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Posted to by Alex Muc <> on 2001/07/15 02:56:54 UTC

Jasper compiler from the command line


I've been developing a webapp with Tomcat for a while now and one of the 
problems I keep running up against is that when I make changes to my 
underlying beans (ie. change of method signature) which are used by the 
jsp pages in my webapp that I sometimes forget to make the necessary 
changes across all jsps in the webapp which make use of the changed 
beans.  To help avoid this problem I created an ANT task to automate 
running the Jasper compiler (see my recent message on  And then let ANT report the compilation 
problems to me.

Before I was able to get this task to run I had to make some 
modifications to the jasper compiler because it wasn't operating 
properly for my jsps.  The problem was that in my jsps I make use of 
static includes which are referenced via relative file paths in the 
<%@include file="../include.jsp"%> directive by jsps which are in 
various subdirectories of the webapp.  This was causing problems for the 
jasper compiler because the context wasn't being set properly in the object to be able to handle relative includes in 
pages which were in some subdirectory of the webapp.  Anyways, I made 
some small changes to the constructor of CommandLineContext to fix the 
problem.  It works properly now, and it doesn't seem to introduce any 
other problems.  

I've attached my version of as well as a diff 
file.  Hopefully someone with more appropriate access levels can look 
over and check-in the changes.  The diff file is a little screwy for 
some reason, but I'm not good enough with CVS to be able to figure how 
to fix it.

If you have any questions send me a reply.


P.S.  Thanks to all the people who work on Tomcat.  I've been using it 
since the first beta and it just keeps on getting better.