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Posted to by Marcel Reutegger <> on 2008/05/07 16:32:11 UTC

Re: getProperty and jcr:name

Tobias Bocanegra wrote:
> afaik, there are those virtual properties jcr:name and jcr:path for
> this exact reason that exist in the query engine. IIRC, you can only
> use them in the ORDER BY clause, if they're explicitly specified in
> the select clause.

the jcr spec only talks about jcr:name in context of the nt:propertyDefinition 
and nt:childNodeDefinition node types. there is no such property that can be 
used generally in a query.

jcr:path can only be used in SQL for the purpose to restrict the result nodes to 
a certain sub tree. nothing more.
