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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/08/01 13:51:24 UTC

[GitHub] [systemds] mboehm7 commented on a change in pull request #1356: [WIP] Automatic markdown-file-creator

mboehm7 commented on a change in pull request #1356:

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This python script does take all files within the current directory and creates a corresponding markdown file out of the existing headers
+#   If there are specific parts of the header missing a warning within the terminal will be displayed
+#   The finished markdown file is then placed in the same directory
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Name                            Type    Default     Meaning
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown       .dm     -------     A .dm file of all files with a parsable header
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Additional Information
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# If the output within the terminal does not look correct because the os isnt supporting colored output,
+#   please swap the comment prefix in line 300 and 301
+#This Array contains all valid information
+file_data_array = []
+#This Array contains all invalid file names with corresponding missing values
+incorrect_file_data = []
+#Global FLAG to identify if Headers with only 3 arguments are valid or not!
+#This class contains all necessary variables for the complete representation of the markdown file
+class File_data:
+    def __init__(self, inputParameterCount, inputParams, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParams, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additional, fileName):
+        self.param_count = inputParameterCount
+        self.param = inputParams
+        self.input_header_missing = I_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.input_description_missing = I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.output_param_count = outputParameterCount
+        self.output = outputParams
+        self.output_header_missing = O_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.output_description_missing = O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.description = description
+        self.additional = additional
+        self.fileName = fileName
+#class to make a pretty output possible
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'
+    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
+    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+    WARNING = '\033[93m'
+    FAIL = '\033[91m'
+    ENDC = '\033[0m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+#This functions simply iterates over all files, given at the specific location and creates the corresponding markdown files
+def callWithAbsoluteParameters():
+    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    for entry in os.scandir(directory):
+        if entry.path.endswith(".dml") and entry.is_file():
+            with open(entry.path) as f:
+                parseFile(f.readlines(),
+    cleaned_array = cleanFileDataArray()
+    createMarkDownFile(cleaned_array)
+#Function to start parsing the file, it skips the lincence agreement and then forwards the rest to the parse Information Function
+def parseFile(lines, fileName):
+    fileName = os.path.basename(fileName)
+    fileName = fileName.split('.')[0]
+    EMPTY_LINES = True
+    markDownArray = []
+    lineBreakRegex = re.compile('#.[\-]+')  # Match all lines which look like #---- or # ---
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$') # Matches all empty lines within the header
+    emptyCommentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{1,}$')  # Match lines whick look like this # followed by abritrary number of spaces
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#.*$') #Matches any line with a # in front
+    functionStartRegex = re.compile('^[A-Za-z_]*\s*=+') #Because we know that the start of the function name must be within the range of a-Z we can simply search for it to find the start of the program
+    license_break_count = 0
+    for line in lines:
+        if lineBreakRegex.match(line) and license_break_count < 2:  #First we skip the apache license info
+            license_break_count += 1
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count < 2):   #skip all lines within the apache license header
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count >= 2) and EMPTY_LINES and (emptyLineRegex.match(line) or emptyCommentLineRegex.match(line)):
+            continue
+        elif functionStartRegex.match(line):
+            break
+        elif bool(commentLineRegex.match(line)) is False:
+            continue
+        else:
+            EMPTY_LINES = False
+            markDownArray.append(line)
+    #If we don´t have anything in our markDownArray we don´t need to continue
+    if len(markDownArray) > 0:
+        parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName)
+    else:
+        incorrect_file_data.append(fileName)
+def parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName):
+    markDownArray = [e[1:] for e in markDownArray]  # First I cut the first character of all lines because it is simply a # character
+    #Then I start to set some global flags to identify the status of my program
+    #As soon as INPUT_FINISHED is True I know that I already parsed some inputStringRegex parameters
+    INPUT = False
+    OUTPUT = False
+    #When I start parsing the File, the first line(s) should ALWAYS contain the description therefore I start with True
+    #To track how many comment_lines where found inside the headerRegex
+    commentLineCount = 0
+    #If there are information which do not match the syntax or are not identifyable I put it inside this array
+    additionalInfos = []
+    #contains the description of the corresponding file
+    description = []
+    #Number of parameters and array of parameters
+    inputParameterCount = 0
+    inputParameters = []
+    # Number of outputs and array of parameters
+    outputParameterCount = 0
+    outputParameters = []
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{0,}$')
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$')
+    headerRegex = re.compile('\s{1,}[A-Za-z]{2,}')
+    inputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{1,}input', flags=re.I)  #\s{1,}.*input  <-- other possibility to find all input fields, problem here that it matches all lines with input in the test
+    outputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{0,}(output|return)', flags=re.I)
+    for line in markDownArray:
+        if INPUT:
+            inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(inputParameters, inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        if OUTPUT:
+            outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(outputParameters, outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        #First we care about the headerRegex, if everything worked out only the headerRegex information should be left
+        if headerRegex.match(line) and DESCRIPTION:
+            if inputStringRegex.match(line):
+                DESCRIPTION = False
+                INPUT = True
+                continue
+            description.append(line)
+        else:
+            DESCRIPTION = False
+        #Within the parsing process I want to skip all empty lines or simple comment_lines
+        if emptyLineRegex.match(line) or commentLineRegex.match(line):
+            continue
+        if inputStringRegex.match(line) and INPUT_FINISHED == False:
+            INPUT = True
+        if outputStringRegex.match(line) and OUTPUT_FINISHED is False:
+            OUTPUT = True
+    file_data = File_data(inputParameterCount, inputParameters, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParameters, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additionalInfos, fileName)
+    file_data_array.append(file_data)
+def createMarkDownFile(file_array):
+    mdFile = MdUtils(file_name='SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown', title='Markdown Files for scripts')
+    mdFile.new_header(level=1, title='Overview')  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+    for entry in file_array:
+        #First I gather all Parameters from the Entry
+        inputParameters = entry.param
+        outputParameters = entry.output
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        description = entry.description
+        additionalInfos = entry.additional
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        #First I strip all the newline characters from the end of each string and replace the newlines within strings wit spaces
+        inputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(inputParameters)
+        outputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(outputParameters)
+        description = replaceNewlineCharacter(description)
+        titleString = fileName + "-Function"
+        mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=titleString)  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+        for line in description:
+            mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+        #usage would come next
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Usage")
+        #Creating the UsageString
+        usage = fileName + "("
+        for argument in inputParameters[4::4]:
+            usage += (argument + ", ")
+        if len(inputParameters) > 0:
+            usage = usage[:-2] + ')'
+        else:
+            usage = usage + ')'
+        mdFile.insert_code(usage, language='python')
+        #arguments
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Arguments")
+        if inputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(inputParameters)/inputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=inputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=inputParameters, text_align='center')
+        #Returns
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Returns")
+        if outputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(outputParameters) / outputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=outputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=outputParameters, text_align='center')
+        else:
+            for line in additionalInfos:
+                mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+    mdFile.create_md_file()
+def cleanFileDataArray():
+    #Here I go through all elements of the file_data_array check if everything is correct and if not create a file  or meaningfull output
+    new_file_data_array = []
+    for entry in file_data_array:
+        missingValues = False
+        missingParameterString = ''
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        I_HEADER_MISSING = entry.input_header_missing
+        I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.input_description_missing
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        O_HEADER_MISSING = entry.output_header_missing
+        O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.output_description_missing
+        description = entry.description
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        if len(description) == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is no description of the function available!\n"
+        if I_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no input parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Input section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if inputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Output section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no output parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if outputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no output parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if missingValues:
+            print('\033[93m' + "For the File: " + '\033[4m\033[92m' + fileName + '\033[0m' + '\033[93m' + " following errors occured:" + '\033[0m')
+            print(missingParameterString)
+        else:
+            new_file_data_array.append(entry)
+    for entry in incorrect_file_data:
+        print(f'{bcolors.WARNING}For the File: {bcolors.UNDERLINE}{bcolors.OKGREEN}' + entry + f'{bcolors.ENDC}{bcolors.WARNING} NO HEADER WAS FOUND AT ALL:{bcolors.ENDC}')

Review comment:
       Please use consistent error messages - not all caps 

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re

Review comment:
       Missing license header - this is the reason why the build fails.

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This python script does take all files within the current directory and creates a corresponding markdown file out of the existing headers
+#   If there are specific parts of the header missing a warning within the terminal will be displayed
+#   The finished markdown file is then placed in the same directory
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Name                            Type    Default     Meaning
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown       .dm     -------     A .dm file of all files with a parsable header

Review comment:
       you probably mean .md files - please fix the two typos (.dm).

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This python script does take all files within the current directory and creates a corresponding markdown file out of the existing headers
+#   If there are specific parts of the header missing a warning within the terminal will be displayed
+#   The finished markdown file is then placed in the same directory
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Name                            Type    Default     Meaning
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown       .dm     -------     A .dm file of all files with a parsable header
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Additional Information
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# If the output within the terminal does not look correct because the os isnt supporting colored output,
+#   please swap the comment prefix in line 300 and 301
+#This Array contains all valid information
+file_data_array = []
+#This Array contains all invalid file names with corresponding missing values
+incorrect_file_data = []
+#Global FLAG to identify if Headers with only 3 arguments are valid or not!
+#This class contains all necessary variables for the complete representation of the markdown file
+class File_data:
+    def __init__(self, inputParameterCount, inputParams, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParams, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additional, fileName):
+        self.param_count = inputParameterCount
+        self.param = inputParams
+        self.input_header_missing = I_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.input_description_missing = I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.output_param_count = outputParameterCount
+        self.output = outputParams
+        self.output_header_missing = O_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.output_description_missing = O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.description = description
+        self.additional = additional
+        self.fileName = fileName
+#class to make a pretty output possible
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'

Review comment:
       On windows, unfortunately, only these color strings are output as is - it would be great to make this more robust or go back to basic output formatting.

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This python script does take all files within the current directory and creates a corresponding markdown file out of the existing headers
+#   If there are specific parts of the header missing a warning within the terminal will be displayed
+#   The finished markdown file is then placed in the same directory
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Name                            Type    Default     Meaning
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown       .dm     -------     A .dm file of all files with a parsable header
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Additional Information
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# If the output within the terminal does not look correct because the os isnt supporting colored output,
+#   please swap the comment prefix in line 300 and 301
+#This Array contains all valid information
+file_data_array = []
+#This Array contains all invalid file names with corresponding missing values
+incorrect_file_data = []
+#Global FLAG to identify if Headers with only 3 arguments are valid or not!
+#This class contains all necessary variables for the complete representation of the markdown file
+class File_data:
+    def __init__(self, inputParameterCount, inputParams, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParams, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additional, fileName):
+        self.param_count = inputParameterCount
+        self.param = inputParams
+        self.input_header_missing = I_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.input_description_missing = I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.output_param_count = outputParameterCount
+        self.output = outputParams
+        self.output_header_missing = O_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.output_description_missing = O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.description = description
+        self.additional = additional
+        self.fileName = fileName
+#class to make a pretty output possible
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'
+    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
+    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+    WARNING = '\033[93m'
+    FAIL = '\033[91m'
+    ENDC = '\033[0m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+#This functions simply iterates over all files, given at the specific location and creates the corresponding markdown files
+def callWithAbsoluteParameters():
+    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    for entry in os.scandir(directory):
+        if entry.path.endswith(".dml") and entry.is_file():
+            with open(entry.path) as f:
+                parseFile(f.readlines(),
+    cleaned_array = cleanFileDataArray()
+    createMarkDownFile(cleaned_array)
+#Function to start parsing the file, it skips the lincence agreement and then forwards the rest to the parse Information Function
+def parseFile(lines, fileName):
+    fileName = os.path.basename(fileName)
+    fileName = fileName.split('.')[0]
+    EMPTY_LINES = True
+    markDownArray = []
+    lineBreakRegex = re.compile('#.[\-]+')  # Match all lines which look like #---- or # ---
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$') # Matches all empty lines within the header
+    emptyCommentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{1,}$')  # Match lines whick look like this # followed by abritrary number of spaces
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#.*$') #Matches any line with a # in front
+    functionStartRegex = re.compile('^[A-Za-z_]*\s*=+') #Because we know that the start of the function name must be within the range of a-Z we can simply search for it to find the start of the program
+    license_break_count = 0
+    for line in lines:
+        if lineBreakRegex.match(line) and license_break_count < 2:  #First we skip the apache license info
+            license_break_count += 1
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count < 2):   #skip all lines within the apache license header
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count >= 2) and EMPTY_LINES and (emptyLineRegex.match(line) or emptyCommentLineRegex.match(line)):
+            continue
+        elif functionStartRegex.match(line):
+            break
+        elif bool(commentLineRegex.match(line)) is False:
+            continue
+        else:
+            EMPTY_LINES = False
+            markDownArray.append(line)
+    #If we don´t have anything in our markDownArray we don´t need to continue
+    if len(markDownArray) > 0:
+        parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName)
+    else:
+        incorrect_file_data.append(fileName)
+def parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName):
+    markDownArray = [e[1:] for e in markDownArray]  # First I cut the first character of all lines because it is simply a # character
+    #Then I start to set some global flags to identify the status of my program
+    #As soon as INPUT_FINISHED is True I know that I already parsed some inputStringRegex parameters
+    INPUT = False
+    OUTPUT = False
+    #When I start parsing the File, the first line(s) should ALWAYS contain the description therefore I start with True
+    #To track how many comment_lines where found inside the headerRegex
+    commentLineCount = 0
+    #If there are information which do not match the syntax or are not identifyable I put it inside this array
+    additionalInfos = []
+    #contains the description of the corresponding file
+    description = []
+    #Number of parameters and array of parameters
+    inputParameterCount = 0
+    inputParameters = []
+    # Number of outputs and array of parameters
+    outputParameterCount = 0
+    outputParameters = []
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{0,}$')
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$')
+    headerRegex = re.compile('\s{1,}[A-Za-z]{2,}')
+    inputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{1,}input', flags=re.I)  #\s{1,}.*input  <-- other possibility to find all input fields, problem here that it matches all lines with input in the test
+    outputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{0,}(output|return)', flags=re.I)
+    for line in markDownArray:
+        if INPUT:
+            inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(inputParameters, inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        if OUTPUT:
+            outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(outputParameters, outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        #First we care about the headerRegex, if everything worked out only the headerRegex information should be left
+        if headerRegex.match(line) and DESCRIPTION:
+            if inputStringRegex.match(line):
+                DESCRIPTION = False
+                INPUT = True
+                continue
+            description.append(line)
+        else:
+            DESCRIPTION = False
+        #Within the parsing process I want to skip all empty lines or simple comment_lines
+        if emptyLineRegex.match(line) or commentLineRegex.match(line):
+            continue
+        if inputStringRegex.match(line) and INPUT_FINISHED == False:
+            INPUT = True
+        if outputStringRegex.match(line) and OUTPUT_FINISHED is False:
+            OUTPUT = True
+    file_data = File_data(inputParameterCount, inputParameters, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParameters, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additionalInfos, fileName)
+    file_data_array.append(file_data)
+def createMarkDownFile(file_array):
+    mdFile = MdUtils(file_name='SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown', title='Markdown Files for scripts')
+    mdFile.new_header(level=1, title='Overview')  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+    for entry in file_array:
+        #First I gather all Parameters from the Entry
+        inputParameters = entry.param
+        outputParameters = entry.output
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        description = entry.description
+        additionalInfos = entry.additional
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        #First I strip all the newline characters from the end of each string and replace the newlines within strings wit spaces
+        inputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(inputParameters)
+        outputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(outputParameters)
+        description = replaceNewlineCharacter(description)
+        titleString = fileName + "-Function"
+        mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=titleString)  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+        for line in description:
+            mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+        #usage would come next
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Usage")
+        #Creating the UsageString
+        usage = fileName + "("
+        for argument in inputParameters[4::4]:
+            usage += (argument + ", ")
+        if len(inputParameters) > 0:
+            usage = usage[:-2] + ')'
+        else:
+            usage = usage + ')'
+        mdFile.insert_code(usage, language='python')
+        #arguments
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Arguments")
+        if inputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(inputParameters)/inputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=inputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=inputParameters, text_align='center')
+        #Returns
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Returns")
+        if outputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(outputParameters) / outputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=outputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=outputParameters, text_align='center')
+        else:
+            for line in additionalInfos:
+                mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+    mdFile.create_md_file()
+def cleanFileDataArray():
+    #Here I go through all elements of the file_data_array check if everything is correct and if not create a file  or meaningfull output
+    new_file_data_array = []
+    for entry in file_data_array:
+        missingValues = False
+        missingParameterString = ''
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        I_HEADER_MISSING = entry.input_header_missing
+        I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.input_description_missing
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        O_HEADER_MISSING = entry.output_header_missing
+        O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.output_description_missing
+        description = entry.description
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        if len(description) == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is no description of the function available!\n"
+        if I_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no input parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Input section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if inputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Output section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no output parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if outputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no output parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if missingValues:
+            print('\033[93m' + "For the File: " + '\033[4m\033[92m' + fileName + '\033[0m' + '\033[93m' + " following errors occured:" + '\033[0m')
+            print(missingParameterString)
+        else:
+            new_file_data_array.append(entry)
+    for entry in incorrect_file_data:
+        print(f'{bcolors.WARNING}For the File: {bcolors.UNDERLINE}{bcolors.OKGREEN}' + entry + f'{bcolors.ENDC}{bcolors.WARNING} NO HEADER WAS FOUND AT ALL:{bcolors.ENDC}')

Review comment:
       Also it would be great to have an optional input argument to influence the error handling - if set to true, we could collect if there was at least one warning printed and if so throw an exception.

File path: scripts/builtin/
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from mdutils.mdutils import MdUtils
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This python script does take all files within the current directory and creates a corresponding markdown file out of the existing headers
+#   If there are specific parts of the header missing a warning within the terminal will be displayed
+#   The finished markdown file is then placed in the same directory
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   Name                            Type    Default     Meaning
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#   SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown       .dm     -------     A .dm file of all files with a parsable header
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Additional Information
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# If the output within the terminal does not look correct because the os isnt supporting colored output,
+#   please swap the comment prefix in line 300 and 301
+#This Array contains all valid information
+file_data_array = []
+#This Array contains all invalid file names with corresponding missing values
+incorrect_file_data = []
+#Global FLAG to identify if Headers with only 3 arguments are valid or not!
+#This class contains all necessary variables for the complete representation of the markdown file
+class File_data:
+    def __init__(self, inputParameterCount, inputParams, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParams, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additional, fileName):
+        self.param_count = inputParameterCount
+        self.param = inputParams
+        self.input_header_missing = I_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.input_description_missing = I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.output_param_count = outputParameterCount
+        self.output = outputParams
+        self.output_header_missing = O_HEADER_MISSING
+        self.output_description_missing = O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING
+        self.description = description
+        self.additional = additional
+        self.fileName = fileName
+#class to make a pretty output possible
+class bcolors:
+    HEADER = '\033[95m'
+    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
+    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+    WARNING = '\033[93m'
+    FAIL = '\033[91m'
+    ENDC = '\033[0m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+#This functions simply iterates over all files, given at the specific location and creates the corresponding markdown files
+def callWithAbsoluteParameters():
+    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+    for entry in os.scandir(directory):
+        if entry.path.endswith(".dml") and entry.is_file():
+            with open(entry.path) as f:
+                parseFile(f.readlines(),
+    cleaned_array = cleanFileDataArray()
+    createMarkDownFile(cleaned_array)
+#Function to start parsing the file, it skips the lincence agreement and then forwards the rest to the parse Information Function
+def parseFile(lines, fileName):
+    fileName = os.path.basename(fileName)
+    fileName = fileName.split('.')[0]
+    EMPTY_LINES = True
+    markDownArray = []
+    lineBreakRegex = re.compile('#.[\-]+')  # Match all lines which look like #---- or # ---
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$') # Matches all empty lines within the header
+    emptyCommentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{1,}$')  # Match lines whick look like this # followed by abritrary number of spaces
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#.*$') #Matches any line with a # in front
+    functionStartRegex = re.compile('^[A-Za-z_]*\s*=+') #Because we know that the start of the function name must be within the range of a-Z we can simply search for it to find the start of the program
+    license_break_count = 0
+    for line in lines:
+        if lineBreakRegex.match(line) and license_break_count < 2:  #First we skip the apache license info
+            license_break_count += 1
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count < 2):   #skip all lines within the apache license header
+            continue
+        elif(license_break_count >= 2) and EMPTY_LINES and (emptyLineRegex.match(line) or emptyCommentLineRegex.match(line)):
+            continue
+        elif functionStartRegex.match(line):
+            break
+        elif bool(commentLineRegex.match(line)) is False:
+            continue
+        else:
+            EMPTY_LINES = False
+            markDownArray.append(line)
+    #If we don´t have anything in our markDownArray we don´t need to continue
+    if len(markDownArray) > 0:
+        parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName)
+    else:
+        incorrect_file_data.append(fileName)
+def parseInformation(markDownArray, fileName):
+    markDownArray = [e[1:] for e in markDownArray]  # First I cut the first character of all lines because it is simply a # character
+    #Then I start to set some global flags to identify the status of my program
+    #As soon as INPUT_FINISHED is True I know that I already parsed some inputStringRegex parameters
+    INPUT = False
+    OUTPUT = False
+    #When I start parsing the File, the first line(s) should ALWAYS contain the description therefore I start with True
+    #To track how many comment_lines where found inside the headerRegex
+    commentLineCount = 0
+    #If there are information which do not match the syntax or are not identifyable I put it inside this array
+    additionalInfos = []
+    #contains the description of the corresponding file
+    description = []
+    #Number of parameters and array of parameters
+    inputParameterCount = 0
+    inputParameters = []
+    # Number of outputs and array of parameters
+    outputParameterCount = 0
+    outputParameters = []
+    commentLineRegex = re.compile('^#\s{0,}$')
+    emptyLineRegex = re.compile('^\s*$')
+    headerRegex = re.compile('\s{1,}[A-Za-z]{2,}')
+    inputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{1,}input', flags=re.I)  #\s{1,}.*input  <-- other possibility to find all input fields, problem here that it matches all lines with input in the test
+    outputStringRegex = re.compile('^#*\s{0,}(output|return)', flags=re.I)
+    for line in markDownArray:
+        if INPUT:
+            inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(inputParameters, inputParameterCount, INPUT, INPUT_FINISHED, I_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        if OUTPUT:
+            outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount = parseParam(outputParameters, outputParameterCount, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_FINISHED, O_HEADER_MISSING, commentLineCount, additionalInfos, line)
+        #First we care about the headerRegex, if everything worked out only the headerRegex information should be left
+        if headerRegex.match(line) and DESCRIPTION:
+            if inputStringRegex.match(line):
+                DESCRIPTION = False
+                INPUT = True
+                continue
+            description.append(line)
+        else:
+            DESCRIPTION = False
+        #Within the parsing process I want to skip all empty lines or simple comment_lines
+        if emptyLineRegex.match(line) or commentLineRegex.match(line):
+            continue
+        if inputStringRegex.match(line) and INPUT_FINISHED == False:
+            INPUT = True
+        if outputStringRegex.match(line) and OUTPUT_FINISHED is False:
+            OUTPUT = True
+    file_data = File_data(inputParameterCount, inputParameters, I_HEADER_MISSING, I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, outputParameterCount, outputParameters, O_HEADER_MISSING, O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING, description, additionalInfos, fileName)
+    file_data_array.append(file_data)
+def createMarkDownFile(file_array):
+    mdFile = MdUtils(file_name='SystemDs_Builtin_Markdown', title='Markdown Files for scripts')
+    mdFile.new_header(level=1, title='Overview')  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+    for entry in file_array:
+        #First I gather all Parameters from the Entry
+        inputParameters = entry.param
+        outputParameters = entry.output
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        description = entry.description
+        additionalInfos = entry.additional
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        #First I strip all the newline characters from the end of each string and replace the newlines within strings wit spaces
+        inputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(inputParameters)
+        outputParameters = replaceNewlineCharacter(outputParameters)
+        description = replaceNewlineCharacter(description)
+        titleString = fileName + "-Function"
+        mdFile.new_header(level=2, title=titleString)  # style is set 'atx' format by default.
+        for line in description:
+            mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+        #usage would come next
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Usage")
+        #Creating the UsageString
+        usage = fileName + "("
+        for argument in inputParameters[4::4]:
+            usage += (argument + ", ")
+        if len(inputParameters) > 0:
+            usage = usage[:-2] + ')'
+        else:
+            usage = usage + ')'
+        mdFile.insert_code(usage, language='python')
+        #arguments
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Arguments")
+        if inputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(inputParameters)/inputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=inputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=inputParameters, text_align='center')
+        #Returns
+        mdFile.new_header(level=3, title="Returns")
+        if outputParameterCount > 0:
+            rows = int(len(outputParameters) / outputParameterCount)
+            mdFile.new_table(columns=outputParameterCount, rows=rows, text=outputParameters, text_align='center')
+        else:
+            for line in additionalInfos:
+                mdFile.new_paragraph(line)
+    mdFile.create_md_file()
+def cleanFileDataArray():
+    #Here I go through all elements of the file_data_array check if everything is correct and if not create a file  or meaningfull output
+    new_file_data_array = []
+    for entry in file_data_array:
+        missingValues = False
+        missingParameterString = ''
+        inputParameterCount = entry.param_count
+        I_HEADER_MISSING = entry.input_header_missing
+        I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.input_description_missing
+        outputParameterCount = entry.output_param_count
+        O_HEADER_MISSING = entry.output_header_missing
+        O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING = entry.output_description_missing
+        description = entry.description
+        fileName = entry.fileName
+        if len(description) == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is no description of the function available!\n"
+        if I_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no input parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if I_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Input section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if inputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_DESCRIPTION_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no dedicated Output section header or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if O_HEADER_MISSING is True:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There is either no output parameter header given or the syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if outputParameterCount == 0:
+            missingValues = True
+            missingParameterString += "There are either no output parameters given within the file or syntax is incorrect!\n"
+        if missingValues:
+            print('\033[93m' + "For the File: " + '\033[4m\033[92m' + fileName + '\033[0m' + '\033[93m' + " following errors occured:" + '\033[0m')
+            print(missingParameterString)
+        else:
+            new_file_data_array.append(entry)
+    for entry in incorrect_file_data:
+        print(f'{bcolors.WARNING}For the File: {bcolors.UNDERLINE}{bcolors.OKGREEN}' + entry + f'{bcolors.ENDC}{bcolors.WARNING} NO HEADER WAS FOUND AT ALL:{bcolors.ENDC}')
+        #print('For the File: ' + entry + ' NO HEADER WAS FOUND AT ALL') # Print without color
+    return new_file_data_array

Review comment:
       remove unnecessary free lines (please consistently two between functions and otherwise one where needed)

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