor into a single class

Best regards,

   - Andy

Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back. - Piet Hein
(via Tom White)