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[03/50] [abbrv] brooklyn-server git commit: Update swarm docs to match current functionality

Update swarm docs to match current functionality


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 1e69623456ce2292df59716fb661e9599e773704
Parents: f0c3290
Author: Svetoslav Neykov <>
Authored: Tue Feb 14 11:50:45 2017 +0200
Committer: Andrew Donald Kennedy <>
Committed: Fri May 19 14:01:20 2017 +0100

 docker-location/ | 36 ++++++++++----------
 docker-location/     | 40 +++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docker-location/ b/docker-location/
index cd53ddc..0c105fc 100644
--- a/docker-location/
+++ b/docker-location/
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ Here is an example catalog item to add a Docker engine endpoint to your catalog
       name: "My Docker engine"
       itemType: location
-        type: jclouds:docker
+        type: docker
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
+          endpoint: https://<< address >>:<< port >>
           identity: << path to my cert.pem >>
           credential: << path to my key.pem >>
-          image: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-          loginUser.password: "p4ssw0rd"
+          # Default image if no other explicitly set
+          # imageId: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
 **Note** The endpoint of a Docker engine is the IP + port where the docker engine is currently running. As for the identity and credential, the Docker engine will generate those by default in `~/.docker/certs` folder, unless you specified them during the installation.
@@ -29,38 +29,38 @@ Here is an example catalog item to add a Docker engine endpoint to your catalog
 Once your Docker container location has been configured, AMP can launch instances based on a `DockerContainer` entity, this means additional configuration such as custom docker images can be specified. Here's an example which sets up a [Wordpress]( instance:
-    location:
-      << see above >>
+    # see above for a definition of the location
+    location: my-docker-engine
     - type: io.cloudsoft.amp.containerservice.dockercontainer.DockerContainer
       id: wordpress-mysql
       name: MySQL
+        mysql.root_password: password
         docker.container.imageName: mysql:5.6
+        # Maps the port to the host node, making it available for external access
         - "3306"
-          env:
-            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "password"
-          deployment: wordpress-mysql
+        docker.container.environment: 
+          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: $brooklyn:config("mysql.root_password")
     - type: io.cloudsoft.amp.containerservice.dockercontainer.DockerContainer
       id: wordpress
       name: Wordpress
         docker.container.imageName: wordpress:4-apache
+        # Maps the port to the host node, making it available for external access
         - "80"
-          env:
-            WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: "wordpress-mysql"
-            WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: "password"
+        docker.container.environment: 
+          WORDPRESS_DB_HOST: $brooklyn:entity("wordpress-mysql").attributeWhenReady("host.subnet.address")
+          WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: $brooklyn:entity("wordpress-mysql").config("mysql.root_password")
 #### Docker container configuration
 To configure the `DockerContainer` entity, the following configuration params are available:
-- **docker.container.disableSsh** Skip checks such as ssh for when docker image doesn't allow ssh
-- **docker.container.imageName** Image name to pull from docker hub
-- **docker.container.inboundPorts** List of ports, that the docker image opens, to be made public
-- **docker.container.environment** Environment variables to set on container startup. This must be a map
+- **docker.container.disableSsh** Skip checks such as ssh for when docker image doesn't allow ssh; use the default image `cloudsoft/centos:7` for ssh-able image
+- **docker.container.imageName** Image name to pull from docker hub; overrides the default one `cloudsoft/centos:7`
+- **docker.container.inboundPorts** List of ports, that the docker image maps to the host, opening them to the public
+- **docker.container.environment** Environment variables to set on container startup; this must be a map
diff --git a/docker-location/ b/docker-location/
index ca3a5e1..0c69417 100644
--- a/docker-location/
+++ b/docker-location/
@@ -15,27 +15,31 @@ Here is an example catalog item to add a Docker Swarm endpoint to your catalog l
       name: "My Docker Swarm"
       itemType: location
-        type: jclouds:docker
+        type: docker
-          endpoint: << endpoint >>
+          endpoint: https://<< address >>:<< port >>
           identity: << path to my cert.pem >>
           credential: << path to my key.pem >>
-          image: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
-          loginUser.password: "p4ssw0rd"
+          # Default image if no other explicitly set
+          # imageId: "cloudsoft/centos:7"
+          templateOptions:
+            networkMode: "brooklyn"
-**Note** if you have provisioned your own docker swarm you may need to first pull the Cloudsoft configured image on the Swarm Manager:
+**Note** if you have provisioned your own docker swarm you may need to first pull the Cloudsoft
+configured image on the Swarm Manager. Another recommended step is to create a default network for the containers:
     docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} pull cloudsoft/centos:7
     docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} images --no-trunc
+    docker network create --driver=overlay brooklyn
 #### Credentials for Deploying to Docker Swarm
 To deploy to a Docker Swarm endpoint, you'll need pem files for identity/credential. These can
-either be copied from one of the Docker Engine VMs, or can be generated from the certificate 
-authority. The actual IP of the client doesn't matter. 
+either be copied from one of the Docker Engine VMs, or can be generated locally and signed by
+the certificate authority. The actual IP of the client doesn't matter. 
-To generate your own certificates from the example CA server included in AMP (note this is not recommended for use in a production environment
- and could be subject to future removal):
+To generate your own certificates and signed them with the example CA server included in AMP (note this is not
+recommended for use in a production environment and could be subject to future removal):
     # Create your certificates directory
     mkdir -p .certs
@@ -45,15 +49,15 @@ To generate your own certificates from the example CA server included in AMP (no
     ca=$(br app "Docker Swarm" ent ca-server sensor main.uri)
     echo ${ca}
-    curl -X POST ${ca}/generate/${own_ip}
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/ca.pem > .certs/ca.pem
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/cert.pem > .certs/cert.pem
-    curl ${ca}/cert/${own_ip}/key.pem > .certs/key.pem
+    curl -L ${ca}/cacert/ca.pem --output .certs/ca.pem
+    openssl genrsa -out .certs/key.pem 2048
+    openssl req  -new -key .certs/key.pem -days 1825 -out .certs/csr.pem -subj "/CN=${own_ip}"
+    curl -X POST --data-binary @.certs/csr.pem ${ca}/sign > .certs/cert.pem
 To be able to execute `docker ...` commands locally:
-    # Set up TLS options to point at your certificates
-    CERTS_DIR=${HOME}/.docker/.certs
+    # Set up TLS options to point at your certificates (created above)
+    CERTS_DIR=$(pwd)/.certs
     TLS_OPTIONS="--tlsverify --tlscacert=${CERTS_DIR}/ca.pem --tlscert=${CERTS_DIR}/cert.pem --tlskey=${CERTS_DIR}/key.pem"
     # Check docker works
@@ -62,12 +66,12 @@ To be able to execute `docker ...` commands locally:
     docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps
     # Run something, and check it is listed
-    docker -H  ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} run hello-world
-    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint}  ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps -a
+    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} run hello-world
+    docker -H ${swarm_endpoint} ${TLS_OPTIONS} ps -a
 Instead of explicit parameters to `docker` you can use its environment variables as follows:
     export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
     export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=true
-    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=.certs
+    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=$(pwd)/.certs
     docker ps -a
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