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Posted to by on 2009/07/16 21:14:56 UTC

svn commit: r794787 [19/34] - in /geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src: ./ animation/ cal/ charting/ charting/svg/ charting/vml/ collections/ crypto/ data/ data/core/ data/old/ data/old/format/ data/old/provider/ date/ debug/...

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AccordionContainer.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AccordionContainer.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AccordionContainer.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.AnimatedPng", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {isContainer:false, width:0, height:0, aniSrc:"", interval:100, _blankSrc:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/blank.gif"), templateString:"<img class=\"dojoAnimatedPng\" />", postCreate:function () {
+	this.cellWidth = this.width;
+	this.cellHeight = this.height;
+	var img = new Image();
+	var self = this;
+	img.onload = function () {
+		self._initAni(img.width, img.height);
+	};
+	img.src = this.aniSrc;
+}, _initAni:function (w, h) {
+	this.domNode.src = this._blankSrc;
+	this.domNode.width = this.cellWidth;
+	this.domNode.height = this.cellHeight;
+ = "url(" + this.aniSrc + ")";
+ = "no-repeat";
+	this.aniCols = Math.floor(w / this.cellWidth);
+	this.aniRows = Math.floor(h / this.cellHeight);
+	this.aniCells = this.aniCols * this.aniRows;
+	this.aniFrame = 0;
+	window.setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "_tick"), this.interval);
+}, _tick:function () {
+	this.aniFrame++;
+	if (this.aniFrame == this.aniCells) {
+		this.aniFrame = 0;
+	}
+	var col = this.aniFrame % this.aniCols;
+	var row = Math.floor(this.aniFrame / this.aniCols);
+	var bx = -1 * col * this.cellWidth;
+	var by = -1 * row * this.cellHeight;
+ = bx + "px " + by + "px";

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/AnimatedPng.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Button", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {isContainer:true, caption:"", templateString:"<div dojoAttachPoint=\"buttonNode\" class=\"dojoButton\" style=\"position:relative;\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onMouseOver; onMouseOut; onMouseDown; onMouseUp; onClick:buttonClick; onKey:onKey; onFocus;\">\n  <div class=\"dojoButtonContents\" align=center dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:2;\"></div>\n  <img dojoAttachPoint=\"leftImage\" style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;\">\n  <img dojoAttachPoint=\"centerImage\" style=\"position:absolute;z-index:1;\">\n  <img dojoAttachPoint=\"rightImage\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;\">\n</div>\n", templateCssString:"/* ---- button --- */\n.dojoButton {\n\tpadding: 0 0 0 0;\n\tfont-size: 8pt;\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tfont-family: Myriad, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif;\n}\n\n.dojoButton .dojoButtonContents {\n\tpadding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;\n\ttext-align: center;\t
 \t/* if icon and label are split across two lines, center icon */\n\tcolor: white;\n}\n\n.dojoButtonLeftPart .dojoButtonContents {\n\tpadding-right: 8px;\n}\n\n.dojoButtonDisabled {\n\tcursor: url(\"images/no.gif\"), default;\n}\n\n\n.dojoButtonContents img {\n\tvertical-align: middle;\t/* if icon and label are on same line, center them */\n}\n\n/* -------- colors ------------ */\n\n.dojoButtonHover .dojoButtonContents {\n}\n\n.dojoButtonDepressed .dojoButtonContents {\n\tcolor: #293a4b;\n}\n\n.dojoButtonDisabled .dojoButtonContents {\n\tcolor: #aaa;\n}\n\n\n/* ---------- drop down button specific ---------- */\n\n/* border between label and arrow (for drop down buttons */\n.dojoButton .border {\n\twidth: 1px;\n\tbackground: gray;\n}\n\n/* button arrow */\n.dojoButton .downArrow {\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n.dojoButton.disabled .downArrow {\n\tcursor : default;\n}\n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/ButtonTemplate.css"), 
 inactiveImg:"templates/images/soriaButton-", activeImg:"templates/images/soriaActive-", pressedImg:"templates/images/soriaPressed-", disabledImg:"templates/images/soriaDisabled-", width2height:1 / 3, fillInTemplate:function () {
+	if (this.caption) {
+		this.containerNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.caption));
+	}
+	dojo.html.disableSelection(this.containerNode);
+}, postCreate:function () {
+	this._sizeMyself();
+}, _sizeMyself:function () {
+	if (this.domNode.parentNode) {
+		var placeHolder = document.createElement("span");
+		dojo.html.insertBefore(placeHolder, this.domNode);
+	}
+	dojo.body().appendChild(this.domNode);
+	this._sizeMyselfHelper();
+	if (placeHolder) {
+		dojo.html.insertBefore(this.domNode, placeHolder);
+		dojo.html.removeNode(placeHolder);
+	}
+}, _sizeMyselfHelper:function () {
+	var mb = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.containerNode);
+	this.height = mb.height;
+	this.containerWidth = mb.width;
+	var endWidth = this.height * this.width2height;
+ = endWidth + "px";
+	this.leftImage.height = this.rightImage.height = this.centerImage.height = this.height;
+	this.leftImage.width = this.rightImage.width = endWidth + 1;
+	this.centerImage.width = this.containerWidth;
+ = endWidth + "px";
+	this._setImage(this.disabled ? this.disabledImg : this.inactiveImg);
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		dojo.html.prependClass(this.domNode, "dojoButtonDisabled");
+		this.domNode.removeAttribute("tabIndex");
+		dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "disabled", true);
+	} else {
+		dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "dojoButtonDisabled");
+		this.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
+		dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "disabled", false);
+	}
+ = this.height + "px";
+ = (this.containerWidth + 2 * endWidth) + "px";
+}, onMouseOver:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (!dojo.html.hasClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonHover")) {
+		dojo.html.prependClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonHover");
+	}
+	this._setImage(this.activeImg);
+}, onMouseDown:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.prependClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonHover");
+	this._setImage(this.pressedImg);
+}, onMouseUp:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.prependClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonHover");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	this._setImage(this.activeImg);
+}, onMouseOut:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (e.toElement && dojo.html.isDescendantOf(e.toElement, this.buttonNode)) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonHover");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.buttonNode, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	this._setImage(this.inactiveImg);
+}, onKey:function (e) {
+	if (!e.key) {
+		return;
+	}
+	var menu = dojo.widget.getWidgetById(this.menuId);
+	if (e.key == e.KEY_ENTER || e.key == " ") {
+		this.onMouseDown(e);
+		this.buttonClick(e);
+		dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "onMouseUp", 75, e);
+		dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(e);
+	}
+	if (menu && menu.isShowingNow && e.key == e.KEY_DOWN_ARROW) {
+		dojo.event.disconnect(this.domNode, "onblur", this, "onBlur");
+	}
+}, onFocus:function (e) {
+	var menu = dojo.widget.getWidgetById(this.menuId);
+	if (menu) {
+		dojo.event.connectOnce(this.domNode, "onblur", this, "onBlur");
+	}
+}, onBlur:function (e) {
+	var menu = dojo.widget.getWidgetById(this.menuId);
+	if (!menu) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (menu.close && menu.isShowingNow) {
+		menu.close();
+	}
+}, buttonClick:function (e) {
+	if (!this.disabled) {
+		try {
+			this.domNode.focus();
+		}
+		catch (e2) {
+		}
+		this.onClick(e);
+	}
+}, onClick:function (e) {
+}, _setImage:function (prefix) {
+	this.leftImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "l.gif");
+	this.centerImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "c.gif");
+	this.rightImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "r.gif");
+}, _toggleMenu:function (menuId) {
+	var menu = dojo.widget.getWidgetById(menuId);
+	if (!menu) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if ( && !menu.isShowingNow) {
+		var pos = dojo.html.getAbsolutePosition(this.domNode, false);
+, pos.y + this.height, this);
+		dojo.event.disconnect(this.domNode, "onblur", this, "onBlur");
+	} else {
+		if (menu.close && menu.isShowingNow) {
+			menu.close();
+		} else {
+			menu.toggle();
+		}
+	}
+}, setCaption:function (content) {
+	this.caption = content;
+	this.containerNode.innerHTML = content;
+	this._sizeMyself();
+}, setDisabled:function (disabled) {
+	this.disabled = disabled;
+	this._sizeMyself();
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.DropDownButton", dojo.widget.Button, {menuId:"", downArrow:"templates/images/whiteDownArrow.gif", disabledDownArrow:"templates/images/whiteDownArrow.gif", fillInTemplate:function () {
+	dojo.widget.DropDownButton.superclass.fillInTemplate.apply(this, arguments);
+	this.arrow = document.createElement("img");
+	dojo.html.setClass(this.arrow, "downArrow");
+	dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "haspopup", this.menuId);
+}, _sizeMyselfHelper:function () {
+	this.arrow.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", this.disabled ? this.disabledDownArrow : this.downArrow);
+	this.containerNode.appendChild(this.arrow);
+}, onClick:function (e) {
+	this._toggleMenu(this.menuId);
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.ComboButton", dojo.widget.Button, {menuId:"", templateString:"<div class=\"dojoButton\" style=\"position:relative;top:0px;left:0px; text-align:none;\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onKey;onFocus\">\n\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"buttonNode\" class=\"dojoButtonLeftPart\" style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;\"\n\t\tdojoAttachEvent=\"onMouseOver; onMouseOut; onMouseDown; onMouseUp; onClick:buttonClick;\">\n\t\t<div class=\"dojoButtonContents\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;z-index:2;\"></div>\n\t\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"leftImage\" style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;\">\n\t\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"centerImage\" style=\"position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;z-index:1;\">\n\t</div>\n\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"rightPart\" class=\"dojoButtonRightPart\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;\"\n\t\tdojoAttachEvent=\"onMouseOver:rightOver; onMouseOut:rightOut; onMouseDown:rightDown; onMouseUp:ri
 ghtUp; onClick:rightClick;\">\n\t\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"arrowBackgroundImage\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;z-index:1;\">\n\t\t<img src=\"${dojoWidgetModuleUri}templates/images/whiteDownArrow.gif\"\n\t\t  \t\tstyle=\"z-index:2;position:absolute;left:3px;top:50%;\">\n\t\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"rightImage\" style=\"position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;\">\n\t</div>\n\n</div>\n", splitWidth:2, arrowWidth:5, _sizeMyselfHelper:function (e) {
+	var mb = dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.containerNode);
+	this.height = mb.height;
+	this.containerWidth = mb.width;
+	var endWidth = this.height / 3;
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "disabled", true);
+		this.domNode.removeAttribute("tabIndex");
+	} else {
+		dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "disabled", false);
+		this.domNode.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0");
+	}
+	this.leftImage.height = this.rightImage.height = this.centerImage.height = this.arrowBackgroundImage.height = this.height;
+	this.leftImage.width = endWidth + 1;
+	this.centerImage.width = this.containerWidth;
+ = this.height + "px";
+ = endWidth + this.containerWidth + "px";
+	this._setImage(this.disabled ? this.disabledImg : this.inactiveImg);
+	this.arrowBackgroundImage.width = this.arrowWidth;
+	this.rightImage.width = endWidth + 1;
+ = this.height + "px";
+ = this.arrowWidth + endWidth + "px";
+	this._setImageR(this.disabled ? this.disabledImg : this.inactiveImg);
+ = this.height + "px";
+	var totalWidth = this.containerWidth + this.splitWidth + this.arrowWidth + 2 * endWidth;
+ = totalWidth + "px";
+}, _setImage:function (prefix) {
+	this.leftImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "l.gif");
+	this.centerImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "c.gif");
+}, rightOver:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.prependClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonHover");
+	this._setImageR(this.activeImg);
+}, rightDown:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.prependClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonHover");
+	this._setImageR(this.pressedImg);
+}, rightUp:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.prependClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonHover");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	this._setImageR(this.activeImg);
+}, rightOut:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonHover");
+	dojo.html.removeClass(this.rightPart, "dojoButtonDepressed");
+	this._setImageR(this.inactiveImg);
+}, rightClick:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	try {
+		this.domNode.focus();
+	}
+	catch (e2) {
+	}
+	this._toggleMenu(this.menuId);
+}, _setImageR:function (prefix) {
+	this.arrowBackgroundImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "c.gif");
+	this.rightImage.src = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", prefix + "r.gif");
+}, onKey:function (e) {
+	if (!e.key) {
+		return;
+	}
+	var menu = dojo.widget.getWidgetById(this.menuId);
+	if (e.key == e.KEY_ENTER || e.key == " ") {
+		this.onMouseDown(e);
+		this.buttonClick(e);
+		dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "onMouseUp", 75, e);
+		dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(e);
+	} else {
+		if (e.key == e.KEY_DOWN_ARROW && e.altKey) {
+			this.rightDown(e);
+			this.rightClick(e);
+			dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "rightUp", 75, e);
+			dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(e);
+		} else {
+			if (menu && menu.isShowingNow && e.key == e.KEY_DOWN_ARROW) {
+				dojo.event.disconnect(this.domNode, "onblur", this, "onBlur");
+			}
+		}
+	}

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Button.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.declare("dojo.widget.Chart", null, function () {
+	this.series = [];
+}, {isContainer:false, assignColors:function () {
+	var hue = 30;
+	var sat = 120;
+	var lum = 120;
+	var steps = Math.round(330 / this.series.length);
+	for (var i = 0; i < this.series.length; i++) {
+		var c = dojo.gfx.color.hsl2rgb(hue, sat, lum);
+		if (!this.series[i].color) {
+			this.series[i].color = dojo.gfx.color.rgb2hex(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+		}
+		hue += steps;
+	}
+}, parseData:function (table) {
+	var thead = table.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
+	var tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
+	if (!(thead && tbody)) {
+		dojo.raise("dojo.widget.Chart: supplied table must define a head and a body.");
+	}
+	var columns = thead.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].getElementsByTagName("th");
+	for (var i = 1; i < columns.length; i++) {
+		var key = "column" + i;
+		var label = columns[i].innerHTML;
+		var plotType = columns[i].getAttribute("plotType") || "line";
+		var color = columns[i].getAttribute("color");
+		var ds = new dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries(key, label, plotType, color);
+		this.series.push(ds);
+	}
+	var rows = tbody.rows;
+	var xMin = Number.MAX_VALUE, xMax = Number.MIN_VALUE;
+	var yMin = Number.MAX_VALUE, yMax = Number.MIN_VALUE;
+	var ignore = ["accesskey", "align", "bgcolor", "class", "colspan", "height", "id", "nowrap", "rowspan", "style", "tabindex", "title", "valign", "width"];
+	for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+		var row = rows[i];
+		var cells = row.cells;
+		var x = Number.MIN_VALUE;
+		for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
+			if (j == 0) {
+				x = parseFloat(cells[j].innerHTML);
+				xMin = Math.min(xMin, x);
+				xMax = Math.max(xMax, x);
+			} else {
+				var ds = this.series[j - 1];
+				var y = parseFloat(cells[j].innerHTML);
+				yMin = Math.min(yMin, y);
+				yMax = Math.max(yMax, y);
+				var o = {x:x, value:y};
+				var attrs = cells[j].attributes;
+				for (var k = 0; k < attrs.length; k++) {
+					var attr = attrs.item(k);
+					var bIgnore = false;
+					for (var l = 0; l < ignore.length; l++) {
+						if (attr.nodeName.toLowerCase() == ignore[l]) {
+							bIgnore = true;
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					if (!bIgnore) {
+						o[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue;
+					}
+				}
+				ds.add(o);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return {x:{min:xMin, max:xMax}, y:{min:yMin, max:yMax}};
+dojo.declare("dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries", null, function (key, label, plotType, color) {
+ = "DataSeries" + dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries.count++;
+	this.key = key;
+	this.label = label ||;
+	this.plotType = plotType || "line";
+	this.color = color;
+	this.values = [];
+}, {add:function (v) {
+	if (v.x == null || v.value == null) {
+		dojo.raise("dojo.widget.Chart.DataSeries.add: v must have both an 'x' and 'value' property.");
+	}
+	this.values.push(v);
+}, clear:function () {
+	this.values = [];
+}, createRange:function (len) {
+	var idx = this.values.length - 1;
+	var length = (len || this.values.length);
+	return {"index":idx, "length":length, "start":Math.max(idx - length, 0)};
+}, getMean:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var t = 0;
+	var c = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			t += n;
+			c++;
+		}
+	}
+	t /= Math.max(c, 1);
+	return t;
+}, getMovingAverage:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var t = 0;
+	var c = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			t += n;
+			c++;
+		}
+	}
+	t /= Math.max(c, 1);
+	return t;
+}, getVariance:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var t = 0;
+	var s = 0;
+	var c = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			t += n;
+			s += Math.pow(n, 2);
+			c++;
+		}
+	}
+	return (s / c) - Math.pow(t / c, 2);
+}, getStandardDeviation:function (len) {
+	return Math.sqrt(this.getVariance(len));
+}, getMax:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var t = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			t = Math.max(n, t);
+		}
+	}
+	return t;
+}, getMin:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var t = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			t = Math.min(n, t);
+		}
+	}
+	return t;
+}, getMedian:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var a = [];
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			var b = false;
+			for (var j = 0; j < a.length && !b; j++) {
+				if (n == a[j]) {
+					b = true;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!b) {
+				a.push(n);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	a.sort();
+	if (a.length > 0) {
+		return a[Math.ceil(a.length / 2)];
+	}
+	return 0;
+}, getMode:function (len) {
+	var range = this.createRange(len);
+	if (range.index < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	var o = {};
+	var ret = 0;
+	var m = 0;
+	for (var i = range.index; i >= range.start; i--) {
+		var n = parseFloat(this.values[i].value);
+		if (!isNaN(n)) {
+			if (!o[this.values[i].value]) {
+				o[this.values[i].value] = 1;
+			} else {
+				o[this.values[i].value]++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (var p in o) {
+		if (m < o[p]) {
+			m = o[p];
+			ret = p;
+		}
+	}
+	return parseFloat(ret);
+dojo.requireIf(dojo.render.svg.capable, "dojo.widget.svg.Chart");
+dojo.requireIf(!dojo.render.svg.capable && dojo.render.vml.capable, "dojo.widget.vml.Chart");

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Chart.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Checkbox", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {templateString:"<span style=\"display: inline-block;\" tabIndex=\"${this.tabIndex}\" waiRole=\"checkbox\" id=\"${}\">\n\t<img dojoAttachPoint=\"imageNode\" class=\"dojoHtmlCheckbox\" src=\"${dojoWidgetModuleUri}templates/images/blank.gif\" alt=\"\" />\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"${}\" style=\"display: none\" value=\"${this.value}\"\n\t\tdojoAttachPoint=\"inputNode\">\n</span>\n", templateCssString:".dojoHtmlCheckbox {\n\tborder: 0px;\n\twidth: 16px;\n\theight: 16px;\n\tmargin: 2px;\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.dojoHtmlCheckboxOn {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) 0px 0px;\n}\n.dojoHtmlCheckboxOff {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) -16px 0px;\n}\n.dojoHtmlCheckboxDisabledOn {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) -32px 0px;\n}\n.dojoHtmlCheckboxDisabledOff {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) -48px 0px;\n}\n.dojoHtmlCheckboxOnHover {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) -64px 0px;\n}\n.dojoHtmlCheckbo
 xOffHover {\n\tbackground: url(check.gif) -80px 0px;\n}\n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/Checkbox.css"), name:"", id:"", checked:false, tabIndex:"", value:"on", postMixInProperties:function () {
+	dojo.widget.Checkbox.superclass.postMixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+	if (!this.disabled && this.tabIndex == "") {
+		this.tabIndex = "0";
+	}
+}, fillInTemplate:function () {
+	this._setInfo();
+}, postCreate:function () {
+	var notcon = true;
+ = != "" ? : this.widgetId;
+	if ( != "") {
+		var labels = document.getElementsByTagName("label");
+		if (labels != null && labels.length > 0) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
+				if (labels[i].htmlFor == {
+					labels[i].id = (labels[i].htmlFor + "label");
+					this._connectEvents(labels[i]);
+					dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "labelledby", labels[i].id);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	this._connectEvents(this.domNode);
+	this.inputNode.checked = this.checked;
+}, _connectEvents:function (node) {
+	dojo.event.connect(node, "onmouseover", this, "mouseOver");
+	dojo.event.connect(node, "onmouseout", this, "mouseOut");
+	dojo.event.connect(node, "onkey", this, "onKey");
+	dojo.event.connect(node, "onclick", this, "_onClick");
+	dojo.html.disableSelection(node);
+}, _onClick:function (e) {
+	if (this.disabled == false) {
+		this.checked = !this.checked;
+		this._setInfo();
+	}
+	e.preventDefault();
+	e.stopPropagation();
+	this.onClick();
+}, setValue:function (bool) {
+	if (this.disabled == false) {
+		this.checked = bool;
+		this._setInfo();
+	}
+}, onClick:function () {
+}, onKey:function (e) {
+	var k = dojo.event.browser.keys;
+	if (e.key == " ") {
+		this._onClick(e);
+	}
+}, mouseOver:function (e) {
+	this._hover(e, true);
+}, mouseOut:function (e) {
+	this._hover(e, false);
+}, _hover:function (e, isOver) {
+	if (this.disabled == false) {
+		var state = this.checked ? "On" : "Off";
+		var style = "dojoHtmlCheckbox" + state + "Hover";
+		if (isOver) {
+			dojo.html.addClass(this.imageNode, style);
+		} else {
+			dojo.html.removeClass(this.imageNode, style);
+		}
+	}
+}, _setInfo:function () {
+	var state = "dojoHtmlCheckbox" + (this.disabled ? "Disabled" : "") + (this.checked ? "On" : "Off");
+	dojo.html.setClass(this.imageNode, "dojoHtmlCheckbox " + state);
+	this.inputNode.checked = this.checked;
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		this.inputNode.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+	} else {
+		this.inputNode.removeAttribute("disabled");
+	}
+	dojo.widget.wai.setAttr(this.domNode, "waiState", "checked", this.checked);
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.a11y.Checkbox", dojo.widget.Checkbox, {templateString:"<span class='dojoHtmlCheckbox'>\n\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"${}\" tabIndex=\"${this.tabIndex}\" id=\"${}\" value=\"${this.value}\"\n\t\t dojoAttachEvent=\"onClick: _onClick;\" dojoAttachPoint=\"inputNode\"> \n</span>\n", fillInTemplate:function () {
+}, postCreate:function (args, frag) {
+	this.inputNode.checked = this.checked;
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		this.inputNode.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+	}
+}, _onClick:function () {
+	this.onClick();

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Checkbox.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.Clock", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, function () {
+	var self = this;
+	this.timeZoneOffset = 0;
+	this.label = "";
+ = new Date();
+	this.handColor = "#788598";
+	this.handStroke = "#6f7b8c";
+	this.secondHandColor = [201, 4, 5, 0.8];
+	this.topLabelColor = "#efefef";
+	this.labelColor = "#fff";
+	this.timer = new dojo.lang.timing.Timer(1000);
+ = {x:75, y:75};
+	this.hands = {hour:null, minute:null, second:null};
+	this.shadows = {hour:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:2, dy:2}}, minute:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:2, dy:3}}, second:{shadow:null, shift:{dx:4, dy:4}}};
+	this.image = dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/clock.png");
+	this.surface = null;
+	this.labelNode = null;
+	this.topLabelNode = null;
+	this.draw = function () {
+ = new Date();
+		var h = ( + self.timeZoneOffset) % 12;
+		var m =;
+		var s =;
+		self.placeHour(h, m, s);
+		self.placeMinute(m, s);
+		self.placeSecond(s);
+		self.topLabelNode.innerHTML = (( + self.timeZoneOffset) > 11) ? "PM" : "AM";
+	};
+	this.timer.onTick = self.draw;
+}, {set:function (dt) {
+ = dt;
+	if (!this.timer.isRunning) {
+		this.draw();
+	}
+}, start:function () {
+	this.timer.start();
+}, stop:function () {
+	this.timer.stop();
+}, _initPoly:function (parent, points) {
+	var path = parent.createPath();
+	var first = true;
+	dojo.lang.forEach(points, function (c) {
+		if (first) {
+			path.moveTo(c.x, c.y);
+			first = false;
+		} else {
+			path.lineTo(c.x, c.y);
+		}
+	});
+	return path;
+}, _placeHand:function (shape, angle, shift) {
+	var move = { + (shift ? shift.dx : 0), + (shift ? shift.dy : 0)};
+	return shape.setTransform([move, dojo.gfx.matrix.rotateg(-angle)]);
+}, placeHour:function (h, m, s) {
+	var angle = 30 * (h + m / 60 + s / 3600);
+	this._placeHand(this.hands.hour, angle);
+	this._placeHand(this.shadows.hour.shadow, angle, this.shadows.hour.shift);
+}, placeMinute:function (m, s) {
+	var angle = 6 * (m + s / 60);
+	this._placeHand(this.hands.minute, angle);
+	this._placeHand(this.shadows.minute.shadow, angle, this.shadows.minute.shift);
+}, placeSecond:function (s) {
+	var angle = 6 * s;
+	this._placeHand(this.hands.second, angle);
+	this._placeHand(this.shadows.second.shadow, angle, this.shadows.second.shift);
+}, init:function () {
+	if ( != "absolute") {
+ = "relative";
+	}
+	while (this.domNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
+		this.domNode.removeChild(this.domNode.childNodes[0]);
+	}
+ = "150px";
+ = "150px";
+	this.surface = dojo.gfx.createSurface(this.domNode, 150, 150);
+	this.surface.createRect({width:150, height:150});
+	this.surface.createImage({width:150, height:150, src:this.image + ""});
+	var hP = [{x:-3, y:-4}, {x:3, y:-4}, {x:1, y:-27}, {x:-1, y:-27}, {x:-3, y:-4}];
+	var mP = [{x:-3, y:-4}, {x:3, y:-4}, {x:1, y:-38}, {x:-1, y:-38}, {x:-3, y:-4}];
+	var sP = [{x:-2, y:-2}, {x:2, y:-2}, {x:1, y:-45}, {x:-1, y:-45}, {x:-2, y:-2}];
+	this.shadows.hour.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, hP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
+	this.hands.hour = this._initPoly(this.surface, hP).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:1}).setFill({type:"linear", x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:-27, colors:[{offset:0, color:"#fff"}, {offset:0.33, color:this.handColor}]});
+	this.shadows.minute.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, mP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
+	this.hands.minute = this._initPoly(this.surface, mP).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:1}).setFill({type:"linear", x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:-38, colors:[{offset:0, color:"#fff"}, {offset:0.33, color:this.handColor}]});
+	this.surface.createCircle({r:6}).setStroke({color:this.handStroke, width:2}).setFill("#fff").setTransform({dx:75, dy:75});
+	this.shadows.second.shadow = this._initPoly(this.surface, sP).setFill([0, 0, 0, 0.1]);
+	this.hands.second = this._initPoly(this.surface, sP).setFill(this.secondHandColor);
+	this.surface.createCircle({r:4}).setFill(this.secondHandColor).setTransform({dx:75, dy:75});
+	this.topLabelNode = document.createElement("div");
+	with ( {
+		position = "absolute";
+		top = "3px";
+		left = "0px";
+		color = this.topLabelColor;
+		textAlign = "center";
+		width = "150px";
+		fontFamily = "sans-serif";
+		fontSize = "11px";
+		textTransform = "uppercase";
+		fontWeight = "bold";
+	}
+	this.topLabelNode.innerHTML = (( + this.timeZoneOffset) > 11) ? "PM" : "AM";
+	this.domNode.appendChild(this.topLabelNode);
+	this.labelNode = document.createElement("div");
+	with ( {
+		position = "absolute";
+		top = "134px";
+		left = "0px";
+		color = this.labelColor;
+		textAlign = "center";
+		width = "150px";
+		fontFamily = "sans-serif";
+		fontSize = "10px";
+		textTransform = "uppercase";
+		fontWeight = "bold";
+	}
+	this.labelNode.innerHTML = this.label || "&nbsp;";
+	this.domNode.appendChild(this.labelNode);
+	this.draw();
+}, postCreate:function () {
+	this.init();
+	this.start();

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/Clock.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.ColorPalette", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {palette:"7x10", _palettes:{"7x10":[["fff", "fcc", "fc9", "ff9", "ffc", "9f9", "9ff", "cff", "ccf", "fcf"], ["ccc", "f66", "f96", "ff6", "ff3", "6f9", "3ff", "6ff", "99f", "f9f"], ["c0c0c0", "f00", "f90", "fc6", "ff0", "3f3", "6cc", "3cf", "66c", "c6c"], ["999", "c00", "f60", "fc3", "fc0", "3c0", "0cc", "36f", "63f", "c3c"], ["666", "900", "c60", "c93", "990", "090", "399", "33f", "60c", "939"], ["333", "600", "930", "963", "660", "060", "366", "009", "339", "636"], ["000", "300", "630", "633", "330", "030", "033", "006", "309", "303"]], "3x4":[["ffffff", "00ff00", "008000", "0000ff"], ["c0c0c0", "ffff00", "ff00ff", "000080"], ["808080", "ff0000", "800080", "000000"]]}, buildRendering:function () {
+	this.domNode = document.createElement("table");
+	dojo.html.disableSelection(this.domNode);
+	dojo.event.connect(this.domNode, "onmousedown", function (e) {
+		e.preventDefault();
+	});
+	with (this.domNode) {
+		cellPadding = "0";
+		cellSpacing = "1";
+		border = "1";
+		style.backgroundColor = "white";
+	}
+	var colors = this._palettes[this.palette];
+	for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
+		var tr = this.domNode.insertRow(-1);
+		for (var j = 0; j < colors[i].length; j++) {
+			if (colors[i][j].length == 3) {
+				colors[i][j] = colors[i][j].replace(/(.)(.)(.)/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3");
+			}
+			var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
+			with ( {
+				backgroundColor = "#" + colors[i][j];
+				border = "1px solid gray";
+				width = height = "15px";
+				fontSize = "1px";
+			}
+			td.color = "#" + colors[i][j];
+			td.onmouseover = function (e) {
+ = "white";
+			};
+			td.onmouseout = function (e) {
+ = "gray";
+			};
+			dojo.event.connect(td, "onmousedown", this, "onClick");
+			td.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";
+		}
+	}
+}, onClick:function (e) {
+	this.onColorSelect(e.currentTarget.color);
+ = "gray";
+}, onColorSelect:function (color) {

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ColorPalette.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.declare("dojo.widget.incrementalComboBoxDataProvider", null, function (options) {
+	this.searchUrl = options.dataUrl;
+	this._cache = {};
+	this._inFlight = false;
+	this._lastRequest = null;
+	this.allowCache = false;
+}, {_addToCache:function (keyword, data) {
+	if (this.allowCache) {
+		this._cache[keyword] = data;
+	}
+}, startSearch:function (searchStr, callback) {
+	if (this._inFlight) {
+	}
+	var tss = encodeURIComponent(searchStr);
+	var realUrl = dojo.string.substituteParams(this.searchUrl, {"searchString":tss});
+	var _this = this;
+	var request = this._lastRequest ={url:realUrl, method:"get", mimetype:"text/json", load:function (type, data, evt) {
+		_this._inFlight = false;
+		if (!dojo.lang.isArray(data)) {
+			var arrData = [];
+			for (var key in data) {
+				arrData.push([data[key], key]);
+			}
+			data = arrData;
+		}
+		_this._addToCache(searchStr, data);
+		if (request == _this._lastRequest) {
+			callback(data);
+		}
+	}});
+	this._inFlight = true;
+dojo.declare("dojo.widget.basicComboBoxDataProvider", null, function (options, node) {
+	this._data = [];
+	this.searchLimit = 30;
+	this.searchType = "STARTSTRING";
+	this.caseSensitive = false;
+	if (!dj_undef("dataUrl", options) && !dojo.string.isBlank(options.dataUrl)) {
+		this._getData(options.dataUrl);
+	} else {
+		if ((node) && (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select")) {
+			var opts = node.getElementsByTagName("option");
+			var ol = opts.length;
+			var data = [];
+			for (var x = 0; x < ol; x++) {
+				var text = opts[x].textContent || opts[x].innerText || opts[x].innerHTML;
+				var keyValArr = [String(text), String(opts[x].value)];
+				data.push(keyValArr);
+				if (opts[x].selected) {
+					options.setAllValues(keyValArr[0], keyValArr[1]);
+				}
+			}
+			this.setData(data);
+		}
+	}
+}, {_getData:function (url) {
+{url:url, load:dojo.lang.hitch(this, function (type, data, evt) {
+		if (!dojo.lang.isArray(data)) {
+			var arrData = [];
+			for (var key in data) {
+				arrData.push([data[key], key]);
+			}
+			data = arrData;
+		}
+		this.setData(data);
+	}), mimetype:"text/json"});
+}, startSearch:function (searchStr, callback) {
+	this._performSearch(searchStr, callback);
+}, _performSearch:function (searchStr, callback) {
+	var st = this.searchType;
+	var ret = [];
+	if (!this.caseSensitive) {
+		searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase();
+	}
+	for (var x = 0; x < this._data.length; x++) {
+		if ((this.searchLimit > 0) && (ret.length >= this.searchLimit)) {
+			break;
+		}
+		var dataLabel = new String((!this.caseSensitive) ? this._data[x][0].toLowerCase() : this._data[x][0]);
+		if (dataLabel.length < searchStr.length) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (st == "STARTSTRING") {
+			if (searchStr == dataLabel.substr(0, searchStr.length)) {
+				ret.push(this._data[x]);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (st == "SUBSTRING") {
+				if (dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr) >= 0) {
+					ret.push(this._data[x]);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (st == "STARTWORD") {
+					var idx = dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr);
+					if (idx == 0) {
+						ret.push(this._data[x]);
+					}
+					if (idx <= 0) {
+						continue;
+					}
+					var matches = false;
+					while (idx != -1) {
+						if (" ,/(".indexOf(dataLabel.charAt(idx - 1)) != -1) {
+							matches = true;
+							break;
+						}
+						idx = dataLabel.indexOf(searchStr, idx + 1);
+					}
+					if (!matches) {
+						continue;
+					} else {
+						ret.push(this._data[x]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	callback(ret);
+}, setData:function (pdata) {
+	this._data = pdata;
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.ComboBox", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, {forceValidOption:false, searchType:"stringstart", dataProvider:null, autoComplete:true, searchDelay:100, dataUrl:"", fadeTime:200, maxListLength:8, mode:"local", selectedResult:null, dataProviderClass:"", buttonSrc:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/images/combo_box_arrow.png"), dropdownToggle:"fade", templateString:"<span _=\"whitespace and CR's between tags adds &nbsp; in FF\"\n\tclass=\"dojoComboBoxOuter\"\n\t><input style=\"display:none\"  tabindex=\"-1\" name=\"\" value=\"\" \n\t\tdojoAttachPoint=\"comboBoxValue\"\n\t><input style=\"display:none\"  tabindex=\"-1\" name=\"\" value=\"\" \n\t\tdojoAttachPoint=\"comboBoxSelectionValue\"\n\t><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" class=\"dojoComboBox\"\n\t\tdojoAttachEvent=\"key:_handleKeyEvents; keyUp: onKeyUp; compositionEnd; onResize;\"\n\t\tdojoAttachPoint=\"textInputNode\"\n\t><img hspace=\"0\"\n\t\tvspace=\"0\"\n\t\tclass=\"dojoCombo
 Box\"\n\t\tdojoAttachPoint=\"downArrowNode\"\n\t\tdojoAttachEvent=\"onMouseUp: handleArrowClick; onResize;\"\n\t\tsrc=\"${this.buttonSrc}\"\n></span>\n", templateCssString:".dojoComboBoxOuter {\n\tborder: 0px !important;\n\tmargin: 0px !important;\n\tpadding: 0px !important;\n\tbackground: transparent !important;\n\twhite-space: nowrap !important;\n}\n\n.dojoComboBox {\n\tborder: 1px inset #afafaf;\n\tmargin: 0px;\n\tpadding: 0px;\n\tvertical-align: middle !important;\n\tfloat: none !important;\n\tposition: static !important;\n\tdisplay: inline !important;\n}\n\n/* the input box */\ninput.dojoComboBox {\n\tborder-right-width: 0px !important; \n\tmargin-right: 0px !important;\n\tpadding-right: 0px !important;\n}\n\n/* the down arrow */\nimg.dojoComboBox {\n\tborder-left-width: 0px !important;\n\tpadding-left: 0px !important;\n\tmargin-left: 0px !important;\n}\n\n/* IE vertical-alignment calculations can be off by +-1 but these margins are collapsed away */\n.dj_ie img.dojoCom
 boBox {\n\tmargin-top: 1px; \n\tmargin-bottom: 1px; \n}\n\n/* the drop down */\n.dojoComboBoxOptions {\n\tfont-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Garamond, sans-serif;\n\t/* font-size: 0.7em; */\n\tbackground-color: white;\n\tborder: 1px solid #afafaf;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tz-index: 1000; \n\toverflow: auto;\n\tcursor: default;\n}\n\n.dojoComboBoxItem {\n\tpadding-left: 2px;\n\tpadding-top: 2px;\n\tmargin: 0px;\n}\n\n.dojoComboBoxItemEven {\n\tbackground-color: #f4f4f4;\n}\n\n.dojoComboBoxItemOdd {\n\tbackground-color: white;\n}\n\n.dojoComboBoxItemHighlight {\n\tbackground-color: #63709A;\n\tcolor: white;\n}\n", templateCssPath:dojo.uri.moduleUri("dojo.widget", "templates/ComboBox.css"), setValue:function (value) {
+	this.comboBoxValue.value = value;
+	if (this.textInputNode.value != value) {
+		this.textInputNode.value = value;
+		dojo.widget.html.stabile.setState(this.widgetId, this.getState(), true);
+		this.onValueChanged(value);
+	}
+}, onValueChanged:function (value) {
+}, getValue:function () {
+	return this.comboBoxValue.value;
+}, getState:function () {
+	return {value:this.getValue()};
+}, setState:function (state) {
+	this.setValue(state.value);
+}, enable:function () {
+	this.disabled = false;
+	this.textInputNode.removeAttribute("disabled");
+}, disable:function () {
+	this.disabled = true;
+	this.textInputNode.setAttribute("disabled", true);
+}, _getCaretPos:function (element) {
+	if (dojo.lang.isNumber(element.selectionStart)) {
+		return element.selectionStart;
+	} else {
+		if ( {
+			var tr = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
+			var ntr = element.createTextRange();
+			tr.move("character", 0);
+			ntr.move("character", 0);
+			try {
+				ntr.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tr);
+				return String(ntr.text).replace(/\r/g, "").length;
+			}
+			catch (e) {
+				return 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+}, _setCaretPos:function (element, location) {
+	location = parseInt(location);
+	this._setSelectedRange(element, location, location);
+}, _setSelectedRange:function (element, start, end) {
+	if (!end) {
+		end = element.value.length;
+	}
+	if (element.setSelectionRange) {
+		element.focus();
+		element.setSelectionRange(start, end);
+	} else {
+		if (element.createTextRange) {
+			var range = element.createTextRange();
+			with (range) {
+				collapse(true);
+				moveEnd("character", end);
+				moveStart("character", start);
+				select();
+			}
+		} else {
+			element.value = element.value;
+			element.blur();
+			element.focus();
+			var dist = parseInt(element.value.length) - end;
+			var tchar = String.fromCharCode(37);
+			var tcc = tchar.charCodeAt(0);
+			for (var x = 0; x < dist; x++) {
+				var te = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
+				te.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, null, false, false, false, false, tcc, tcc);
+				element.dispatchEvent(te);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+}, _handleKeyEvents:function (evt) {
+	if (evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey || !evt.key) {
+		return;
+	}
+	this._prev_key_backspace = false;
+	this._prev_key_esc = false;
+	var k = dojo.event.browser.keys;
+	var doSearch = true;
+	switch (evt.key) {
+	  case k.KEY_DOWN_ARROW:
+		if (!this.popupWidget.isShowingNow) {
+			this._startSearchFromInput();
+		}
+		this._highlightNextOption();
+		dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt);
+		return;
+	  case k.KEY_UP_ARROW:
+		this._highlightPrevOption();
+		dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt);
+		return;
+	  case k.KEY_TAB:
+		if (!this.autoComplete && this.popupWidget.isShowingNow && this._highlighted_option) {
+			dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt);
+			this._selectOption({"target":this._highlighted_option, "noHide":false});
+			this._setSelectedRange(this.textInputNode, this.textInputNode.value.length, null);
+		} else {
+			this._selectOption();
+			return;
+		}
+		break;
+	  case k.KEY_ENTER:
+		if (this.popupWidget.isShowingNow) {
+			dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt);
+		}
+		if (this.autoComplete) {
+			this._selectOption();
+			return;
+		}
+	  case " ":
+		if (this.popupWidget.isShowingNow && this._highlighted_option) {
+			dojo.event.browser.stopEvent(evt);
+			this._selectOption();
+			this._hideResultList();
+			return;
+		}
+		break;
+	  case k.KEY_ESCAPE:
+		this._hideResultList();
+		this._prev_key_esc = true;
+		return;
+	  case k.KEY_BACKSPACE:
+		this._prev_key_backspace = true;
+		if (!this.textInputNode.value.length) {
+			this.setAllValues("", "");
+			this._hideResultList();
+			doSearch = false;
+		}
+		break;
+	  case k.KEY_RIGHT_ARROW:
+	  case k.KEY_LEFT_ARROW:
+		doSearch = false;
+		break;
+	  default:
+		if (evt.charCode == 0) {
+			doSearch = false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (this.searchTimer) {
+		clearTimeout(this.searchTimer);
+	}
+	if (doSearch) {
+		this._blurOptionNode();
+		this.searchTimer = setTimeout(dojo.lang.hitch(this, this._startSearchFromInput), this.searchDelay);
+	}
+}, compositionEnd:function (evt) {
+	evt.key = evt.keyCode;
+	this._handleKeyEvents(evt);
+}, onKeyUp:function (evt) {
+	this.setValue(this.textInputNode.value);
+}, setSelectedValue:function (value) {
+	this.comboBoxSelectionValue.value = value;
+}, setAllValues:function (value1, value2) {
+	this.setSelectedValue(value2);
+	this.setValue(value1);
+}, _focusOptionNode:function (node) {
+	if (this._highlighted_option != node) {
+		this._blurOptionNode();
+		this._highlighted_option = node;
+		dojo.html.addClass(this._highlighted_option, "dojoComboBoxItemHighlight");
+	}
+}, _blurOptionNode:function () {
+	if (this._highlighted_option) {
+		dojo.html.removeClass(this._highlighted_option, "dojoComboBoxItemHighlight");
+		this._highlighted_option = null;
+	}
+}, _highlightNextOption:function () {
+	if ((!this._highlighted_option) || !this._highlighted_option.parentNode) {
+		this._focusOptionNode(this.optionsListNode.firstChild);
+	} else {
+		if (this._highlighted_option.nextSibling) {
+			this._focusOptionNode(this._highlighted_option.nextSibling);
+		}
+	}
+	dojo.html.scrollIntoView(this._highlighted_option);
+}, _highlightPrevOption:function () {
+	if (this._highlighted_option && this._highlighted_option.previousSibling) {
+		this._focusOptionNode(this._highlighted_option.previousSibling);
+	} else {
+		this._highlighted_option = null;
+		this._hideResultList();
+		return;
+	}
+	dojo.html.scrollIntoView(this._highlighted_option);
+}, _itemMouseOver:function (evt) {
+	if ( === this.optionsListNode) {
+		return;
+	}
+	this._focusOptionNode(;
+	dojo.html.addClass(this._highlighted_option, "dojoComboBoxItemHighlight");
+}, _itemMouseOut:function (evt) {
+	if ( === this.optionsListNode) {
+		return;
+	}
+	this._blurOptionNode();
+}, onResize:function () {
+	var inputSize = dojo.html.getContentBox(this.textInputNode);
+	if (inputSize.height <= 0) {
+		dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "onResize", 100);
+		return;
+	}
+	var buttonSize = {width:inputSize.height, height:inputSize.height};
+	dojo.html.setContentBox(this.downArrowNode, buttonSize);
+}, fillInTemplate:function (args, frag) {
+	dojo.html.applyBrowserClass(this.domNode);
+	var source = this.getFragNodeRef(frag);
+	if (! && {
+ =;
+	}
+ =;
+ = + "_selected";
+	dojo.html.copyStyle(this.domNode, source);
+	dojo.html.copyStyle(this.textInputNode, source);
+	dojo.html.copyStyle(this.downArrowNode, source);
+	with ( {
+		width = "0px";
+		height = "0px";
+	}
+	var dpClass;
+	if (this.dataProviderClass) {
+		if (typeof this.dataProviderClass == "string") {
+			dpClass = dojo.evalObjPath(this.dataProviderClass);
+		} else {
+			dpClass = this.dataProviderClass;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (this.mode == "remote") {
+			dpClass = dojo.widget.incrementalComboBoxDataProvider;
+		} else {
+			dpClass = dojo.widget.basicComboBoxDataProvider;
+		}
+	}
+	this.dataProvider = new dpClass(this, this.getFragNodeRef(frag));
+	this.popupWidget = new dojo.widget.createWidget("PopupContainer", {toggle:this.dropdownToggle, toggleDuration:this.toggleDuration});
+	dojo.event.connect(this, "destroy", this.popupWidget, "destroy");
+	this.optionsListNode = this.popupWidget.domNode;
+	this.domNode.appendChild(this.optionsListNode);
+	dojo.html.addClass(this.optionsListNode, "dojoComboBoxOptions");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.optionsListNode, "onclick", this, "_selectOption");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.optionsListNode, "onmouseover", this, "_onMouseOver");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.optionsListNode, "onmouseout", this, "_onMouseOut");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.optionsListNode, "onmouseover", this, "_itemMouseOver");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.optionsListNode, "onmouseout", this, "_itemMouseOut");
+}, _openResultList:function (results) {
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	this._clearResultList();
+	if (!results.length) {
+		this._hideResultList();
+	}
+	if ((this.autoComplete) && (results.length) && (!this._prev_key_backspace) && (this.textInputNode.value.length > 0)) {
+		var cpos = this._getCaretPos(this.textInputNode);
+		if ((cpos + 1) > this.textInputNode.value.length) {
+			this.textInputNode.value += results[0][0].substr(cpos);
+			this._setSelectedRange(this.textInputNode, cpos, this.textInputNode.value.length);
+		}
+	}
+	var even = true;
+	while (results.length) {
+		var tr = results.shift();
+		if (tr) {
+			var td = document.createElement("div");
+			td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tr[0]));
+			td.setAttribute("resultName", tr[0]);
+			td.setAttribute("resultValue", tr[1]);
+			td.className = "dojoComboBoxItem " + ((even) ? "dojoComboBoxItemEven" : "dojoComboBoxItemOdd");
+			even = (!even);
+			this.optionsListNode.appendChild(td);
+		}
+	}
+	this._showResultList();
+}, _onFocusInput:function () {
+	this._hasFocus = true;
+}, _onBlurInput:function () {
+	this._hasFocus = false;
+	this._handleBlurTimer(true, 500);
+}, _handleBlurTimer:function (clear, millisec) {
+	if (this.blurTimer && (clear || millisec)) {
+		clearTimeout(this.blurTimer);
+	}
+	if (millisec) {
+		this.blurTimer = dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, "_checkBlurred", millisec);
+	}
+}, _onMouseOver:function (evt) {
+	if (!this._mouseover_list) {
+		this._handleBlurTimer(true, 0);
+		this._mouseover_list = true;
+	}
+}, _onMouseOut:function (evt) {
+	var relTarget = evt.relatedTarget;
+	try {
+		if (!relTarget || relTarget.parentNode != this.optionsListNode) {
+			this._mouseover_list = false;
+			this._handleBlurTimer(true, 100);
+			this._tryFocus();
+		}
+	}
+	catch (e) {
+	}
+}, _isInputEqualToResult:function (result) {
+	var input = this.textInputNode.value;
+	if (!this.dataProvider.caseSensitive) {
+		input = input.toLowerCase();
+		result = result.toLowerCase();
+	}
+	return (input == result);
+}, _isValidOption:function () {
+	var tgt = dojo.html.firstElement(this.optionsListNode);
+	var isValidOption = false;
+	while (!isValidOption && tgt) {
+		if (this._isInputEqualToResult(tgt.getAttribute("resultName"))) {
+			isValidOption = true;
+		} else {
+			tgt = dojo.html.nextElement(tgt);
+		}
+	}
+	return isValidOption;
+}, _checkBlurred:function () {
+	if (!this._hasFocus && !this._mouseover_list) {
+		this._hideResultList();
+		if (!this.textInputNode.value.length) {
+			this.setAllValues("", "");
+			return;
+		}
+		var isValidOption = this._isValidOption();
+		if (this.forceValidOption && !isValidOption) {
+			this.setAllValues("", "");
+			return;
+		}
+		if (!isValidOption) {
+			this.setSelectedValue("");
+		}
+	}
+}, _selectOption:function (evt) {
+	var tgt = null;
+	if (!evt) {
+		evt = {target:this._highlighted_option};
+	}
+	if (!dojo.html.isDescendantOf(, this.optionsListNode)) {
+		if (!this.textInputNode.value.length) {
+			return;
+		}
+		tgt = dojo.html.firstElement(this.optionsListNode);
+		if (!tgt || !this._isInputEqualToResult(tgt.getAttribute("resultName"))) {
+			return;
+		}
+	} else {
+		tgt =;
+	}
+	while ((tgt.nodeType != 1) || (!tgt.getAttribute("resultName"))) {
+		tgt = tgt.parentNode;
+		if (tgt === dojo.body()) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	this.selectedResult = [tgt.getAttribute("resultName"), tgt.getAttribute("resultValue")];
+	this.setAllValues(tgt.getAttribute("resultName"), tgt.getAttribute("resultValue"));
+	if (!evt.noHide) {
+		this._hideResultList();
+		this._setSelectedRange(this.textInputNode, 0, null);
+	}
+	this._tryFocus();
+}, _clearResultList:function () {
+	if (this.optionsListNode.innerHTML) {
+		this.optionsListNode.innerHTML = "";
+	}
+}, _hideResultList:function () {
+	this.popupWidget.close();
+}, _showResultList:function () {
+	var childs = this.optionsListNode.childNodes;
+	if (childs.length) {
+		var visibleCount = Math.min(childs.length, this.maxListLength);
+		with ( {
+			display = "";
+			if (visibleCount == childs.length) {
+				height = "";
+			} else {
+				height = visibleCount * dojo.html.getMarginBox(childs[0]).height + "px";
+			}
+			width = (dojo.html.getMarginBox(this.domNode).width - 2) + "px";
+		}
+, this, this.downArrowNode);
+	} else {
+		this._hideResultList();
+	}
+}, handleArrowClick:function () {
+	this._handleBlurTimer(true, 0);
+	this._tryFocus();
+	if (this.popupWidget.isShowingNow) {
+		this._hideResultList();
+	} else {
+		this._startSearch("");
+	}
+}, _tryFocus:function () {
+	try {
+		this.textInputNode.focus();
+	}
+	catch (e) {
+	}
+}, _startSearchFromInput:function () {
+	this._startSearch(this.textInputNode.value);
+}, _startSearch:function (key) {
+	this.dataProvider.startSearch(key, dojo.lang.hitch(this, "_openResultList"));
+}, postCreate:function () {
+	this.onResize();
+	dojo.event.connect(this.textInputNode, "onblur", this, "_onBlurInput");
+	dojo.event.connect(this.textInputNode, "onfocus", this, "_onFocusInput");
+	if (this.disabled) {
+		this.disable();
+	}
+	var s = dojo.widget.html.stabile.getState(this.widgetId);
+	if (s) {
+		this.setState(s);
+	}

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ComboBox.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.ContentPane", dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, function () {
+	this._styleNodes = [];
+	this._onLoadStack = [];
+	this._onUnloadStack = [];
+	this._callOnUnload = false;
+	this._ioBindObj;
+	this.scriptScope;
+	this.bindArgs = {};
+}, {isContainer:true, adjustPaths:true, href:"", extractContent:true, parseContent:true, cacheContent:true, preload:false, refreshOnShow:false, handler:"", executeScripts:false, scriptSeparation:true, loadingMessage:"Loading...", isLoaded:false, postCreate:function (args, frag, parentComp) {
+	if (this.handler !== "") {
+		this.setHandler(this.handler);
+	}
+	if (this.isShowing() || this.preload) {
+		this.loadContents();
+	}
+}, show:function () {
+	if (this.refreshOnShow) {
+		this.refresh();
+	} else {
+		this.loadContents();
+	}
+}, refresh:function () {
+	this.isLoaded = false;
+	this.loadContents();
+}, loadContents:function () {
+	if (this.isLoaded) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (dojo.lang.isFunction(this.handler)) {
+		this._runHandler();
+	} else {
+		if (this.href != "") {
+			this._downloadExternalContent(this.href, this.cacheContent && !this.refreshOnShow);
+		}
+	}
+}, setUrl:function (url) {
+	this.href = url;
+	this.isLoaded = false;
+	if (this.preload || this.isShowing()) {
+		this.loadContents();
+	}
+}, abort:function () {
+	var bind = this._ioBindObj;
+	if (!bind || !bind.abort) {
+		return;
+	}
+	bind.abort();
+	delete this._ioBindObj;
+}, _downloadExternalContent:function (url, useCache) {
+	this.abort();
+	this._handleDefaults(this.loadingMessage, "onDownloadStart");
+	var self = this;
+	this._ioBindObj ={url:url, mimetype:"text/html", handler:function (type, data, xhr) {
+		delete self._ioBindObj;
+		if (type == "load") {
+, url, data);
+		} else {
+			var e = {responseText:xhr.responseText, status:xhr.status, statusText:xhr.statusText, responseHeaders:xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), text:"Error loading '" + url + "' (" + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + ")"};
+, e, "onDownloadError");
+			self.onLoad();
+		}
+	}}, useCache));
+}, _cacheSetting:function (bindObj, useCache) {
+	for (var x in this.bindArgs) {
+		if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(bindObj[x])) {
+			bindObj[x] = this.bindArgs[x];
+		}
+	}
+	if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(bindObj.useCache)) {
+		bindObj.useCache = useCache;
+	}
+	if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(bindObj.preventCache)) {
+		bindObj.preventCache = !useCache;
+	}
+	if (dojo.lang.isUndefined(bindObj.mimetype)) {
+		bindObj.mimetype = "text/html";
+	}
+	return bindObj;
+}, onLoad:function (e) {
+	this._runStack("_onLoadStack");
+	this.isLoaded = true;
+}, onUnLoad:function (e) {
+	dojo.deprecated(this.widgetType + ".onUnLoad, use .onUnload (lowercased load)", 0.5);
+}, onUnload:function (e) {
+	this._runStack("_onUnloadStack");
+	delete this.scriptScope;
+	if (this.onUnLoad !== dojo.widget.ContentPane.prototype.onUnLoad) {
+		this.onUnLoad.apply(this, arguments);
+	}
+}, _runStack:function (stName) {
+	var st = this[stName];
+	var err = "";
+	var scope = this.scriptScope || window;
+	for (var i = 0; i < st.length; i++) {
+		try {
+			st[i].call(scope);
+		}
+		catch (e) {
+			err += "\n" + st[i] + " failed: " + e.description;
+		}
+	}
+	this[stName] = [];
+	if (err.length) {
+		var name = (stName == "_onLoadStack") ? "addOnLoad" : "addOnUnLoad";
+		this._handleDefaults(name + " failure\n " + err, "onExecError", "debug");
+	}
+}, addOnLoad:function (obj, func) {
+	this._pushOnStack(this._onLoadStack, obj, func);
+}, addOnUnload:function (obj, func) {
+	this._pushOnStack(this._onUnloadStack, obj, func);
+}, addOnUnLoad:function () {
+	dojo.deprecated(this.widgetType + ".addOnUnLoad, use addOnUnload instead. (lowercased Load)", 0.5);
+	this.addOnUnload.apply(this, arguments);
+}, _pushOnStack:function (stack, obj, func) {
+	if (typeof func == "undefined") {
+		stack.push(obj);
+	} else {
+		stack.push(function () {
+			obj[func]();
+		});
+	}
+}, destroy:function () {
+	this.onUnload();
+}, onExecError:function (e) {
+}, onContentError:function (e) {
+}, onDownloadError:function (e) {
+}, onDownloadStart:function (e) {
+}, onDownloadEnd:function (url, data) {
+	data = this.splitAndFixPaths(data, url);
+	this.setContent(data);
+}, _handleDefaults:function (e, handler, messType) {
+	if (!handler) {
+		handler = "onContentError";
+	}
+	if (dojo.lang.isString(e)) {
+		e = {text:e};
+	}
+	if (!e.text) {
+		e.text = e.toString();
+	}
+	e.toString = function () {
+		return this.text;
+	};
+	if (typeof e.returnValue != "boolean") {
+		e.returnValue = true;
+	}
+	if (typeof e.preventDefault != "function") {
+		e.preventDefault = function () {
+			this.returnValue = false;
+		};
+	}
+	this[handler](e);
+	if (e.returnValue) {
+		switch (messType) {
+		  case true:
+		  case "alert":
+			alert(e.toString());
+			break;
+		  case "debug":
+			dojo.debug(e.toString());
+			break;
+		  default:
+			if (this._callOnUnload) {
+				this.onUnload();
+			}
+			this._callOnUnload = false;
+			if (arguments.callee._loopStop) {
+				dojo.debug(e.toString());
+			} else {
+				arguments.callee._loopStop = true;
+				this._setContent(e.toString());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	arguments.callee._loopStop = false;
+}, splitAndFixPaths:function (s, url) {
+	var titles = [], scripts = [], tmp = [];
+	var match = [], requires = [], attr = [], styles = [];
+	var str = "", path = "", fix = "", tagFix = "", tag = "", origPath = "";
+	if (!url) {
+		url = "./";
+	}
+	if (s) {
+		var regex = /<title[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/title>/i;
+		while (match = regex.exec(s)) {
+			titles.push(match[1]);
+			s = s.substring(0, match.index) + s.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
+		}
+		if (this.adjustPaths) {
+			var regexFindTag = /<[a-z][a-z0-9]*[^>]*\s(?:(?:src|href|style)=[^>])+[^>]*>/i;
+			var regexFindAttr = /\s(src|href|style)=(['"]?)([\w()\[\]\/.,\\'"-:;#=&?\s@]+?)\2/i;
+			var regexProtocols = /^(?:[#]|(?:(?:https?|ftps?|file|javascript|mailto|news):))/;
+			while (tag = regexFindTag.exec(s)) {
+				str += s.substring(0, tag.index);
+				s = s.substring((tag.index + tag[0].length), s.length);
+				tag = tag[0];
+				tagFix = "";
+				while (attr = regexFindAttr.exec(tag)) {
+					path = "";
+					origPath = attr[3];
+					switch (attr[1].toLowerCase()) {
+					  case "src":
+					  case "href":
+						if (regexProtocols.exec(origPath)) {
+							path = origPath;
+						} else {
+							path = (new dojo.uri.Uri(url, origPath).toString());
+						}
+						break;
+					  case "style":
+						path = dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(origPath, url);
+						break;
+					  default:
+						path = origPath;
+					}
+					fix = " " + attr[1] + "=" + attr[2] + path + attr[2];
+					tagFix += tag.substring(0, attr.index) + fix;
+					tag = tag.substring((attr.index + attr[0].length), tag.length);
+				}
+				str += tagFix + tag;
+			}
+			s = str + s;
+		}
+		regex = /(?:<(style)[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>|<link ([^>]*rel=['"]?stylesheet['"]?[^>]*)>)/i;
+		while (match = regex.exec(s)) {
+			if (match[1] && match[1].toLowerCase() == "style") {
+				styles.push(dojo.html.fixPathsInCssText(match[2], url));
+			} else {
+				if (attr = match[3].match(/href=(['"]?)([^'">]*)\1/i)) {
+					styles.push({path:attr[2]});
+				}
+			}
+			s = s.substring(0, match.index) + s.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
+		}
+		var regex = /<script([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/i;
+		var regexSrc = /src=(['"]?)([^"']*)\1/i;
+		var regexDojoJs = /.*(\bdojo\b\.js(?:\.uncompressed\.js)?)$/;
+		var regexInvalid = /(?:var )?\bdjConfig\b(?:[\s]*=[\s]*\{[^}]+\}|\.[\w]*[\s]*=[\s]*[^;\n]*)?;?|dojo\.hostenv\.writeIncludes\(\s*\);?/g;
+		var regexRequires = /dojo\.(?:(?:require(?:After)?(?:If)?)|(?:widget\.(?:manager\.)?registerWidgetPackage)|(?:(?:hostenv\.)?setModulePrefix|registerModulePath)|defineNamespace)\((['"]).*?\1\)\s*;?/;
+		while (match = regex.exec(s)) {
+			if (this.executeScripts && match[1]) {
+				if (attr = regexSrc.exec(match[1])) {
+					if (regexDojoJs.exec(attr[2])) {
+						dojo.debug("Security note! inhibit:" + attr[2] + " from  being loaded again.");
+					} else {
+						scripts.push({path:attr[2]});
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (match[2]) {
+				var sc = match[2].replace(regexInvalid, "");
+				if (!sc) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				while (tmp = regexRequires.exec(sc)) {
+					requires.push(tmp[0]);
+					sc = sc.substring(0, tmp.index) + sc.substr(tmp.index + tmp[0].length);
+				}
+				if (this.executeScripts) {
+					scripts.push(sc);
+				}
+			}
+			s = s.substr(0, match.index) + s.substr(match.index + match[0].length);
+		}
+		if (this.extractContent) {
+			match = s.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
+			if (match) {
+				s = match[1];
+			}
+		}
+		if (this.executeScripts && this.scriptSeparation) {
+			var regex = /(<[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\s[^>]*?\S=)((['"])[^>]*scriptScope[^>]*>)/;
+			var regexAttr = /([\s'";:\(])scriptScope(.*)/;
+			str = "";
+			while (tag = regex.exec(s)) {
+				tmp = ((tag[3] == "'") ? "\"" : "'");
+				fix = "";
+				str += s.substring(0, tag.index) + tag[1];
+				while (attr = regexAttr.exec(tag[2])) {
+					tag[2] = tag[2].substring(0, attr.index) + attr[1] + "dojo.widget.byId(" + tmp + this.widgetId + tmp + ").scriptScope" + attr[2];
+				}
+				str += tag[2];
+				s = s.substr(tag.index + tag[0].length);
+			}
+			s = str + s;
+		}
+	}
+	return {"xml":s, "styles":styles, "titles":titles, "requires":requires, "scripts":scripts, "url":url};
+}, _setContent:function (cont) {
+	this.destroyChildren();
+	for (var i = 0; i < this._styleNodes.length; i++) {
+		if (this._styleNodes[i] && this._styleNodes[i].parentNode) {
+			this._styleNodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(this._styleNodes[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	this._styleNodes = [];
+	try {
+		var node = this.containerNode || this.domNode;
+		while (node.firstChild) {
+			dojo.html.destroyNode(node.firstChild);
+		}
+		if (typeof cont != "string") {
+			node.appendChild(cont);
+		} else {
+			node.innerHTML = cont;
+		}
+	}
+	catch (e) {
+		e.text = "Couldn't load content:" + e.description;
+		this._handleDefaults(e, "onContentError");
+	}
+}, setContent:function (data) {
+	this.abort();
+	if (this._callOnUnload) {
+		this.onUnload();
+	}
+	this._callOnUnload = true;
+	if (!data || dojo.html.isNode(data)) {
+		this._setContent(data);
+		this.onResized();
+		this.onLoad();
+	} else {
+		if (typeof data.xml != "string") {
+			this.href = "";
+			data = this.splitAndFixPaths(data);
+		}
+		this._setContent(data.xml);
+		for (var i = 0; i < data.styles.length; i++) {
+			if (data.styles[i].path) {
+				this._styleNodes.push(dojo.html.insertCssFile(data.styles[i].path, dojo.doc(), false, true));
+			} else {
+				this._styleNodes.push(dojo.html.insertCssText(data.styles[i]));
+			}
+		}
+		if (this.parseContent) {
+			for (var i = 0; i < data.requires.length; i++) {
+				try {
+					eval(data.requires[i]);
+				}
+				catch (e) {
+					e.text = "ContentPane: error in package loading calls, " + (e.description || e);
+					this._handleDefaults(e, "onContentError", "debug");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		var _self = this;
+		function asyncParse() {
+			if (_self.executeScripts) {
+				_self._executeScripts(data.scripts);
+			}
+			if (_self.parseContent) {
+				var node = _self.containerNode || _self.domNode;
+				var parser = new dojo.xml.Parse();
+				var frag = parser.parseElement(node, null, true);
+				dojo.widget.getParser().createSubComponents(frag, _self);
+			}
+			_self.onResized();
+			_self.onLoad();
+		}
+		if (dojo.hostenv.isXDomain && data.requires.length) {
+			dojo.addOnLoad(asyncParse);
+		} else {
+			asyncParse();
+		}
+	}
+}, setHandler:function (handler) {
+	var fcn = dojo.lang.isFunction(handler) ? handler : window[handler];
+	if (!dojo.lang.isFunction(fcn)) {
+		this._handleDefaults("Unable to set handler, '" + handler + "' not a function.", "onExecError", true);
+		return;
+	}
+	this.handler = function () {
+		return fcn.apply(this, arguments);
+	};
+}, _runHandler:function () {
+	var ret = true;
+	if (dojo.lang.isFunction(this.handler)) {
+		this.handler(this, this.domNode);
+		ret = false;
+	}
+	this.onLoad();
+	return ret;
+}, _executeScripts:function (scripts) {
+	var self = this;
+	var tmp = "", code = "";
+	for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
+		if (scripts[i].path) {
+{"url":scripts[i].path, "load":function (type, scriptStr) {
+				dojo.lang.hitch(self, tmp = ";" + scriptStr);
+			}, "error":function (type, error) {
+				error.text = type + " downloading remote script";
+, error, "onExecError", "debug");
+			}, "mimetype":"text/plain", "sync":true}, this.cacheContent));
+			code += tmp;
+		} else {
+			code += scripts[i];
+		}
+	}
+	try {
+		if (this.scriptSeparation) {
+			delete this.scriptScope;
+			this.scriptScope = new (new Function("_container_", code + "; return this;"))(self);
+		} else {
+			var djg =;
+			if (djg.execScript) {
+				djg.execScript(code);
+			} else {
+				var djd = dojo.doc();
+				var sc = djd.createElement("script");
+				sc.appendChild(djd.createTextNode(code));
+				(this.containerNode || this.domNode).appendChild(sc);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	catch (e) {
+		e.text = "Error running scripts from content:\n" + e.description;
+		this._handleDefaults(e, "onExecError", "debug");
+	}

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/ContentPane.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain

Added: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js
--- geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js (added)
+++ geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js Thu Jul 16 19:14:41 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
+	All Rights Reserved.
+	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
+	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
+dojo.widget.defineWidget("dojo.widget.CurrencyTextbox", dojo.widget.IntegerTextbox, {mixInProperties:function (localProperties, frag) {
+	dojo.widget.CurrencyTextbox.superclass.mixInProperties.apply(this, arguments);
+	if (localProperties.fractional) {
+		this.flags.fractional = (localProperties.fractional == "true");
+	} else {
+		if (localProperties.cents) {
+			dojo.deprecated("dojo.widget.IntegerTextbox", "use fractional attr instead of cents", "0.5");
+			this.flags.fractional = (localProperties.cents == "true");
+		}
+	}
+	if (localProperties.symbol) {
+		this.flags.symbol = localProperties.symbol;
+	}
+	if (localProperties.min) {
+		this.flags.min = parseFloat(localProperties.min);
+	}
+	if (localProperties.max) {
+		this.flags.max = parseFloat(localProperties.max);
+	}
+}, isValid:function () {
+	return dojo.validate.isCurrency(this.textbox.value, this.flags);
+}, isInRange:function () {
+	return dojo.validate.isInRange(this.textbox.value, this.flags);

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js
    svn:keywords = Date Revision

Propchange: geronimo/external/trunk/geronimo-dojo-0.4.3/src/main/webapp/src/widget/CurrencyTextbox.js
    svn:mime-type = text/plain