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Posted to by Alex Karasulu <> on 2008/06/05 03:18:45 UTC

[LDAP Testing Framework] Anyone interested in a fun entry level project?

Hi users and lurkers,

If there's anyone out there interested in contributing and joining the
committership, yet does not know where to start this might be a nice project
for you to get your feet wet.  It would be incredibly valuable to the
community and we would gain yet another committer.  The project involves
building an LDAP integration testing framework.  This framework would be
used by the ApacheDS project and by our users interested in testing their
applications with over the wire LDAP connections.  Below you'll find a tight
description of the project.

Let us know if you're interested!


Project: Server Integration Project

    Presently we have a core-integ module in ApacheDS which uses the
ChangeLog subsystem to revert changes between tests.  It's a special JUnit 4
based framework.  These integration tests run an order of magnitude faster
than the old tests in the core-unit module which start, run, stop and
destroy a server and it's files db files on disk with each testXxxxx()
method in the JUnit 3.8 based test cases.  The core-unit and core-integ
modules are for tests on the ApacheDS core which primarily is wrapped by the
DirectoryService facade interface.  These tests do not go over the wire.  In
the server-unit module we have tests where the actual LDAP network protocol
is tested.  Take a look at these project modules to see.  Right now we never
finished building a server-integ equivalent to core-integ (not enough
time).  The core-integ implementation is documented well here:

"Your mission if you choose to accept it" ;) is to build a server-integ
equivalent using the same concepts.  I think we have an empty place holder
for the documentation on this here:



Future Module:<>

    These remaining server-unit tests take an additional 360 seconds to
run.  If the same dynamics hold for the speedup gains from core-integ verses
core-unit we should see this drop to about 36 seconds.  The complete build
with integration tests enabled by default would then take about 2-3 minute
on a modern machine verses the 8-9 minutes it now takes.


    o JUnit 4
    o apacheds-protocol-ldap

    o Might want to study up on the documentation for core-integ
    o Look at and understand the core-integ frawework code
    o Look at tests using core-integ framework (in src/test/java folder of
this module)