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Posted to by Reid Pinchback <> on 2005/07/21 00:01:09 UTC

Alternate build step

Yes, I'm a newbie.  I trolled through faqs and did
some web searches and didn't see what I'm looking for.
If you know a specific place that addresses the question
I'm about to ask, please send me pointer to it.

Situation:  I have an existing Ant-based build environment
involving multiple projects and multiple developers.
For a host of obvious reasons, sweeping changes don't 
go through overnight.  I'm in the process of using
Maven for mavenish things, but the bulk of day-to-day
developer activity will, for some time, be Ant.
Changing that isn't on the table without consequences
involving hot tar and a bunch of plucked chickens.
I'd like Maven to be able to do things like run
Checkstyle when I build the site.  What I don't
want is for it to perform its default Java build 
steps.  I don't want Maven to know anything about 
how the various software products are really built.
I don't mind it knowing where the Java source is,
but I don't want it to do anything with it.

What I really want is for it to insert my Ant
build as a *replacement* for what it normally
does... not as some pre-goal to doing its
thing.  I don't want it doing its thing.  It's
thing isn't going to do me any good.   In the
future maybe we'll go all Maven, but what I've
described is what I need to achieve for the present.

So in summary the idea is:

   maven site

causes my ant target to be invoked (I see in 
the docs how to invoke an ant task), and then
runs checkstyle, and then builds the site,
but never tries to compile or deploy anything.

How do I do that?

Thanks in advance,


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