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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2010/04/09 15:02:58 UTC

[Xmlgraphics-fop Wiki] Update of "HowTo/SetupLog4JLogging" by JeremiasMaerki

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The "HowTo/SetupLog4JLogging" page has been changed by JeremiasMaerki.
The comment on this change is: Guide to set up Log4J.


New page:
This page shows how you set up logging in FOP via Log4J.

= Introduction =

Apache FOP version 0.90 and later use [[|Apache Commons Logging]] as the logging API which allows logging to any logging backend (Log4J, JDK logging etc.). Please check the Commons Logging documentation and the documentation of your preferred logging backend for any details.

The following was tested with Log4J 1.2.15. The procedure may differ for other versions and only the approach with the properties file is shown. To configure Log4J with an XML, please see the Log4J documentation.

= Step by step =

== 1. Add Log4J to the classpath ==

If you add Log4J to FOP's classpath, Apache Commons Logging will automatically choose Log4J as its logging backend (if you've not specified any system properties to configure Commons Logging otherwise).

== 2. Create a logging configuration file ==

Here's an minimal example that logs to the console:

log4j.rootLogger = INFO, console

log4j.appender.console = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender

log4j.appender.console.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern = %d [%t] %-5p %c{1} - %m%n

# This sets all FOP logging to INFO. Only output from the renderers is logged on the DEBUG level. = INFO = DEBUG

== 3. Tell Log4J to use your configuration file ==

Set the following system property when you start the JVM:

That's already it. If you want to do something more fancy, please check the Commons Logging documentation.

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