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Posted to by Imesh Gunaratne <> on 2014/12/25 21:09:08 UTC

[Discuss] Reading error messages raised by Kubernetes API Server

Hi Devs,

As I found in the current codebase we do not parse Kubernetes response
messages, as a result Cloud Controller does not see the error messages
raised by the Kubernetes API server.

I have now introduced a new class to parse these messages:

Note: Existing class KubernetesResponse was renamed to HttpResponse and the
new one was called KubernetesResponse. HttpResponse only contains HTTP
response information.

Now we can see error messages raised by the Kubernetes API server in the
Cloud Controller log:

Could not create replication controller: [replication-controller-id]
php-php-domain9f8b60c1-fcd1-46ec-a2e1-b7c081d89985 *[message]
replicationController "php-php-domain9f8b60c1-fcd1-46ec-a2e1-b7c081d89985"
is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].name: invalid value


Imesh Gunaratne

Technical Lead, WSO2
Committer & PMC Member, Apache Stratos