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[7/8] celix git commit: CELIX-417: Refactors cmake usage of pubsub and rsa. Started with installing exported targets
diff --git a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/psa_activator.c b/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/psa_activator.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd07310..0000000
--- a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/psa_activator.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * psa_activator.c
- *
- *  \date       Sep 30, 2011
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "bundle_activator.h"
-#include "service_registration.h"
-#include "service_tracker.h"
-#include "pubsub_admin_impl.h"
-struct activator {
-	pubsub_admin_pt admin;
-	pubsub_admin_service_pt adminService;
-	service_registration_pt registration;
-	service_tracker_pt serializerTracker;
-celix_status_t bundleActivator_create(bundle_context_pt context, void **userData) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	struct activator *activator;
-	activator = calloc(1, sizeof(*activator));
-	if (!activator) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	}
-	else{
-		*userData = activator;
-		status = pubsubAdmin_create(context, &(activator->admin));
-		if(status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer = NULL;
-			status = serviceTrackerCustomizer_create(activator->admin,
-					NULL,
-					pubsubAdmin_serializerAdded,
-					NULL,
-					pubsubAdmin_serializerRemoved,
-					&customizer);
-			if(status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-				status = serviceTracker_create(context, PUBSUB_SERIALIZER_SERVICE, customizer, &(activator->serializerTracker));
-				if(status != CELIX_SUCCESS){
-					serviceTrackerCustomizer_destroy(customizer);
-					pubsubAdmin_destroy(activator->admin);
-				}
-			}
-			else{
-				pubsubAdmin_destroy(activator->admin);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t bundleActivator_start(void * userData, bundle_context_pt context) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	struct activator *activator = userData;
-	pubsub_admin_service_pt pubsubAdminSvc = calloc(1, sizeof(*pubsubAdminSvc));
-	if (!pubsubAdminSvc) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	}
-	else{
-		pubsubAdminSvc->admin = activator->admin;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->addPublication = pubsubAdmin_addPublication;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->removePublication = pubsubAdmin_removePublication;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->addSubscription = pubsubAdmin_addSubscription;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->removeSubscription = pubsubAdmin_removeSubscription;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->closeAllPublications = pubsubAdmin_closeAllPublications;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->closeAllSubscriptions = pubsubAdmin_closeAllSubscriptions;
-		pubsubAdminSvc->matchEndpoint = pubsubAdmin_matchEndpoint;
-		activator->adminService = pubsubAdminSvc;
-		status = bundleContext_registerService(context, PUBSUB_ADMIN_SERVICE, pubsubAdminSvc, NULL, &activator->registration);
-		status += serviceTracker_open(activator->serializerTracker);
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t bundleActivator_stop(void * userData, bundle_context_pt context) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	struct activator *activator = userData;
-	status += serviceTracker_close(activator->serializerTracker);
-	status += serviceRegistration_unregister(activator->registration);
-	activator->registration = NULL;
-	free(activator->adminService);
-	activator->adminService = NULL;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t bundleActivator_destroy(void * userData, bundle_context_pt context) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	struct activator *activator = userData;
-	serviceTracker_destroy(activator->serializerTracker);
-	pubsubAdmin_destroy(activator->admin);
-	activator->admin = NULL;
-	free(activator);
-	return status;
diff --git a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/pubsub_admin_impl.c b/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/pubsub_admin_impl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ead0c..0000000
--- a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/pubsub_admin_impl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * pubsub_admin_impl.c
- *
- *  \date       Sep 30, 2011
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include "pubsub_admin_impl.h"
-#include <zmq.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#ifndef ANDROID
-#include <ifaddrs.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "hash_map.h"
-#include "array_list.h"
-#include "bundle_context.h"
-#include "bundle.h"
-#include "service_reference.h"
-#include "service_registration.h"
-#include "log_helper.h"
-#include "log_service.h"
-#include "celix_threads.h"
-#include "service_factory.h"
-#include "topic_subscription.h"
-#include "topic_publication.h"
-#include "pubsub_endpoint.h"
-#include "pubsub_utils.h"
-#include "subscriber.h"
-static const char *DEFAULT_IP = "";
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_getIpAdress(const char* interface, char** ip);
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addSubscriptionToPendingList(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP);
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addAnySubscription(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP);
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt ep, pubsub_serializer_service_t **serSvc);
-static void connectTopicPubSubToSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_serializer_service_t *serializer,void *topicPubSub,bool isPublication);
-static void disconnectTopicPubSubFromSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,void *topicPubSub,bool isPublication);
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_create(bundle_context_pt context, pubsub_admin_pt *admin) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	if (!zsys_has_curve()){
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ: zeromq curve unsupported\n");
-	}
-	*admin = calloc(1, sizeof(**admin));
-	if (!*admin) {
-		status = CELIX_ENOMEM;
-	}
-	else{
-		const char *ip = NULL;
-		char *detectedIp = NULL;
-		(*admin)->bundle_context= context;
-		(*admin)->localPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
-		(*admin)->subscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
-		(*admin)->pendingSubscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
-		(*admin)->externalPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL);
-		(*admin)->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		(*admin)->topicPublicationsPerSerializer  = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-		arrayList_create(&((*admin)->noSerializerSubscriptions));
-		arrayList_create(&((*admin)->noSerializerPublications));
-		arrayList_create(&((*admin)->serializerList));
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->localPublicationsLock, NULL);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->subscriptionsLock, NULL);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->externalPublicationsLock, NULL);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->serializerListLock, NULL);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->usedSerializersLock, NULL);
-		celixThreadMutexAttr_create(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr);
-		celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsLock, &(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr);
-		celixThreadMutexAttr_create(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr);
-		celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsLock, &(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr);
-		if (logHelper_create(context, &(*admin)->loghelper) == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-			logHelper_start((*admin)->loghelper);
-		}
-		bundleContext_getProperty(context,PSA_IP , &ip);
-#ifndef ANDROID
-		if (ip == NULL) {
-			const char *interface = NULL;
-			bundleContext_getProperty(context, PSA_ITF, &interface);
-			if (pubsubAdmin_getIpAdress(interface, &detectedIp) != CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-				logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: Could not retrieve IP adress for interface %s", interface);
-			}
-			ip = detectedIp;
-		}
-		if (ip != NULL) {
-			logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %s for service annunciation", ip);
-			(*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(ip);
-		}
-		else {
-			logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: No IP address for service annunciation set. Using %s", DEFAULT_IP);
-			(*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(DEFAULT_IP);
-		}
-		if (detectedIp != NULL) {
-			free(detectedIp);
-		}
-		const char* basePortStr = NULL;
-		const char* maxPortStr = NULL;
-		char* endptrBase = NULL;
-		char* endptrMax = NULL;
-		bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_BASE_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT", &basePortStr);
-		bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_MAX_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT", &maxPortStr);
-		(*admin)->basePort = strtol(basePortStr, &endptrBase, 10);
-		(*admin)->maxPort = strtol(maxPortStr, &endptrMax, 10);
-		if (*endptrBase != '\0') {
-			(*admin)->basePort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT;
-		}
-		if (*endptrMax != '\0') {
-			(*admin)->maxPort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT;
-		}
-		printf("PSA Using base port %u to max port %u\n", (*admin)->basePort, (*admin)->maxPort);
-		// Disable Signal Handling by CZMQ
-		setenv("ZSYS_SIGHANDLER", "false", true);
-		const char *nrZmqThreads = NULL;
-		bundleContext_getProperty(context, "PSA_NR_ZMQ_THREADS", &nrZmqThreads);
-		if(nrZmqThreads != NULL) {
-			char *endPtr = NULL;
-			unsigned int nrThreads = strtoul(nrZmqThreads, &endPtr, 10);
-			if(endPtr != nrZmqThreads && nrThreads > 0 && nrThreads < 50) {
-				zsys_set_io_threads(nrThreads);
-				logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ", nrThreads);
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ\n", nrThreads);
-			}
-		}
-		// Setup authenticator
-		zactor_t* auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL);
-		zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL);
-		// Load all public keys of subscribers into the application
-		// This step is done for authenticating subscribers
-		char curve_folder_path[MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH];
-		char* keys_bundle_dir = pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(context);
-		snprintf(curve_folder_path, MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/subscriber/public", keys_bundle_dir);
-		zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", curve_folder_path, NULL);
-		free(keys_bundle_dir);
-		(*admin)->zmq_auth = auth;
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_destroy(pubsub_admin_pt admin)
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	free(admin->ipAddress);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->pendingSubscriptions);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-		free((char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry));
-		arrayList_destroy((array_list_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(entry));
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->pendingSubscriptions,false,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->subscriptions,false,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->localPublications,true,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->externalPublications);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-		free((char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry));
-		arrayList_destroy((array_list_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(entry));
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->externalPublications,false,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	arrayList_destroy(admin->serializerList);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	arrayList_destroy(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions);
-	arrayList_destroy(admin->noSerializerPublications);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		arrayList_destroy((array_list_pt)hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter));
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer,false,false);
-	iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->topicPublicationsPerSerializer);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		arrayList_destroy((array_list_pt)hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter));
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(admin->topicPublicationsPerSerializer,false,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutexAttr_destroy(&admin->noSerializerPendingsAttr);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	celixThreadMutexAttr_destroy(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsAttr);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	logHelper_stop(admin->loghelper);
-	logHelper_destroy(&admin->loghelper);
-	if (admin->zmq_auth != NULL){
-		zactor_destroy(&(admin->zmq_auth));
-	}
-	free(admin);
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addAnySubscription(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	topic_subscription_pt any_sub = hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions,PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC);
-	if(any_sub==NULL){
-		int i;
-		pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer = NULL;
-		if( (status=pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(admin, subEP, &best_serializer)) == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			status = pubsub_topicSubscriptionCreate(admin->bundle_context, PUBSUB_SUBSCRIBER_SCOPE_DEFAULT, PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC, best_serializer, &any_sub);
-		}
-		else{
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot find a serializer for subscribing topic %s. Adding it to pending list.\n",subEP->topic);
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			arrayList_add(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions,subEP);
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-		}
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			/* Connect all internal publishers */
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-			hash_map_iterator_pt lp_iter =hashMapIterator_create(admin->localPublications);
-			while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(lp_iter)){
-				service_factory_pt factory = (service_factory_pt)hashMapIterator_nextValue(lp_iter);
-				topic_publication_pt topic_pubs = (topic_publication_pt)factory->handle;
-				array_list_pt topic_publishers = pubsub_topicPublicationGetPublisherList(topic_pubs);
-				if(topic_publishers!=NULL){
-					for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(topic_publishers);i++){
-						pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(topic_publishers,i);
-						if(pubEP->endpoint !=NULL){
-							status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(any_sub,pubEP->endpoint);
-						}
-					}
-					arrayList_destroy(topic_publishers);
-				}
-			}
-			hashMapIterator_destroy(lp_iter);
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-			/* Connect also all external publishers */
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-			hash_map_iterator_pt extp_iter =hashMapIterator_create(admin->externalPublications);
-			while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(extp_iter)){
-				array_list_pt ext_pub_list = (array_list_pt)hashMapIterator_nextValue(extp_iter);
-				if(ext_pub_list!=NULL){
-					for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(ext_pub_list);i++){
-						pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(ext_pub_list,i);
-						if(pubEP->endpoint !=NULL){
-							status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(any_sub,pubEP->endpoint);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			hashMapIterator_destroy(extp_iter);
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-			pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddSubscriber(any_sub,subEP);
-			status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionStart(any_sub);
-		}
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			hashMap_put(admin->subscriptions,strdup(PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC),any_sub);
-			connectTopicPubSubToSerializer(admin, best_serializer, any_sub, false);
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addSubscription(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Received subscription [FWUUID=%s bundleID=%ld scope=%s, topic=%s]\n",subEP->frameworkUUID,subEP->serviceID,subEP->scope, subEP->topic);
-	if(strcmp(subEP->topic,PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC)==0){
-		return pubsubAdmin_addAnySubscription(admin,subEP);
-	}
-	/* Check if we already know some publisher about this topic, otherwise let's put the subscription in the pending hashmap */
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	char* scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(subEP->scope, subEP->topic);
-	service_factory_pt factory = (service_factory_pt)hashMap_get(admin->localPublications,scope_topic);
-	array_list_pt ext_pub_list = (array_list_pt)hashMap_get(admin->externalPublications,scope_topic);
-	if(factory==NULL && ext_pub_list==NULL){ //No (local or external) publishers yet for this topic
-		pubsubAdmin_addSubscriptionToPendingList(admin,subEP);
-	}
-	else{
-		int i;
-		topic_subscription_pt subscription = hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions, scope_topic);
-		if(subscription == NULL) {
-			pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer = NULL;
-			if( (status=pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(admin, subEP, &best_serializer)) == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-				status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionCreate(admin->bundle_context,subEP->scope, subEP->topic, best_serializer, &subscription);
-			}
-			else{
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot find a serializer for subscribing topic %s. Adding it to pending list.\n",subEP->topic);
-				celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-				arrayList_add(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions,subEP);
-				celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			}
-			if (status==CELIX_SUCCESS){
-				/* Try to connect internal publishers */
-				if(factory!=NULL){
-					topic_publication_pt topic_pubs = (topic_publication_pt)factory->handle;
-					array_list_pt topic_publishers = pubsub_topicPublicationGetPublisherList(topic_pubs);
-					if(topic_publishers!=NULL){
-						for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(topic_publishers);i++){
-							pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(topic_publishers,i);
-							if(pubEP->endpoint !=NULL){
-								status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(subscription,pubEP->endpoint);
-							}
-						}
-						arrayList_destroy(topic_publishers);
-					}
-				}
-				/* Look also for external publishers */
-				if(ext_pub_list!=NULL){
-					for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(ext_pub_list);i++){
-						pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(ext_pub_list,i);
-						if(pubEP->endpoint !=NULL){
-							status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(subscription,pubEP->endpoint);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddSubscriber(subscription,subEP);
-				status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionStart(subscription);
-			}
-			if(status==CELIX_SUCCESS){
-				hashMap_put(admin->subscriptions,strdup(scope_topic),subscription);
-				connectTopicPubSubToSerializer(admin, best_serializer, subscription, false);
-			}
-		}
-		if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			pubsub_topicIncreaseNrSubscribers(subscription);
-		}
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_removeSubscription(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Removing subscription [FWUUID=%s bundleID=%ld topic=%s]\n",subEP->frameworkUUID,subEP->serviceID,subEP->topic);
-	char* scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(subEP->scope, subEP->topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	topic_subscription_pt sub = (topic_subscription_pt)hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions,scope_topic);
-	if(sub!=NULL){
-		pubsub_topicDecreaseNrSubscribers(sub);
-		if(pubsub_topicGetNrSubscribers(sub) == 0) {
-			status = pubsub_topicSubscriptionRemoveSubscriber(sub,subEP);
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	if(sub==NULL){
-		/* Maybe the endpoint was pending */
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-		if(!arrayList_removeElement(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions, subEP)){
-		}
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addPublication(pubsub_admin_pt admin, pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Received publication [FWUUID=%s bundleID=%ld scope=%s, topic=%s]\n", pubEP->frameworkUUID, pubEP->serviceID, pubEP->scope, pubEP->topic);
-	const char* fwUUID = NULL;
-	bundleContext_getProperty(admin->bundle_context, OSGI_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_UUID, &fwUUID);
-	if (fwUUID == NULL) {
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot retrieve fwUUID.\n");
-	}
-	char *scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(pubEP->scope, pubEP->topic);
-	if ((strcmp(pubEP->frameworkUUID, fwUUID) == 0) && (pubEP->endpoint == NULL)) {
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-		service_factory_pt factory = (service_factory_pt) hashMap_get(admin->localPublications, scope_topic);
-		if (factory == NULL) {
-			topic_publication_pt pub = NULL;
-			pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer = NULL;
-			if( (status=pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(admin, pubEP, &best_serializer)) == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-				status = pubsub_topicPublicationCreate(admin->bundle_context, pubEP, best_serializer, admin->ipAddress, admin->basePort, admin->maxPort, &pub);
-			}
-			else{
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot find a serializer for publishing topic %s. Adding it to pending list.\n", pubEP->topic);
-				celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-				arrayList_add(admin->noSerializerPublications,pubEP);
-				celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			}
-			if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-				status = pubsub_topicPublicationStart(admin->bundle_context, pub, &factory);
-				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS && factory != NULL) {
-					hashMap_put(admin->localPublications, strdup(scope_topic), factory);
-					connectTopicPubSubToSerializer(admin, best_serializer, pub, true);
-				}
-			} else {
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot create a topicPublication for scope=%s, topic=%s (bundle %ld).\n", pubEP->scope, pubEP->topic, pubEP->serviceID);
-			}
-		} else {
-			//just add the new EP to the list
-			topic_publication_pt pub = (topic_publication_pt) factory->handle;
-			pubsub_topicPublicationAddPublisherEP(pub, pubEP);
-		}
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	}
-	else{
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-		array_list_pt ext_pub_list = (array_list_pt) hashMap_get(admin->externalPublications, scope_topic);
-		if (ext_pub_list == NULL) {
-			arrayList_create(&ext_pub_list);
-			hashMap_put(admin->externalPublications, strdup(scope_topic), ext_pub_list);
-		}
-		arrayList_add(ext_pub_list, pubEP);
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	}
-	/* Re-evaluate the pending subscriptions */
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	hash_map_entry_pt pendingSub = hashMap_getEntry(admin->pendingSubscriptions, scope_topic);
-	if (pendingSub != NULL) { //There were pending subscription for the just published topic. Let's connect them.
-		char* topic = (char*) hashMapEntry_getKey(pendingSub);
-		array_list_pt pendingSubList = (array_list_pt) hashMapEntry_getValue(pendingSub);
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < arrayList_size(pendingSubList); i++) {
-			pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt) arrayList_get(pendingSubList, i);
-			pubsubAdmin_addSubscription(admin, subEP);
-		}
-		hashMap_remove(admin->pendingSubscriptions, scope_topic);
-		arrayList_clear(pendingSubList);
-		arrayList_destroy(pendingSubList);
-		free(topic);
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->pendingSubscriptionsLock);
-	/* Connect the new publisher to the subscription for his topic, if there is any */
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	topic_subscription_pt sub = (topic_subscription_pt) hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions, scope_topic);
-	if (sub != NULL && pubEP->endpoint != NULL) {
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddConnectPublisherToPendingList(sub, pubEP->endpoint);
-	}
-	/* And check also for ANY subscription */
-	topic_subscription_pt any_sub = (topic_subscription_pt) hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions, PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC);
-	if (any_sub != NULL && pubEP->endpoint != NULL) {
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddConnectPublisherToPendingList(any_sub, pubEP->endpoint);
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_removePublication(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	int count = 0;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Removing publication [FWUUID=%s bundleID=%ld topic=%s]\n",pubEP->frameworkUUID,pubEP->serviceID,pubEP->topic);
-	const char* fwUUID = NULL;
-	bundleContext_getProperty(admin->bundle_context,OSGI_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_UUID,&fwUUID);
-	if(fwUUID==NULL){
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ: Cannot retrieve fwUUID.\n");
-	}
-	char *scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(pubEP->scope, pubEP->topic);
-	if(strcmp(pubEP->frameworkUUID,fwUUID)==0){
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-		service_factory_pt factory = (service_factory_pt)hashMap_get(admin->localPublications,scope_topic);
-		if(factory!=NULL){
-			topic_publication_pt pub = (topic_publication_pt)factory->handle;
-			pubsub_topicPublicationRemovePublisherEP(pub,pubEP);
-		}
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-		if(factory==NULL){
-			/* Maybe the endpoint was pending */
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			if(!arrayList_removeElement(admin->noSerializerPublications, pubEP)){
-				status = CELIX_ILLEGAL_STATE;
-			}
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-		}
-	}
-	else{
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-		array_list_pt ext_pub_list = (array_list_pt)hashMap_get(admin->externalPublications,scope_topic);
-		if(ext_pub_list!=NULL){
-			int i;
-			bool found = false;
-			for(i=0;!found && i<arrayList_size(ext_pub_list);i++){
-				pubsub_endpoint_pt p  = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(ext_pub_list,i);
-				found = pubsubEndpoint_equals(pubEP,p);
-				if (found){
-					arrayList_remove(ext_pub_list,i);
-				}
-			}
-			// Check if there are more publishers on the same endpoint (happens when 1 celix-instance with multiple bundles publish in same topic)
-			for(i=0; i<arrayList_size(ext_pub_list);i++) {
-				pubsub_endpoint_pt p  = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(ext_pub_list,i);
-				if (strcmp(pubEP->endpoint,p->endpoint) == 0) {
-					count++;
-				}
-			}
-			if(arrayList_size(ext_pub_list)==0){
-				hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMap_getEntry(admin->externalPublications,scope_topic);
-				char* topic = (char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-				array_list_pt list = (array_list_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-				hashMap_remove(admin->externalPublications,topic);
-				arrayList_destroy(list);
-				free(topic);
-			}
-		}
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->externalPublicationsLock);
-	}
-	/* Check if this publisher was connected to one of our subscribers*/
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	topic_subscription_pt sub = (topic_subscription_pt)hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions,scope_topic);
-	if(sub!=NULL && pubEP->endpoint!=NULL && count == 0){
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddDisconnectPublisherToPendingList(sub,pubEP->endpoint);
-	}
-	/* And check also for ANY subscription */
-	topic_subscription_pt any_sub = (topic_subscription_pt)hashMap_get(admin->subscriptions,PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC);
-	if(any_sub!=NULL && pubEP->endpoint!=NULL && count == 0){
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddDisconnectPublisherToPendingList(any_sub,pubEP->endpoint);
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_closeAllPublications(pubsub_admin_pt admin, char *scope, char* topic){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Closing all publications\n");
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	char *scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(scope, topic);
-	hash_map_entry_pt pubsvc_entry = (hash_map_entry_pt)hashMap_getEntry(admin->localPublications,scope_topic);
-	if(pubsvc_entry!=NULL){
-		char* key = (char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(pubsvc_entry);
-		service_factory_pt factory= (service_factory_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(pubsvc_entry);
-		topic_publication_pt pub = (topic_publication_pt)factory->handle;
-		status += pubsub_topicPublicationStop(pub);
-		disconnectTopicPubSubFromSerializer(admin, pub, true);
-		status += pubsub_topicPublicationDestroy(pub);
-		hashMap_remove(admin->localPublications,scope_topic);
-		free(key);
-		free(factory);
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_closeAllSubscriptions(pubsub_admin_pt admin,char* scope,char* topic){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: Closing all subscriptions\n");
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	char *scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(scope, topic);
-	hash_map_entry_pt sub_entry = (hash_map_entry_pt)hashMap_getEntry(admin->subscriptions,scope_topic);
-	if(sub_entry!=NULL){
-		char* topic = (char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(sub_entry);
-		topic_subscription_pt ts = (topic_subscription_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(sub_entry);
-		status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionStop(ts);
-		disconnectTopicPubSubFromSerializer(admin, ts, false);
-		status += pubsub_topicSubscriptionDestroy(ts);
-		hashMap_remove(admin->subscriptions,scope_topic);
-		free(topic);
-	}
-	free(scope_topic);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-	return status;
-#ifndef ANDROID
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_getIpAdress(const char* interface, char** ip) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_BUNDLE_EXCEPTION;
-	struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa;
-	char host[NI_MAXHOST];
-	if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) != -1)
-	{
-		for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL && status != CELIX_SUCCESS; ifa = ifa->ifa_next)
-		{
-			if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL)
-				continue;
-			if ((getnameinfo(ifa->ifa_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), host, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) == 0) && (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)) {
-				if (interface == NULL) {
-					*ip = strdup(host);
-					status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-				}
-				else if (strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, interface) == 0) {
-					*ip = strdup(host);
-					status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		freeifaddrs(ifaddr);
-	}
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_addSubscriptionToPendingList(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	char* scope_topic = createScopeTopicKey(subEP->scope, subEP->topic);
-	array_list_pt pendingListPerTopic = hashMap_get(admin->pendingSubscriptions,scope_topic);
-	if(pendingListPerTopic==NULL){
-		arrayList_create(&pendingListPerTopic);
-		hashMap_put(admin->pendingSubscriptions,strdup(scope_topic),pendingListPerTopic);
-	}
-	arrayList_add(pendingListPerTopic,subEP);
-	free(scope_topic);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_serializerAdded(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service){
-	/* Assumption: serializers are all available at startup.
-	 * If a new (possibly better) serializer is installed and started, already created topic_publications/subscriptions will not be destroyed and recreated */
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	int i=0;
-	const char *serType = NULL;
-	serviceReference_getProperty(reference, PUBSUB_SERIALIZER_TYPE_KEY,&serType);
-	if(serType == NULL){
-		printf("Serializer serviceReference %p has no pubsub_serializer.type property specified\n",reference);
-	}
-	pubsub_admin_pt admin = (pubsub_admin_pt)handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	arrayList_add(admin->serializerList, reference);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	/* Now let's re-evaluate the pending */
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions);i++){
-		pubsub_endpoint_pt ep = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions,i);
-		pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer = NULL;
-		pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(admin, ep, &best_serializer);
-		if(best_serializer != NULL){ /* Finally we have a valid serializer! */
-			pubsubAdmin_addSubscription(admin, ep);
-		}
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(admin->noSerializerPublications);i++){
-		pubsub_endpoint_pt ep = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(admin->noSerializerPublications,i);
-		pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer = NULL;
-		pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(admin, ep, &best_serializer);
-		if(best_serializer != NULL){ /* Finally we have a valid serializer! */
-			pubsubAdmin_addPublication(admin, ep);
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: %s serializer added\n",serType);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_serializerRemoved(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service){
-	pubsub_admin_pt admin = (pubsub_admin_pt)handle;
-	int i=0, j=0;
-	const char *serType = NULL;
-	serviceReference_getProperty(reference, PUBSUB_SERIALIZER_TYPE_KEY,&serType);
-	if(serType == NULL){
-		printf("Serializer serviceReference %p has no pubsub_serializer.type property specified\n",reference);
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	/* Remove the serializer from the list */
-	arrayList_removeElement(admin->serializerList, reference);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	array_list_pt topicPubList = (array_list_pt)hashMap_remove(admin->topicPublicationsPerSerializer, service);
-	array_list_pt topicSubList = (array_list_pt)hashMap_remove(admin->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer, service);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	/* Now destroy the topicPublications, but first put back the pubsub_endpoints back to the noSerializer pending list */
-	if(topicPubList!=NULL){
-		for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(topicPubList);i++){
-			topic_publication_pt topicPub = (topic_publication_pt)arrayList_get(topicPubList,i);
-			/* Stop the topic publication */
-			pubsub_topicPublicationStop(topicPub);
-			/* Get the endpoints that are going to be orphan */
-			array_list_pt pubList = pubsub_topicPublicationGetPublisherList(topicPub);
-			for(j=0;j<arrayList_size(pubList);j++){
-				pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(pubList,j);
-				/* Remove the publication */
-				pubsubAdmin_removePublication(admin, pubEP);
-				/* Reset the endpoint field, so that will be recreated from scratch when a new serializer will be found */
-				if(pubEP->endpoint!=NULL){
-					free(pubEP->endpoint);
-					pubEP->endpoint = NULL;
-				}
-				/* Add the orphan endpoint to the noSerializer pending list */
-				celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-				arrayList_add(admin->noSerializerPublications,pubEP);
-				celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			}
-			arrayList_destroy(pubList);
-			/* Cleanup also the localPublications hashmap*/
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-			hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->localPublications);
-			char *key = NULL;
-			service_factory_pt factory = NULL;
-			while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-				hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-				factory = (service_factory_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-				topic_publication_pt pub = (topic_publication_pt)factory->handle;
-				if(pub==topicPub){
-					key = (char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-			if(key!=NULL){
-				hashMap_remove(admin->localPublications, key);
-				free(factory);
-				free(key);
-			}
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->localPublicationsLock);
-			/* Finally destroy the topicPublication */
-			pubsub_topicPublicationDestroy(topicPub);
-		}
-		arrayList_destroy(topicPubList);
-	}
-	/* Now destroy the topicSubscriptions, but first put back the pubsub_endpoints back to the noSerializer pending list */
-	if(topicSubList!=NULL){
-		for(i=0;i<arrayList_size(topicSubList);i++){
-			topic_subscription_pt topicSub = (topic_subscription_pt)arrayList_get(topicSubList,i);
-			/* Stop the topic subscription */
-			pubsub_topicSubscriptionStop(topicSub);
-			/* Get the endpoints that are going to be orphan */
-			array_list_pt subList = pubsub_topicSubscriptionGetSubscribersList(topicSub);
-			for(j=0;j<arrayList_size(subList);j++){
-				pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(subList,j);
-				/* Remove the subscription */
-				pubsubAdmin_removeSubscription(admin, subEP);
-				/* Reset the endpoint field, so that will be recreated from scratch when a new serializer will be found */
-				if(subEP->endpoint!=NULL){
-					free(subEP->endpoint);
-					subEP->endpoint = NULL;
-				}
-				/* Add the orphan endpoint to the noSerializer pending list */
-				celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-				arrayList_add(admin->noSerializerSubscriptions,subEP);
-				celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->noSerializerPendingsLock);
-			}
-			/* Cleanup also the subscriptions hashmap*/
-			celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-			hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(admin->subscriptions);
-			char *key = NULL;
-			while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-				hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-				topic_subscription_pt sub = (topic_subscription_pt)hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-				if(sub==topicSub){
-					key = (char*)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-			if(key!=NULL){
-				hashMap_remove(admin->subscriptions, key);
-				free(key);
-			}
-			celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->subscriptionsLock);
-			/* Finally destroy the topicSubscription */
-			pubsub_topicSubscriptionDestroy(topicSub);
-		}
-		arrayList_destroy(topicSubList);
-	}
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ: %s serializer removed\n",serType);
-celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_matchEndpoint(pubsub_admin_pt admin, pubsub_endpoint_pt endpoint, double* score){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	status = pubsub_admin_match(endpoint->topic_props,PUBSUB_ADMIN_TYPE,admin->serializerList,score);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	return status;
-/* This one recall the same logic as in the match function */
-static celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_getBestSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_endpoint_pt ep, pubsub_serializer_service_t **serSvc){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	status = pubsub_admin_get_best_serializer(ep->topic_props, admin->serializerList, serSvc);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->serializerListLock);
-	return status;
-static void connectTopicPubSubToSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,pubsub_serializer_service_t *serializer,void *topicPubSub,bool isPublication){
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	hash_map_pt map = isPublication?admin->topicPublicationsPerSerializer:admin->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer;
-	array_list_pt list = (array_list_pt)hashMap_get(map,serializer);
-	if(list==NULL){
-		arrayList_create(&list);
-		hashMap_put(map,serializer,list);
-	}
-	arrayList_add(list,topicPubSub);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-static void disconnectTopicPubSubFromSerializer(pubsub_admin_pt admin,void *topicPubSub,bool isPublication){
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
-	hash_map_pt map = isPublication?admin->topicPublicationsPerSerializer:admin->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer;
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(map);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		array_list_pt list = (array_list_pt)hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter);
-		if(arrayList_removeElement(list, topicPubSub)){ //Found it!
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&admin->usedSerializersLock);
diff --git a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_publication.c b/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_publication.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e405866..0000000
--- a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_publication.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
-#include <czmq.h>
-/* The following undefs prevent the collision between:
- * - sys/syslog.h (which is included within czmq)
- * - celix/dfi/dfi_log_util.h
- */
-#undef LOG_DEBUG
-#undef LOG_INFO
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "array_list.h"
-#include "celixbool.h"
-#include "service_registration.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "service_factory.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#include "pubsub_common.h"
-#include "pubsub_utils.h"
-#include "publisher.h"
-#include "topic_publication.h"
-#include "pubsub_serializer.h"
-	#include "zmq_crypto.h"
-	#define MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH 512
-#define EP_ADDRESS_LEN		32
-struct topic_publication {
-	zsock_t* zmq_socket;
-	celix_thread_mutex_t socket_lock; //Protects zmq_socket access
-	zcert_t * zmq_cert;
-	char* endpoint;
-	service_registration_pt svcFactoryReg;
-	array_list_pt pub_ep_list; //List<pubsub_endpoint>
-	hash_map_pt boundServices; //<bundle_pt,bound_service>
-	pubsub_serializer_service_t *serializer;
-	celix_thread_mutex_t tp_lock;
-typedef struct publish_bundle_bound_service {
-	topic_publication_pt parent;
-	pubsub_publisher_t service;
-	bundle_pt bundle;
-	char *topic;
-	hash_map_pt msgTypes;
-	unsigned short getCount;
-	celix_thread_mutex_t mp_lock; //Protects publish_bundle_bound_service data structure
-	bool mp_send_in_progress;
-	array_list_pt mp_parts;
-}* publish_bundle_bound_service_pt;
-/* Note: correct locking order is
- * 1. tp_lock
- * 2. mp_lock
- * 3. socket_lock
- *
- * tp_lock and socket_lock are independent.
- */
-typedef struct pubsub_msg{
-	pubsub_msg_header_pt header;
-	char* payload;
-	int payloadSize;
-}* pubsub_msg_pt;
-static unsigned int rand_range(unsigned int min, unsigned int max);
-static celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationGetService(void* handle, bundle_pt bundle, service_registration_pt registration, void **service);
-static celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationUngetService(void* handle, bundle_pt bundle, service_registration_pt registration, void **service);
-static publish_bundle_bound_service_pt pubsub_createPublishBundleBoundService(topic_publication_pt tp,bundle_pt bundle);
-static void pubsub_destroyPublishBundleBoundService(publish_bundle_bound_service_pt boundSvc);
-static int pubsub_topicPublicationSend(void* handle,unsigned int msgTypeId, const void *msg);
-static int pubsub_topicPublicationSendMultipart(void *handle, unsigned int msgTypeId, const void *inMsg, int flags);
-static int pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForUUID(void* handle, const char* msgType, unsigned int* msgTypeId);
-static void delay_first_send_for_late_joiners(void);
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationCreate(bundle_context_pt bundle_context, pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP, pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer, char* bindIP, unsigned int basePort, unsigned int maxPort, topic_publication_pt *out){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	char* secure_topics = NULL;
-	bundleContext_getProperty(bundle_context, "SECURE_TOPICS", (const char **) &secure_topics);
-	if (secure_topics){
-		array_list_pt secure_topics_list = pubsub_getTopicsFromString(secure_topics);
-		int i;
-		int secure_topics_size = arrayList_size(secure_topics_list);
-		for (i = 0; i < secure_topics_size; i++){
-			char* top = arrayList_get(secure_topics_list, i);
-			if (strcmp(pubEP->topic, top) == 0){
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Secure topic: '%s'\n", top);
-				pubEP->is_secure = true;
-			}
-			free(top);
-			top = NULL;
-		}
-		arrayList_destroy(secure_topics_list);
-	}
-	zcert_t* pub_cert = NULL;
-	if (pubEP->is_secure){
-		char* keys_bundle_dir = pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(bundle_context);
-		if (keys_bundle_dir == NULL){
-		}
-		const char* keys_file_path = NULL;
-		const char* keys_file_name = NULL;
-		bundleContext_getProperty(bundle_context, PROPERTY_KEYS_FILE_PATH, &keys_file_path);
-		bundleContext_getProperty(bundle_context, PROPERTY_KEYS_FILE_NAME, &keys_file_name);
-		char cert_path[MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH];
-		//certificate path ".cache/bundle{id}/version0.0/./META-INF/keys/publisher/private/pub_{topic}.key"
-		snprintf(cert_path, MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/publisher/private/pub_%s.key.enc", keys_bundle_dir, pubEP->topic);
-		free(keys_bundle_dir);
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Loading key '%s'\n", cert_path);
-		pub_cert = get_zcert_from_encoded_file((char *) keys_file_path, (char *) keys_file_name, cert_path);
-		if (pub_cert == NULL){
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Cannot load key '%s'\n", cert_path);
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Topic '%s' NOT SECURED !\n", pubEP->topic);
-			pubEP->is_secure = false;
-		}
-	}
-	zsock_t* socket = zsock_new (ZMQ_PUB);
-	if(socket==NULL){
-			if (pubEP->is_secure){
-				zcert_destroy(&pub_cert);
-			}
-		#endif
-        perror("Error for zmq_socket");
-	}
-	if (pubEP->is_secure){
-		zcert_apply (pub_cert, socket); // apply certificate to socket
-		zsock_set_curve_server (socket, true); // setup the publisher's socket to use the curve functions
-	}
-	int rv = -1, retry=0;
-	char* ep = malloc(EP_ADDRESS_LEN);
-    char bindAddress[EP_ADDRESS_LEN];
-	while(rv==-1 && retry<ZMQ_BIND_MAX_RETRY){
-		/* Randomized part due to same bundle publishing on different topics */
-		unsigned int port = rand_range(basePort,maxPort);
-		memset(ep,0,EP_ADDRESS_LEN);
-        memset(bindAddress, 0, EP_ADDRESS_LEN);
-		snprintf(ep,EP_ADDRESS_LEN,"tcp://%s:%u",bindIP,port);
-        snprintf(bindAddress, EP_ADDRESS_LEN, "tcp://", port); //NOTE using a different bind addres than endpoint address
-		rv = zsock_bind (socket, "%s", bindAddress);
-        if (rv == -1) {
-            perror("Error for zmq_bind");
-        }
-		retry++;
-	}
-	if(rv == -1){
-		free(ep);
-	}
-	/* ZMQ stuffs are all fine at this point. Let's create and initialize the structure */
-	topic_publication_pt pub = calloc(1,sizeof(*pub));
-	arrayList_create(&(pub->pub_ep_list));
-	pub->boundServices = hashMap_create(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&(pub->tp_lock),NULL);
-	pub->endpoint = ep;
-	pub->zmq_socket = socket;
-	pub->serializer = best_serializer;
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&(pub->socket_lock),NULL);
-	if (pubEP->is_secure){
-		pub->zmq_cert = pub_cert;
-	}
-	pubsub_topicPublicationAddPublisherEP(pub,pubEP);
-	*out = pub;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationDestroy(topic_publication_pt pub){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	free(pub->endpoint);
-	arrayList_destroy(pub->pub_ep_list);
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(pub->boundServices);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		publish_bundle_bound_service_pt bound = hashMapIterator_nextValue(iter);
-		pubsub_destroyPublishBundleBoundService(bound);
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(pub->boundServices,false,false);
-	pub->svcFactoryReg = NULL;
-	pub->serializer = NULL;
-	zcert_destroy(&(pub->zmq_cert));
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(pub->socket_lock));
-	zsock_destroy(&(pub->zmq_socket));
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(pub->socket_lock));
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&(pub->socket_lock));
-	free(pub);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationStart(bundle_context_pt bundle_context,topic_publication_pt pub,service_factory_pt* svcFactory){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	/* Let's register the new service */
-	pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(pub->pub_ep_list,0);
-	if(pubEP!=NULL){
-		service_factory_pt factory = calloc(1, sizeof(*factory));
-		factory->handle = pub;
-		factory->getService = pubsub_topicPublicationGetService;
-		factory->ungetService = pubsub_topicPublicationUngetService;
-		properties_pt props = properties_create();
-		properties_set(props,PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_TOPIC,pubEP->topic);
-		properties_set(props,PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_SCOPE,pubEP->scope);
-		properties_set(props,"service.version", PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_SERVICE_VERSION);
-		status = bundleContext_registerServiceFactory(bundle_context,PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_SERVICE_NAME,factory,props,&(pub->svcFactoryReg));
-		if(status != CELIX_SUCCESS){
-			properties_destroy(props);
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TP: Cannot register ServiceFactory for topic %s (bundle %ld).\n",pubEP->topic,pubEP->serviceID);
-		}
-		else{
-			*svcFactory = factory;
-		}
-	}
-	else{
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TP: Cannot find pubsub_endpoint after adding it...Should never happen!\n");
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationStop(topic_publication_pt pub){
-	return serviceRegistration_unregister(pub->svcFactoryReg);
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationAddPublisherEP(topic_publication_pt pub,pubsub_endpoint_pt ep){
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	ep->endpoint = strdup(pub->endpoint);
-	arrayList_add(pub->pub_ep_list,ep);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationRemovePublisherEP(topic_publication_pt pub,pubsub_endpoint_pt ep){
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	for (int i = 0; i < arrayList_size(pub->pub_ep_list); i++) {
-	        pubsub_endpoint_pt e = arrayList_get(pub->pub_ep_list, i);
-	        if(pubsubEndpoint_equals(ep, e)) {
-	            arrayList_removeElement(pub->pub_ep_list,ep);
-	            break;
-	        }
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-array_list_pt pubsub_topicPublicationGetPublisherList(topic_publication_pt pub){
-	array_list_pt list = NULL;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	list = arrayList_clone(pub->pub_ep_list);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(pub->tp_lock));
-	return list;
-static celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationGetService(void* handle, bundle_pt bundle, service_registration_pt registration, void **service) {
-	celix_status_t  status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	topic_publication_pt publish = (topic_publication_pt)handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(publish->tp_lock));
-	publish_bundle_bound_service_pt bound = (publish_bundle_bound_service_pt)hashMap_get(publish->boundServices,bundle);
-	if(bound==NULL){
-		bound = pubsub_createPublishBundleBoundService(publish,bundle);
-		if(bound!=NULL){
-			hashMap_put(publish->boundServices,bundle,bound);
-		}
-	}
-	else{
-		bound->getCount++;
-	}
-	*service = &bound->service;
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(publish->tp_lock));
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t pubsub_topicPublicationUngetService(void* handle, bundle_pt bundle, service_registration_pt registration, void **service)  {
-	topic_publication_pt publish = (topic_publication_pt)handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(publish->tp_lock));
-	publish_bundle_bound_service_pt bound = (publish_bundle_bound_service_pt)hashMap_get(publish->boundServices,bundle);
-	if(bound!=NULL){
-		bound->getCount--;
-		if(bound->getCount==0){
-			pubsub_destroyPublishBundleBoundService(bound);
-			hashMap_remove(publish->boundServices,bundle);
-		}
-	}
-	else{
-		long bundleId = -1;
-		bundle_getBundleId(bundle,&bundleId);
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Unexpected ungetService call for bundle %ld.\n", bundleId);
-	}
-	/* service should be never used for unget, so let's set the pointer to NULL */
-	*service = NULL;
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(publish->tp_lock));
-static bool send_pubsub_msg(zsock_t* zmq_socket, pubsub_msg_pt msg, bool last){
-	bool ret = true;
-	zframe_t* headerMsg = zframe_new(msg->header, sizeof(struct pubsub_msg_header));
-	if (headerMsg == NULL) ret=false;
-	zframe_t* payloadMsg = zframe_new(msg->payload, msg->payloadSize);
-	if (payloadMsg == NULL) ret=false;
-	delay_first_send_for_late_joiners();
-	if( zframe_send(&headerMsg,zmq_socket, ZFRAME_MORE) == -1) ret=false;
-	if(!last){
-		if( zframe_send(&payloadMsg,zmq_socket, ZFRAME_MORE) == -1) ret=false;
-	}
-	else{
-		if( zframe_send(&payloadMsg,zmq_socket, 0) == -1) ret=false;
-	}
-	if (!ret){
-		zframe_destroy(&headerMsg);
-		zframe_destroy(&payloadMsg);
-	}
-	free(msg->header);
-	free(msg->payload);
-	free(msg);
-	return ret;
-static bool send_pubsub_mp_msg(zsock_t* zmq_socket, array_list_pt mp_msg_parts){
-	bool ret = true;
-	unsigned int i = 0;
-	unsigned int mp_num = arrayList_size(mp_msg_parts);
-	for(;i<mp_num;i++){
-		ret = ret && send_pubsub_msg(zmq_socket, (pubsub_msg_pt)arrayList_get(mp_msg_parts,i), (i==mp_num-1));
-	}
-	arrayList_clear(mp_msg_parts);
-	return ret;
-static int pubsub_topicPublicationSend(void* handle, unsigned int msgTypeId, const void *msg) {
-	return pubsub_topicPublicationSendMultipart(handle,msgTypeId,msg, PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_FIRST_MSG | PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_LAST_MSG);
-static int pubsub_topicPublicationSendMultipart(void *handle, unsigned int msgTypeId, const void *inMsg, int flags){
-	int status = 0;
-	publish_bundle_bound_service_pt bound = (publish_bundle_bound_service_pt) handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(bound->parent->tp_lock));
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&(bound->mp_lock));
-	if( (flags & PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_FIRST_MSG) && !(flags & PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_LAST_MSG) && bound->mp_send_in_progress){ //means a real mp_msg
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Multipart send already in progress. Cannot process a new one.\n");
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(bound->mp_lock));
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(bound->parent->tp_lock));
-		return -3;
-	}
-	pubsub_msg_serializer_t* msgSer = (pubsub_msg_serializer_t*)hashMap_get(bound->msgTypes, (void*)(uintptr_t)msgTypeId);
-	if (msgSer!= NULL) {
-		int major=0, minor=0;
-		pubsub_msg_header_pt msg_hdr = calloc(1,sizeof(struct pubsub_msg_header));
-		strncpy(msg_hdr->topic,bound->topic,MAX_TOPIC_LEN-1);
-		msg_hdr->type = msgTypeId;
-		if (msgSer->msgVersion != NULL){
-			version_getMajor(msgSer->msgVersion, &major);
-			version_getMinor(msgSer->msgVersion, &minor);
-			msg_hdr->major = major;
-			msg_hdr->minor = minor;
-		}
-		void *serializedOutput = NULL;
-		size_t serializedOutputLen = 0;
-		msgSer->serialize(msgSer,inMsg,&serializedOutput, &serializedOutputLen);
-		pubsub_msg_pt msg = calloc(1,sizeof(struct pubsub_msg));
-		msg->header = msg_hdr;
-		msg->payload = (char*)serializedOutput;
-		msg->payloadSize = serializedOutputLen;
-		bool snd = true;
-		switch(flags){
-			bound->mp_send_in_progress = true;
-			arrayList_add(bound->mp_parts,msg);
-			break;
-			if(!bound->mp_send_in_progress){
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: ERROR: received msg part without the first part.\n");
-				status = -4;
-			}
-			else{
-				arrayList_add(bound->mp_parts,msg);
-			}
-			break;
-			if(!bound->mp_send_in_progress){
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: ERROR: received end msg without the first part.\n");
-				status = -4;
-			}
-			else{
-				arrayList_add(bound->mp_parts,msg);
-				snd = send_pubsub_mp_msg(bound->parent->zmq_socket,bound->mp_parts);
-				bound->mp_send_in_progress = false;
-			}
-			break;
-			snd = send_pubsub_msg(bound->parent->zmq_socket,msg,true);
-			break;
-		default:
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: ERROR: Invalid MP flags combination\n");
-			status = -4;
-			break;
-		}
-		if(status==-4){
-			free(msg);
-		}
-		if(!snd){
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Failed to send %s message %u.\n",flags == (PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_FIRST_MSG | PUBSUB_PUBLISHER_LAST_MSG) ? "single" : "multipart", msgTypeId);
-		}
-	} else {
-        printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: No msg serializer available for msg type id %d\n", msgTypeId);
-		status=-1;
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(bound->mp_lock));
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&(bound->parent->tp_lock));
-	return status;
-static int pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForUUID(void* handle, const char* msgType, unsigned int* msgTypeId){
-	*msgTypeId = utils_stringHash(msgType);
-	return 0;
-static unsigned int rand_range(unsigned int min, unsigned int max){
-	double scaled = (double)(((double)random())/((double)RAND_MAX));
-	return (max-min+1)*scaled + min;
-static publish_bundle_bound_service_pt pubsub_createPublishBundleBoundService(topic_publication_pt tp,bundle_pt bundle){
-	//PRECOND lock on tp->lock
-	publish_bundle_bound_service_pt bound = calloc(1, sizeof(*bound));
-	if (bound != NULL) {
-		bound->parent = tp;
-		bound->bundle = bundle;
-		bound->getCount = 1;
-		bound->mp_send_in_progress = false;
-		celixThreadMutex_create(&bound->mp_lock,NULL);
-		if(tp->serializer != NULL){
-			tp->serializer->createSerializerMap(tp->serializer->handle,bundle,&bound->msgTypes);
-		}
-		arrayList_create(&bound->mp_parts);
-		pubsub_endpoint_pt pubEP = (pubsub_endpoint_pt)arrayList_get(bound->parent->pub_ep_list,0);
-		bound->topic=strdup(pubEP->topic);
-		bound->service.handle = bound;
-		bound->service.localMsgTypeIdForMsgType = pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForUUID;
-		bound->service.send = pubsub_topicPublicationSend;
-		bound->service.sendMultipart = pubsub_topicPublicationSendMultipart;
-	}
-	return bound;
-static void pubsub_destroyPublishBundleBoundService(publish_bundle_bound_service_pt boundSvc){
-	//PRECOND lock on tp->lock
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&boundSvc->mp_lock);
-	if(boundSvc->parent->serializer != NULL && boundSvc->msgTypes != NULL){
-		boundSvc->parent->serializer->destroySerializerMap(boundSvc->parent->serializer->handle, boundSvc->msgTypes);
-	}
-	if(boundSvc->mp_parts!=NULL){
-		arrayList_destroy(boundSvc->mp_parts);
-	}
-	if(boundSvc->topic!=NULL){
-		free(boundSvc->topic);
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&boundSvc->mp_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&boundSvc->mp_lock);
-	free(boundSvc);
-static void delay_first_send_for_late_joiners(){
-	static bool firstSend = true;
-	if(firstSend){
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_TP: Delaying first send for late joiners...\n");
-		firstSend = false;
-	}
diff --git a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_subscription.c b/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_subscription.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e7a794..0000000
--- a/pubsub/pubsub_admin_zmq/private/src/topic_subscription.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
- *Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *distributed with this work for additional information
- *regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *under the License.
- */
- * topic_subscription.c
- *
- *  \date       Oct 2, 2015
- *  \author    	<a href="">Apache Celix Project Team</a>
- *  \copyright	Apache License, Version 2.0
- */
-#include "topic_subscription.h"
-#include <czmq.h>
-/* The following undefs prevent the collision between:
- * - sys/syslog.h (which is included within czmq)
- * - celix/dfi/dfi_log_util.h
- */
-#undef LOG_DEBUG
-#undef LOG_INFO
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "celix_errno.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#include "subscriber.h"
-#include "publisher.h"
-#include "pubsub_utils.h"
-#include "zmq_crypto.h"
-#define POLL_TIMEOUT  	250
-struct topic_subscription{
-	zsock_t* zmq_socket;
-	zcert_t * zmq_cert;
-	zcert_t * zmq_pub_cert;
-	pthread_mutex_t socket_lock;
-	service_tracker_pt tracker;
-	array_list_pt sub_ep_list;
-	celix_thread_t recv_thread;
-	bool running;
-	celix_thread_mutex_t ts_lock;
-	bundle_context_pt context;
-	pubsub_serializer_service_t *serializer;
-	hash_map_pt servicesMap; // key = service, value = msg types map
-	celix_thread_mutex_t pendingConnections_lock;
-	array_list_pt pendingConnections;
-	array_list_pt pendingDisconnections;
-	celix_thread_mutex_t pendingDisconnections_lock;
-	unsigned int nrSubscribers;
-typedef struct complete_zmq_msg{
-	zframe_t* header;
-	zframe_t* payload;
-}* complete_zmq_msg_pt;
-typedef struct mp_handle{
-	hash_map_pt svc_msg_db;
-	hash_map_pt rcv_msg_map;
-}* mp_handle_pt;
-typedef struct msg_map_entry{
-	bool retain;
-	void* msgInst;
-}* msg_map_entry_pt;
-static celix_status_t topicsub_subscriberTracked(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service);
-static celix_status_t topicsub_subscriberUntracked(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service);
-static void* zmq_recv_thread_func(void* arg);
-static bool checkVersion(version_pt msgVersion,pubsub_msg_header_pt hdr);
-static void sigusr1_sighandler(int signo);
-static int pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForMsgType(void* handle, const char* msgType, unsigned int* msgTypeId);
-static int pubsub_getMultipart(void *handle, unsigned int msgTypeId, bool retain, void **part);
-static mp_handle_pt create_mp_handle(hash_map_pt svc_msg_db,array_list_pt rcv_msg_list);
-static void destroy_mp_handle(mp_handle_pt mp_handle);
-static void connectPendingPublishers(topic_subscription_pt sub);
-static void disconnectPendingPublishers(topic_subscription_pt sub);
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionCreate(bundle_context_pt bundle_context, char* scope, char* topic, pubsub_serializer_service_t *best_serializer, topic_subscription_pt* out){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	char* keys_bundle_dir = pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(bundle_context);
-	if (keys_bundle_dir == NULL){
-	}
-	const char* keys_file_path = NULL;
-	const char* keys_file_name = NULL;
-	bundleContext_getProperty(bundle_context, PROPERTY_KEYS_FILE_PATH, &keys_file_path);
-	bundleContext_getProperty(bundle_context, PROPERTY_KEYS_FILE_NAME, &keys_file_name);
-	char sub_cert_path[MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH];
-	char pub_cert_path[MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH];
-	//certificate path ".cache/bundle{id}/version0.0/./META-INF/keys/subscriber/private/sub_{topic}.key.enc"
-	snprintf(sub_cert_path, MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/subscriber/private/sub_%s.key.enc", keys_bundle_dir, topic);
-	snprintf(pub_cert_path, MAX_CERT_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/publisher/public/", keys_bundle_dir, topic);
-	free(keys_bundle_dir);
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TS: Loading subscriber key '%s'\n", sub_cert_path);
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TS: Loading publisher key '%s'\n", pub_cert_path);
-	zcert_t* sub_cert = get_zcert_from_encoded_file((char *) keys_file_path, (char *) keys_file_name, sub_cert_path);
-	if (sub_cert == NULL){
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TS: Cannot load key '%s'\n", sub_cert_path);
-	}
-	zcert_t* pub_cert = zcert_load(pub_cert_path);
-	if (pub_cert == NULL){
-		zcert_destroy(&sub_cert);
-		printf("PSA_ZMQ_PSA_ZMQ_TS: Cannot load key '%s'\n", pub_cert_path);
-	}
-	const char* pub_key = zcert_public_txt(pub_cert);
-	zsock_t* zmq_s = zsock_new (ZMQ_SUB);
-	if(zmq_s==NULL){
-		zcert_destroy(&sub_cert);
-		zcert_destroy(&pub_cert);
-	}
-	zcert_apply (sub_cert, zmq_s);
-	zsock_set_curve_serverkey (zmq_s, pub_key); //apply key of publisher to socket of subscriber
-	if(strcmp(topic,PUBSUB_ANY_SUB_TOPIC)==0){
-		zsock_set_subscribe (zmq_s, "");
-	}
-	else{
-		zsock_set_subscribe (zmq_s, topic);
-	}
-	topic_subscription_pt ts = (topic_subscription_pt) calloc(1,sizeof(*ts));
-	ts->context = bundle_context;
-	ts->zmq_socket = zmq_s;
-	ts->running = false;
-	ts->nrSubscribers = 0;
-	ts->serializer = best_serializer;
-	ts->zmq_cert = sub_cert;
-	ts->zmq_pub_cert = pub_cert;
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&ts->socket_lock, NULL);
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&ts->ts_lock,NULL);
-	arrayList_create(&ts->sub_ep_list);
-	ts->servicesMap = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	arrayList_create(&ts->pendingConnections);
-	arrayList_create(&ts->pendingDisconnections);
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&ts->pendingConnections_lock, NULL);
-	celixThreadMutex_create(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock, NULL);
-	char filter[128];
-	memset(filter,0,128);
-		// default scope, means that subscriber has not defined a scope property
-		snprintf(filter, 128, "(&(%s=%s)(%s=%s))",
-	} else {
-		snprintf(filter, 128, "(&(%s=%s)(%s=%s)(%s=%s))",
-	}
-	service_tracker_customizer_pt customizer = NULL;
-	status += serviceTrackerCustomizer_create(ts,NULL,topicsub_subscriberTracked,NULL,topicsub_subscriberUntracked,&customizer);
-	status += serviceTracker_createWithFilter(bundle_context, filter, customizer, &ts->tracker);
-	struct sigaction actions;
-	memset(&actions, 0, sizeof(actions));
-	sigemptyset(&actions.sa_mask);
-	actions.sa_flags = 0;
-	actions.sa_handler = sigusr1_sighandler;
-	sigaction(SIGUSR1,&actions,NULL);
-	*out=ts;
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionDestroy(topic_subscription_pt ts){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	ts->running = false;
-	serviceTracker_destroy(ts->tracker);
-	arrayList_clear(ts->sub_ep_list);
-	arrayList_destroy(ts->sub_ep_list);
-	/* TODO: Destroy all the serializer maps? */
-	hashMap_destroy(ts->servicesMap,false,false);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->pendingConnections_lock);
-	arrayList_destroy(ts->pendingConnections);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->pendingConnections_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&ts->pendingConnections_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	arrayList_destroy(ts->pendingDisconnections);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	zsock_destroy(&(ts->zmq_socket));
-	zcert_destroy(&(ts->zmq_cert));
-	zcert_destroy(&(ts->zmq_pub_cert));
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&ts->socket_lock);
-	celixThreadMutex_destroy(&ts->ts_lock);
-	free(ts);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionStart(topic_subscription_pt ts){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	status = serviceTracker_open(ts->tracker);
-	ts->running = true;
-	if(status==CELIX_SUCCESS){
-		status=celixThread_create(&ts->recv_thread,NULL,zmq_recv_thread_func,ts);
-	}
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionStop(topic_subscription_pt ts){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	ts->running = false;
-	pthread_kill(ts->recv_thread.thread,SIGUSR1);
-	celixThread_join(ts->recv_thread,NULL);
-	status = serviceTracker_close(ts->tracker);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(topic_subscription_pt ts, char* pubURL){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	if(!zsock_is(ts->zmq_socket) || zsock_connect(ts->zmq_socket,"%s",pubURL) != 0){
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddConnectPublisherToPendingList(topic_subscription_pt ts, char* pubURL) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	char *url = strdup(pubURL);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->pendingConnections_lock);
-	arrayList_add(ts->pendingConnections, url);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->pendingConnections_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddDisconnectPublisherToPendingList(topic_subscription_pt ts, char* pubURL) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	char *url = strdup(pubURL);
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	arrayList_add(ts->pendingDisconnections, url);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionDisconnectPublisher(topic_subscription_pt ts, char* pubURL){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	if(!zsock_is(ts->zmq_socket) || zsock_disconnect(ts->zmq_socket,"%s",pubURL) != 0){
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->socket_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionAddSubscriber(topic_subscription_pt ts, pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	arrayList_add(ts->sub_ep_list,subEP);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicIncreaseNrSubscribers(topic_subscription_pt ts) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	ts->nrSubscribers++;
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicSubscriptionRemoveSubscriber(topic_subscription_pt ts, pubsub_endpoint_pt subEP){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	arrayList_removeElement(ts->sub_ep_list,subEP);
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-celix_status_t pubsub_topicDecreaseNrSubscribers(topic_subscription_pt ts) {
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	ts->nrSubscribers--;
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-unsigned int pubsub_topicGetNrSubscribers(topic_subscription_pt ts) {
-	return ts->nrSubscribers;
-array_list_pt pubsub_topicSubscriptionGetSubscribersList(topic_subscription_pt sub){
-	return sub->sub_ep_list;
-static celix_status_t topicsub_subscriberTracked(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	topic_subscription_pt ts = handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	if (!hashMap_containsKey(ts->servicesMap, service)) {
-		bundle_pt bundle = NULL;
-		hash_map_pt msgTypes = NULL;
-		serviceReference_getBundle(reference, &bundle);
-		if(ts->serializer != NULL && bundle!=NULL){
-			ts->serializer->createSerializerMap(ts->serializer->handle,bundle,&msgTypes);
-			if(msgTypes != NULL){
-				hashMap_put(ts->servicesMap, service, msgTypes);
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: New subscriber registered.\n");
-			}
-		}
-		else{
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Cannot register new subscriber.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-static celix_status_t topicsub_subscriberUntracked(void * handle, service_reference_pt reference, void * service){
-	celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS;
-	topic_subscription_pt ts = handle;
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	if (hashMap_containsKey(ts->servicesMap, service)) {
-		hash_map_pt msgTypes = hashMap_remove(ts->servicesMap, service);
-		if(msgTypes!=NULL && ts->serializer!=NULL){
-			ts->serializer->destroySerializerMap(ts->serializer->handle,msgTypes);
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Subscriber unregistered.\n");
-		}
-		else{
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Cannot unregister subscriber.\n");
-		}
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&ts->ts_lock);
-	return status;
-static void process_msg(topic_subscription_pt sub,array_list_pt msg_list){
-	pubsub_msg_header_pt first_msg_hdr = (pubsub_msg_header_pt)zframe_data(((complete_zmq_msg_pt)arrayList_get(msg_list,0))->header);
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(sub->servicesMap);
-	while (hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)) {
-		hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-		pubsub_subscriber_pt subsvc = hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-		hash_map_pt msgTypes = hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-		pubsub_msg_serializer_t *msgSer = hashMap_get(msgTypes,(void*)(uintptr_t )first_msg_hdr->type);
-		if (msgSer == NULL) {
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Primary message %d not supported. NOT sending any part of the whole message.\n",first_msg_hdr->type);
-		}
-		else{
-			void *msgInst = NULL;
-			bool validVersion = checkVersion(msgSer->msgVersion,first_msg_hdr);
-			if(validVersion){
-				celix_status_t status = msgSer->deserialize(msgSer, (const void *) zframe_data(((complete_zmq_msg_pt)arrayList_get(msg_list,0))->payload), 0, &msgInst);
-				if (status == CELIX_SUCCESS) {
-					bool release = true;
-					mp_handle_pt mp_handle = create_mp_handle(msgTypes,msg_list);
-					pubsub_multipart_callbacks_t mp_callbacks;
-					mp_callbacks.handle = mp_handle;
-					mp_callbacks.localMsgTypeIdForMsgType = pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForMsgType;
-					mp_callbacks.getMultipart = pubsub_getMultipart;
-					subsvc->receive(subsvc->handle, msgSer->msgName, first_msg_hdr->type, msgInst, &mp_callbacks, &release);
-					if(release){
-						msgSer->freeMsg(msgSer,msgInst); // pubsubSerializer_freeMsg(msgType, msgInst);
-					}
-					if(mp_handle!=NULL){
-						destroy_mp_handle(mp_handle);
-					}
-				}
-				else{
-					printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Cannot deserialize msgType %s.\n",msgSer->msgName);
-				}
-			}
-			else{
-				int major=0,minor=0;
-				version_getMajor(msgSer->msgVersion,&major);
-				version_getMinor(msgSer->msgVersion,&minor);
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Version mismatch for primary message '%s' (have %d.%d, received %u.%u). NOT sending any part of the whole message.\n",
-						msgSer->msgName,major,minor,first_msg_hdr->major,first_msg_hdr->minor);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	int i = 0;
-	for(;i<arrayList_size(msg_list);i++){
-		complete_zmq_msg_pt c_msg = arrayList_get(msg_list,i);
-		zframe_destroy(&(c_msg->header));
-		zframe_destroy(&(c_msg->payload));
-		free(c_msg);
-	}
-	arrayList_destroy(msg_list);
-static void* zmq_recv_thread_func(void * arg) {
-	topic_subscription_pt sub = (topic_subscription_pt) arg;
-	while (sub->running) {
-		celixThreadMutex_lock(&sub->socket_lock);
-		zframe_t* headerMsg = zframe_recv(sub->zmq_socket);
-		if (headerMsg == NULL) {
-			if (errno == EINTR) {
-				//It means we got a signal and we have to exit...
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: header_recv thread for topic got a signal and will exit.\n");
-			} else {
-				perror("PSA_ZMQ_TS: header_recv thread");
-			}
-		}
-		else {
-			pubsub_msg_header_pt hdr = (pubsub_msg_header_pt) zframe_data(headerMsg);
-			if (zframe_more(headerMsg)) {
-				zframe_t* payloadMsg = zframe_recv(sub->zmq_socket);
-				if (payloadMsg == NULL) {
-					if (errno == EINTR) {
-						//It means we got a signal and we have to exit...
-						printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: payload_recv thread for topic got a signal and will exit.\n");
-					} else {
-						perror("PSA_ZMQ_TS: payload_recv");
-					}
-					zframe_destroy(&headerMsg);
-				} else {
-					//Let's fetch all the messages from the socket
-					array_list_pt msg_list = NULL;
-					arrayList_create(&msg_list);
-					complete_zmq_msg_pt firstMsg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct complete_zmq_msg));
-					firstMsg->header = headerMsg;
-					firstMsg->payload = payloadMsg;
-					arrayList_add(msg_list, firstMsg);
-					bool more = zframe_more(payloadMsg);
-					while (more) {
-						zframe_t* h_msg = zframe_recv(sub->zmq_socket);
-						if (h_msg == NULL) {
-							if (errno == EINTR) {
-								//It means we got a signal and we have to exit...
-								printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: h_recv thread for topic got a signal and will exit.\n");
-							} else {
-								perror("PSA_ZMQ_TS: h_recv");
-							}
-							break;
-						}
-						zframe_t* p_msg = zframe_recv(sub->zmq_socket);
-						if (p_msg == NULL) {
-							if (errno == EINTR) {
-								//It means we got a signal and we have to exit...
-								printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: p_recv thread for topic got a signal and will exit.\n");
-							} else {
-								perror("PSA_ZMQ_TS: p_recv");
-							}
-							zframe_destroy(&h_msg);
-							break;
-						}
-						complete_zmq_msg_pt c_msg = calloc(1, sizeof(struct complete_zmq_msg));
-						c_msg->header = h_msg;
-						c_msg->payload = p_msg;
-						arrayList_add(msg_list, c_msg);
-						if (!zframe_more(p_msg)) {
-							more = false;
-						}
-					}
-					celixThreadMutex_lock(&sub->ts_lock);
-					process_msg(sub, msg_list);
-					celixThreadMutex_unlock(&sub->ts_lock);
-				}
-			} //zframe_more(headerMsg)
-			else {
-				free(headerMsg);
-				printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: received message %u for topic %s without payload!\n", hdr->type, hdr->topic);
-			}
-		} // headerMsg != NULL
-		celixThreadMutex_unlock(&sub->socket_lock);
-		connectPendingPublishers(sub);
-		disconnectPendingPublishers(sub);
-	} // while
-	return NULL;
-static void connectPendingPublishers(topic_subscription_pt sub) {
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&sub->pendingConnections_lock);
-	while(!arrayList_isEmpty(sub->pendingConnections)) {
-		char * pubEP = arrayList_remove(sub->pendingConnections, 0);
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionConnectPublisher(sub, pubEP);
-		free(pubEP);
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&sub->pendingConnections_lock);
-static void disconnectPendingPublishers(topic_subscription_pt sub) {
-	celixThreadMutex_lock(&sub->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-	while(!arrayList_isEmpty(sub->pendingDisconnections)) {
-		char * pubEP = arrayList_remove(sub->pendingDisconnections, 0);
-		pubsub_topicSubscriptionDisconnectPublisher(sub, pubEP);
-		free(pubEP);
-	}
-	celixThreadMutex_unlock(&sub->pendingDisconnections_lock);
-static void sigusr1_sighandler(int signo){
-	printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: Topic subscription being shut down...\n");
-	return;
-static bool checkVersion(version_pt msgVersion,pubsub_msg_header_pt hdr){
-	bool check=false;
-	int major=0,minor=0;
-	if(msgVersion!=NULL){
-		version_getMajor(msgVersion,&major);
-		version_getMinor(msgVersion,&minor);
-		if(hdr->major==((unsigned char)major)){ /* Different major means incompatible */
-			check = (hdr->minor>=((unsigned char)minor)); /* Compatible only if the provider has a minor equals or greater (means compatible update) */
-		}
-	}
-	return check;
-static int pubsub_localMsgTypeIdForMsgType(void* handle, const char* msgType, unsigned int* msgTypeId){
-	*msgTypeId = utils_stringHash(msgType);
-	return 0;
-static int pubsub_getMultipart(void *handle, unsigned int msgTypeId, bool retain, void **part){
-	if(handle==NULL){
-		*part = NULL;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	mp_handle_pt mp_handle = (mp_handle_pt)handle;
-	msg_map_entry_pt entry = hashMap_get(mp_handle->rcv_msg_map, (void*)(uintptr_t) msgTypeId);
-	if(entry!=NULL){
-		entry->retain = retain;
-		*part = entry->msgInst;
-	}
-	else{
-		printf("TP: getMultipart cannot find msg '%u'\n",msgTypeId);
-		*part=NULL;
-		return -2;
-	}
-	return 0;
-static mp_handle_pt create_mp_handle(hash_map_pt svc_msg_db,array_list_pt rcv_msg_list){
-	if(arrayList_size(rcv_msg_list)==1){ //Means it's not a multipart message
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	mp_handle_pt mp_handle = calloc(1,sizeof(struct mp_handle));
-	mp_handle->svc_msg_db = svc_msg_db;
-	mp_handle->rcv_msg_map = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	int i=1; //We skip the first message, it will be handle differently
-	for(;i<arrayList_size(rcv_msg_list);i++){
-		complete_zmq_msg_pt c_msg = (complete_zmq_msg_pt)arrayList_get(rcv_msg_list,i);
-		pubsub_msg_header_pt header = (pubsub_msg_header_pt)zframe_data(c_msg->header);
-		pubsub_msg_serializer_t* msgSer = hashMap_get(svc_msg_db, (void*)(uintptr_t)(header->type));
-		if (msgSer!= NULL) {
-			void *msgInst = NULL;
-			bool validVersion = checkVersion(msgSer->msgVersion,header);
-			if(validVersion){
-				celix_status_t status = msgSer->deserialize(msgSer, (const void*)zframe_data(c_msg->payload), 0, &msgInst);
-				if(status == CELIX_SUCCESS){
-					msg_map_entry_pt entry = calloc(1,sizeof(struct msg_map_entry));
-					entry->msgInst = msgInst;
-					hashMap_put(mp_handle->rcv_msg_map, (void*)(uintptr_t)header->type,entry);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return mp_handle;
-static void destroy_mp_handle(mp_handle_pt mp_handle){
-	hash_map_iterator_pt iter = hashMapIterator_create(mp_handle->rcv_msg_map);
-	while(hashMapIterator_hasNext(iter)){
-		hash_map_entry_pt entry = hashMapIterator_nextEntry(iter);
-		unsigned int msgId = (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)hashMapEntry_getKey(entry);
-		msg_map_entry_pt msgEntry = hashMapEntry_getValue(entry);
-		pubsub_msg_serializer_t* msgSer = hashMap_get(mp_handle->svc_msg_db, (void*)(uintptr_t)msgId);
-		if(msgSer!=NULL){
-			if(!msgEntry->retain){
-				msgSer->freeMsg(msgSer->handle,msgEntry->msgInst);
-			}
-		}
-		else{
-			printf("PSA_ZMQ_TS: ERROR: Cannot find messageSerializer for msg %u, so cannot destroy it!\n",msgId);
-		}
-		free(msgEntry);
-	}
-	hashMapIterator_destroy(iter);
-	hashMap_destroy(mp_handle->rcv_msg_map,false,false);
-	free(mp_handle);