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Posted to by Melissa Marquis <> on 2003/05/06 21:12:31 UTC

RE: cvs problem - characters around the executable andargumentsarenot part of command

Sorry - I had changed it to "mypassword" for public viewing (to the list) and didn't change it in the target I copied in.  It is "mmarquis" and is not different from the target. 

Yea - my understanding was that it would be set and I would not have to re-login to the system.  

If I run $ant fetch and remove the dependency to cvs-login - I get: 

$ ant fetch
Buildfile: build.xml




      [cvs] Using cvs passfile: c:\Home\PersonalFolders\M Marquis\.cvspass

      [cvs] cvs update: authorization failed: server dcvshost1 rejected access t
o /home/empcvs for user mmarquis

Total time: 1 second

If I run $ant fetch with the cvs-login - I get: 

$ ant fetch
Buildfile: build.xml





      [cvs] Using cvs passfile: c:\Home\PersonalFolders\M Marquis\.cvspass

      [cvs] cvs update: authorization failed: server dcvshost1 rejected access t
o /home/empcvs for user mmarquis

Total time: 1 second

When I run the -verbose to see what is happening I find this (in both scenarios): 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Stockall []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 3:04 PM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: cvs problem - characters around the executable
andargumentsarenot part of command

On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 14:44, Melissa Marquis wrote:
> Well, kind of...
> Since I log in prior to running the 'update' command in a ant target: 
> <target name="cvs-login" > 
> 	  <cvspass cvsroot=":pserver:mmarquis@dcvshost1:/home/empcvs" password="mypassword"/> 
> 	</target>
>  and then the target runs with 'cvs-login' as a dependency: 
>  <target name="fetch" depends="prepare, cvs-login" description="Get latest code updates from CVS"> 
>     	<cvspass cvsroot=":pserver:mmarquis@dcvshost1:/home/empcvs" password="mmarquis"/> 
>     	<cvs cvsRoot=":pserver:mmarquis@dcvshost1:/home/empcvs" command="update -P" />
> 	</target> 
> To run it on the command line I do: 
> cvs login 
> cvs -d:pserver:mmarquis@dcvshost1:/home/empcvs update -P
> This works. 

Your 'fetch' and 'cvs-login' targets are specifying a different
password, is this a typo?

Once you have logged in once, and the password is stored in your
.cvspass you shouldn't have to keep specifying it. You can just run your
'update -P' 

Jesse Stockall <>

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