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Posted to by on 2017/07/11 01:39:21 UTC

[35/50] mesos git commit: Windows: Replaced `CreateProcess()` with `create_process()` helper.

Windows: Replaced `CreateProcess()` with `create_process()` helper.

This uses the new `ProcessData create_process()` abstraction added to
stout, reducing the use of the Windows API in libprocess. The
`ProcessData` struct eliminates the need to manually call



Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 4b28a28c3a56ea96873df7414216a47702a81b61
Parents: c200bec
Author: Andrew Schwartzmeyer <>
Authored: Mon Jul 10 14:30:16 2017 -0700
Committer: Joseph Wu <>
Committed: Mon Jul 10 17:15:37 2017 -0700

 .../libprocess/cmake/ProcessConfigure.cmake     |   7 -
 .../include/process/subprocess_base.hpp         |   7 +-
 .../include/process/windows/subprocess.hpp      | 197 ++-----------------
 3rdparty/libprocess/src/subprocess.cpp          |  29 +--
 4 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)
diff --git a/3rdparty/libprocess/cmake/ProcessConfigure.cmake b/3rdparty/libprocess/cmake/ProcessConfigure.cmake
index 2c46d43..dd3be57 100755
--- a/3rdparty/libprocess/cmake/ProcessConfigure.cmake
+++ b/3rdparty/libprocess/cmake/ProcessConfigure.cmake
@@ -166,13 +166,6 @@ set(PROCESS_LIBS
-if (WIN32)
-    userenv
-    )
-endif ()
 else ()
diff --git a/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/subprocess_base.hpp b/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/subprocess_base.hpp
index a3edae6..d33be2b 100644
--- a/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/subprocess_base.hpp
+++ b/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/subprocess_base.hpp
@@ -318,17 +318,12 @@ private:
       if (in.isSome()) { os::close(in.get()); }
       if (out.isSome()) { os::close(out.get()); }
       if (err.isSome()) { os::close(err.get()); }
-#ifdef __WINDOWS__
-      CloseHandle(processInformation.hProcess);
-      CloseHandle(processInformation.hThread);
-#endif // __WINDOWS__
     pid_t pid;
 #ifdef __WINDOWS__
-    PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation;
+    Option<::internal::windows::ProcessData> process_data;
 #endif // __WINDOWS__
     // The parent side of the pipe for stdin/stdout/stderr. If the
diff --git a/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/windows/subprocess.hpp b/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/windows/subprocess.hpp
index 5459955..0183bb4 100644
--- a/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/windows/subprocess.hpp
+++ b/3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/windows/subprocess.hpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <string>
+#include <tuple>
 #include <glog/logging.h>
@@ -38,192 +39,34 @@
 namespace process {
 namespace internal {
-// Retrieves system environment in a `std::map`, ignoring
-// the current process's environment variables.
-inline Option<std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>> getSystemEnvironment()
-  std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> systemEnvironment;
-  wchar_t* environmentEntry = nullptr;
-  // Get the system environment.
-  // The third parameter (bool) tells the function *not* to inherit
-  // variables from the current process.
-  if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock((LPVOID*)&environmentEntry, nullptr, FALSE)) {
-    return None();
-  }
-  // Save the environment block in order to destroy it later.
-  wchar_t* environmentBlock = environmentEntry;
-  while (*environmentEntry != L'\0') {
-    // Each environment block contains the environment variables as follows:
-    // Var1=Value1\0
-    // Var2=Value2\0
-    // Var3=Value3\0
-    // ...
-    // VarN=ValueN\0\0
-    // The name of an environment variable cannot include an equal sign (=).
-    // Construct a string from the pointer up to the first '\0',
-    // e.g. "Var1=Value1\0", then split into name and value.
-    std::wstring entryString(environmentEntry);
-    std::wstring::size_type separator = entryString.find(L"=");
-    std::wstring varName(entryString.substr(0, separator));
-    std::wstring varVal(entryString.substr(separator + 1));
-    // Mesos variables are upper case. Convert system variables to
-    // match the name provided by the scheduler in case of a collision.
-    // This is safe because Windows environment variables are case insensitive.
-    std::transform(varName.begin(), varName.end(), varName.begin(), ::towupper);
-    // The system environment has priority.
-    systemEnvironment.insert_or_assign(,;
-    // Advance the pointer the length of the entry string plus the '\0'.
-    environmentEntry += entryString.length() + 1;
-  }
-  DestroyEnvironmentBlock(environmentBlock);
-  return systemEnvironment;
-// Creates a null-terminated array of null-terminated strings that will be
-// passed to `CreateProcessW` as the `lpEnvironment` argument, as described by
-// MSDN[1]. This array needs to be sorted in alphabetical order, but the `map`
-// already takes care of that. Note that this function explicitly handles
-// UTF-16 environments, so it must be used in conjunction with the
-// NOTE: This function will add the system's environment variables into
-// the returned string. These variables take precedence over the provided
-// `env` and are generally necessary in order to launch things on Windows.
-// [1]
-inline Option<std::wstring> createProcessEnvironment(
-    const Option<std::map<std::string, std::string>>& env)
-  if (env.isNone() || (env.isSome() && env.get().size() == 0)) {
-    return None();
-  }
-  Option<std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>> systemEnvironment =
-    getSystemEnvironment();
-  // The system environment must be non-empty.
-  // No subprocesses will be able to launch if the system environment is blank.
-  CHECK(systemEnvironment.isSome() && systemEnvironment.get().size() > 0);
-  std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> combinedEnvironment;
-  // Populate the combined environment first with the given environment
-  // converted to UTF-16 for Windows.
-  std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> converter;
-  foreachpair (const std::string& key,
-               const std::string& value,
-               env.get()) {
-    combinedEnvironment[converter.from_bytes(key)] =
-      converter.from_bytes(value);
-  }
-  // Add the system environment variables, overwriting the previous.
-  foreachpair (const std::wstring& key,
-               const std::wstring& value,
-               systemEnvironment.get()) {
-    combinedEnvironment[key] = value;
-  }
-  std::wstring environmentString;
-  foreachpair (const std::wstring& key,
-               const std::wstring& value,
-               combinedEnvironment) {
-    environmentString += key + L'=' + value + L'\0';
-  }
-  // Append final null terminating character.
-  environmentString.push_back(L'\0');
-  return environmentString;
 // NOTE: We are expecting that components of `argv` that need to be quoted
 // (for example, paths with spaces in them like `C:\"Program Files"\foo.exe`)
 // to have been already quoted correctly before we generate `command`.
 // Incorrectly-quoted command arguments will probably lead the child process
 // to terminate with an error. See also NOTE on `process::subprocess`.
-inline Try<PROCESS_INFORMATION> createChildProcess(
+inline Try<::internal::windows::ProcessData> createChildProcess(
     const std::string& path,
     const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
     const Option<std::map<std::string, std::string>>& environment,
+    const std::vector<Subprocess::ParentHook>& parent_hooks,
     const InputFileDescriptors stdinfds,
     const OutputFileDescriptors stdoutfds,
-    const OutputFileDescriptors stderrfds,
-    const std::vector<Subprocess::ParentHook>& parent_hooks)
+    const OutputFileDescriptors stderrfds)
-  // The second argument to `::CreateProcessW` explicitly requries a writable
-  // buffer, so we copy the `wstring` data into this `vector`.
-  std::wstring command = os::stringify_args(argv);
-  std::vector<wchar_t> commandLine(command.begin(), command.end());
-  // Create the process suspended and with a Unicode environment.
-  // Construct the environment that will be passed to `::CreateProcessW`.
-  Option<std::wstring> environmentString =
-    createProcessEnvironment(environment);
-  const wchar_t* processEnvironment = environmentString.isNone()
-    ? nullptr
-    : environmentString.get().data();
-  STARTUPINFOW startupInfo;
-  ::ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW));
-  ::ZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
-  // Hook up the `stdin`/`stdout`/`stderr` pipes and use the
-  // `STARTF_USESTDHANDLES` flag to instruct the child to use them[1]. A more
-  // user-friendly example can be found in [2].
-  //
-  // [1]
-  // [2]
-  startupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
-  startupInfo.hStdInput =;
-  startupInfo.hStdOutput = stdoutfds.write;
-  startupInfo.hStdError = stderrfds.write;
-  startupInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
-  // TODO(hausdorff): Figure out how to map the `path` and `args` arguments of
-  // this function into a call to `::CreateProcess` that is more general
-  // purpose. In particular, on POSIX, we expect that calls to `subprocess` can
-  // be called with relative `path` (e.g., it could simply be `sh`). However,
-  // on Windows, unlike the calls to (e.g.) `exec`, `::CreateProcessW` will
-  // expect that this argument be a fully-qualified path. In the end, we'd like
-  // the calls to `subprocess` to have similar command formats to minimize
-  // confusion and mistakes.
-  //
-  // [1]
-  BOOL createProcessResult = ::CreateProcessW(
-      nullptr,
-      (LPWSTR),
-      nullptr,                 // Default security attributes.
-      nullptr,                 // Default primary thread security attributes.
-      TRUE,                    // Inherited parent process handles.
-      creationFlags,
-      (LPVOID)processEnvironment,
-      nullptr,                 // Use parent's current directory.
-      &startupInfo,            // STARTUPINFO pointer.
-      &processInfo);           // PROCESS_INFORMATION pointer.
-  if (!createProcessResult) {
-    return WindowsError(
-        "Failed to call CreateProcess on command '" + stringify(command) + "'");
+  Try<::internal::windows::ProcessData> process_data =
+    ::internal::windows::create_process(
+        path,
+        argv,
+        environment,
+        true, // Create suspended.
+        std::make_tuple(, stdoutfds.write, stderrfds.write));
+  if (process_data.isError()) {
+    return process_data;
   // Run the parent hooks.
-  const pid_t pid = processInfo.dwProcessId;
+  const pid_t pid = process_data.get().pid;
   foreach (const Subprocess::ParentHook& hook, parent_hooks) {
     Try<Nothing> parentSetup = hook.parent_setup(pid);
@@ -234,23 +77,23 @@ inline Try<PROCESS_INFORMATION> createChildProcess(
       // do not need to kill any descendents. We also can't use `os::kill_job`
       // because this process is not in a Job Object unless one of the parent
       // hooks added it.
-      ::TerminateProcess(processInfo.hProcess, 1);
+      ::TerminateProcess(process_data.get().process_handle.get_handle(), 1);
       return Error(
           "Failed to execute Parent Hook in child '" + stringify(pid) +
-          "' with command '" + stringify(command) + "': " +
+          "' with command '" + stringify(argv) + "': " +
   // Start child process.
-  if (::ResumeThread(processInfo.hThread) == -1) {
+  if (::ResumeThread(process_data.get().thread_handle.get_handle()) == -1) {
     return WindowsError(
         "Failed to resume child process with command '" +
-        stringify(command) + "'");
+        stringify(argv) + "'");
-  return processInfo;
+  return process_data;
 }  // namespace internal {
diff --git a/3rdparty/libprocess/src/subprocess.cpp b/3rdparty/libprocess/src/subprocess.cpp
index 0f1532b..d0aa5f8 100644
--- a/3rdparty/libprocess/src/subprocess.cpp
+++ b/3rdparty/libprocess/src/subprocess.cpp
@@ -380,22 +380,23 @@ Try<Subprocess> subprocess(>pid = pid.get();
     // TODO(joerg84): Consider using the childHooks and parentHooks here.
-    Try<PROCESS_INFORMATION> processInformation = internal::createChildProcess(
-        path,
-        argv,
-        environment,
-        stdinfds,
-        stdoutfds,
-        stderrfds,
-        parent_hooks);
-    if (processInformation.isError()) {
+    Try<::internal::windows::ProcessData> process_data =
+      internal::createChildProcess(
+          path,
+          argv,
+          environment,
+          parent_hooks,
+          stdinfds,
+          stdoutfds,
+          stderrfds);
+    if (process_data.isError()) {
       process::internal::close(stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds);
       return Error(
-          "Could not launch child process: " + processInformation.error());
+          "Could not launch child process: " + process_data.error());
-    if (processInformation.get().dwProcessId == -1) {
+    if (process_data.get().pid == -1) {
       // Save the errno as 'close' below might overwrite it.
       ErrnoError error("Failed to clone");
       process::internal::close(stdinfds, stdoutfds, stderrfds);
@@ -408,8 +409,8 @@ Try<Subprocess> subprocess(
     // 'createChildProcess' to be consistent with the posix path.
     internal::close({, stdoutfds.write, stderrfds.write});
->processInformation = processInformation.get();
->pid = processInformation.get().dwProcessId;
+>process_data = process_data.get();
+>pid = process_data.get().pid;
 #endif // __WINDOWS__