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Posted to by "Ley, Selena (GMI/CPR Dev.)" <> on 2003/09/09 19:03:33 UTC

SOAP Array Questions

I have the following in my xml instance document. I'm not sure why we need to include the xsi:type attribute in the instance for Apache axis to deserialize into java object. A snippet defining the
array type is also below.
Also, when I try to validate my schemas against the soap envelope and soap encoding schemas from w3c website, the parser complains about the NOTATION complex type since the schema rules indicate
NOTATION may only be an attribute. Did anyone else run into this problem?

Many thanks!
<ORGANIZATION:ArrayOfTaxInfo xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="ORGANIZATION:TaxInfo[]">

{Snippet from schema}
- <xs:complexType name="TaxInfoArray"> 
- <xs:complexContent> 
- <xs:restriction base="soap-enc:Array"> 
- <xs:sequence> 
<xs:element name="TaxInfo" type="TaxInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 
<xs:attributeGroup ref="soap-enc:arrayAttributes" /> 
- <xs:complexType name="TaxInfo"> 
- <xs:sequence> 
<xs:element name="TaxID_RegNo" type="xs:String" /> 
<xs:element name="Tax_RegCountry" type="xs:String" minOccurs="0" /> 
<xs:element name="Tax_RegType" type="xs:String" /> 