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[39/59] [abbrv] lucene-solr:jira/solr-8668: SOLR-10042: Clean up old comments from Angular UI code

SOLR-10042: Clean up old comments from Angular UI code


Branch: refs/heads/jira/solr-8668
Commit: 467af790cbf50b5633204e384c0efbf19fad30de
Parents: 629624d
Author: Jan Høydahl <>
Authored: Fri May 19 13:17:14 2017 +0200
Committer: Jan Høydahl <>
Committed: Fri May 19 13:17:14 2017 +0200

 solr/webapp/web/js/angular/app.js               | 252 -----------------
 .../web/js/angular/controllers/analysis.js      |  10 -
 .../web/js/angular/controllers/core-overview.js |  32 ---
 solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/cores.js | 283 -------------------
 .../webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/schema.js |  17 --
 5 files changed, 594 deletions(-)
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/app.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/app.js
index c4ebef5..1b7aa00 100644
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/app.js
+++ b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/app.js
@@ -463,255 +463,3 @@ solrAdminApp.controller('MainController', function($scope, $route, $rootScope, $
       $rootScope.exceptions = {};
-// @todo clear timeouts
-    // activate_core
-    this.before
-    (
-      {},
-      function( context )
-      {
-        var menu_wrapper = $( '#menu-wrapper' );
-        // global dashboard doesn't have params.splat
-        if( !this.params.splat )
-        {
-          this.params.splat = [ '~index' ];
-        }
-        var selector = '~' === this.params.splat[0][0]
-                     ? '#' + this.params.splat[0].replace( /^~/, '' ) + '.global'
-                     : '#core-selector #' + this.params.splat[0].replace( /\./g, '__' );
-        var active_element = $( selector, menu_wrapper );
-        // @todo "There is no core with this name"
-        if( active_element.hasClass( 'global' ) )
-        {
-          active_element
-            .addClass( 'active' );
-          if( this.params.splat[1] )
-          {
-            $( '.' + this.params.splat[1], active_element )
-              .addClass( 'active' );
-          }
-          $( '#core-selector option[selected]' )
-            .removeAttr( 'selected' )
-            .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-          $( '#core-selector .chzn-container > a' )
-            .addClass( 'chzn-default' );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          active_element
-            .attr( 'selected', 'selected' )
-            .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-          $( '#core-menu .' + this.params.splat[1] )
-            .addClass( 'active' );
-      }
-    );
-  }
-var solr_admin = function( app_config )
-  this.menu_element = $( '#core-selector select' );
-  this.core_menu = $( '#core-menu ul' );
-  this.config = config;
-  this.timeout = null;
-  this.core_regex_base = '^#\\/([\\w\\d-\\.]+)';
-  show_global_error = function( error )
-  {
-    var main = $( '#main' );
-    $( 'div[id$="-wrapper"]', main )
-      .remove();
-    main
-      .addClass( 'error' )
-      .append( error );
-    var pre_tags = $( 'pre', main );
-    if( 0 !== pre_tags.size() )
-    {
-      hljs.highlightBlock( pre_tags.get(0) );
-    }
-  };
-  sort_cores_data = function sort_cores_data( cores_status )
-  {
-    // build array of core-names for sorting
-    var core_names = [];
-    for( var core_name in cores_status )
-    {
-      core_names.push( core_name );
-    }
-    core_names.sort();
-    var core_count = core_names.length;
-    var cores = {};
-    for( var i = 0; i < core_count; i++ )
-    {
-      var core_name = core_names[i];
-      cores[core_name] = cores_status[core_name];
-    }
-    return cores;
-  };
-  this.set_cores_data = function set_cores_data( cores )
-  {
-    that.cores_data = sort_cores_data( cores.status );
-    that.menu_element
-      .empty();
-    var core_list = [];
-    core_list.push( '<option></option>' );
-    var core_count = 0;
-    for( var core_name in that.cores_data )
-    {
-      core_count++;
-      var core_path = config.solr_path + '/' + core_name;
-      var classes = [];
-      if( cores.status[core_name]['isDefaultCore'] )
-      {
-        classes.push( 'default' );
-      }
-      var core_tpl = '<option '
-                   + '    id="' + core_name.replace( /\./g, '__' ) + '" '
-                   + '    class="' + classes.join( ' ' ) + '"'
-                   + '    data-basepath="' + core_path + '"'
-                   + '    schema="' + cores.status[core_name]['schema'] + '"'
-                   + '    config="' + cores.status[core_name]['config'] + '"'
-                   + '    value="#/' + core_name + '"'
-                   + '    title="' + core_name + '"'
-                   + '>'
-                   + core_name
-                   + '</option>';
-      core_list.push( core_tpl );
-    }
-    var has_cores = 0 !== core_count;
-    if( has_cores )
-    {
-      that.menu_element
-        .append( core_list.join( "\n" ) )
-        .trigger( 'liszt:updated' );
-    }
-    var core_selector = $( '#core-selector' );
-    if( has_cores )
-    {
-      var cores_element = core_selector.find( '#has-cores' );
-      var selector_width = cores_element.width();
-      cores_element.find( '.chzn-container' )
-        .css( 'width', selector_width + 'px' );
-      cores_element.find( '.chzn-drop' )
-        .css( 'width', ( selector_width - 2 ) + 'px' );
-    }
-  };
- = function()
-  {
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        // load cores (indexInfo = false
-        success : function( response )
-        {
-          var system_url = config.solr_path + '/admin/info/system?wt=json';
-          $.ajax
-          (
-            {
-              url : system_url,
-              dataType : 'json',
-              beforeSend : function( arr, form, options )
-              {
-              },
-              success : function( response )
-              {
-                that.dashboard_values = response;
-                var environment_args = null;
-                var cloud_args = null;
-                if( response.jvm && response.jvm.jmx && response.jvm.jmx.commandLineArgs )
-                {
-                  var command_line_args = response.jvm.jmx.commandLineArgs.join( ' | ' );
-                  environment_args = command_line_args.match( /-Dsolr.environment=((dev|test|prod)?[\w\d]*)/i );
-                }
-// @todo detect $scope.isCloud = response.mode.match( /solrcloud/i );
-                // environment
-                var wrapper = $( '#wrapper' );
-                var environment_element = $( '#environment' );
-                if( environment_args )
-                {
-                  wrapper
-                    .addClass( 'has-environment' );
-                  if( environment_args[1] )
-                  {
-                    environment_element
-                      .html( environment_args[1] );
-                  }
-                  if( environment_args[2] )
-                  {
-                    environment_element
-                      .addClass( environment_args[2] );
-                  }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  wrapper
-                    .removeClass( 'has-environment' );
-                }
-                // cloud
-                var cloud_nav_element = $( '#menu #cloud' );
-                if( cloud_args )
-                {
-                  cloud_nav_element
-                    .show();
-                }
-                // sammy
-       location.hash );
-              },
-              error : function()
-              {
-  };
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/analysis.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/analysis.js
index 48ec369..5fff59c 100644
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/analysis.js
+++ b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/analysis.js
@@ -199,13 +199,3 @@ solrAdminApp.controller('AnalysisController',
-function(error) {
-  if (error.status == 404) {
-    $scope.isHandlerMissing = true;
-  } else {
-    $scope.analysisError = error.error.msg;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/core-overview.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/core-overview.js
index 20f30e1..7aa9685 100644
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/core-overview.js
+++ b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/core-overview.js
@@ -52,38 +52,6 @@ function($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams, Luke, CoreSystem, Update, Replication
       function(error) {
         $scope.replicationMessage = "Replication is not configured";
-  /*
-      /replication?command=details&wt=json
-              if( is_slave )
-              {
-                // warnings if slave version|gen doesn't match what's replicable
-                if( data.indexVersion !== master_data.master.replicableVersion )
-                {
-                  $( '.version', details_element )
-                    .addClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  $( '.version', details_element )
-                    .removeClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                if( data.generation !== master_data.master.replicableGeneration )
-                {
-                  $( '.generation', details_element )
-                    .addClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                  $( '.generation', details_element )
-                    .removeClass( 'diff' );
-                }
-              }
-            },
   $scope.refreshAdminExtra = function() {
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/cores.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/cores.js
index d135395..0188617 100644
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/cores.js
+++ b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/cores.js
@@ -193,286 +193,3 @@ solrAdminApp.controller('CoreAdminController',
-  'cores_load_data',
-  function( event, params )
-  {
-    $.ajax
-    (
-      {
-        url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json',
-        dataType : 'json',
-        success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-        {
-          if( params.only_failures )
-          {
-            app.check_for_init_failures( response );
-            return true;
-          }
-=========== NO CORES
-        error : function()
-        {
-          sammy.trigger
-          (
-            'cores_load_template',
-            {
-              content_element : content_element,
-              callback : function()
-              {
-                var cores_element = $( '#cores', content_element );
-                var navigation_element = $( '#navigation', cores_element );
-                var data_element = $( '#data', cores_element );
-                var core_data_element = $( '#core-data', data_element );
-                var index_data_element = $( '#index-data', data_element );
-                // layout
-                var ui_block = $( '#ui-block' );
-                var actions_element = $( '.actions', cores_element );
-                var div_action = $( 'div.action', actions_element );
-                ui_block
-                  .css( 'opacity', 0.7 )
-                  .width( cores_element.width() + 10 )
-                  .height( cores_element.height() );
-                if( $( '' ).is( ':visible' ) )
-                {
-                  $( '.cloud', div_action )
-                    .show();
-                }
-                $( 'button.action', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      self
-                        .toggleClass( 'open' );
-                      $( '.action.' + self.attr( 'id' ), actions_element )
-                        .trigger( 'open' );
-                      return false;
-                    }
-                  );
-                div_action
-                  .die( 'close' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'close',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      div_action.hide();
-                      ui_block.hide();
-                    }
-                  )
-                  .die( 'open' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'open',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      var self = $( this );
-                      var rel = $( '#' + 'rel' ) );
-                      self
-                        .trigger( 'close' )
-                        .show()
-                        .css( 'left', rel.position().left );
-                      ui_block
-                        .show();
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( 'form button.reset', actions_element )
-                  .die( 'click' )
-                  .live
-                  (
-                    'click',
-                    function( event )
-                    {
-                      $( this ).closest( 'div.action' )
-                        .trigger( 'close' );
-                    }
-                  );
-                $( 'form', div_action )
-                  .ajaxForm
-                  (
-                    {
-                      url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-                      dataType : 'json',
-                      beforeSubmit : function( array, form, options )
-                      {
-                        $( 'button[type="submit"] span', form )
-                          .addClass( 'loader' );
-                      },
-                      success : function( response, status_text, xhr, form )
-                      {
-                        delete app.cores_data;
-                        sammy.refresh();
-                        $( 'button.reset', form )
-                          .trigger( 'click' );
-                      },
-                      error : function( xhr, text_status, error_thrown )
-                      {
-                        var response = null;
-                        eval( 'response = ' + xhr.responseText + ';' );
-                        var error_elem = $( '.error', div_action.filter( ':visible' ) );
-              ;
-                        $( 'span', error_elem ).text( response.error.msg );
-                      },
-                      complete : function()
-                      {
-                        $( 'button span.loader', actions_element )
-                          .removeClass( 'loader' );
-                      }
-                    }
-                  );
-                // --
-                $( '#add', content_element )
-                  .trigger( 'click' );
-                $( '[data-rel="add"] input[type="text"]:first', content_element )
-                  .focus();
-              }
-            }
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    );
-  }
-// #/~cores
-  /^#\/(~cores)\//,
-  function( context )
-  {
-    var content_element = $( '#content' );
-    var path_parts = this.path.match( /^(.+\/~cores\/)(.*)$/ );
-    var current_core = path_parts[2];
-    sammy.trigger
-    (
-      'cores_load_data',
-      {
-        error : function()
-        {
-          context.redirect( '#/' + context.params.splat[0] );
-        },
-        success : function( cores )
-        {
-          sammy.trigger
-          (
-            'cores_load_template',
-            {
-              content_element : content_element,
-              callback : function()
-              {
-                var cores_element = $( '#cores', content_element );
-                var navigation_element = $( '#navigation', cores_element );
-                var data_element = $( '#data', cores_element );
-                var core_data_element = $( '#core-data', data_element );
-                var index_data_element = $( '#index-data', data_element );
-                cores_element
-                  .removeClass( 'empty' );
-                var core_data = cores[current_core];
-                var core_basepath = $( '#' + current_core, app.menu_element ).attr( 'data-basepath' );
-                var core_names = [];
-                var core_selects = $( '#actions select', cores_element );
-                $( 'option[value="' + current_core + '"]', core_selects.filter( '.other' ) )
-                  .remove();
-                $( 'input[data-core="current"]', cores_element )
-                  .val( current_core );
-                // layout
-                var ui_block = $( '#ui-block' );
-                var actions_element = $( '.actions', cores_element );
-                var div_action = $( 'div.action', actions_element );
-                ui_block
-                  .css( 'opacity', 0.7 )
-                  .width( cores_element.width() + 10 )
-                  .height( cores_element.height() );
-                if( $( '' ).is( ':visible' ) )
-                {
-                  $( '.cloud', div_action )
-                    .show();
-                }
-                var form_callback = {
-                  rename : function( form, response )
-                  {
-                    var url = path_parts[1] + $( 'input[name="other"]', form ).val();
-                    context.redirect( url );
-                  }
-                };
-                $( 'form', div_action )
-                  .ajaxForm
-                  (
-                    {
-                      url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&indexInfo=false',
-                      success : function( response, status_text, xhr, form )
-                      {
-                        var action = $( 'input[name="action"]', form ).val().toLowerCase();
-                        delete app.cores_data;
-                        if( form_callback[action] )
-                        {
-                         form_callback[action]( form, response );
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                          sammy.refresh();
-                        }
-                        $( 'button.reset', form )
-                          .trigger( 'click' );
-                      },
-                  );
-                $( '#actions #unload', cores_element )
-                      var ret = confirm( 'Do you really want to unload Core "' + current_core + '"?' );
-                      if( !ret )
-                        return false;
-                          url : app.config.solr_path + app.config.core_admin_path + '?wt=json&action=UNLOAD&core=' + current_core,
-                          success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
-                          {
-                            delete app.cores_data;
-                            context.redirect( path_parts[1].substr( 0, path_parts[1].length - 1 ) );
-                          },
-                optimize_button
-                          url : core_basepath + '/update?optimize=true&waitFlush=true&wt=json',
-                          success : function( response, text_status, xhr )
diff --git a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/schema.js b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/schema.js
index 94dd93e..a6f184c 100644
--- a/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/schema.js
+++ b/solr/webapp/web/js/angular/controllers/schema.js
@@ -612,20 +612,3 @@ var sortedObjectArray = function(list) {
 var shortenPackages = function(className) {
     return className.replace("org.apache.solr", "o.a.s").replace("org.apache.lucene", "o.a.l");
-        var get_width = function get_width()
-        {
-          return $( this ).width();
-        }
-  var max_width = 10 + Math.max.apply( Math, $( 'p', topterms_table_element ).map( get_width ).get() );
-  topterms:
-    p { width: {{maxWidth}}px !important; }
-    ul { margin-left: {{max_width + 5 }}px !important; }
-  var max_width = 10 + Math.max.apply( Math, $( 'dt', histogram_holder_element ).map( get_width ).get() );
-  histogram_holder:
-    ul { margin-left: {{maxWidth}}px !important; }
-    li dt { left: {{-maxWidth}}px !important; width: {{maxWidth}}px !important; }