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Posted to by Michael Heinen <> on 2006/04/03 18:43:55 UTC

RE: ExceptionHandling with JSF and Tiles

Has anybody a hint? 



From: Michael Heinen [] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 30. März 2006 09:41
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: ExceptionHandling with JSF and Tiles


Hi all,


I am still confused about Exception Handling. I know that this has been discussed on many threads but I don't know how to handle exceptions 

outside Actions/ActionListeners. 


My setup is MyFaces 1.1.1 and Tiles with the JspTilesViewHandlerImpl.


I can create FacesMessages and forward to any outcome page when an exception occurs in an action/actionListener. This is working fine and no problem.


I don't know how to handle serious errors in BackingBean constructors or setters.

I tried to catch them and re-throw them as FacesExceptions but my error pages (defined in web.xml) are not displayed.  

Instead of the error page the original requested tiles template is partly processed.

A ServletException is displayed in place of the tiles-part that caused the error.

e.g. ServletException in:/xxx.jsp] Cannot get value for expression '#{ABackingBean.aValue}'


How do others handle exceptions with myFaces and Tiles?

Are there any best practices?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.
