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svn commit: r1729662 [3/3] - in /jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown: ./ oak_api/ security/ security/accesscontrol/ security/authentication/ security/authorization/ security/permission/ security/principal/ security/privilege/ security/user/

Added: jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/
--- jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/ (added)
+++ jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/ Wed Feb 10 17:12:26 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+User Management : The Default Implementation
+### General Notes
+The default user management implementation stores user/group information in the
+content repository. In contrast to Jackrabbit 2.x, which by default used a single,
+dedicated workspace for user/group data, this data will as of Oak 1.0 be stored
+separately for each JCR workspace.
+Consequently the `UserManager` associated with the editing sessions, performs
+all actions with this editing session. This corresponds to the behavior as defined
+the alternative implementation present with Jackrabbit 2.x ((see Jackrabbit 2.x `UserPerWorkspaceUserManager`).
+* The Oak implementation is build on the Oak API. This allows for double usage as
+  extension to the JCR API as well as within the Oak layer (aka SPI).
+* The `UserManager` is always associated with the same JCR workspace as the editing
+  `Session` from which the class has been obtained.
+* Changes made to the user management API are always transient and require `Session#save()` to be persisted.
+* In case of any failure during user management related write operations the API
+  consumer is in charge of specifically revert pending or invalid transient modifications
+  or calling `Session#refresh(false)`.
+### Differences wrt Jackrabbit 2.x
+A summary of all changes with respect to the former implementation present with
+Jackrabbit 2.x is present in the corresponding [section](differences.html).
+### Built-in Users and Special Groups
+The setup of builtin user and group accounts is triggered by the configured `WorkspaceInitializer`
+associated with the user management configuration (see Configuration section below).
+The default user management implementation in OAK comes with an initializer that
+creates the following builtin user accounts:
+#### Administrator
+The admin user is always being created. The ID of this user is retrieved from the
+user configuration parameter `PARAM_ADMIN_ID`, which defaults to `admin`.
+As of OAK 1.0 however the administrator user might be created without initial
+password forcing the application to set the password upon start (see `PARAM_OMIT_ADMIN_PW`
+configuration parameter).
+##### Anonymous User
+In contrast to Jackrabbit 2.x the anonymous (or guest) user is optional. Creation
+will be skipped if the value of the `PARAM_ANONYMOUS_ID` configuration parameter
+is `null` or empty.
+Note, that the anonymous user will always be created without specifying a password
+in order to prevent regular login with `SimpleCredentials`.
+The proper way to obtain a guest session is:
+    Repository#login(new GuestCredentials(), wspName);
+See section [Authentication](../authentication.html) for further information about
+guest login.
+#### Everyone Group
+The default user management implementation in Oak contains special handling for
+the optional group that represents _everyone_, which is marked by the reserved
+name [everyone] and corresponds to the `EveryonePrincipal`.
+This special group always contains all Authorizable as member and cannot be edited
+with user management API. As of OAK this fact is consistently reflected in all
+group membership related methods. See also [Principal Management](../principal.html).
+### User Management Operations
+#### Reading Authorizables
+##### Handling of the Authorizable ID
+* As of Oak the node type definition of `rep:Authorizable` defines a new property `rep:authorizableId` which is intended to store the ID of a user or group.
+* The default implementation comes with a dedicated property index for `rep:authorizableId` which asserts the uniqueness of that ID.
+* `Authorizable#getID` returns the string value contained in `rep:authorizableID` and for backwards compatibility falls back on the node name in case the ID property is missing.
+* The name of the authorizable node is generated based on a configurable implementation of the `AuthorizableNodeName` interface (see configuration section below). By default it uses the ID as name hint and includes a conversion to a valid JCR node name.
+##### equals() and hashCode()
+The implementation of `Object#equals()` and `Object#hashCode()` for user and
+groups slightly differs from Jackrabbit 2.x. It no longer relies on the _sameness_
+of the underlaying JCR node but only compares IDs and the user manager instance.
+#### Creating Authorizables
+* The `rep:password` property is no longer defined to be mandatory. Therefore a new user might be created without specifying a password. Note however, that `User#changePassword` does not allow to remove the password property.
+* `UserManager#createGroup(Principal)` will no longer generate a groupID in case the principal name collides with an existing user or group ID. This has been considered redundant as the Jackrabbit API in the mean time added `UserManager#createGroup(String groupID)`.
+* Since OAK is designed to scale with flat hierarchies the former configuration options `autoExpandTree` and `autoExpandSize` are no longer supported.
+#### Query
+See section [Searching Users and Groups](query.html) for details.
+#### Group Membership
+See section [Group Membership](membership.html) for details.
+#### Autosave Behavior
+Due to the nature of the UserManager (see above) we decided to drop the auto-save
+behavior in the default implementation present with OAK. Consequently,
+* `UserManager#autoSave(boolean)` throws `UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException`
+* `UserManager#isAutoSave()` always returns `false`
+See also `PARAM_SUPPORT_AUTOSAVE` below; while this should not be needed if
+application code has been written against the Jackrabbit API (and thus testing if
+auto-save mode is enabled or not) this configuration option can be used as last resort.
+#### XML Import
+As of Oak 1.0 user and group nodes can be imported both with Session and Workspace
+import. Other differences compared to Jackrabbit 2.x:
+* Importing an authorizable to another tree than the configured user/group node will only failed upon save (-> see `UserValidator` during the `Root#commit`). With Jackrabbit 2.x core it used to fail immediately.
+* The `BestEffort` behavior is now also implemented for the import of impersonators (was missing in Jackrabbit /2.x).
+#### Password Expiry and Force Initial Password Change
+Since Oak 1.1.0 the default user management and authentication implementation
+provides password expiry and initial password change.
+By default these features are disabled. The corresponding configuration options
+- `PARAM_PASSWORD_MAX_AGE`: number of days until the password expires.
+- `PARAM_PASSWORD_INITIAL_CHANGE`: boolean flag to enable this feature.
+See section [Password Expiry and Force Initial Password Change](expiry.html)
+for details.
+#### Password History
+Since Oak 1.3.3 the default user management implementation provides password
+history support.
+By default this feature is disabled. The corresponding configuration option is
+- `PARAM_PASSWORD_HISTORY_SIZE`: number of changed passwords to remember.
+See section [Password History](history.html) for details.
+### User/Group Representation in the Repository
+The following block lists the built-in node types related to user management tasks:
+    [rep:Authorizable] > mix:referenceable, nt:hierarchyNode
+      abstract
+      + * (nt:base) = nt:unstructured VERSION
+      - rep:principalName  (STRING) protected mandatory
+      - rep:authorizableId (STRING) protected /* @since oak 1.0 */
+      - * (UNDEFINED)
+      - * (UNDEFINED) multiple
+    [rep:Group] > rep:Authorizable, rep:MemberReferences
+      + rep:members (rep:Members) = rep:Members multiple protected VERSION /* @deprecated */
+      + rep:membersList (rep:MemberReferencesList) = rep:MemberReferencesList protected COPY
+    /** @since oak 1.0 */
+    [rep:MemberReferences]
+      - rep:members (WEAKREFERENCE) protected multiple < 'rep:Authorizable'
+    /** @since oak 1.0 */
+    [rep:MemberReferencesList]
+      + * (rep:MemberReferences) = rep:MemberReferences protected COPY
+    /** @deprecated since oak 1.0 */
+    [rep:Members]
+      orderable
+      + * (rep:Members) = rep:Members protected multiple
+      - * (WEAKREFERENCE) protected < 'rep:Authorizable'
+<a name="validation"/>
+### Validation
+The consistency of this content structure is asserted by a dedicated `UserValidator`.
+The corresponding errors are all of type `Constraint` with the following codes:
+| Code              | Message                                                  |
+| 0020              | Admin user cannot be disabled                            |
+| 0021              | Invalid jcr:uuid for authorizable (creation)             |
+| 0022              | Changing Id, principal name after creation               |
+| 0023              | Invalid jcr:uuid for authorizable (mod)                  |
+| 0024              | Password may not be plain text                           |
+| 0025              | Attempt to remove id, principalname or pw                |
+| 0026              | Mandatory property rep:principalName missing             |
+| 0027              | The admin user cannot be removed                         |
+| 0028              | Attempt to create outside of configured scope            |
+| 0029              | Intermediate folders not rep:AuthorizableFolder          |
+| 0030              | Missing uuid for group (check for cyclic membership)     |
+| 0031              | Cyclic group membership                                  |
+| 0032              | Attempt to set password with system user                 |
+| 0033              | Attempt to add rep:pwd node to a system user             |
+<a name="configuration"/>
+### Configuration
+The following user management specific methods are present with the [UserConfiguration]
+as of OAK 1.0:
+* getUserManager: Obtain a new user manager instance
+#### Configuration Parameters supported by the default implementation
+| Parameter                           | Type    | Default                                      |
+| `PARAM_ADMIN_ID`                    | String  | "admin"                                      |
+| `PARAM_OMIT_ADMIN_PW`               | boolean | false                                        |
+| `PARAM_ANONYMOUS_ID`                | String  | "anonymous" (nullable)                       |
+| `PARAM_USER_PATH`                   | String  | "/rep:security/rep:authorizables/rep:users"  |
+| `PARAM_GROUP_PATH`                  | String  | "/rep:security/rep:authorizables/rep:groups" |
+| `PARAM_DEFAULT_DEPTH`               | int     | 2                                            |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_HASH_ALGORITHM`     | String  | "SHA-256"                                    |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_HASH_ITERATIONS`    | int     | 1000                                         |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_SALT_SIZE`          | int     | 8                                            |
+| `PARAM_AUTHORIZABLE_NODE_NAME`      | AuthorizableNodeName | AuthorizableNodeName#DEFAULT    |
+| `PARAM_AUTHORIZABLE_ACTION_PROVIDER`| AuthorizableActionProvider | DefaultAuthorizableActionProvider |
+| `PARAM_SUPPORT_AUTOSAVE`            | boolean | false                                        |
+| `PARAM_IMPORT_BEHAVIOR`             | String ("abort", "ignore", "besteffort") | "ignore"    |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_MAX_AGE`            | int     | 0                                            |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_INITIAL_CHANGE`     | boolean | false                                        |
+| `PARAM_PASSWORD_HISTORY_SIZE`       | int (upper limit: 1000) | 0                            |
+| `PARAM_CACHE_EXPIRATION`            | long    | 0                                            |
+| | | |
+The following configuration parameters present with the default implementation in Jackrabbit 2.x are no longer supported and will be ignored:
+* `compatibleJR16`
+* `autoExpandTree`
+* `autoExpandSize`
+* `groupMembershipSplitSize`
+The optional `cacheExpiration` configuration option listed above is discussed in
+detail in section [Caching Results of Principal Resolution](../principal/cache.html).
+It is not related to user management s.str. but affects the implementation
+specific `PrincipalProvider` implementation exposed by `UserConfiguration.getUserPrincipalProvider`.
+<a name="pluggability"/>
+### Pluggability
+Within the default user management implementation the following parts can be
+modified or extended at runtime by providing corresponding OSGi services or passing
+appropriate configuration parameters exposing the custom implementations:
+- `AuthorizableActionProvider`: Defines the authorizable actions, see [Authorizable Actions](user/authorizableaction.html).
+- `AuthorizableNodeName`: Defines the generation of the authorizable node names
+  in case the user management implementation stores user information in the repository.
+  See [Authorizable Node Name Generation](user/authorizablenodename.html).
+- `UserAuthenticationFactory`: see below
+#### UserAuthenticationFactory : Authenticating Users
+Since Oak 1.1.5 the default user management implementation allows to configure
+and thus replace the default [UserAuthenticationFactory], which links the user
+management implementation with the authentication (specifically the [uid/pw-login](../authentication/default.html#user_authentication))
+as it exposes the [Authentication] implementation to be used for verification
+of the specified credentials according to details provided by a given user management
+##### Examples
+###### Example UserAuthenticationFactory
+    @Component()
+    @Service(UserAuthenticationFactory.class)
+    public class MyUserAuthenticationFactory implements UserAuthenticationFactory {
+        private Set<String> ids = Collections.emptySet();
+        public MyUserAuthenticationFactory() {}
+        //--------------------------------------< UserAuthenticationFactory >---
+        @Override
+        Authentication getAuthentication(@Nonnull UserConfiguration configuration, @Nonnull Root root, @Nullable String userId) {
+            final boolean canAuthenticate = (userId != null && ids.contains(userId));
+            return new Authentication() {
+                @Override
+                public boolean authenticate(@Nullable Credentials credentials) {
+                    return canAuthenticate;
+                }
+            };
+        }
+        //------------------------------------------------< SCR Integration >---
+        @Activate
+        private void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
+             ids = ImmutableSet.copyOf(PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(properties.get("ids"), new String[0]));
+        }
+    }
+<!-- hidden references -->
+[everyone]: /oak/docs/apidocs/org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/security/principal/EveryonePrincipal.html#NAME
+[UserConfiguration]: /oak/docs/apidocs/org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/security/user/UserConfiguration.html
+[UserAuthenticationFactory]: /oak/docs/apidocs/org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/security/user/UserAuthenticationFactory.html

Modified: jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/
--- jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/ (original)
+++ jackrabbit/oak/trunk/oak-doc/src/site/markdown/security/user/ Wed Feb 10 17:12:26 2016
@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ The user query is expected to work as in
 #### XML Import
-* Importing an authorizable to another tree than the configured user/group node will only failed upon save (-> see `UserValidator` during the `Root#commit`). With Jackrabbit 2.x core it used to fail immediately.
+* Importing an authorizable to another tree than the configured user/group node 
+  will only failed upon save (-> see `UserValidator` during the `Root#commit`). 
+  With Jackrabbit 2.x core it used to fail immediately.
 * The `BestEffort` behavior is now also implemented for the import of impersonators (was missing in Jackrabbit /2.x).
 * Oak also supports workspace import for authorizables
@@ -112,11 +114,4 @@ in Jackrabbit 2.x are no longer supporte
 * "compatibleJR16"
 * "autoExpandTree"
 * "autoExpandSize"
-* "groupMembershipSplitSize"
-<!-- hidden references -->
\ No newline at end of file
+* "groupMembershipSplitSize"
\ No newline at end of file